# HG changeset patch
# User Adrian Buehlmann <adrian@cadifra.com>
# Date 2011-04-17 15:55:34
# Node ID ba43aa1e173ca0ba3e77ca5668677364035ad6ac
# Parent  3fc5420016cc553109fa4d6a606ebd7a1556a963

store: add some doctests

diff --git a/mercurial/store.py b/mercurial/store.py
--- a/mercurial/store.py
+++ b/mercurial/store.py
@@ -14,6 +14,14 @@ import os, stat
 # This avoids a collision between a file named foo and a dir named
 # foo.i or foo.d
 def encodedir(path):
+    '''
+    >>> encodedir('data/foo.i')
+    'data/foo.i'
+    >>> encodedir('data/foo.i/bla.i')
+    'data/foo.i.hg/bla.i'
+    >>> encodedir('data/foo.i.hg/bla.i')
+    'data/foo.i.hg.hg/bla.i'
+    '''
     if not path.startswith('data/'):
         return path
     return (path
@@ -22,6 +30,14 @@ def encodedir(path):
             .replace(".d/", ".d.hg/"))
 def decodedir(path):
+    '''
+    >>> decodedir('data/foo.i')
+    'data/foo.i'
+    >>> decodedir('data/foo.i.hg/bla.i')
+    'data/foo.i/bla.i'
+    >>> decodedir('data/foo.i.hg.hg/bla.i')
+    'data/foo.i.hg/bla.i'
+    '''
     if not path.startswith('data/') or ".hg/" not in path:
         return path
     return (path
@@ -30,6 +46,29 @@ def decodedir(path):
             .replace(".hg.hg/", ".hg/"))
 def _buildencodefun():
+    '''
+    >>> enc, dec = _buildencodefun()
+    >>> enc('nothing/special.txt')
+    'nothing/special.txt'
+    >>> dec('nothing/special.txt')
+    'nothing/special.txt'
+    >>> enc('HELLO')
+    '_h_e_l_l_o'
+    >>> dec('_h_e_l_l_o')
+    'HELLO'
+    >>> enc('hello:world?')
+    'hello~3aworld~3f'
+    >>> dec('hello~3aworld~3f')
+    'hello:world?'
+    >>> enc('the\x07quick\xADshot')
+    'the~07quick~adshot'
+    >>> dec('the~07quick~adshot')
+    'the\\x07quick\\xadshot'
+    '''
     e = '_'
     win_reserved = [ord(x) for x in '\\:*?"<>|']
     cmap = dict([(chr(x), chr(x)) for x in xrange(127)])
@@ -58,6 +97,17 @@ def _buildencodefun():
 encodefilename, decodefilename = _buildencodefun()
 def _build_lower_encodefun():
+    '''
+    >>> f = _build_lower_encodefun()
+    >>> f('nothing/special.txt')
+    'nothing/special.txt'
+    >>> f('HELLO')
+    'hello'
+    >>> f('hello:world?')
+    'hello~3aworld~3f'
+    >>> f('the\x07quick\xADshot')
+    'the~07quick~adshot'
+    '''
     win_reserved = [ord(x) for x in '\\:*?"<>|']
     cmap = dict([(chr(x), chr(x)) for x in xrange(127)])
     for x in (range(32) + range(126, 256) + win_reserved):
@@ -72,6 +122,23 @@ lowerencode = _build_lower_encodefun()
     com1 com2 com3 com4 com5 com6 com7 com8 com9
     lpt1 lpt2 lpt3 lpt4 lpt5 lpt6 lpt7 lpt8 lpt9'''.split()
 def _auxencode(path, dotencode):
+    '''
+    Encodes filenames containing names reserved by Windows or which end in
+    period or space. Does not touch other single reserved characters c.
+    Specifically, c in '\\:*?"<>|' or ord(c) <= 31 are *not* encoded here.
+    Additionally encodes space or period at the beginning, if dotencode is
+    True.
+    path is assumed to be all lowercase.
+    >>> _auxencode('.foo/aux.txt/txt.aux/con/prn/nul/foo.', True)
+    '~2efoo/au~78.txt/txt.aux/co~6e/pr~6e/nu~6c/foo~2e'
+    >>> _auxencode('.com1com2/lpt9.lpt4.lpt1/conprn/foo.', False)
+    '.com1com2/lp~749.lpt4.lpt1/conprn/foo~2e'
+    >>> _auxencode('foo. ', True)
+    'foo.~20'
+    >>> _auxencode(' .foo', True)
+    '~20.foo'
+    '''
     res = []
     for n in path.split('/'):
         if n:
diff --git a/tests/test-doctest.py b/tests/test-doctest.py
--- a/tests/test-doctest.py
+++ b/tests/test-doctest.py
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ doctest.testmod(mercurial.dagparser, opt
 import mercurial.match
+import mercurial.store
 import mercurial.url