diff --git a/hgext/convert/subversion.py b/hgext/convert/subversion.py
--- a/hgext/convert/subversion.py
+++ b/hgext/convert/subversion.py
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ class svn_source(converter_source):
             self.module += '/' + trunk
             self.head = self.latest(self.module, self.last_changed)
             if not self.head:
-                raise util.Abort(_('no revision found in module %s') 
+                raise util.Abort(_('no revision found in module %s')
                                  % self.module)
         # First head in the list is the module's head
@@ -454,8 +454,8 @@ class svn_source(converter_source):
                 # Here/tags/tag.1 discarded as well as its children.
                 # It happens with tools like cvs2svn. Such tags cannot
                 # be represented in mercurial.
-                addeds = dict((p, e.copyfrom_path) for p, e 
-                              in origpaths.iteritems() 
+                addeds = dict((p, e.copyfrom_path) for p, e
+                              in origpaths.iteritems()
                               if e.action == 'A' and e.copyfrom_path)
                 badroots = set()
                 for destroot in addeds:
diff --git a/mercurial/tags.py b/mercurial/tags.py
--- a/mercurial/tags.py
+++ b/mercurial/tags.py
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ def _readtagcache(ui, repo):
     # have no <tagnode>.  The cache is ordered from tip to oldest (which
     # is part of why <headrev> is there: a quick visual check is all
     # that's required to ensure correct order).
-    # 
+    #
     # This information is enough to let us avoid the most expensive part
     # of finding global tags, which is looking up <tagnode> in the
     # manifest for each head.
@@ -243,9 +243,8 @@ def _readtagcache(ui, repo):
         return (None, None, tags, False)
     if cachefile:
         cachefile.close()               # ignore rest of file
     repoheads = repo.heads()
     # Case 2 (uncommon): empty repo; get out quickly and don't bother
     # writing an empty cache.
     if repoheads == [nullid]:
diff --git a/mercurial/ui.py b/mercurial/ui.py
--- a/mercurial/ui.py
+++ b/mercurial/ui.py
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ class ui(object):
         """Prompt user with msg, read response, and ensure it matches
         one of the provided choices. The index of the choice is returned.
         choices is a sequence of acceptable responses with the format:
-        ('&None', 'E&xec', 'Sym&link') Responses are case insensitive. 
+        ('&None', 'E&xec', 'Sym&link') Responses are case insensitive.
         If ui is not interactive, the default is returned.
         resps = [s[s.index('&')+1].lower() for s in choices]