diff --git a/mercurial/revlog.py b/mercurial/revlog.py
--- a/mercurial/revlog.py
+++ b/mercurial/revlog.py
@@ -1660,7 +1660,7 @@ class revlog(flagutil.flagprocessorsmixi
         sidedata = {}
         if raw:
-            validatehash = self._processflagsraw(rawtext, flags)
+            validatehash = flagutil.processflagsraw(self, rawtext, flags)
             text = rawtext
             r = flagutil.processflagsread(self, rawtext, flags)
diff --git a/mercurial/revlogutils/deltas.py b/mercurial/revlogutils/deltas.py
--- a/mercurial/revlogutils/deltas.py
+++ b/mercurial/revlogutils/deltas.py
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ from .. import (
+from . import (
+    flagutil,
 # maximum <delta-chain-data>/<revision-text-length> ratio
@@ -521,7 +525,7 @@ def _textfromdelta(fh, revlog, baserev, 
         fulltext = mdiff.patch(basetext, delta)
-        validatehash = revlog._processflagsraw(fulltext, flags)
+        validatehash = flagutil.processflagsraw(revlog, fulltext, flags)
         if validatehash:
             revlog.checkhash(fulltext, expectednode, p1=p1, p2=p2)
         if flags & REVIDX_ISCENSORED:
diff --git a/mercurial/revlogutils/flagutil.py b/mercurial/revlogutils/flagutil.py
--- a/mercurial/revlogutils/flagutil.py
+++ b/mercurial/revlogutils/flagutil.py
@@ -94,30 +94,12 @@ class flagprocessorsmixin(object):
         msg = ('_processflag(...) use the specialized variant')
         util.nouideprecwarn(msg, '5.2', stacklevel=2)
         if raw:
-            return text, self._processflagsraw(text, flags)
+            return text, processflagsraw(self, text, flags)
         elif operation == 'read':
             return processflagsread(self, text, flags)
         else: # write operation
             return processflagswrite(self, text, flags)
-    def _processflagsraw(self, text, flags):
-        """Inspect revision data flags to check is the content hash should be
-        validated.
-        ``text`` - the revision data to process
-        ``flags`` - the revision flags
-        This method processes the flags in the order (or reverse order if
-        ``operation`` is 'write') defined by REVIDX_FLAGS_ORDER, applying the
-        flag processors registered for present flags. The order of flags defined
-        in REVIDX_FLAGS_ORDER needs to be stable to allow non-commutativity.
-        Returns a 2-tuple of ``(text, validatehash)`` where ``text`` is the
-        processed text and ``validatehash`` is a bool indicating whether the
-        returned text should be checked for hash integrity.
-        """
-        return _processflagsfunc(self, text, flags, 'raw')[1]
 def processflagswrite(revlog, text, flags, sidedata):
     """Inspect revision data flags and applies write transformations defined
     by registered flag processors.
@@ -157,6 +139,24 @@ def processflagsread(revlog, text, flags
     return _processflagsfunc(revlog, text, flags, 'read')
+def processflagsraw(revlog, text, flags):
+    """Inspect revision data flags to check is the content hash should be
+    validated.
+    ``text`` - the revision data to process
+    ``flags`` - the revision flags
+    This method processes the flags in the order (or reverse order if
+    ``operation`` is 'write') defined by REVIDX_FLAGS_ORDER, applying the
+    flag processors registered for present flags. The order of flags defined
+    in REVIDX_FLAGS_ORDER needs to be stable to allow non-commutativity.
+    Returns a 2-tuple of ``(text, validatehash)`` where ``text`` is the
+    processed text and ``validatehash`` is a bool indicating whether the
+    returned text should be checked for hash integrity.
+    """
+    return _processflagsfunc(revlog, text, flags, 'raw')[1]
 def _processflagsfunc(revlog, text, flags, operation, sidedata=None):
     """internal function to process flag on a revlog
diff --git a/tests/simplestorerepo.py b/tests/simplestorerepo.py
--- a/tests/simplestorerepo.py
+++ b/tests/simplestorerepo.py
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ class filestorage(flagutil.flagprocessor
         rawtext = self._svfs.read(path)
         if raw:
-            validatehash = self._processflagsraw(rawtext, flags)
+            validatehash = flagutil.processflagsraw(self, rawtext, flags)
             text = rawtext
             r = flagutil.processflagsread(self, rawtext, flags)