# HG changeset patch
# User Patrick Mezard <pmezard@gmail.com>
# Date 2010-02-14 18:15:56
# Node ID 2b57eed1be0b3d91aca73a58e3cc960d04addd57
# Parent  b26c4a89a143fb4b19377e6a075dbd84832899d1

Fix test-pull under Windows

diff --git a/tests/test-pull b/tests/test-pull
--- a/tests/test-pull
+++ b/tests/test-pull
@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ cd empty
 hg pull -u ../test
 echo % test file: uri handling
-hg pull -q file://../test-doesnt-exist
+hg pull -q file://../test-doesnt-exist 2>&1 \
+    | sed 's%abort: repository.*/test-doesnt-exist%abort: repository /test-doesnt-exist%'
 hg pull -q file:../test
-hg pull -q file://foobar`pwd`/../test
+# It's tricky to make file:// URLs working on every platforms
+# with regular shell commands.
+URL=`python -c "import os; print 'file://foobar' + ('/' + os.getcwd().replace(os.sep, '/')).replace('//', '/') + '/../test'"`
+hg pull -q $URL