diff --git a/mercurial/cmdutil.py b/mercurial/cmdutil.py
--- a/mercurial/cmdutil.py
+++ b/mercurial/cmdutil.py
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ from . import (
     lock as lockmod,
     match as matchmod,
+    mergeutil,
@@ -3407,13 +3408,7 @@ def command(table):
     return cmd
-def checkunresolved(ms):
-    if list(ms.unresolved()):
-        raise error.Abort(_("unresolved merge conflicts "
-                            "(see 'hg help resolve')"))
-    if ms.mdstate() != 's' or list(ms.driverresolved()):
-        raise error.Abort(_('driver-resolved merge conflicts'),
-                          hint=_('run "hg resolve --all" to resolve'))
+checkunresolved = mergeutil.checkunresolved
 # a list of (ui, repo, otherpeer, opts, missing) functions called by
 # commands.outgoing.  "missing" is "missing" of the result of
diff --git a/mercurial/cmdutil.py b/mercurial/mergeutil.py
copy from mercurial/cmdutil.py
copy to mercurial/mergeutil.py
--- a/mercurial/cmdutil.py
+++ b/mercurial/mergeutil.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# cmdutil.py - help for command processing in mercurial
+# mergeutil.py - help for merge processing in mercurial
 # Copyright 2005-2007 Matt Mackall <mpm@selenic.com>
@@ -7,3405 +7,11 @@
 from __future__ import absolute_import
-import errno
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import tempfile
 from .i18n import _
-from .node import (
-    bin,
-    hex,
-    nullid,
-    nullrev,
-    short,
 from . import (
-    bookmarks,
-    changelog,
-    copies,
-    crecord as crecordmod,
-    dirstateguard as dirstateguardmod,
-    encoding,
-    formatter,
-    graphmod,
-    lock as lockmod,
-    match as matchmod,
-    obsolete,
-    patch,
-    pathutil,
-    phases,
-    repair,
-    revlog,
-    revset,
-    scmutil,
-    templatekw,
-    templater,
-    util,
-stringio = util.stringio
-def ishunk(x):
-    hunkclasses = (crecordmod.uihunk, patch.recordhunk)
-    return isinstance(x, hunkclasses)
-def newandmodified(chunks, originalchunks):
-    newlyaddedandmodifiedfiles = set()
-    for chunk in chunks:
-        if ishunk(chunk) and chunk.header.isnewfile() and chunk not in \
-            originalchunks:
-            newlyaddedandmodifiedfiles.add(chunk.header.filename())
-    return newlyaddedandmodifiedfiles
-def parsealiases(cmd):
-    return cmd.lstrip("^").split("|")
-def setupwrapcolorwrite(ui):
-    # wrap ui.write so diff output can be labeled/colorized
-    def wrapwrite(orig, *args, **kw):
-        label = kw.pop('label', '')
-        for chunk, l in patch.difflabel(lambda: args):
-            orig(chunk, label=label + l)
-    oldwrite = ui.write
-    def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
-        return wrapwrite(oldwrite, *args, **kwargs)
-    setattr(ui, 'write', wrap)
-    return oldwrite
-def filterchunks(ui, originalhunks, usecurses, testfile, operation=None):
-    if usecurses:
-        if testfile:
-            recordfn = crecordmod.testdecorator(testfile,
-                                                crecordmod.testchunkselector)
-        else:
-            recordfn = crecordmod.chunkselector
-        return crecordmod.filterpatch(ui, originalhunks, recordfn)
-    else:
-        return patch.filterpatch(ui, originalhunks, operation)
-def recordfilter(ui, originalhunks, operation=None):
-    """ Prompts the user to filter the originalhunks and return a list of
-    selected hunks.
-    *operation* is used for to build ui messages to indicate the user what
-    kind of filtering they are doing: reverting, committing, shelving, etc.
-    (see patch.filterpatch).
-    """
-    usecurses = crecordmod.checkcurses(ui)
-    testfile = ui.config('experimental', 'crecordtest', None)
-    oldwrite = setupwrapcolorwrite(ui)
-    try:
-        newchunks, newopts = filterchunks(ui, originalhunks, usecurses,
-                                          testfile, operation)
-    finally:
-        ui.write = oldwrite
-    return newchunks, newopts
-def dorecord(ui, repo, commitfunc, cmdsuggest, backupall,
-            filterfn, *pats, **opts):
-    from . import merge as mergemod
-    if not ui.interactive():
-        if cmdsuggest:
-            msg = _('running non-interactively, use %s instead') % cmdsuggest
-        else:
-            msg = _('running non-interactively')
-        raise error.Abort(msg)
-    # make sure username is set before going interactive
-    if not opts.get('user'):
-        ui.username() # raise exception, username not provided
-    def recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts):
-        """This is generic record driver.
-        Its job is to interactively filter local changes, and
-        accordingly prepare working directory into a state in which the
-        job can be delegated to a non-interactive commit command such as
-        'commit' or 'qrefresh'.
-        After the actual job is done by non-interactive command, the
-        working directory is restored to its original state.
-        In the end we'll record interesting changes, and everything else
-        will be left in place, so the user can continue working.
-        """
-        checkunfinished(repo, commit=True)
-        wctx = repo[None]
-        merge = len(wctx.parents()) > 1
-        if merge:
-            raise error.Abort(_('cannot partially commit a merge '
-                               '(use "hg commit" instead)'))
-        def fail(f, msg):
-            raise error.Abort('%s: %s' % (f, msg))
-        force = opts.get('force')
-        if not force:
-            vdirs = []
-            match.explicitdir = vdirs.append
-            match.bad = fail
-        status = repo.status(match=match)
-        if not force:
-            repo.checkcommitpatterns(wctx, vdirs, match, status, fail)
-        diffopts = patch.difffeatureopts(ui, opts=opts, whitespace=True)
-        diffopts.nodates = True
-        diffopts.git = True
-        diffopts.showfunc = True
-        originaldiff = patch.diff(repo, changes=status, opts=diffopts)
-        originalchunks = patch.parsepatch(originaldiff)
-        # 1. filter patch, since we are intending to apply subset of it
-        try:
-            chunks, newopts = filterfn(ui, originalchunks)
-        except patch.PatchError as err:
-            raise error.Abort(_('error parsing patch: %s') % err)
-        opts.update(newopts)
-        # We need to keep a backup of files that have been newly added and
-        # modified during the recording process because there is a previous
-        # version without the edit in the workdir
-        newlyaddedandmodifiedfiles = newandmodified(chunks, originalchunks)
-        contenders = set()
-        for h in chunks:
-            try:
-                contenders.update(set(h.files()))
-            except AttributeError:
-                pass
-        changed = status.modified + status.added + status.removed
-        newfiles = [f for f in changed if f in contenders]
-        if not newfiles:
-            ui.status(_('no changes to record\n'))
-            return 0
-        modified = set(status.modified)
-        # 2. backup changed files, so we can restore them in the end
-        if backupall:
-            tobackup = changed
-        else:
-            tobackup = [f for f in newfiles if f in modified or f in \
-                    newlyaddedandmodifiedfiles]
-        backups = {}
-        if tobackup:
-            backupdir = repo.join('record-backups')
-            try:
-                os.mkdir(backupdir)
-            except OSError as err:
-                if err.errno != errno.EEXIST:
-                    raise
-        try:
-            # backup continues
-            for f in tobackup:
-                fd, tmpname = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=f.replace('/', '_')+'.',
-                                               dir=backupdir)
-                os.close(fd)
-                ui.debug('backup %r as %r\n' % (f, tmpname))
-                util.copyfile(repo.wjoin(f), tmpname, copystat=True)
-                backups[f] = tmpname
-            fp = stringio()
-            for c in chunks:
-                fname = c.filename()
-                if fname in backups:
-                    c.write(fp)
-            dopatch = fp.tell()
-            fp.seek(0)
-            # 2.5 optionally review / modify patch in text editor
-            if opts.get('review', False):
-                patchtext = (crecordmod.diffhelptext
-                             + crecordmod.patchhelptext
-                             + fp.read())
-                reviewedpatch = ui.edit(patchtext, "",
-                                        extra={"suffix": ".diff"})
-                fp.truncate(0)
-                fp.write(reviewedpatch)
-                fp.seek(0)
-            [os.unlink(repo.wjoin(c)) for c in newlyaddedandmodifiedfiles]
-            # 3a. apply filtered patch to clean repo  (clean)
-            if backups:
-                # Equivalent to hg.revert
-                m = scmutil.matchfiles(repo, backups.keys())
-                mergemod.update(repo, repo.dirstate.p1(),
-                        False, True, matcher=m)
-            # 3b. (apply)
-            if dopatch:
-                try:
-                    ui.debug('applying patch\n')
-                    ui.debug(fp.getvalue())
-                    patch.internalpatch(ui, repo, fp, 1, eolmode=None)
-                except patch.PatchError as err:
-                    raise error.Abort(str(err))
-            del fp
-            # 4. We prepared working directory according to filtered
-            #    patch. Now is the time to delegate the job to
-            #    commit/qrefresh or the like!
-            # Make all of the pathnames absolute.
-            newfiles = [repo.wjoin(nf) for nf in newfiles]
-            return commitfunc(ui, repo, *newfiles, **opts)
-        finally:
-            # 5. finally restore backed-up files
-            try:
-                dirstate = repo.dirstate
-                for realname, tmpname in backups.iteritems():
-                    ui.debug('restoring %r to %r\n' % (tmpname, realname))
-                    if dirstate[realname] == 'n':
-                        # without normallookup, restoring timestamp
-                        # may cause partially committed files
-                        # to be treated as unmodified
-                        dirstate.normallookup(realname)
-                    # copystat=True here and above are a hack to trick any
-                    # editors that have f open that we haven't modified them.
-                    #
-                    # Also note that this racy as an editor could notice the
-                    # file's mtime before we've finished writing it.
-                    util.copyfile(tmpname, repo.wjoin(realname), copystat=True)
-                    os.unlink(tmpname)
-                if tobackup:
-                    os.rmdir(backupdir)
-            except OSError:
-                pass
-    def recordinwlock(ui, repo, message, match, opts):
-        with repo.wlock():
-            return recordfunc(ui, repo, message, match, opts)
-    return commit(ui, repo, recordinwlock, pats, opts)
-def findpossible(cmd, table, strict=False):
-    """
-    Return cmd -> (aliases, command table entry)
-    for each matching command.
-    Return debug commands (or their aliases) only if no normal command matches.
-    """
-    choice = {}
-    debugchoice = {}
-    if cmd in table:
-        # short-circuit exact matches, "log" alias beats "^log|history"
-        keys = [cmd]
-    else:
-        keys = table.keys()
-    allcmds = []
-    for e in keys:
-        aliases = parsealiases(e)
-        allcmds.extend(aliases)
-        found = None
-        if cmd in aliases:
-            found = cmd
-        elif not strict:
-            for a in aliases:
-                if a.startswith(cmd):
-                    found = a
-                    break
-        if found is not None:
-            if aliases[0].startswith("debug") or found.startswith("debug"):
-                debugchoice[found] = (aliases, table[e])
-            else:
-                choice[found] = (aliases, table[e])
-    if not choice and debugchoice:
-        choice = debugchoice
-    return choice, allcmds
-def findcmd(cmd, table, strict=True):
-    """Return (aliases, command table entry) for command string."""
-    choice, allcmds = findpossible(cmd, table, strict)
-    if cmd in choice:
-        return choice[cmd]
-    if len(choice) > 1:
-        clist = choice.keys()
-        clist.sort()
-        raise error.AmbiguousCommand(cmd, clist)
-    if choice:
-        return choice.values()[0]
-    raise error.UnknownCommand(cmd, allcmds)
-def findrepo(p):
-    while not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(p, ".hg")):
-        oldp, p = p, os.path.dirname(p)
-        if p == oldp:
-            return None
-    return p
-def bailifchanged(repo, merge=True):
-    if merge and repo.dirstate.p2() != nullid:
-        raise error.Abort(_('outstanding uncommitted merge'))
-    modified, added, removed, deleted = repo.status()[:4]
-    if modified or added or removed or deleted:
-        raise error.Abort(_('uncommitted changes'))
-    ctx = repo[None]
-    for s in sorted(ctx.substate):
-        ctx.sub(s).bailifchanged()
-def logmessage(ui, opts):
-    """ get the log message according to -m and -l option """
-    message = opts.get('message')
-    logfile = opts.get('logfile')
-    if message and logfile:
-        raise error.Abort(_('options --message and --logfile are mutually '
-                           'exclusive'))
-    if not message and logfile:
-        try:
-            if logfile == '-':
-                message = ui.fin.read()
-            else:
-                message = '\n'.join(util.readfile(logfile).splitlines())
-        except IOError as inst:
-            raise error.Abort(_("can't read commit message '%s': %s") %
-                             (logfile, inst.strerror))
-    return message
-def mergeeditform(ctxorbool, baseformname):
-    """return appropriate editform name (referencing a committemplate)
-    'ctxorbool' is either a ctx to be committed, or a bool indicating whether
-    merging is committed.
-    This returns baseformname with '.merge' appended if it is a merge,
-    otherwise '.normal' is appended.
-    """
-    if isinstance(ctxorbool, bool):
-        if ctxorbool:
-            return baseformname + ".merge"
-    elif 1 < len(ctxorbool.parents()):
-        return baseformname + ".merge"
-    return baseformname + ".normal"
-def getcommiteditor(edit=False, finishdesc=None, extramsg=None,
-                    editform='', **opts):
-    """get appropriate commit message editor according to '--edit' option
-    'finishdesc' is a function to be called with edited commit message
-    (= 'description' of the new changeset) just after editing, but
-    before checking empty-ness. It should return actual text to be
-    stored into history. This allows to change description before
-    storing.
-    'extramsg' is a extra message to be shown in the editor instead of
-    'Leave message empty to abort commit' line. 'HG: ' prefix and EOL
-    is automatically added.
-    'editform' is a dot-separated list of names, to distinguish
-    the purpose of commit text editing.
-    'getcommiteditor' returns 'commitforceeditor' regardless of
-    'edit', if one of 'finishdesc' or 'extramsg' is specified, because
-    they are specific for usage in MQ.
-    """
-    if edit or finishdesc or extramsg:
-        return lambda r, c, s: commitforceeditor(r, c, s,
-                                                 finishdesc=finishdesc,
-                                                 extramsg=extramsg,
-                                                 editform=editform)
-    elif editform:
-        return lambda r, c, s: commiteditor(r, c, s, editform=editform)
-    else:
-        return commiteditor
-def loglimit(opts):
-    """get the log limit according to option -l/--limit"""
-    limit = opts.get('limit')
-    if limit:
-        try:
-            limit = int(limit)
-        except ValueError:
-            raise error.Abort(_('limit must be a positive integer'))
-        if limit <= 0:
-            raise error.Abort(_('limit must be positive'))
-    else:
-        limit = None
-    return limit
-def makefilename(repo, pat, node, desc=None,
-                  total=None, seqno=None, revwidth=None, pathname=None):
-    node_expander = {
-        'H': lambda: hex(node),
-        'R': lambda: str(repo.changelog.rev(node)),
-        'h': lambda: short(node),
-        'm': lambda: re.sub('[^\w]', '_', str(desc))
-        }
-    expander = {
-        '%': lambda: '%',
-        'b': lambda: os.path.basename(repo.root),
-        }
-    try:
-        if node:
-            expander.update(node_expander)
-        if node:
-            expander['r'] = (lambda:
-                    str(repo.changelog.rev(node)).zfill(revwidth or 0))
-        if total is not None:
-            expander['N'] = lambda: str(total)
-        if seqno is not None:
-            expander['n'] = lambda: str(seqno)
-        if total is not None and seqno is not None:
-            expander['n'] = lambda: str(seqno).zfill(len(str(total)))
-        if pathname is not None:
-            expander['s'] = lambda: os.path.basename(pathname)
-            expander['d'] = lambda: os.path.dirname(pathname) or '.'
-            expander['p'] = lambda: pathname
-        newname = []
-        patlen = len(pat)
-        i = 0
-        while i < patlen:
-            c = pat[i]
-            if c == '%':
-                i += 1
-                c = pat[i]
-                c = expander[c]()
-            newname.append(c)
-            i += 1
-        return ''.join(newname)
-    except KeyError as inst:
-        raise error.Abort(_("invalid format spec '%%%s' in output filename") %
-                         inst.args[0])
-class _unclosablefile(object):
-    def __init__(self, fp):
-        self._fp = fp
-    def close(self):
-        pass
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return iter(self._fp)
-    def __getattr__(self, attr):
-        return getattr(self._fp, attr)
-    def __enter__(self):
-        return self
-    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb):
-        pass
-def makefileobj(repo, pat, node=None, desc=None, total=None,
-                seqno=None, revwidth=None, mode='wb', modemap=None,
-                pathname=None):
-    writable = mode not in ('r', 'rb')
-    if not pat or pat == '-':
-        if writable:
-            fp = repo.ui.fout
-        else:
-            fp = repo.ui.fin
-        return _unclosablefile(fp)
-    if util.safehasattr(pat, 'write') and writable:
-        return pat
-    if util.safehasattr(pat, 'read') and 'r' in mode:
-        return pat
-    fn = makefilename(repo, pat, node, desc, total, seqno, revwidth, pathname)
-    if modemap is not None:
-        mode = modemap.get(fn, mode)
-        if mode == 'wb':
-            modemap[fn] = 'ab'
-    return open(fn, mode)
-def openrevlog(repo, cmd, file_, opts):
-    """opens the changelog, manifest, a filelog or a given revlog"""
-    cl = opts['changelog']
-    mf = opts['manifest']
-    dir = opts['dir']
-    msg = None
-    if cl and mf:
-        msg = _('cannot specify --changelog and --manifest at the same time')
-    elif cl and dir:
-        msg = _('cannot specify --changelog and --dir at the same time')
-    elif cl or mf or dir:
-        if file_:
-            msg = _('cannot specify filename with --changelog or --manifest')
-        elif not repo:
-            msg = _('cannot specify --changelog or --manifest or --dir '
-                    'without a repository')
-    if msg:
-        raise error.Abort(msg)
-    r = None
-    if repo:
-        if cl:
-            r = repo.unfiltered().changelog
-        elif dir:
-            if 'treemanifest' not in repo.requirements:
-                raise error.Abort(_("--dir can only be used on repos with "
-                                   "treemanifest enabled"))
-            dirlog = repo.manifestlog._revlog.dirlog(dir)
-            if len(dirlog):
-                r = dirlog
-        elif mf:
-            r = repo.manifestlog._revlog
-        elif file_:
-            filelog = repo.file(file_)
-            if len(filelog):
-                r = filelog
-    if not r:
-        if not file_:
-            raise error.CommandError(cmd, _('invalid arguments'))
-        if not os.path.isfile(file_):
-            raise error.Abort(_("revlog '%s' not found") % file_)
-        r = revlog.revlog(scmutil.opener(os.getcwd(), audit=False),
-                          file_[:-2] + ".i")
-    return r
-def copy(ui, repo, pats, opts, rename=False):
-    # called with the repo lock held
-    #
-    # hgsep => pathname that uses "/" to separate directories
-    # ossep => pathname that uses os.sep to separate directories
-    cwd = repo.getcwd()
-    targets = {}
-    after = opts.get("after")
-    dryrun = opts.get("dry_run")
-    wctx = repo[None]
-    def walkpat(pat):
-        srcs = []
-        if after:
-            badstates = '?'
-        else:
-            badstates = '?r'
-        m = scmutil.match(repo[None], [pat], opts, globbed=True)
-        for abs in repo.walk(m):
-            state = repo.dirstate[abs]
-            rel = m.rel(abs)
-            exact = m.exact(abs)
-            if state in badstates:
-                if exact and state == '?':
-                    ui.warn(_('%s: not copying - file is not managed\n') % rel)
-                if exact and state == 'r':
-                    ui.warn(_('%s: not copying - file has been marked for'
-                              ' remove\n') % rel)
-                continue
-            # abs: hgsep
-            # rel: ossep
-            srcs.append((abs, rel, exact))
-        return srcs
-    # abssrc: hgsep
-    # relsrc: ossep
-    # otarget: ossep
-    def copyfile(abssrc, relsrc, otarget, exact):
-        abstarget = pathutil.canonpath(repo.root, cwd, otarget)
-        if '/' in abstarget:
-            # We cannot normalize abstarget itself, this would prevent
-            # case only renames, like a => A.
-            abspath, absname = abstarget.rsplit('/', 1)
-            abstarget = repo.dirstate.normalize(abspath) + '/' + absname
-        reltarget = repo.pathto(abstarget, cwd)
-        target = repo.wjoin(abstarget)
-        src = repo.wjoin(abssrc)
-        state = repo.dirstate[abstarget]
-        scmutil.checkportable(ui, abstarget)
-        # check for collisions
-        prevsrc = targets.get(abstarget)
-        if prevsrc is not None:
-            ui.warn(_('%s: not overwriting - %s collides with %s\n') %
-                    (reltarget, repo.pathto(abssrc, cwd),
-                     repo.pathto(prevsrc, cwd)))
-            return
-        # check for overwrites
-        exists = os.path.lexists(target)
-        samefile = False
-        if exists and abssrc != abstarget:
-            if (repo.dirstate.normalize(abssrc) ==
-                repo.dirstate.normalize(abstarget)):
-                if not rename:
-                    ui.warn(_("%s: can't copy - same file\n") % reltarget)
-                    return
-                exists = False
-                samefile = True
-        if not after and exists or after and state in 'mn':
-            if not opts['force']:
-                if state in 'mn':
-                    msg = _('%s: not overwriting - file already committed\n')
-                    if after:
-                        flags = '--after --force'
-                    else:
-                        flags = '--force'
-                    if rename:
-                        hint = _('(hg rename %s to replace the file by '
-                                 'recording a rename)\n') % flags
-                    else:
-                        hint = _('(hg copy %s to replace the file by '
-                                 'recording a copy)\n') % flags
-                else:
-                    msg = _('%s: not overwriting - file exists\n')
-                    if rename:
-                        hint = _('(hg rename --after to record the rename)\n')
-                    else:
-                        hint = _('(hg copy --after to record the copy)\n')
-                ui.warn(msg % reltarget)
-                ui.warn(hint)
-                return
-        if after:
-            if not exists:
-                if rename:
-                    ui.warn(_('%s: not recording move - %s does not exist\n') %
-                            (relsrc, reltarget))
-                else:
-                    ui.warn(_('%s: not recording copy - %s does not exist\n') %
-                            (relsrc, reltarget))
-                return
-        elif not dryrun:
-            try:
-                if exists:
-                    os.unlink(target)
-                targetdir = os.path.dirname(target) or '.'
-                if not os.path.isdir(targetdir):
-                    os.makedirs(targetdir)
-                if samefile:
-                    tmp = target + "~hgrename"
-                    os.rename(src, tmp)
-                    os.rename(tmp, target)
-                else:
-                    util.copyfile(src, target)
-                srcexists = True
-            except IOError as inst:
-                if inst.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-                    ui.warn(_('%s: deleted in working directory\n') % relsrc)
-                    srcexists = False
-                else:
-                    ui.warn(_('%s: cannot copy - %s\n') %
-                            (relsrc, inst.strerror))
-                    return True # report a failure
-        if ui.verbose or not exact:
-            if rename:
-                ui.status(_('moving %s to %s\n') % (relsrc, reltarget))
-            else:
-                ui.status(_('copying %s to %s\n') % (relsrc, reltarget))
-        targets[abstarget] = abssrc
-        # fix up dirstate
-        scmutil.dirstatecopy(ui, repo, wctx, abssrc, abstarget,
-                             dryrun=dryrun, cwd=cwd)
-        if rename and not dryrun:
-            if not after and srcexists and not samefile:
-                util.unlinkpath(repo.wjoin(abssrc))
-            wctx.forget([abssrc])
-    # pat: ossep
-    # dest ossep
-    # srcs: list of (hgsep, hgsep, ossep, bool)
-    # return: function that takes hgsep and returns ossep
-    def targetpathfn(pat, dest, srcs):
-        if os.path.isdir(pat):
-            abspfx = pathutil.canonpath(repo.root, cwd, pat)
-            abspfx = util.localpath(abspfx)
-            if destdirexists:
-                striplen = len(os.path.split(abspfx)[0])
-            else:
-                striplen = len(abspfx)
-            if striplen:
-                striplen += len(os.sep)
-            res = lambda p: os.path.join(dest, util.localpath(p)[striplen:])
-        elif destdirexists:
-            res = lambda p: os.path.join(dest,
-                                         os.path.basename(util.localpath(p)))
-        else:
-            res = lambda p: dest
-        return res
-    # pat: ossep
-    # dest ossep
-    # srcs: list of (hgsep, hgsep, ossep, bool)
-    # return: function that takes hgsep and returns ossep
-    def targetpathafterfn(pat, dest, srcs):
-        if matchmod.patkind(pat):
-            # a mercurial pattern
-            res = lambda p: os.path.join(dest,
-                                         os.path.basename(util.localpath(p)))
-        else:
-            abspfx = pathutil.canonpath(repo.root, cwd, pat)
-            if len(abspfx) < len(srcs[0][0]):
-                # A directory. Either the target path contains the last
-                # component of the source path or it does not.
-                def evalpath(striplen):
-                    score = 0
-                    for s in srcs:
-                        t = os.path.join(dest, util.localpath(s[0])[striplen:])
-                        if os.path.lexists(t):
-                            score += 1
-                    return score
-                abspfx = util.localpath(abspfx)
-                striplen = len(abspfx)
-                if striplen:
-                    striplen += len(os.sep)
-                if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dest, os.path.split(abspfx)[1])):
-                    score = evalpath(striplen)
-                    striplen1 = len(os.path.split(abspfx)[0])
-                    if striplen1:
-                        striplen1 += len(os.sep)
-                    if evalpath(striplen1) > score:
-                        striplen = striplen1
-                res = lambda p: os.path.join(dest,
-                                             util.localpath(p)[striplen:])
-            else:
-                # a file
-                if destdirexists:
-                    res = lambda p: os.path.join(dest,
-                                        os.path.basename(util.localpath(p)))
-                else:
-                    res = lambda p: dest
-        return res
-    pats = scmutil.expandpats(pats)
-    if not pats:
-        raise error.Abort(_('no source or destination specified'))
-    if len(pats) == 1:
-        raise error.Abort(_('no destination specified'))
-    dest = pats.pop()
-    destdirexists = os.path.isdir(dest) and not os.path.islink(dest)
-    if not destdirexists:
-        if len(pats) > 1 or matchmod.patkind(pats[0]):
-            raise error.Abort(_('with multiple sources, destination must be an '
-                               'existing directory'))
-        if util.endswithsep(dest):
-            raise error.Abort(_('destination %s is not a directory') % dest)
-    tfn = targetpathfn
-    if after:
-        tfn = targetpathafterfn
-    copylist = []
-    for pat in pats:
-        srcs = walkpat(pat)
-        if not srcs:
-            continue
-        copylist.append((tfn(pat, dest, srcs), srcs))
-    if not copylist:
-        raise error.Abort(_('no files to copy'))
-    errors = 0
-    for targetpath, srcs in copylist:
-        for abssrc, relsrc, exact in srcs:
-            if copyfile(abssrc, relsrc, targetpath(abssrc), exact):
-                errors += 1
-    if errors:
-        ui.warn(_('(consider using --after)\n'))
-    return errors != 0
-def service(opts, parentfn=None, initfn=None, runfn=None, logfile=None,
-    runargs=None, appendpid=False):
-    '''Run a command as a service.'''
-    def writepid(pid):
-        if opts['pid_file']:
-            if appendpid:
-                mode = 'a'
-            else:
-                mode = 'w'
-            fp = open(opts['pid_file'], mode)
-            fp.write(str(pid) + '\n')
-            fp.close()
-    if opts['daemon'] and not opts['daemon_postexec']:
-        # Signal child process startup with file removal
-        lockfd, lockpath = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='hg-service-')
-        os.close(lockfd)
-        try:
-            if not runargs:
-                runargs = util.hgcmd() + sys.argv[1:]
-            runargs.append('--daemon-postexec=unlink:%s' % lockpath)
-            # Don't pass --cwd to the child process, because we've already
-            # changed directory.
-            for i in xrange(1, len(runargs)):
-                if runargs[i].startswith('--cwd='):
-                    del runargs[i]
-                    break
-                elif runargs[i].startswith('--cwd'):
-                    del runargs[i:i + 2]
-                    break
-            def condfn():
-                return not os.path.exists(lockpath)
-            pid = util.rundetached(runargs, condfn)
-            if pid < 0:
-                raise error.Abort(_('child process failed to start'))
-            writepid(pid)
-        finally:
-            try:
-                os.unlink(lockpath)
-            except OSError as e:
-                if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
-                    raise
-        if parentfn:
-            return parentfn(pid)
-        else:
-            return
-    if initfn:
-        initfn()
-    if not opts['daemon']:
-        writepid(util.getpid())
-    if opts['daemon_postexec']:
-        try:
-            os.setsid()
-        except AttributeError:
-            pass
-        for inst in opts['daemon_postexec']:
-            if inst.startswith('unlink:'):
-                lockpath = inst[7:]
-                os.unlink(lockpath)
-            elif inst.startswith('chdir:'):
-                os.chdir(inst[6:])
-            elif inst != 'none':
-                raise error.Abort(_('invalid value for --daemon-postexec: %s')
-                                  % inst)
-        util.hidewindow()
-        util.stdout.flush()
-        util.stderr.flush()
-        nullfd = os.open(os.devnull, os.O_RDWR)
-        logfilefd = nullfd
-        if logfile:
-            logfilefd = os.open(logfile, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_APPEND)
-        os.dup2(nullfd, 0)
-        os.dup2(logfilefd, 1)
-        os.dup2(logfilefd, 2)
-        if nullfd not in (0, 1, 2):
-            os.close(nullfd)
-        if logfile and logfilefd not in (0, 1, 2):
-            os.close(logfilefd)
-    if runfn:
-        return runfn()
-## facility to let extension process additional data into an import patch
-# list of identifier to be executed in order
-extrapreimport = []  # run before commit
-extrapostimport = [] # run after commit
-# mapping from identifier to actual import function
-# 'preimport' are run before the commit is made and are provided the following
-# arguments:
-# - repo: the localrepository instance,
-# - patchdata: data extracted from patch header (cf m.patch.patchheadermap),
-# - extra: the future extra dictionary of the changeset, please mutate it,
-# - opts: the import options.
-# XXX ideally, we would just pass an ctx ready to be computed, that would allow
-# mutation of in memory commit and more. Feel free to rework the code to get
-# there.
-extrapreimportmap = {}
-# 'postimport' are run after the commit is made and are provided the following
-# argument:
-# - ctx: the changectx created by import.
-extrapostimportmap = {}
-def tryimportone(ui, repo, hunk, parents, opts, msgs, updatefunc):
-    """Utility function used by commands.import to import a single patch
-    This function is explicitly defined here to help the evolve extension to
-    wrap this part of the import logic.
-    The API is currently a bit ugly because it a simple code translation from
-    the import command. Feel free to make it better.
-    :hunk: a patch (as a binary string)
-    :parents: nodes that will be parent of the created commit
-    :opts: the full dict of option passed to the import command
-    :msgs: list to save commit message to.
-           (used in case we need to save it when failing)
-    :updatefunc: a function that update a repo to a given node
-                 updatefunc(<repo>, <node>)
-    """
-    # avoid cycle context -> subrepo -> cmdutil
-    from . import context
-    extractdata = patch.extract(ui, hunk)
-    tmpname = extractdata.get('filename')
-    message = extractdata.get('message')
-    user = opts.get('user') or extractdata.get('user')
-    date = opts.get('date') or extractdata.get('date')
-    branch = extractdata.get('branch')
-    nodeid = extractdata.get('nodeid')
-    p1 = extractdata.get('p1')
-    p2 = extractdata.get('p2')
-    nocommit = opts.get('no_commit')
-    importbranch = opts.get('import_branch')
-    update = not opts.get('bypass')
-    strip = opts["strip"]
-    prefix = opts["prefix"]
-    sim = float(opts.get('similarity') or 0)
-    if not tmpname:
-        return (None, None, False)
-    rejects = False
-    try:
-        cmdline_message = logmessage(ui, opts)
-        if cmdline_message:
-            # pickup the cmdline msg
-            message = cmdline_message
-        elif message:
-            # pickup the patch msg
-            message = message.strip()
-        else:
-            # launch the editor
-            message = None
-        ui.debug('message:\n%s\n' % message)
-        if len(parents) == 1:
-            parents.append(repo[nullid])
-        if opts.get('exact'):
-            if not nodeid or not p1:
-                raise error.Abort(_('not a Mercurial patch'))
-            p1 = repo[p1]
-            p2 = repo[p2 or nullid]
-        elif p2:
-            try:
-                p1 = repo[p1]
-                p2 = repo[p2]
-                # Without any options, consider p2 only if the
-                # patch is being applied on top of the recorded
-                # first parent.
-                if p1 != parents[0]:
-                    p1 = parents[0]
-                    p2 = repo[nullid]
-            except error.RepoError:
-                p1, p2 = parents
-            if p2.node() == nullid:
-                ui.warn(_("warning: import the patch as a normal revision\n"
-                          "(use --exact to import the patch as a merge)\n"))
-        else:
-            p1, p2 = parents
-        n = None
-        if update:
-            if p1 != parents[0]:
-                updatefunc(repo, p1.node())
-            if p2 != parents[1]:
-                repo.setparents(p1.node(), p2.node())
-            if opts.get('exact') or importbranch:
-                repo.dirstate.setbranch(branch or 'default')
-            partial = opts.get('partial', False)
-            files = set()
-            try:
-                patch.patch(ui, repo, tmpname, strip=strip, prefix=prefix,
-                            files=files, eolmode=None, similarity=sim / 100.0)
-            except patch.PatchError as e:
-                if not partial:
-                    raise error.Abort(str(e))
-                if partial:
-                    rejects = True
-            files = list(files)
-            if nocommit:
-                if message:
-                    msgs.append(message)
-            else:
-                if opts.get('exact') or p2:
-                    # If you got here, you either use --force and know what
-                    # you are doing or used --exact or a merge patch while
-                    # being updated to its first parent.
-                    m = None
-                else:
-                    m = scmutil.matchfiles(repo, files or [])
-                editform = mergeeditform(repo[None], 'import.normal')
-                if opts.get('exact'):
-                    editor = None
-                else:
-                    editor = getcommiteditor(editform=editform, **opts)
-                allowemptyback = repo.ui.backupconfig('ui', 'allowemptycommit')
-                extra = {}
-                for idfunc in extrapreimport:
-                    extrapreimportmap[idfunc](repo, extractdata, extra, opts)
-                try:
-                    if partial:
-                        repo.ui.setconfig('ui', 'allowemptycommit', True)
-                    n = repo.commit(message, user,
-                                    date, match=m,
-                                    editor=editor, extra=extra)
-                    for idfunc in extrapostimport:
-                        extrapostimportmap[idfunc](repo[n])
-                finally:
-                    repo.ui.restoreconfig(allowemptyback)
-        else:
-            if opts.get('exact') or importbranch:
-                branch = branch or 'default'
-            else:
-                branch = p1.branch()
-            store = patch.filestore()
-            try:
-                files = set()
-                try:
-                    patch.patchrepo(ui, repo, p1, store, tmpname, strip, prefix,
-                                    files, eolmode=None)
-                except patch.PatchError as e:
-                    raise error.Abort(str(e))
-                if opts.get('exact'):
-                    editor = None
-                else:
-                    editor = getcommiteditor(editform='import.bypass')
-                memctx = context.makememctx(repo, (p1.node(), p2.node()),
-                                            message,
-                                            user,
-                                            date,
-                                            branch, files, store,
-                                            editor=editor)
-                n = memctx.commit()
-            finally:
-                store.close()
-        if opts.get('exact') and nocommit:
-            # --exact with --no-commit is still useful in that it does merge
-            # and branch bits
-            ui.warn(_("warning: can't check exact import with --no-commit\n"))
-        elif opts.get('exact') and hex(n) != nodeid:
-            raise error.Abort(_('patch is damaged or loses information'))
-        msg = _('applied to working directory')
-        if n:
-            # i18n: refers to a short changeset id
-            msg = _('created %s') % short(n)
-        return (msg, n, rejects)
-    finally:
-        os.unlink(tmpname)
-# facility to let extensions include additional data in an exported patch
-# list of identifiers to be executed in order
-extraexport = []
-# mapping from identifier to actual export function
-# function as to return a string to be added to the header or None
-# it is given two arguments (sequencenumber, changectx)
-extraexportmap = {}
-def export(repo, revs, template='hg-%h.patch', fp=None, switch_parent=False,
-           opts=None, match=None):
-    '''export changesets as hg patches.'''
-    total = len(revs)
-    revwidth = max([len(str(rev)) for rev in revs])
-    filemode = {}
-    def single(rev, seqno, fp):
-        ctx = repo[rev]
-        node = ctx.node()
-        parents = [p.node() for p in ctx.parents() if p]
-        branch = ctx.branch()
-        if switch_parent:
-            parents.reverse()
-        if parents:
-            prev = parents[0]
-        else:
-            prev = nullid
-        shouldclose = False
-        if not fp and len(template) > 0:
-            desc_lines = ctx.description().rstrip().split('\n')
-            desc = desc_lines[0]    #Commit always has a first line.
-            fp = makefileobj(repo, template, node, desc=desc, total=total,
-                             seqno=seqno, revwidth=revwidth, mode='wb',
-                             modemap=filemode)
-            shouldclose = True
-        if fp and not getattr(fp, 'name', '<unnamed>').startswith('<'):
-            repo.ui.note("%s\n" % fp.name)
-        if not fp:
-            write = repo.ui.write
-        else:
-            def write(s, **kw):
-                fp.write(s)
-        write("# HG changeset patch\n")
-        write("# User %s\n" % ctx.user())
-        write("# Date %d %d\n" % ctx.date())
-        write("#      %s\n" % util.datestr(ctx.date()))
-        if branch and branch != 'default':
-            write("# Branch %s\n" % branch)
-        write("# Node ID %s\n" % hex(node))
-        write("# Parent  %s\n" % hex(prev))
-        if len(parents) > 1:
-            write("# Parent  %s\n" % hex(parents[1]))
-        for headerid in extraexport:
-            header = extraexportmap[headerid](seqno, ctx)
-            if header is not None:
-                write('# %s\n' % header)
-        write(ctx.description().rstrip())
-        write("\n\n")
-        for chunk, label in patch.diffui(repo, prev, node, match, opts=opts):
-            write(chunk, label=label)
-        if shouldclose:
-            fp.close()
-    for seqno, rev in enumerate(revs):
-        single(rev, seqno + 1, fp)
-def diffordiffstat(ui, repo, diffopts, node1, node2, match,
-                   changes=None, stat=False, fp=None, prefix='',
-                   root='', listsubrepos=False):
-    '''show diff or diffstat.'''
-    if fp is None:
-        write = ui.write
-    else:
-        def write(s, **kw):
-            fp.write(s)
-    if root:
-        relroot = pathutil.canonpath(repo.root, repo.getcwd(), root)
-    else:
-        relroot = ''
-    if relroot != '':
-        # XXX relative roots currently don't work if the root is within a
-        # subrepo
-        uirelroot = match.uipath(relroot)
-        relroot += '/'
-        for matchroot in match.files():
-            if not matchroot.startswith(relroot):
-                ui.warn(_('warning: %s not inside relative root %s\n') % (
-                    match.uipath(matchroot), uirelroot))
-    if stat:
-        diffopts = diffopts.copy(context=0)
-        width = 80
-        if not ui.plain():
-            width = ui.termwidth()
-        chunks = patch.diff(repo, node1, node2, match, changes, diffopts,
-                            prefix=prefix, relroot=relroot)
-        for chunk, label in patch.diffstatui(util.iterlines(chunks),
-                                             width=width):
-            write(chunk, label=label)
-    else:
-        for chunk, label in patch.diffui(repo, node1, node2, match,
-                                         changes, diffopts, prefix=prefix,
-                                         relroot=relroot):
-            write(chunk, label=label)
-    if listsubrepos:
-        ctx1 = repo[node1]
-        ctx2 = repo[node2]
-        for subpath, sub in scmutil.itersubrepos(ctx1, ctx2):
-            tempnode2 = node2
-            try:
-                if node2 is not None:
-                    tempnode2 = ctx2.substate[subpath][1]
-            except KeyError:
-                # A subrepo that existed in node1 was deleted between node1 and
-                # node2 (inclusive). Thus, ctx2's substate won't contain that
-                # subpath. The best we can do is to ignore it.
-                tempnode2 = None
-            submatch = matchmod.subdirmatcher(subpath, match)
-            sub.diff(ui, diffopts, tempnode2, submatch, changes=changes,
-                     stat=stat, fp=fp, prefix=prefix)
-class changeset_printer(object):
-    '''show changeset information when templating not requested.'''
-    def __init__(self, ui, repo, matchfn, diffopts, buffered):
-        self.ui = ui
-        self.repo = repo
-        self.buffered = buffered
-        self.matchfn = matchfn
-        self.diffopts = diffopts
-        self.header = {}
-        self.hunk = {}
-        self.lastheader = None
-        self.footer = None
-    def flush(self, ctx):
-        rev = ctx.rev()
-        if rev in self.header:
-            h = self.header[rev]
-            if h != self.lastheader:
-                self.lastheader = h
-                self.ui.write(h)
-            del self.header[rev]
-        if rev in self.hunk:
-            self.ui.write(self.hunk[rev])
-            del self.hunk[rev]
-            return 1
-        return 0
-    def close(self):
-        if self.footer:
-            self.ui.write(self.footer)
-    def show(self, ctx, copies=None, matchfn=None, **props):
-        if self.buffered:
-            self.ui.pushbuffer(labeled=True)
-            self._show(ctx, copies, matchfn, props)
-            self.hunk[ctx.rev()] = self.ui.popbuffer()
-        else:
-            self._show(ctx, copies, matchfn, props)
-    def _show(self, ctx, copies, matchfn, props):
-        '''show a single changeset or file revision'''
-        changenode = ctx.node()
-        rev = ctx.rev()
-        if self.ui.debugflag:
-            hexfunc = hex
-        else:
-            hexfunc = short
-        # as of now, wctx.node() and wctx.rev() return None, but we want to
-        # show the same values as {node} and {rev} templatekw
-        revnode = (scmutil.intrev(rev), hexfunc(bin(ctx.hex())))
-        if self.ui.quiet:
-            self.ui.write("%d:%s\n" % revnode, label='log.node')
-            return
-        date = util.datestr(ctx.date())
-        # i18n: column positioning for "hg log"
-        self.ui.write(_("changeset:   %d:%s\n") % revnode,
-                      label='log.changeset changeset.%s' % ctx.phasestr())
-        # branches are shown first before any other names due to backwards
-        # compatibility
-        branch = ctx.branch()
-        # don't show the default branch name
-        if branch != 'default':
-            # i18n: column positioning for "hg log"
-            self.ui.write(_("branch:      %s\n") % branch,
-                          label='log.branch')
-        for nsname, ns in self.repo.names.iteritems():
-            # branches has special logic already handled above, so here we just
-            # skip it
-            if nsname == 'branches':
-                continue
-            # we will use the templatename as the color name since those two
-            # should be the same
-            for name in ns.names(self.repo, changenode):
-                self.ui.write(ns.logfmt % name,
-                              label='log.%s' % ns.colorname)
-        if self.ui.debugflag:
-            # i18n: column positioning for "hg log"
-            self.ui.write(_("phase:       %s\n") % ctx.phasestr(),
-                          label='log.phase')
-        for pctx in scmutil.meaningfulparents(self.repo, ctx):
-            label = 'log.parent changeset.%s' % pctx.phasestr()
-            # i18n: column positioning for "hg log"
-            self.ui.write(_("parent:      %d:%s\n")
-                          % (pctx.rev(), hexfunc(pctx.node())),
-                          label=label)
-        if self.ui.debugflag and rev is not None:
-            mnode = ctx.manifestnode()
-            # i18n: column positioning for "hg log"
-            self.ui.write(_("manifest:    %d:%s\n") %
-                          (self.repo.manifestlog._revlog.rev(mnode),
-                           hex(mnode)),
-                          label='ui.debug log.manifest')
-        # i18n: column positioning for "hg log"
-        self.ui.write(_("user:        %s\n") % ctx.user(),
-                      label='log.user')
-        # i18n: column positioning for "hg log"
-        self.ui.write(_("date:        %s\n") % date,
-                      label='log.date')
-        if self.ui.debugflag:
-            files = ctx.p1().status(ctx)[:3]
-            for key, value in zip([# i18n: column positioning for "hg log"
-                                   _("files:"),
-                                   # i18n: column positioning for "hg log"
-                                   _("files+:"),
-                                   # i18n: column positioning for "hg log"
-                                   _("files-:")], files):
-                if value:
-                    self.ui.write("%-12s %s\n" % (key, " ".join(value)),
-                                  label='ui.debug log.files')
-        elif ctx.files() and self.ui.verbose:
-            # i18n: column positioning for "hg log"
-            self.ui.write(_("files:       %s\n") % " ".join(ctx.files()),
-                          label='ui.note log.files')
-        if copies and self.ui.verbose:
-            copies = ['%s (%s)' % c for c in copies]
-            # i18n: column positioning for "hg log"
-            self.ui.write(_("copies:      %s\n") % ' '.join(copies),
-                          label='ui.note log.copies')
-        extra = ctx.extra()
-        if extra and self.ui.debugflag:
-            for key, value in sorted(extra.items()):
-                # i18n: column positioning for "hg log"
-                self.ui.write(_("extra:       %s=%s\n")
-                              % (key, value.encode('string_escape')),
-                              label='ui.debug log.extra')
-        description = ctx.description().strip()
-        if description:
-            if self.ui.verbose:
-                self.ui.write(_("description:\n"),
-                              label='ui.note log.description')
-                self.ui.write(description,
-                              label='ui.note log.description')
-                self.ui.write("\n\n")
-            else:
-                # i18n: column positioning for "hg log"
-                self.ui.write(_("summary:     %s\n") %
-                              description.splitlines()[0],
-                              label='log.summary')
-        self.ui.write("\n")
-        self.showpatch(ctx, matchfn)
-    def showpatch(self, ctx, matchfn):
-        if not matchfn:
-            matchfn = self.matchfn
-        if matchfn:
-            stat = self.diffopts.get('stat')
-            diff = self.diffopts.get('patch')
-            diffopts = patch.diffallopts(self.ui, self.diffopts)
-            node = ctx.node()
-            prev = ctx.p1().node()
-            if stat:
-                diffordiffstat(self.ui, self.repo, diffopts, prev, node,
-                               match=matchfn, stat=True)
-            if diff:
-                if stat:
-                    self.ui.write("\n")
-                diffordiffstat(self.ui, self.repo, diffopts, prev, node,
-                               match=matchfn, stat=False)
-            self.ui.write("\n")
-class jsonchangeset(changeset_printer):
-    '''format changeset information.'''
-    def __init__(self, ui, repo, matchfn, diffopts, buffered):
-        changeset_printer.__init__(self, ui, repo, matchfn, diffopts, buffered)
-        self.cache = {}
-        self._first = True
-    def close(self):
-        if not self._first:
-            self.ui.write("\n]\n")
-        else:
-            self.ui.write("[]\n")
-    def _show(self, ctx, copies, matchfn, props):
-        '''show a single changeset or file revision'''
-        rev = ctx.rev()
-        if rev is None:
-            jrev = jnode = 'null'
-        else:
-            jrev = str(rev)
-            jnode = '"%s"' % hex(ctx.node())
-        j = encoding.jsonescape
-        if self._first:
-            self.ui.write("[\n {")
-            self._first = False
-        else:
-            self.ui.write(",\n {")
-        if self.ui.quiet:
-            self.ui.write(('\n  "rev": %s') % jrev)
-            self.ui.write((',\n  "node": %s') % jnode)
-            self.ui.write('\n }')
-            return
-        self.ui.write(('\n  "rev": %s') % jrev)
-        self.ui.write((',\n  "node": %s') % jnode)
-        self.ui.write((',\n  "branch": "%s"') % j(ctx.branch()))
-        self.ui.write((',\n  "phase": "%s"') % ctx.phasestr())
-        self.ui.write((',\n  "user": "%s"') % j(ctx.user()))
-        self.ui.write((',\n  "date": [%d, %d]') % ctx.date())
-        self.ui.write((',\n  "desc": "%s"') % j(ctx.description()))
-        self.ui.write((',\n  "bookmarks": [%s]') %
-                      ", ".join('"%s"' % j(b) for b in ctx.bookmarks()))
-        self.ui.write((',\n  "tags": [%s]') %
-                      ", ".join('"%s"' % j(t) for t in ctx.tags()))
-        self.ui.write((',\n  "parents": [%s]') %
-                      ", ".join('"%s"' % c.hex() for c in ctx.parents()))
-        if self.ui.debugflag:
-            if rev is None:
-                jmanifestnode = 'null'
-            else:
-                jmanifestnode = '"%s"' % hex(ctx.manifestnode())
-            self.ui.write((',\n  "manifest": %s') % jmanifestnode)
-            self.ui.write((',\n  "extra": {%s}') %
-                          ", ".join('"%s": "%s"' % (j(k), j(v))
-                                    for k, v in ctx.extra().items()))
-            files = ctx.p1().status(ctx)
-            self.ui.write((',\n  "modified": [%s]') %
-                          ", ".join('"%s"' % j(f) for f in files[0]))
-            self.ui.write((',\n  "added": [%s]') %
-                          ", ".join('"%s"' % j(f) for f in files[1]))
-            self.ui.write((',\n  "removed": [%s]') %
-                          ", ".join('"%s"' % j(f) for f in files[2]))
-        elif self.ui.verbose:
-            self.ui.write((',\n  "files": [%s]') %
-                          ", ".join('"%s"' % j(f) for f in ctx.files()))
-            if copies:
-                self.ui.write((',\n  "copies": {%s}') %
-                              ", ".join('"%s": "%s"' % (j(k), j(v))
-                                                        for k, v in copies))
-        matchfn = self.matchfn
-        if matchfn:
-            stat = self.diffopts.get('stat')
-            diff = self.diffopts.get('patch')
-            diffopts = patch.difffeatureopts(self.ui, self.diffopts, git=True)
-            node, prev = ctx.node(), ctx.p1().node()
-            if stat:
-                self.ui.pushbuffer()
-                diffordiffstat(self.ui, self.repo, diffopts, prev, node,
-                               match=matchfn, stat=True)
-                self.ui.write((',\n  "diffstat": "%s"')
-                              % j(self.ui.popbuffer()))
-            if diff:
-                self.ui.pushbuffer()
-                diffordiffstat(self.ui, self.repo, diffopts, prev, node,
-                               match=matchfn, stat=False)
-                self.ui.write((',\n  "diff": "%s"') % j(self.ui.popbuffer()))
-        self.ui.write("\n }")
-class changeset_templater(changeset_printer):
-    '''format changeset information.'''
-    def __init__(self, ui, repo, matchfn, diffopts, tmpl, mapfile, buffered):
-        changeset_printer.__init__(self, ui, repo, matchfn, diffopts, buffered)
-        formatnode = ui.debugflag and (lambda x: x) or (lambda x: x[:12])
-        filters = {'formatnode': formatnode}
-        defaulttempl = {
-            'parent': '{rev}:{node|formatnode} ',
-            'manifest': '{rev}:{node|formatnode}',
-            'file_copy': '{name} ({source})',
-            'extra': '{key}={value|stringescape}'
-            }
-        # filecopy is preserved for compatibility reasons
-        defaulttempl['filecopy'] = defaulttempl['file_copy']
-        assert not (tmpl and mapfile)
-        if mapfile:
-            self.t = templater.templater.frommapfile(mapfile, filters=filters,
-                                                     cache=defaulttempl)
-        else:
-            self.t = formatter.maketemplater(ui, 'changeset', tmpl,
-                                             filters=filters,
-                                             cache=defaulttempl)
-        self.cache = {}
-        # find correct templates for current mode
-        tmplmodes = [
-            (True, None),
-            (self.ui.verbose, 'verbose'),
-            (self.ui.quiet, 'quiet'),
-            (self.ui.debugflag, 'debug'),
-        ]
-        self._parts = {'header': '', 'footer': '', 'changeset': 'changeset',
-                       'docheader': '', 'docfooter': ''}
-        for mode, postfix in tmplmodes:
-            for t in self._parts:
-                cur = t
-                if postfix:
-                    cur += "_" + postfix
-                if mode and cur in self.t:
-                    self._parts[t] = cur
-        if self._parts['docheader']:
-            self.ui.write(templater.stringify(self.t(self._parts['docheader'])))
-    def close(self):
-        if self._parts['docfooter']:
-            if not self.footer:
-                self.footer = ""
-            self.footer += templater.stringify(self.t(self._parts['docfooter']))
-        return super(changeset_templater, self).close()
-    def _show(self, ctx, copies, matchfn, props):
-        '''show a single changeset or file revision'''
-        props = props.copy()
-        props.update(templatekw.keywords)
-        props['templ'] = self.t
-        props['ctx'] = ctx
-        props['repo'] = self.repo
-        props['ui'] = self.repo.ui
-        props['revcache'] = {'copies': copies}
-        props['cache'] = self.cache
-        # write header
-        if self._parts['header']:
-            h = templater.stringify(self.t(self._parts['header'], **props))
-            if self.buffered:
-                self.header[ctx.rev()] = h
-            else:
-                if self.lastheader != h:
-                    self.lastheader = h
-                    self.ui.write(h)
-        # write changeset metadata, then patch if requested
-        key = self._parts['changeset']
-        self.ui.write(templater.stringify(self.t(key, **props)))
-        self.showpatch(ctx, matchfn)
-        if self._parts['footer']:
-            if not self.footer:
-                self.footer = templater.stringify(
-                    self.t(self._parts['footer'], **props))
-def gettemplate(ui, tmpl, style):
-    """
-    Find the template matching the given template spec or style.
-    """
-    # ui settings
-    if not tmpl and not style: # template are stronger than style
-        tmpl = ui.config('ui', 'logtemplate')
-        if tmpl:
-            return templater.unquotestring(tmpl), None
-        else:
-            style = util.expandpath(ui.config('ui', 'style', ''))
-    if not tmpl and style:
-        mapfile = style
-        if not os.path.split(mapfile)[0]:
-            mapname = (templater.templatepath('map-cmdline.' + mapfile)
-                       or templater.templatepath(mapfile))
-            if mapname:
-                mapfile = mapname
-        return None, mapfile
-    if not tmpl:
-        return None, None
-    return formatter.lookuptemplate(ui, 'changeset', tmpl)
-def show_changeset(ui, repo, opts, buffered=False):
-    """show one changeset using template or regular display.
-    Display format will be the first non-empty hit of:
-    1. option 'template'
-    2. option 'style'
-    3. [ui] setting 'logtemplate'
-    4. [ui] setting 'style'
-    If all of these values are either the unset or the empty string,
-    regular display via changeset_printer() is done.
-    """
-    # options
-    matchfn = None
-    if opts.get('patch') or opts.get('stat'):
-        matchfn = scmutil.matchall(repo)
-    if opts.get('template') == 'json':
-        return jsonchangeset(ui, repo, matchfn, opts, buffered)
-    tmpl, mapfile = gettemplate(ui, opts.get('template'), opts.get('style'))
-    if not tmpl and not mapfile:
-        return changeset_printer(ui, repo, matchfn, opts, buffered)
-    return changeset_templater(ui, repo, matchfn, opts, tmpl, mapfile, buffered)
-def showmarker(fm, marker, index=None):
-    """utility function to display obsolescence marker in a readable way
-    To be used by debug function."""
-    if index is not None:
-        fm.write('index', '%i ', index)
-    fm.write('precnode', '%s ', hex(marker.precnode()))
-    succs = marker.succnodes()
-    fm.condwrite(succs, 'succnodes', '%s ',
-                 fm.formatlist(map(hex, succs), name='node'))
-    fm.write('flag', '%X ', marker.flags())
-    parents = marker.parentnodes()
-    if parents is not None:
-        fm.write('parentnodes', '{%s} ',
-                 fm.formatlist(map(hex, parents), name='node', sep=', '))
-    fm.write('date', '(%s) ', fm.formatdate(marker.date()))
-    meta = marker.metadata().copy()
-    meta.pop('date', None)
-    fm.write('metadata', '{%s}', fm.formatdict(meta, fmt='%r: %r', sep=', '))
-    fm.plain('\n')
-def finddate(ui, repo, date):
-    """Find the tipmost changeset that matches the given date spec"""
-    df = util.matchdate(date)
-    m = scmutil.matchall(repo)
-    results = {}
-    def prep(ctx, fns):
-        d = ctx.date()
-        if df(d[0]):
-            results[ctx.rev()] = d
-    for ctx in walkchangerevs(repo, m, {'rev': None}, prep):
-        rev = ctx.rev()
-        if rev in results:
-            ui.status(_("found revision %s from %s\n") %
-                      (rev, util.datestr(results[rev])))
-            return str(rev)
-    raise error.Abort(_("revision matching date not found"))
-def increasingwindows(windowsize=8, sizelimit=512):
-    while True:
-        yield windowsize
-        if windowsize < sizelimit:
-            windowsize *= 2
-class FileWalkError(Exception):
-    pass
-def walkfilerevs(repo, match, follow, revs, fncache):
-    '''Walks the file history for the matched files.
-    Returns the changeset revs that are involved in the file history.
-    Throws FileWalkError if the file history can't be walked using
-    filelogs alone.
-    '''
-    wanted = set()
-    copies = []
-    minrev, maxrev = min(revs), max(revs)
-    def filerevgen(filelog, last):
-        """
-        Only files, no patterns.  Check the history of each file.
-        Examines filelog entries within minrev, maxrev linkrev range
-        Returns an iterator yielding (linkrev, parentlinkrevs, copied)
-        tuples in backwards order
-        """
-        cl_count = len(repo)
-        revs = []
-        for j in xrange(0, last + 1):
-            linkrev = filelog.linkrev(j)
-            if linkrev < minrev:
-                continue
-            # only yield rev for which we have the changelog, it can
-            # happen while doing "hg log" during a pull or commit
-            if linkrev >= cl_count:
-                break
-            parentlinkrevs = []
-            for p in filelog.parentrevs(j):
-                if p != nullrev:
-                    parentlinkrevs.append(filelog.linkrev(p))
-            n = filelog.node(j)
-            revs.append((linkrev, parentlinkrevs,
-                         follow and filelog.renamed(n)))
-        return reversed(revs)
-    def iterfiles():
-        pctx = repo['.']
-        for filename in match.files():
-            if follow:
-                if filename not in pctx:
-                    raise error.Abort(_('cannot follow file not in parent '
-                                       'revision: "%s"') % filename)
-                yield filename, pctx[filename].filenode()
-            else:
-                yield filename, None
-        for filename_node in copies:
-            yield filename_node
-    for file_, node in iterfiles():
-        filelog = repo.file(file_)
-        if not len(filelog):
-            if node is None:
-                # A zero count may be a directory or deleted file, so
-                # try to find matching entries on the slow path.
-                if follow:
-                    raise error.Abort(
-                        _('cannot follow nonexistent file: "%s"') % file_)
-                raise FileWalkError("Cannot walk via filelog")
-            else:
-                continue
-        if node is None:
-            last = len(filelog) - 1
-        else:
-            last = filelog.rev(node)
-        # keep track of all ancestors of the file
-        ancestors = set([filelog.linkrev(last)])
-        # iterate from latest to oldest revision
-        for rev, flparentlinkrevs, copied in filerevgen(filelog, last):
-            if not follow:
-                if rev > maxrev:
-                    continue
-            else:
-                # Note that last might not be the first interesting
-                # rev to us:
-                # if the file has been changed after maxrev, we'll
-                # have linkrev(last) > maxrev, and we still need
-                # to explore the file graph
-                if rev not in ancestors:
-                    continue
-                # XXX insert 1327 fix here
-                if flparentlinkrevs:
-                    ancestors.update(flparentlinkrevs)
-            fncache.setdefault(rev, []).append(file_)
-            wanted.add(rev)
-            if copied:
-                copies.append(copied)
-    return wanted
-class _followfilter(object):
-    def __init__(self, repo, onlyfirst=False):
-        self.repo = repo
-        self.startrev = nullrev
-        self.roots = set()
-        self.onlyfirst = onlyfirst
-    def match(self, rev):
-        def realparents(rev):
-            if self.onlyfirst:
-                return self.repo.changelog.parentrevs(rev)[0:1]
-            else:
-                return filter(lambda x: x != nullrev,
-                              self.repo.changelog.parentrevs(rev))
-        if self.startrev == nullrev:
-            self.startrev = rev
-            return True
-        if rev > self.startrev:
-            # forward: all descendants
-            if not self.roots:
-                self.roots.add(self.startrev)
-            for parent in realparents(rev):
-                if parent in self.roots:
-                    self.roots.add(rev)
-                    return True
-        else:
-            # backwards: all parents
-            if not self.roots:
-                self.roots.update(realparents(self.startrev))
-            if rev in self.roots:
-                self.roots.remove(rev)
-                self.roots.update(realparents(rev))
-                return True
-        return False
-def walkchangerevs(repo, match, opts, prepare):
-    '''Iterate over files and the revs in which they changed.
-    Callers most commonly need to iterate backwards over the history
-    in which they are interested. Doing so has awful (quadratic-looking)
-    performance, so we use iterators in a "windowed" way.
-    We walk a window of revisions in the desired order.  Within the
-    window, we first walk forwards to gather data, then in the desired
-    order (usually backwards) to display it.
-    This function returns an iterator yielding contexts. Before
-    yielding each context, the iterator will first call the prepare
-    function on each context in the window in forward order.'''
-    follow = opts.get('follow') or opts.get('follow_first')
-    revs = _logrevs(repo, opts)
-    if not revs:
-        return []
-    wanted = set()
-    slowpath = match.anypats() or ((match.isexact() or match.prefix()) and
-                                   opts.get('removed'))
-    fncache = {}
-    change = repo.changectx
-    # First step is to fill wanted, the set of revisions that we want to yield.
-    # When it does not induce extra cost, we also fill fncache for revisions in
-    # wanted: a cache of filenames that were changed (ctx.files()) and that
-    # match the file filtering conditions.
-    if match.always():
-        # No files, no patterns.  Display all revs.
-        wanted = revs
-    elif not slowpath:
-        # We only have to read through the filelog to find wanted revisions
-        try:
-            wanted = walkfilerevs(repo, match, follow, revs, fncache)
-        except FileWalkError:
-            slowpath = True
-            # We decided to fall back to the slowpath because at least one
-            # of the paths was not a file. Check to see if at least one of them
-            # existed in history, otherwise simply return
-            for path in match.files():
-                if path == '.' or path in repo.store:
-                    break
-            else:
-                return []
-    if slowpath:
-        # We have to read the changelog to match filenames against
-        # changed files
-        if follow:
-            raise error.Abort(_('can only follow copies/renames for explicit '
-                               'filenames'))
-        # The slow path checks files modified in every changeset.
-        # This is really slow on large repos, so compute the set lazily.
-        class lazywantedset(object):
-            def __init__(self):
-                self.set = set()
-                self.revs = set(revs)
-            # No need to worry about locality here because it will be accessed
-            # in the same order as the increasing window below.
-            def __contains__(self, value):
-                if value in self.set:
-                    return True
-                elif not value in self.revs:
-                    return False
-                else:
-                    self.revs.discard(value)
-                    ctx = change(value)
-                    matches = filter(match, ctx.files())
-                    if matches:
-                        fncache[value] = matches
-                        self.set.add(value)
-                        return True
-                    return False
-            def discard(self, value):
-                self.revs.discard(value)
-                self.set.discard(value)
-        wanted = lazywantedset()
-    # it might be worthwhile to do this in the iterator if the rev range
-    # is descending and the prune args are all within that range
-    for rev in opts.get('prune', ()):
-        rev = repo[rev].rev()
-        ff = _followfilter(repo)
-        stop = min(revs[0], revs[-1])
-        for x in xrange(rev, stop - 1, -1):
-            if ff.match(x):
-                wanted = wanted - [x]
-    # Now that wanted is correctly initialized, we can iterate over the
-    # revision range, yielding only revisions in wanted.
-    def iterate():
-        if follow and match.always():
-            ff = _followfilter(repo, onlyfirst=opts.get('follow_first'))
-            def want(rev):
-                return ff.match(rev) and rev in wanted
-        else:
-            def want(rev):
-                return rev in wanted
-        it = iter(revs)
-        stopiteration = False
-        for windowsize in increasingwindows():
-            nrevs = []
-            for i in xrange(windowsize):
-                rev = next(it, None)
-                if rev is None:
-                    stopiteration = True
-                    break
-                elif want(rev):
-                    nrevs.append(rev)
-            for rev in sorted(nrevs):
-                fns = fncache.get(rev)
-                ctx = change(rev)
-                if not fns:
-                    def fns_generator():
-                        for f in ctx.files():
-                            if match(f):
-                                yield f
-                    fns = fns_generator()
-                prepare(ctx, fns)
-            for rev in nrevs:
-                yield change(rev)
-            if stopiteration:
-                break
-    return iterate()
-def _makefollowlogfilematcher(repo, files, followfirst):
-    # When displaying a revision with --patch --follow FILE, we have
-    # to know which file of the revision must be diffed. With
-    # --follow, we want the names of the ancestors of FILE in the
-    # revision, stored in "fcache". "fcache" is populated by
-    # reproducing the graph traversal already done by --follow revset
-    # and relating revs to file names (which is not "correct" but
-    # good enough).
-    fcache = {}
-    fcacheready = [False]
-    pctx = repo['.']
-    def populate():
-        for fn in files:
-            fctx = pctx[fn]
-            fcache.setdefault(fctx.introrev(), set()).add(fctx.path())
-            for c in fctx.ancestors(followfirst=followfirst):
-                fcache.setdefault(c.rev(), set()).add(c.path())
-    def filematcher(rev):
-        if not fcacheready[0]:
-            # Lazy initialization
-            fcacheready[0] = True
-            populate()
-        return scmutil.matchfiles(repo, fcache.get(rev, []))
-    return filematcher
-def _makenofollowlogfilematcher(repo, pats, opts):
-    '''hook for extensions to override the filematcher for non-follow cases'''
-    return None
-def _makelogrevset(repo, pats, opts, revs):
-    """Return (expr, filematcher) where expr is a revset string built
-    from log options and file patterns or None. If --stat or --patch
-    are not passed filematcher is None. Otherwise it is a callable
-    taking a revision number and returning a match objects filtering
-    the files to be detailed when displaying the revision.
-    """
-    opt2revset = {
-        'no_merges':        ('not merge()', None),
-        'only_merges':      ('merge()', None),
-        '_ancestors':       ('ancestors(%(val)s)', None),
-        '_fancestors':      ('_firstancestors(%(val)s)', None),
-        '_descendants':     ('descendants(%(val)s)', None),
-        '_fdescendants':    ('_firstdescendants(%(val)s)', None),
-        '_matchfiles':      ('_matchfiles(%(val)s)', None),
-        'date':             ('date(%(val)r)', None),
-        'branch':           ('branch(%(val)r)', ' or '),
-        '_patslog':         ('filelog(%(val)r)', ' or '),
-        '_patsfollow':      ('follow(%(val)r)', ' or '),
-        '_patsfollowfirst': ('_followfirst(%(val)r)', ' or '),
-        'keyword':          ('keyword(%(val)r)', ' or '),
-        'prune':            ('not (%(val)r or ancestors(%(val)r))', ' and '),
-        'user':             ('user(%(val)r)', ' or '),
-        }
-    opts = dict(opts)
-    # follow or not follow?
-    follow = opts.get('follow') or opts.get('follow_first')
-    if opts.get('follow_first'):
-        followfirst = 1
-    else:
-        followfirst = 0
-    # --follow with FILE behavior depends on revs...
-    it = iter(revs)
-    startrev = next(it)
-    followdescendants = startrev < next(it, startrev)
-    # branch and only_branch are really aliases and must be handled at
-    # the same time
-    opts['branch'] = opts.get('branch', []) + opts.get('only_branch', [])
-    opts['branch'] = [repo.lookupbranch(b) for b in opts['branch']]
-    # pats/include/exclude are passed to match.match() directly in
-    # _matchfiles() revset but walkchangerevs() builds its matcher with
-    # scmutil.match(). The difference is input pats are globbed on
-    # platforms without shell expansion (windows).
-    wctx = repo[None]
-    match, pats = scmutil.matchandpats(wctx, pats, opts)
-    slowpath = match.anypats() or ((match.isexact() or match.prefix()) and
-                                   opts.get('removed'))
-    if not slowpath:
-        for f in match.files():
-            if follow and f not in wctx:
-                # If the file exists, it may be a directory, so let it
-                # take the slow path.
-                if os.path.exists(repo.wjoin(f)):
-                    slowpath = True
-                    continue
-                else:
-                    raise error.Abort(_('cannot follow file not in parent '
-                                       'revision: "%s"') % f)
-            filelog = repo.file(f)
-            if not filelog:
-                # A zero count may be a directory or deleted file, so
-                # try to find matching entries on the slow path.
-                if follow:
-                    raise error.Abort(
-                        _('cannot follow nonexistent file: "%s"') % f)
-                slowpath = True
-        # We decided to fall back to the slowpath because at least one
-        # of the paths was not a file. Check to see if at least one of them
-        # existed in history - in that case, we'll continue down the
-        # slowpath; otherwise, we can turn off the slowpath
-        if slowpath:
-            for path in match.files():
-                if path == '.' or path in repo.store:
-                    break
-            else:
-                slowpath = False
-    fpats = ('_patsfollow', '_patsfollowfirst')
-    fnopats = (('_ancestors', '_fancestors'),
-               ('_descendants', '_fdescendants'))
-    if slowpath:
-        # See walkchangerevs() slow path.
-        #
-        # pats/include/exclude cannot be represented as separate
-        # revset expressions as their filtering logic applies at file
-        # level. For instance "-I a -X a" matches a revision touching
-        # "a" and "b" while "file(a) and not file(b)" does
-        # not. Besides, filesets are evaluated against the working
-        # directory.
-        matchargs = ['r:', 'd:relpath']
-        for p in pats:
-            matchargs.append('p:' + p)
-        for p in opts.get('include', []):
-            matchargs.append('i:' + p)
-        for p in opts.get('exclude', []):
-            matchargs.append('x:' + p)
-        matchargs = ','.join(('%r' % p) for p in matchargs)
-        opts['_matchfiles'] = matchargs
-        if follow:
-            opts[fnopats[0][followfirst]] = '.'
-    else:
-        if follow:
-            if pats:
-                # follow() revset interprets its file argument as a
-                # manifest entry, so use match.files(), not pats.
-                opts[fpats[followfirst]] = list(match.files())
-            else:
-                op = fnopats[followdescendants][followfirst]
-                opts[op] = 'rev(%d)' % startrev
-        else:
-            opts['_patslog'] = list(pats)
-    filematcher = None
-    if opts.get('patch') or opts.get('stat'):
-        # When following files, track renames via a special matcher.
-        # If we're forced to take the slowpath it means we're following
-        # at least one pattern/directory, so don't bother with rename tracking.
-        if follow and not match.always() and not slowpath:
-            # _makefollowlogfilematcher expects its files argument to be
-            # relative to the repo root, so use match.files(), not pats.
-            filematcher = _makefollowlogfilematcher(repo, match.files(),
-                                                    followfirst)
-        else:
-            filematcher = _makenofollowlogfilematcher(repo, pats, opts)
-            if filematcher is None:
-                filematcher = lambda rev: match
-    expr = []
-    for op, val in sorted(opts.iteritems()):
-        if not val:
-            continue
-        if op not in opt2revset:
-            continue
-        revop, andor = opt2revset[op]
-        if '%(val)' not in revop:
-            expr.append(revop)
-        else:
-            if not isinstance(val, list):
-                e = revop % {'val': val}
-            else:
-                e = '(' + andor.join((revop % {'val': v}) for v in val) + ')'
-            expr.append(e)
-    if expr:
-        expr = '(' + ' and '.join(expr) + ')'
-    else:
-        expr = None
-    return expr, filematcher
-def _logrevs(repo, opts):
-    # Default --rev value depends on --follow but --follow behavior
-    # depends on revisions resolved from --rev...
-    follow = opts.get('follow') or opts.get('follow_first')
-    if opts.get('rev'):
-        revs = scmutil.revrange(repo, opts['rev'])
-    elif follow and repo.dirstate.p1() == nullid:
-        revs = revset.baseset()
-    elif follow:
-        revs = repo.revs('reverse(:.)')
-    else:
-        revs = revset.spanset(repo)
-        revs.reverse()
-    return revs
-def getgraphlogrevs(repo, pats, opts):
-    """Return (revs, expr, filematcher) where revs is an iterable of
-    revision numbers, expr is a revset string built from log options
-    and file patterns or None, and used to filter 'revs'. If --stat or
-    --patch are not passed filematcher is None. Otherwise it is a
-    callable taking a revision number and returning a match objects
-    filtering the files to be detailed when displaying the revision.
-    """
-    limit = loglimit(opts)
-    revs = _logrevs(repo, opts)
-    if not revs:
-        return revset.baseset(), None, None
-    expr, filematcher = _makelogrevset(repo, pats, opts, revs)
-    if opts.get('rev'):
-        # User-specified revs might be unsorted, but don't sort before
-        # _makelogrevset because it might depend on the order of revs
-        if not (revs.isdescending() or revs.istopo()):
-            revs.sort(reverse=True)
-    if expr:
-        matcher = revset.match(repo.ui, expr, order=revset.followorder)
-        revs = matcher(repo, revs)
-    if limit is not None:
-        limitedrevs = []
-        for idx, rev in enumerate(revs):
-            if idx >= limit:
-                break
-            limitedrevs.append(rev)
-        revs = revset.baseset(limitedrevs)
-    return revs, expr, filematcher
-def getlogrevs(repo, pats, opts):
-    """Return (revs, expr, filematcher) where revs is an iterable of
-    revision numbers, expr is a revset string built from log options
-    and file patterns or None, and used to filter 'revs'. If --stat or
-    --patch are not passed filematcher is None. Otherwise it is a
-    callable taking a revision number and returning a match objects
-    filtering the files to be detailed when displaying the revision.
-    """
-    limit = loglimit(opts)
-    revs = _logrevs(repo, opts)
-    if not revs:
-        return revset.baseset([]), None, None
-    expr, filematcher = _makelogrevset(repo, pats, opts, revs)
-    if expr:
-        matcher = revset.match(repo.ui, expr, order=revset.followorder)
-        revs = matcher(repo, revs)
-    if limit is not None:
-        limitedrevs = []
-        for idx, r in enumerate(revs):
-            if limit <= idx:
-                break
-            limitedrevs.append(r)
-        revs = revset.baseset(limitedrevs)
-    return revs, expr, filematcher
-def _graphnodeformatter(ui, displayer):
-    spec = ui.config('ui', 'graphnodetemplate')
-    if not spec:
-        return templatekw.showgraphnode  # fast path for "{graphnode}"
-    templ = formatter.gettemplater(ui, 'graphnode', spec)
-    cache = {}
-    if isinstance(displayer, changeset_templater):
-        cache = displayer.cache  # reuse cache of slow templates
-    props = templatekw.keywords.copy()
-    props['templ'] = templ
-    props['cache'] = cache
-    def formatnode(repo, ctx):
-        props['ctx'] = ctx
-        props['repo'] = repo
-        props['ui'] = repo.ui
-        props['revcache'] = {}
-        return templater.stringify(templ('graphnode', **props))
-    return formatnode
-def displaygraph(ui, repo, dag, displayer, edgefn, getrenamed=None,
-                 filematcher=None):
-    formatnode = _graphnodeformatter(ui, displayer)
-    state = graphmod.asciistate()
-    styles = state['styles']
-    # only set graph styling if HGPLAIN is not set.
-    if ui.plain('graph'):
-        # set all edge styles to |, the default pre-3.8 behaviour
-        styles.update(dict.fromkeys(styles, '|'))
-    else:
-        edgetypes = {
-            'parent': graphmod.PARENT,
-            'grandparent': graphmod.GRANDPARENT,
-            'missing': graphmod.MISSINGPARENT
-        }
-        for name, key in edgetypes.items():
-            # experimental config: experimental.graphstyle.*
-            styles[key] = ui.config('experimental', 'graphstyle.%s' % name,
-                                    styles[key])
-            if not styles[key]:
-                styles[key] = None
-        # experimental config: experimental.graphshorten
-        state['graphshorten'] = ui.configbool('experimental', 'graphshorten')
-    for rev, type, ctx, parents in dag:
-        char = formatnode(repo, ctx)
-        copies = None
-        if getrenamed and ctx.rev():
-            copies = []
-            for fn in ctx.files():
-                rename = getrenamed(fn, ctx.rev())
-                if rename:
-                    copies.append((fn, rename[0]))
-        revmatchfn = None
-        if filematcher is not None:
-            revmatchfn = filematcher(ctx.rev())
-        displayer.show(ctx, copies=copies, matchfn=revmatchfn)
-        lines = displayer.hunk.pop(rev).split('\n')
-        if not lines[-1]:
-            del lines[-1]
-        displayer.flush(ctx)
-        edges = edgefn(type, char, lines, state, rev, parents)
-        for type, char, lines, coldata in edges:
-            graphmod.ascii(ui, state, type, char, lines, coldata)
-    displayer.close()
-def graphlog(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
-    # Parameters are identical to log command ones
-    revs, expr, filematcher = getgraphlogrevs(repo, pats, opts)
-    revdag = graphmod.dagwalker(repo, revs)
-    getrenamed = None
-    if opts.get('copies'):
-        endrev = None
-        if opts.get('rev'):
-            endrev = scmutil.revrange(repo, opts.get('rev')).max() + 1
-        getrenamed = templatekw.getrenamedfn(repo, endrev=endrev)
-    displayer = show_changeset(ui, repo, opts, buffered=True)
-    displaygraph(ui, repo, revdag, displayer, graphmod.asciiedges, getrenamed,
-                 filematcher)
-def checkunsupportedgraphflags(pats, opts):
-    for op in ["newest_first"]:
-        if op in opts and opts[op]:
-            raise error.Abort(_("-G/--graph option is incompatible with --%s")
-                             % op.replace("_", "-"))
-def graphrevs(repo, nodes, opts):
-    limit = loglimit(opts)
-    nodes.reverse()
-    if limit is not None:
-        nodes = nodes[:limit]
-    return graphmod.nodes(repo, nodes)
-def add(ui, repo, match, prefix, explicitonly, **opts):
-    join = lambda f: os.path.join(prefix, f)
-    bad = []
-    badfn = lambda x, y: bad.append(x) or match.bad(x, y)
-    names = []
-    wctx = repo[None]
-    cca = None
-    abort, warn = scmutil.checkportabilityalert(ui)
-    if abort or warn:
-        cca = scmutil.casecollisionauditor(ui, abort, repo.dirstate)
-    badmatch = matchmod.badmatch(match, badfn)
-    dirstate = repo.dirstate
-    # We don't want to just call wctx.walk here, since it would return a lot of
-    # clean files, which we aren't interested in and takes time.
-    for f in sorted(dirstate.walk(badmatch, sorted(wctx.substate),
-                                  True, False, full=False)):
-        exact = match.exact(f)
-        if exact or not explicitonly and f not in wctx and repo.wvfs.lexists(f):
-            if cca:
-                cca(f)
-            names.append(f)
-            if ui.verbose or not exact:
-                ui.status(_('adding %s\n') % match.rel(f))
-    for subpath in sorted(wctx.substate):
-        sub = wctx.sub(subpath)
-        try:
-            submatch = matchmod.subdirmatcher(subpath, match)
-            if opts.get('subrepos'):
-                bad.extend(sub.add(ui, submatch, prefix, False, **opts))
-            else:
-                bad.extend(sub.add(ui, submatch, prefix, True, **opts))
-        except error.LookupError:
-            ui.status(_("skipping missing subrepository: %s\n")
-                           % join(subpath))
-    if not opts.get('dry_run'):
-        rejected = wctx.add(names, prefix)
-        bad.extend(f for f in rejected if f in match.files())
-    return bad
-def forget(ui, repo, match, prefix, explicitonly):
-    join = lambda f: os.path.join(prefix, f)
-    bad = []
-    badfn = lambda x, y: bad.append(x) or match.bad(x, y)
-    wctx = repo[None]
-    forgot = []
-    s = repo.status(match=matchmod.badmatch(match, badfn), clean=True)
-    forget = sorted(s[0] + s[1] + s[3] + s[6])
-    if explicitonly:
-        forget = [f for f in forget if match.exact(f)]
-    for subpath in sorted(wctx.substate):
-        sub = wctx.sub(subpath)
-        try:
-            submatch = matchmod.subdirmatcher(subpath, match)
-            subbad, subforgot = sub.forget(submatch, prefix)
-            bad.extend([subpath + '/' + f for f in subbad])
-            forgot.extend([subpath + '/' + f for f in subforgot])
-        except error.LookupError:
-            ui.status(_("skipping missing subrepository: %s\n")
-                           % join(subpath))
-    if not explicitonly:
-        for f in match.files():
-            if f not in repo.dirstate and not repo.wvfs.isdir(f):
-                if f not in forgot:
-                    if repo.wvfs.exists(f):
-                        # Don't complain if the exact case match wasn't given.
-                        # But don't do this until after checking 'forgot', so
-                        # that subrepo files aren't normalized, and this op is
-                        # purely from data cached by the status walk above.
-                        if repo.dirstate.normalize(f) in repo.dirstate:
-                            continue
-                        ui.warn(_('not removing %s: '
-                                  'file is already untracked\n')
-                                % match.rel(f))
-                    bad.append(f)
-    for f in forget:
-        if ui.verbose or not match.exact(f):
-            ui.status(_('removing %s\n') % match.rel(f))
-    rejected = wctx.forget(forget, prefix)
-    bad.extend(f for f in rejected if f in match.files())
-    forgot.extend(f for f in forget if f not in rejected)
-    return bad, forgot
-def files(ui, ctx, m, fm, fmt, subrepos):
-    rev = ctx.rev()
-    ret = 1
-    ds = ctx.repo().dirstate
-    for f in ctx.matches(m):
-        if rev is None and ds[f] == 'r':
-            continue
-        fm.startitem()
-        if ui.verbose:
-            fc = ctx[f]
-            fm.write('size flags', '% 10d % 1s ', fc.size(), fc.flags())
-        fm.data(abspath=f)
-        fm.write('path', fmt, m.rel(f))
-        ret = 0
-    for subpath in sorted(ctx.substate):
-        submatch = matchmod.subdirmatcher(subpath, m)
-        if (subrepos or m.exact(subpath) or any(submatch.files())):
-            sub = ctx.sub(subpath)
-            try:
-                recurse = m.exact(subpath) or subrepos
-                if sub.printfiles(ui, submatch, fm, fmt, recurse) == 0:
-                    ret = 0
-            except error.LookupError:
-                ui.status(_("skipping missing subrepository: %s\n")
-                               % m.abs(subpath))
-    return ret
-def remove(ui, repo, m, prefix, after, force, subrepos, warnings=None):
-    join = lambda f: os.path.join(prefix, f)
-    ret = 0
-    s = repo.status(match=m, clean=True)
-    modified, added, deleted, clean = s[0], s[1], s[3], s[6]
-    wctx = repo[None]
-    if warnings is None:
-        warnings = []
-        warn = True
-    else:
-        warn = False
-    subs = sorted(wctx.substate)
-    total = len(subs)
-    count = 0
-    for subpath in subs:
-        count += 1
-        submatch = matchmod.subdirmatcher(subpath, m)
-        if subrepos or m.exact(subpath) or any(submatch.files()):
-            ui.progress(_('searching'), count, total=total, unit=_('subrepos'))
-            sub = wctx.sub(subpath)
-            try:
-                if sub.removefiles(submatch, prefix, after, force, subrepos,
-                                   warnings):
-                    ret = 1
-            except error.LookupError:
-                warnings.append(_("skipping missing subrepository: %s\n")
-                               % join(subpath))
-    ui.progress(_('searching'), None)
-    # warn about failure to delete explicit files/dirs
-    deleteddirs = util.dirs(deleted)
-    files = m.files()
-    total = len(files)
-    count = 0
-    for f in files:
-        def insubrepo():
-            for subpath in wctx.substate:
-                if f.startswith(subpath + '/'):
-                    return True
-            return False
-        count += 1
-        ui.progress(_('deleting'), count, total=total, unit=_('files'))
-        isdir = f in deleteddirs or wctx.hasdir(f)
-        if (f in repo.dirstate or isdir or f == '.'
-            or insubrepo() or f in subs):
-            continue
-        if repo.wvfs.exists(f):
-            if repo.wvfs.isdir(f):
-                warnings.append(_('not removing %s: no tracked files\n')
-                        % m.rel(f))
-            else:
-                warnings.append(_('not removing %s: file is untracked\n')
-                        % m.rel(f))
-        # missing files will generate a warning elsewhere
-        ret = 1
-    ui.progress(_('deleting'), None)
-    if force:
-        list = modified + deleted + clean + added
-    elif after:
-        list = deleted
-        remaining = modified + added + clean
-        total = len(remaining)
-        count = 0
-        for f in remaining:
-            count += 1
-            ui.progress(_('skipping'), count, total=total, unit=_('files'))
-            warnings.append(_('not removing %s: file still exists\n')
-                    % m.rel(f))
-            ret = 1
-        ui.progress(_('skipping'), None)
-    else:
-        list = deleted + clean
-        total = len(modified) + len(added)
-        count = 0
-        for f in modified:
-            count += 1
-            ui.progress(_('skipping'), count, total=total, unit=_('files'))
-            warnings.append(_('not removing %s: file is modified (use -f'
-                      ' to force removal)\n') % m.rel(f))
-            ret = 1
-        for f in added:
-            count += 1
-            ui.progress(_('skipping'), count, total=total, unit=_('files'))
-            warnings.append(_("not removing %s: file has been marked for add"
-                      " (use 'hg forget' to undo add)\n") % m.rel(f))
-            ret = 1
-        ui.progress(_('skipping'), None)
-    list = sorted(list)
-    total = len(list)
-    count = 0
-    for f in list:
-        count += 1
-        if ui.verbose or not m.exact(f):
-            ui.progress(_('deleting'), count, total=total, unit=_('files'))
-            ui.status(_('removing %s\n') % m.rel(f))
-    ui.progress(_('deleting'), None)
-    with repo.wlock():
-        if not after:
-            for f in list:
-                if f in added:
-                    continue # we never unlink added files on remove
-                util.unlinkpath(repo.wjoin(f), ignoremissing=True)
-        repo[None].forget(list)
-    if warn:
-        for warning in warnings:
-            ui.warn(warning)
-    return ret
-def cat(ui, repo, ctx, matcher, prefix, **opts):
-    err = 1
-    def write(path):
-        fp = makefileobj(repo, opts.get('output'), ctx.node(),
-                         pathname=os.path.join(prefix, path))
-        data = ctx[path].data()
-        if opts.get('decode'):
-            data = repo.wwritedata(path, data)
-        fp.write(data)
-        fp.close()
-    # Automation often uses hg cat on single files, so special case it
-    # for performance to avoid the cost of parsing the manifest.
-    if len(matcher.files()) == 1 and not matcher.anypats():
-        file = matcher.files()[0]
-        mfl = repo.manifestlog
-        mfnode = ctx.manifestnode()
-        try:
-            if mfnode and mfl[mfnode].find(file)[0]:
-                write(file)
-                return 0
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-    for abs in ctx.walk(matcher):
-        write(abs)
-        err = 0
-    for subpath in sorted(ctx.substate):
-        sub = ctx.sub(subpath)
-        try:
-            submatch = matchmod.subdirmatcher(subpath, matcher)
-            if not sub.cat(submatch, os.path.join(prefix, sub._path),
-                           **opts):
-                err = 0
-        except error.RepoLookupError:
-            ui.status(_("skipping missing subrepository: %s\n")
-                           % os.path.join(prefix, subpath))
-    return err
-def commit(ui, repo, commitfunc, pats, opts):
-    '''commit the specified files or all outstanding changes'''
-    date = opts.get('date')
-    if date:
-        opts['date'] = util.parsedate(date)
-    message = logmessage(ui, opts)
-    matcher = scmutil.match(repo[None], pats, opts)
-    # extract addremove carefully -- this function can be called from a command
-    # that doesn't support addremove
-    if opts.get('addremove'):
-        if scmutil.addremove(repo, matcher, "", opts) != 0:
-            raise error.Abort(
-                _("failed to mark all new/missing files as added/removed"))
-    return commitfunc(ui, repo, message, matcher, opts)
-def samefile(f, ctx1, ctx2):
-    if f in ctx1.manifest():
-        a = ctx1.filectx(f)
-        if f in ctx2.manifest():
-            b = ctx2.filectx(f)
-            return (not a.cmp(b)
-                    and a.flags() == b.flags())
-        else:
-            return False
-    else:
-        return f not in ctx2.manifest()
-def amend(ui, repo, commitfunc, old, extra, pats, opts):
-    # avoid cycle context -> subrepo -> cmdutil
-    from . import context
-    # amend will reuse the existing user if not specified, but the obsolete
-    # marker creation requires that the current user's name is specified.
-    if obsolete.isenabled(repo, obsolete.createmarkersopt):
-        ui.username() # raise exception if username not set
-    ui.note(_('amending changeset %s\n') % old)
-    base = old.p1()
-    createmarkers = obsolete.isenabled(repo, obsolete.createmarkersopt)
-    wlock = lock = newid = None
-    try:
-        wlock = repo.wlock()
-        lock = repo.lock()
-        with repo.transaction('amend') as tr:
-            # See if we got a message from -m or -l, if not, open the editor
-            # with the message of the changeset to amend
-            message = logmessage(ui, opts)
-            # ensure logfile does not conflict with later enforcement of the
-            # message. potential logfile content has been processed by
-            # `logmessage` anyway.
-            opts.pop('logfile')
-            # First, do a regular commit to record all changes in the working
-            # directory (if there are any)
-            ui.callhooks = False
-            activebookmark = repo._bookmarks.active
-            try:
-                repo._bookmarks.active = None
-                opts['message'] = 'temporary amend commit for %s' % old
-                node = commit(ui, repo, commitfunc, pats, opts)
-            finally:
-                repo._bookmarks.active = activebookmark
-                repo._bookmarks.recordchange(tr)
-                ui.callhooks = True
-            ctx = repo[node]
-            # Participating changesets:
-            #
-            # node/ctx o - new (intermediate) commit that contains changes
-            #          |   from working dir to go into amending commit
-            #          |   (or a workingctx if there were no changes)
-            #          |
-            # old      o - changeset to amend
-            #          |
-            # base     o - parent of amending changeset
-            # Update extra dict from amended commit (e.g. to preserve graft
-            # source)
-            extra.update(old.extra())
-            # Also update it from the intermediate commit or from the wctx
-            extra.update(ctx.extra())
-            if len(old.parents()) > 1:
-                # ctx.files() isn't reliable for merges, so fall back to the
-                # slower repo.status() method
-                files = set([fn for st in repo.status(base, old)[:3]
-                             for fn in st])
-            else:
-                files = set(old.files())
-            # Second, we use either the commit we just did, or if there were no
-            # changes the parent of the working directory as the version of the
-            # files in the final amend commit
-            if node:
-                ui.note(_('copying changeset %s to %s\n') % (ctx, base))
-                user = ctx.user()
-                date = ctx.date()
-                # Recompute copies (avoid recording a -> b -> a)
-                copied = copies.pathcopies(base, ctx)
-                if old.p2:
-                    copied.update(copies.pathcopies(old.p2(), ctx))
-                # Prune files which were reverted by the updates: if old
-                # introduced file X and our intermediate commit, node,
-                # renamed that file, then those two files are the same and
-                # we can discard X from our list of files. Likewise if X
-                # was deleted, it's no longer relevant
-                files.update(ctx.files())
-                files = [f for f in files if not samefile(f, ctx, base)]
-                def filectxfn(repo, ctx_, path):
-                    try:
-                        fctx = ctx[path]
-                        flags = fctx.flags()
-                        mctx = context.memfilectx(repo,
-                                                  fctx.path(), fctx.data(),
-                                                  islink='l' in flags,
-                                                  isexec='x' in flags,
-                                                  copied=copied.get(path))
-                        return mctx
-                    except KeyError:
-                        return None
-            else:
-                ui.note(_('copying changeset %s to %s\n') % (old, base))
-                # Use version of files as in the old cset
-                def filectxfn(repo, ctx_, path):
-                    try:
-                        return old.filectx(path)
-                    except KeyError:
-                        return None
-                user = opts.get('user') or old.user()
-                date = opts.get('date') or old.date()
-            editform = mergeeditform(old, 'commit.amend')
-            editor = getcommiteditor(editform=editform, **opts)
-            if not message:
-                editor = getcommiteditor(edit=True, editform=editform)
-                message = old.description()
-            pureextra = extra.copy()
-            extra['amend_source'] = old.hex()
-            new = context.memctx(repo,
-                                 parents=[base.node(), old.p2().node()],
-                                 text=message,
-                                 files=files,
-                                 filectxfn=filectxfn,
-                                 user=user,
-                                 date=date,
-                                 extra=extra,
-                                 editor=editor)
-            newdesc = changelog.stripdesc(new.description())
-            if ((not node)
-                and newdesc == old.description()
-                and user == old.user()
-                and date == old.date()
-                and pureextra == old.extra()):
-                # nothing changed. continuing here would create a new node
-                # anyway because of the amend_source noise.
-                #
-                # This not what we expect from amend.
-                return old.node()
-            ph = repo.ui.config('phases', 'new-commit', phases.draft)
-            try:
-                if opts.get('secret'):
-                    commitphase = 'secret'
-                else:
-                    commitphase = old.phase()
-                repo.ui.setconfig('phases', 'new-commit', commitphase, 'amend')
-                newid = repo.commitctx(new)
-            finally:
-                repo.ui.setconfig('phases', 'new-commit', ph, 'amend')
-            if newid != old.node():
-                # Reroute the working copy parent to the new changeset
-                repo.setparents(newid, nullid)
-                # Move bookmarks from old parent to amend commit
-                bms = repo.nodebookmarks(old.node())
-                if bms:
-                    marks = repo._bookmarks
-                    for bm in bms:
-                        ui.debug('moving bookmarks %r from %s to %s\n' %
-                                 (marks, old.hex(), hex(newid)))
-                        marks[bm] = newid
-                    marks.recordchange(tr)
-                #commit the whole amend process
-                if createmarkers:
-                    # mark the new changeset as successor of the rewritten one
-                    new = repo[newid]
-                    obs = [(old, (new,))]
-                    if node:
-                        obs.append((ctx, ()))
-                    obsolete.createmarkers(repo, obs)
-        if not createmarkers and newid != old.node():
-            # Strip the intermediate commit (if there was one) and the amended
-            # commit
-            if node:
-                ui.note(_('stripping intermediate changeset %s\n') % ctx)
-            ui.note(_('stripping amended changeset %s\n') % old)
-            repair.strip(ui, repo, old.node(), topic='amend-backup')
-    finally:
-        lockmod.release(lock, wlock)
-    return newid
-def commiteditor(repo, ctx, subs, editform=''):
-    if ctx.description():
-        return ctx.description()
-    return commitforceeditor(repo, ctx, subs, editform=editform,
-                             unchangedmessagedetection=True)
-def commitforceeditor(repo, ctx, subs, finishdesc=None, extramsg=None,
-                      editform='', unchangedmessagedetection=False):
-    if not extramsg:
-        extramsg = _("Leave message empty to abort commit.")
-    forms = [e for e in editform.split('.') if e]
-    forms.insert(0, 'changeset')
-    templatetext = None
-    while forms:
-        tmpl = repo.ui.config('committemplate', '.'.join(forms))
-        if tmpl:
-            templatetext = committext = buildcommittemplate(
-                repo, ctx, subs, extramsg, tmpl)
-            break
-        forms.pop()
-    else:
-        committext = buildcommittext(repo, ctx, subs, extramsg)
-    # run editor in the repository root
-    olddir = os.getcwd()
-    os.chdir(repo.root)
-    # make in-memory changes visible to external process
-    tr = repo.currenttransaction()
-    repo.dirstate.write(tr)
-    pending = tr and tr.writepending() and repo.root
-    editortext = repo.ui.edit(committext, ctx.user(), ctx.extra(),
-                        editform=editform, pending=pending)
-    text = re.sub("(?m)^HG:.*(\n|$)", "", editortext)
-    os.chdir(olddir)
-    if finishdesc:
-        text = finishdesc(text)
-    if not text.strip():
-        raise error.Abort(_("empty commit message"))
-    if unchangedmessagedetection and editortext == templatetext:
-        raise error.Abort(_("commit message unchanged"))
-    return text
-def buildcommittemplate(repo, ctx, subs, extramsg, tmpl):
-    ui = repo.ui
-    tmpl, mapfile = gettemplate(ui, tmpl, None)
-    t = changeset_templater(ui, repo, None, {}, tmpl, mapfile, False)
-    for k, v in repo.ui.configitems('committemplate'):
-        if k != 'changeset':
-            t.t.cache[k] = v
-    if not extramsg:
-        extramsg = '' # ensure that extramsg is string
-    ui.pushbuffer()
-    t.show(ctx, extramsg=extramsg)
-    return ui.popbuffer()
-def hgprefix(msg):
-    return "\n".join(["HG: %s" % a for a in msg.split("\n") if a])
-def buildcommittext(repo, ctx, subs, extramsg):
-    edittext = []
-    modified, added, removed = ctx.modified(), ctx.added(), ctx.removed()
-    if ctx.description():
-        edittext.append(ctx.description())
-    edittext.append("")
-    edittext.append("") # Empty line between message and comments.
-    edittext.append(hgprefix(_("Enter commit message."
-                      "  Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.")))
-    edittext.append(hgprefix(extramsg))
-    edittext.append("HG: --")
-    edittext.append(hgprefix(_("user: %s") % ctx.user()))
-    if ctx.p2():
-        edittext.append(hgprefix(_("branch merge")))
-    if ctx.branch():
-        edittext.append(hgprefix(_("branch '%s'") % ctx.branch()))
-    if bookmarks.isactivewdirparent(repo):
-        edittext.append(hgprefix(_("bookmark '%s'") % repo._activebookmark))
-    edittext.extend([hgprefix(_("subrepo %s") % s) for s in subs])
-    edittext.extend([hgprefix(_("added %s") % f) for f in added])
-    edittext.extend([hgprefix(_("changed %s") % f) for f in modified])
-    edittext.extend([hgprefix(_("removed %s") % f) for f in removed])
-    if not added and not modified and not removed:
-        edittext.append(hgprefix(_("no files changed")))
-    edittext.append("")
-    return "\n".join(edittext)
-def commitstatus(repo, node, branch, bheads=None, opts=None):
-    if opts is None:
-        opts = {}
-    ctx = repo[node]
-    parents = ctx.parents()
-    if (not opts.get('amend') and bheads and node not in bheads and not
-        [x for x in parents if x.node() in bheads and x.branch() == branch]):
-        repo.ui.status(_('created new head\n'))
-        # The message is not printed for initial roots. For the other
-        # changesets, it is printed in the following situations:
-        #
-        # Par column: for the 2 parents with ...
-        #   N: null or no parent
-        #   B: parent is on another named branch
-        #   C: parent is a regular non head changeset
-        #   H: parent was a branch head of the current branch
-        # Msg column: whether we print "created new head" message
-        # In the following, it is assumed that there already exists some
-        # initial branch heads of the current branch, otherwise nothing is
-        # printed anyway.
-        #
-        # Par Msg Comment
-        # N N  y  additional topo root
-        #
-        # B N  y  additional branch root
-        # C N  y  additional topo head
-        # H N  n  usual case
-        #
-        # B B  y  weird additional branch root
-        # C B  y  branch merge
-        # H B  n  merge with named branch
-        #
-        # C C  y  additional head from merge
-        # C H  n  merge with a head
-        #
-        # H H  n  head merge: head count decreases
-    if not opts.get('close_branch'):
-        for r in parents:
-            if r.closesbranch() and r.branch() == branch:
-                repo.ui.status(_('reopening closed branch head %d\n') % r)
-    if repo.ui.debugflag:
-        repo.ui.write(_('committed changeset %d:%s\n') % (int(ctx), ctx.hex()))
-    elif repo.ui.verbose:
-        repo.ui.write(_('committed changeset %d:%s\n') % (int(ctx), ctx))
-def postcommitstatus(repo, pats, opts):
-    return repo.status(match=scmutil.match(repo[None], pats, opts))
-def revert(ui, repo, ctx, parents, *pats, **opts):
-    parent, p2 = parents
-    node = ctx.node()
-    mf = ctx.manifest()
-    if node == p2:
-        parent = p2
-    # need all matching names in dirstate and manifest of target rev,
-    # so have to walk both. do not print errors if files exist in one
-    # but not other. in both cases, filesets should be evaluated against
-    # workingctx to get consistent result (issue4497). this means 'set:**'
-    # cannot be used to select missing files from target rev.
-    # `names` is a mapping for all elements in working copy and target revision
-    # The mapping is in the form:
-    #   <asb path in repo> -> (<path from CWD>, <exactly specified by matcher?>)
-    names = {}
-    with repo.wlock():
-        ## filling of the `names` mapping
-        # walk dirstate to fill `names`
-        interactive = opts.get('interactive', False)
-        wctx = repo[None]
-        m = scmutil.match(wctx, pats, opts)
-        # we'll need this later
-        targetsubs = sorted(s for s in wctx.substate if m(s))
-        if not m.always():
-            for abs in repo.walk(matchmod.badmatch(m, lambda x, y: False)):
-                names[abs] = m.rel(abs), m.exact(abs)
-            # walk target manifest to fill `names`
-            def badfn(path, msg):
-                if path in names:
-                    return
-                if path in ctx.substate:
-                    return
-                path_ = path + '/'
-                for f in names:
-                    if f.startswith(path_):
-                        return
-                ui.warn("%s: %s\n" % (m.rel(path), msg))
-            for abs in ctx.walk(matchmod.badmatch(m, badfn)):
-                if abs not in names:
-                    names[abs] = m.rel(abs), m.exact(abs)
-            # Find status of all file in `names`.
-            m = scmutil.matchfiles(repo, names)
-            changes = repo.status(node1=node, match=m,
-                                  unknown=True, ignored=True, clean=True)
-        else:
-            changes = repo.status(node1=node, match=m)
-            for kind in changes:
-                for abs in kind:
-                    names[abs] = m.rel(abs), m.exact(abs)
-            m = scmutil.matchfiles(repo, names)
-        modified = set(changes.modified)
-        added    = set(changes.added)
-        removed  = set(changes.removed)
-        _deleted = set(changes.deleted)
-        unknown  = set(changes.unknown)
-        unknown.update(changes.ignored)
-        clean    = set(changes.clean)
-        modadded = set()
-        # split between files known in target manifest and the others
-        smf = set(mf)
-        # determine the exact nature of the deleted changesets
-        deladded = _deleted - smf
-        deleted = _deleted - deladded
-        # We need to account for the state of the file in the dirstate,
-        # even when we revert against something else than parent. This will
-        # slightly alter the behavior of revert (doing back up or not, delete
-        # or just forget etc).
-        if parent == node:
-            dsmodified = modified
-            dsadded = added
-            dsremoved = removed
-            # store all local modifications, useful later for rename detection
-            localchanges = dsmodified | dsadded
-            modified, added, removed = set(), set(), set()
-        else:
-            changes = repo.status(node1=parent, match=m)
-            dsmodified = set(changes.modified)
-            dsadded    = set(changes.added)
-            dsremoved  = set(changes.removed)
-            # store all local modifications, useful later for rename detection
-            localchanges = dsmodified | dsadded
-            # only take into account for removes between wc and target
-            clean |= dsremoved - removed
-            dsremoved &= removed
-            # distinct between dirstate remove and other
-            removed -= dsremoved
-            modadded = added & dsmodified
-            added -= modadded
-            # tell newly modified apart.
-            dsmodified &= modified
-            dsmodified |= modified & dsadded # dirstate added may need backup
-            modified -= dsmodified
-            # We need to wait for some post-processing to update this set
-            # before making the distinction. The dirstate will be used for
-            # that purpose.
-            dsadded = added
-        # in case of merge, files that are actually added can be reported as
-        # modified, we need to post process the result
-        if p2 != nullid:
-            mergeadd = dsmodified - smf
-            dsadded |= mergeadd
-            dsmodified -= mergeadd
-        # if f is a rename, update `names` to also revert the source
-        cwd = repo.getcwd()
-        for f in localchanges:
-            src = repo.dirstate.copied(f)
-            # XXX should we check for rename down to target node?
-            if src and src not in names and repo.dirstate[src] == 'r':
-                dsremoved.add(src)
-                names[src] = (repo.pathto(src, cwd), True)
-        # distinguish between file to forget and the other
-        added = set()
-        for abs in dsadded:
-            if repo.dirstate[abs] != 'a':
-                added.add(abs)
-        dsadded -= added
-        for abs in deladded:
-            if repo.dirstate[abs] == 'a':
-                dsadded.add(abs)
-        deladded -= dsadded
-        # For files marked as removed, we check if an unknown file is present at
-        # the same path. If a such file exists it may need to be backed up.
-        # Making the distinction at this stage helps have simpler backup
-        # logic.
-        removunk = set()
-        for abs in removed:
-            target = repo.wjoin(abs)
-            if os.path.lexists(target):
-                removunk.add(abs)
-        removed -= removunk
-        dsremovunk = set()
-        for abs in dsremoved:
-            target = repo.wjoin(abs)
-            if os.path.lexists(target):
-                dsremovunk.add(abs)
-        dsremoved -= dsremovunk
-        # action to be actually performed by revert
-        # (<list of file>, message>) tuple
-        actions = {'revert': ([], _('reverting %s\n')),
-                   'add': ([], _('adding %s\n')),
-                   'remove': ([], _('removing %s\n')),
-                   'drop': ([], _('removing %s\n')),
-                   'forget': ([], _('forgetting %s\n')),
-                   'undelete': ([], _('undeleting %s\n')),
-                   'noop': (None, _('no changes needed to %s\n')),
-                   'unknown': (None, _('file not managed: %s\n')),
-                  }
-        # "constant" that convey the backup strategy.
-        # All set to `discard` if `no-backup` is set do avoid checking
-        # no_backup lower in the code.
-        # These values are ordered for comparison purposes
-        backupinteractive = 3 # do backup if interactively modified
-        backup = 2  # unconditionally do backup
-        check = 1   # check if the existing file differs from target
-        discard = 0 # never do backup
-        if opts.get('no_backup'):
-            backupinteractive = backup = check = discard
-        if interactive:
-            dsmodifiedbackup = backupinteractive
-        else:
-            dsmodifiedbackup = backup
-        tobackup = set()
-        backupanddel = actions['remove']
-        if not opts.get('no_backup'):
-            backupanddel = actions['drop']
-        disptable = (
-            # dispatch table:
-            #   file state
-            #   action
-            #   make backup
-            ## Sets that results that will change file on disk
-            # Modified compared to target, no local change
-            (modified,      actions['revert'],   discard),
-            # Modified compared to target, but local file is deleted
-            (deleted,       actions['revert'],   discard),
-            # Modified compared to target, local change
-            (dsmodified,    actions['revert'],   dsmodifiedbackup),
-            # Added since target
-            (added,         actions['remove'],   discard),
-            # Added in working directory
-            (dsadded,       actions['forget'],   discard),
-            # Added since target, have local modification
-            (modadded,      backupanddel,        backup),
-            # Added since target but file is missing in working directory
-            (deladded,      actions['drop'],   discard),
-            # Removed since  target, before working copy parent
-            (removed,       actions['add'],      discard),
-            # Same as `removed` but an unknown file exists at the same path
-            (removunk,      actions['add'],      check),
-            # Removed since targe, marked as such in working copy parent
-            (dsremoved,     actions['undelete'], discard),
-            # Same as `dsremoved` but an unknown file exists at the same path
-            (dsremovunk,    actions['undelete'], check),
-            ## the following sets does not result in any file changes
-            # File with no modification
-            (clean,         actions['noop'],     discard),
-            # Existing file, not tracked anywhere
-            (unknown,       actions['unknown'],  discard),
-            )
-        for abs, (rel, exact) in sorted(names.items()):
-            # target file to be touch on disk (relative to cwd)
-            target = repo.wjoin(abs)
-            # search the entry in the dispatch table.
-            # if the file is in any of these sets, it was touched in the working
-            # directory parent and we are sure it needs to be reverted.
-            for table, (xlist, msg), dobackup in disptable:
-                if abs not in table:
-                    continue
-                if xlist is not None:
-                    xlist.append(abs)
-                    if dobackup:
-                        # If in interactive mode, don't automatically create
-                        # .orig files (issue4793)
-                        if dobackup == backupinteractive:
-                            tobackup.add(abs)
-                        elif (backup <= dobackup or wctx[abs].cmp(ctx[abs])):
-                            bakname = scmutil.origpath(ui, repo, rel)
-                            ui.note(_('saving current version of %s as %s\n') %
-                                    (rel, bakname))
-                            if not opts.get('dry_run'):
-                                if interactive:
-                                    util.copyfile(target, bakname)
-                                else:
-                                    util.rename(target, bakname)
-                    if ui.verbose or not exact:
-                        if not isinstance(msg, basestring):
-                            msg = msg(abs)
-                        ui.status(msg % rel)
-                elif exact:
-                    ui.warn(msg % rel)
-                break
-        if not opts.get('dry_run'):
-            needdata = ('revert', 'add', 'undelete')
-            _revertprefetch(repo, ctx, *[actions[name][0] for name in needdata])
-            _performrevert(repo, parents, ctx, actions, interactive, tobackup)
-        if targetsubs:
-            # Revert the subrepos on the revert list
-            for sub in targetsubs:
-                try:
-                    wctx.sub(sub).revert(ctx.substate[sub], *pats, **opts)
-                except KeyError:
-                    raise error.Abort("subrepository '%s' does not exist in %s!"
-                                      % (sub, short(ctx.node())))
-def _revertprefetch(repo, ctx, *files):
-    """Let extension changing the storage layer prefetch content"""
-    pass
-def _performrevert(repo, parents, ctx, actions, interactive=False,
-                   tobackup=None):
-    """function that actually perform all the actions computed for revert
-    This is an independent function to let extension to plug in and react to
-    the imminent revert.
-    Make sure you have the working directory locked when calling this function.
-    """
-    parent, p2 = parents
-    node = ctx.node()
-    excluded_files = []
-    matcher_opts = {"exclude": excluded_files}
-    def checkout(f):
-        fc = ctx[f]
-        repo.wwrite(f, fc.data(), fc.flags())
-    audit_path = pathutil.pathauditor(repo.root)
-    for f in actions['forget'][0]:
-        if interactive:
-            choice = \
-                repo.ui.promptchoice(
-                    _("forget added file %s (yn)?$$ &Yes $$ &No")
-                    % f)
-            if choice == 0:
-                repo.dirstate.drop(f)
-            else:
-                excluded_files.append(repo.wjoin(f))
-        else:
-            repo.dirstate.drop(f)
-    for f in actions['remove'][0]:
-        audit_path(f)
-        try:
-            util.unlinkpath(repo.wjoin(f))
-        except OSError:
-            pass
-        repo.dirstate.remove(f)
-    for f in actions['drop'][0]:
-        audit_path(f)
-        repo.dirstate.remove(f)
-    normal = None
-    if node == parent:
-        # We're reverting to our parent. If possible, we'd like status
-        # to report the file as clean. We have to use normallookup for
-        # merges to avoid losing information about merged/dirty files.
-        if p2 != nullid:
-            normal = repo.dirstate.normallookup
-        else:
-            normal = repo.dirstate.normal
-    newlyaddedandmodifiedfiles = set()
-    if interactive:
-        # Prompt the user for changes to revert
-        torevert = [repo.wjoin(f) for f in actions['revert'][0]]
-        m = scmutil.match(ctx, torevert, matcher_opts)
-        diffopts = patch.difffeatureopts(repo.ui, whitespace=True)
-        diffopts.nodates = True
-        diffopts.git = True
-        reversehunks = repo.ui.configbool('experimental',
-                                          'revertalternateinteractivemode',
-                                          True)
-        if reversehunks:
-            diff = patch.diff(repo, ctx.node(), None, m, opts=diffopts)
-        else:
-            diff = patch.diff(repo, None, ctx.node(), m, opts=diffopts)
-        originalchunks = patch.parsepatch(diff)
-        operation = 'discard' if node == parent else 'revert'
-        try:
-            chunks, opts = recordfilter(repo.ui, originalchunks,
-                                        operation=operation)
-            if reversehunks:
-                chunks = patch.reversehunks(chunks)
-        except patch.PatchError as err:
-            raise error.Abort(_('error parsing patch: %s') % err)
-        newlyaddedandmodifiedfiles = newandmodified(chunks, originalchunks)
-        if tobackup is None:
-            tobackup = set()
-        # Apply changes
-        fp = stringio()
-        for c in chunks:
-            # Create a backup file only if this hunk should be backed up
-            if ishunk(c) and c.header.filename() in tobackup:
-                abs = c.header.filename()
-                target = repo.wjoin(abs)
-                bakname = scmutil.origpath(repo.ui, repo, m.rel(abs))
-                util.copyfile(target, bakname)
-                tobackup.remove(abs)
-            c.write(fp)
-        dopatch = fp.tell()
-        fp.seek(0)
-        if dopatch:
-            try:
-                patch.internalpatch(repo.ui, repo, fp, 1, eolmode=None)
-            except patch.PatchError as err:
-                raise error.Abort(str(err))
-        del fp
-    else:
-        for f in actions['revert'][0]:
-            checkout(f)
-            if normal:
-                normal(f)
-    for f in actions['add'][0]:
-        # Don't checkout modified files, they are already created by the diff
-        if f not in newlyaddedandmodifiedfiles:
-            checkout(f)
-            repo.dirstate.add(f)
-    normal = repo.dirstate.normallookup
-    if node == parent and p2 == nullid:
-        normal = repo.dirstate.normal
-    for f in actions['undelete'][0]:
-        checkout(f)
-        normal(f)
-    copied = copies.pathcopies(repo[parent], ctx)
-    for f in actions['add'][0] + actions['undelete'][0] + actions['revert'][0]:
-        if f in copied:
-            repo.dirstate.copy(copied[f], f)
-def command(table):
-    """Returns a function object to be used as a decorator for making commands.
-    This function receives a command table as its argument. The table should
-    be a dict.
-    The returned function can be used as a decorator for adding commands
-    to that command table. This function accepts multiple arguments to define
-    a command.
-    The first argument is the command name.
-    The options argument is an iterable of tuples defining command arguments.
-    See ``mercurial.fancyopts.fancyopts()`` for the format of each tuple.
-    The synopsis argument defines a short, one line summary of how to use the
-    command. This shows up in the help output.
-    The norepo argument defines whether the command does not require a
-    local repository. Most commands operate against a repository, thus the
-    default is False.
-    The optionalrepo argument defines whether the command optionally requires
-    a local repository.
-    The inferrepo argument defines whether to try to find a repository from the
-    command line arguments. If True, arguments will be examined for potential
-    repository locations. See ``findrepo()``. If a repository is found, it
-    will be used.
-    """
-    def cmd(name, options=(), synopsis=None, norepo=False, optionalrepo=False,
-            inferrepo=False):
-        def decorator(func):
-            func.norepo = norepo
-            func.optionalrepo = optionalrepo
-            func.inferrepo = inferrepo
-            if synopsis:
-                table[name] = func, list(options), synopsis
-            else:
-                table[name] = func, list(options)
-            return func
-        return decorator
-    return cmd
 def checkunresolved(ms):
     if list(ms.unresolved()):
@@ -3414,117 +20,3 @@ def checkunresolved(ms):
     if ms.mdstate() != 's' or list(ms.driverresolved()):
         raise error.Abort(_('driver-resolved merge conflicts'),
                           hint=_('run "hg resolve --all" to resolve'))
-# a list of (ui, repo, otherpeer, opts, missing) functions called by
-# commands.outgoing.  "missing" is "missing" of the result of
-# "findcommonoutgoing()"
-outgoinghooks = util.hooks()
-# a list of (ui, repo) functions called by commands.summary
-summaryhooks = util.hooks()
-# a list of (ui, repo, opts, changes) functions called by commands.summary.
-# functions should return tuple of booleans below, if 'changes' is None:
-#  (whether-incomings-are-needed, whether-outgoings-are-needed)
-# otherwise, 'changes' is a tuple of tuples below:
-#  - (sourceurl, sourcebranch, sourcepeer, incoming)
-#  - (desturl,   destbranch,   destpeer,   outgoing)
-summaryremotehooks = util.hooks()
-# A list of state files kept by multistep operations like graft.
-# Since graft cannot be aborted, it is considered 'clearable' by update.
-# note: bisect is intentionally excluded
-# (state file, clearable, allowcommit, error, hint)
-unfinishedstates = [
-    ('graftstate', True, False, _('graft in progress'),
-     _("use 'hg graft --continue' or 'hg update' to abort")),
-    ('updatestate', True, False, _('last update was interrupted'),
-     _("use 'hg update' to get a consistent checkout"))
-    ]
-def checkunfinished(repo, commit=False):
-    '''Look for an unfinished multistep operation, like graft, and abort
-    if found. It's probably good to check this right before
-    bailifchanged().
-    '''
-    for f, clearable, allowcommit, msg, hint in unfinishedstates:
-        if commit and allowcommit:
-            continue
-        if repo.vfs.exists(f):
-            raise error.Abort(msg, hint=hint)
-def clearunfinished(repo):
-    '''Check for unfinished operations (as above), and clear the ones
-    that are clearable.
-    '''
-    for f, clearable, allowcommit, msg, hint in unfinishedstates:
-        if not clearable and repo.vfs.exists(f):
-            raise error.Abort(msg, hint=hint)
-    for f, clearable, allowcommit, msg, hint in unfinishedstates:
-        if clearable and repo.vfs.exists(f):
-            util.unlink(repo.join(f))
-afterresolvedstates = [
-    ('graftstate',
-     _('hg graft --continue')),
-    ]
-def howtocontinue(repo):
-    '''Check for an unfinished operation and return the command to finish
-    it.
-    afterresolvedstates tuples define a .hg/{file} and the corresponding
-    command needed to finish it.
-    Returns a (msg, warning) tuple. 'msg' is a string and 'warning' is
-    a boolean.
-    '''
-    contmsg = _("continue: %s")
-    for f, msg in afterresolvedstates:
-        if repo.vfs.exists(f):
-            return contmsg % msg, True
-    workingctx = repo[None]
-    dirty = any(repo.status()) or any(workingctx.sub(s).dirty()
-                                         for s in workingctx.substate)
-    if dirty:
-        return contmsg % _("hg commit"), False
-    return None, None
-def checkafterresolved(repo):
-    '''Inform the user about the next action after completing hg resolve
-    If there's a matching afterresolvedstates, howtocontinue will yield
-    repo.ui.warn as the reporter.
-    Otherwise, it will yield repo.ui.note.
-    '''
-    msg, warning = howtocontinue(repo)
-    if msg is not None:
-        if warning:
-            repo.ui.warn("%s\n" % msg)
-        else:
-            repo.ui.note("%s\n" % msg)
-def wrongtooltocontinue(repo, task):
-    '''Raise an abort suggesting how to properly continue if there is an
-    active task.
-    Uses howtocontinue() to find the active task.
-    If there's no task (repo.ui.note for 'hg commit'), it does not offer
-    a hint.
-    '''
-    after = howtocontinue(repo)
-    hint = None
-    if after[1]:
-        hint = after[0]
-    raise error.Abort(_('no %s in progress') % task, hint=hint)
-class dirstateguard(dirstateguardmod.dirstateguard):
-    def __init__(self, repo, name):
-        dirstateguardmod.dirstateguard.__init__(self, repo, name)
-        repo.ui.deprecwarn(
-            'dirstateguard has moved from cmdutil to dirstateguard',
-            '4.1')