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manifest.c: new extension code to lazily parse manifests...
Augie Fackler -
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This diff has been collapsed as it changes many lines, (841 lines changed) Show them Hide them
@@ -0,0 +1,841
1 /*
2 * manifest.c - manifest type that does on-demand parsing.
3 *
4 * Copyright 2015, Google Inc.
5 *
6 * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of
7 * the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.
8 */
9 #include <assert.h>
10 #include <string.h>
11 #include <stdlib.h>
13 #include <Python.h>
15 /* VC9 doesn't include bool and lacks stdbool.h based on my searching */
16 #ifdef _MSC_VER
17 #define true 1
18 #define false 0
19 typedef unsigned char bool;
20 #else
21 #include <stdbool.h>
22 #endif
24 #define DEFAULT_LINES 100000
26 typedef struct {
27 char *start;
28 Py_ssize_t len; /* length of line including terminal newline */
29 char hash_suffix;
30 bool from_malloc;
31 bool deleted;
32 } line;
34 typedef struct {
35 PyObject_HEAD
36 PyObject *pydata;
37 line *lines;
38 int numlines; /* number of line entries */
39 int livelines; /* number of non-deleted lines */
40 int maxlines; /* allocated number of lines */
41 bool dirty;
42 } lazymanifest;
44 #define MANIFEST_OOM -1
48 /* defined in parsers.c */
49 PyObject *unhexlify(const char *str, int len);
51 /* get the length of the path for a line */
52 static size_t pathlen(line *l) {
53 return strlen(l->start);
54 }
56 /* get the node value of a single line */
57 static PyObject *nodeof(line *l) {
58 char *s = l->start;
59 ssize_t llen = pathlen(l);
60 PyObject *hash = unhexlify(s + llen + 1, 40);
61 if (!hash) {
62 return NULL;
63 }
64 if (l->hash_suffix != '\0') {
65 char newhash[21];
66 memcpy(newhash, PyString_AsString(hash), 20);
67 Py_DECREF(hash);
68 newhash[20] = l->hash_suffix;
69 hash = PyString_FromStringAndSize(newhash, 21);
70 }
71 return hash;
72 }
74 /* get the node hash and flags of a line as a tuple */
75 static PyObject *hashflags(line *l)
76 {
77 char *s = l->start;
78 size_t plen = pathlen(l);
79 PyObject *hash = nodeof(l);
81 /* 40 for hash, 1 for null byte, 1 for newline */
82 size_t hplen = plen + 42;
83 Py_ssize_t flen = l->len - hplen;
84 PyObject *flags;
85 PyObject *tup;
87 if (!hash)
88 return NULL;
89 flags = PyString_FromStringAndSize(s + hplen - 1, flen);
90 if (!flags) {
91 Py_DECREF(hash);
92 return NULL;
93 }
94 tup = PyTuple_Pack(2, hash, flags);
95 Py_DECREF(flags);
96 Py_DECREF(hash);
97 return tup;
98 }
100 /* if we're about to run out of space in the line index, add more */
101 static bool realloc_if_full(lazymanifest *self)
102 {
103 if (self->numlines == self->maxlines) {
104 self->maxlines *= 2;
105 self->lines = realloc(self->lines, self->maxlines * sizeof(line));
106 }
107 return self->lines;
108 }
110 /*
111 * Find the line boundaries in the manifest that 'data' points to and store
112 * information about each line in 'self'.
113 */
114 static int find_lines(lazymanifest *self, char *data, Py_ssize_t len)
115 {
116 char *prev = NULL;
117 while (len > 0) {
118 line *l;
119 char *next = memchr(data, '\n', len);
120 if (!next) {
122 }
123 next++; /* advance past newline */
124 if (!realloc_if_full(self)) {
125 return MANIFEST_OOM; /* no memory */
126 }
127 if (prev && strcmp(prev, data) > -1) {
128 /* This data isn't sorted, so we have to abort. */
130 }
131 l = self->lines + ((self->numlines)++);
132 l->start = data;
133 l->len = next - data;
134 l->hash_suffix = '\0';
135 l->from_malloc = false;
136 l->deleted = false;
137 len = len - l->len;
138 prev = data;
139 data = next;
140 }
141 self->livelines = self->numlines;
142 return 0;
143 }
145 static int lazymanifest_init(lazymanifest *self, PyObject *args)
146 {
147 char *data;
148 Py_ssize_t len;
149 int err, ret;
150 PyObject *pydata;
151 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "S", &pydata)) {
152 return -1;
153 }
154 err = PyString_AsStringAndSize(pydata, &data, &len);
156 self->dirty = false;
157 if (err == -1)
158 return -1;
159 self->pydata = pydata;
160 Py_INCREF(self->pydata);
162 self->lines = malloc(DEFAULT_LINES * sizeof(line));
163 self->maxlines = DEFAULT_LINES;
164 self->numlines = 0;
165 if (!self->lines)
166 ret = MANIFEST_OOM;
167 else
168 ret = find_lines(self, data, len);
170 switch (ret) {
171 case 0:
172 break;
173 case MANIFEST_OOM:
174 PyErr_NoMemory();
175 break;
177 PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError,
178 "Manifest lines not in sorted order.");
179 break;
181 PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError,
182 "Manifest did not end in a newline.");
183 break;
184 default:
185 PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError,
186 "Unknown problem parsing manifest.");
187 }
188 return ret == 0 ? 0 : -1;
189 }
191 static void lazymanifest_dealloc(lazymanifest *self)
192 {
193 /* free any extra lines we had to allocate */
194 int i;
195 for (i = 0; i < self->numlines; i++) {
196 if (self->lines[i].from_malloc) {
197 free(self->lines[i].start);
198 }
199 }
200 if (self->lines) {
201 free(self->lines);
202 self->lines = NULL;
203 }
204 if (self->pydata) {
205 Py_DECREF(self->pydata);
206 self->pydata = NULL;
207 }
208 PyObject_Del(self);
209 }
211 /* iteration support */
213 typedef struct {
214 PyObject_HEAD lazymanifest *m;
215 Py_ssize_t pos;
216 } lmIter;
218 static void lmiter_dealloc(PyObject *o)
219 {
220 lmIter *self = (lmIter *)o;
221 Py_DECREF(self->m);
222 PyObject_Del(self);
223 }
225 static PyObject *lmiter_iternext(PyObject *o)
226 {
227 size_t pl;
228 line *l;
229 Py_ssize_t consumed;
230 PyObject *ret = NULL, *path = NULL, *hash = NULL, *flags = NULL;
231 lmIter *self = (lmIter *)o;
232 do {
233 self->pos++;
234 if (self->pos >= self->m->numlines) {
235 goto bail;
236 }
237 /* skip over deleted manifest entries */
238 } while (self->m->lines[self->pos].deleted);
239 l = self->m->lines + self->pos;
240 pl = pathlen(l);
241 path = PyString_FromStringAndSize(l->start, pl);
242 hash = nodeof(l);
243 consumed = pl + 41;
244 flags = PyString_FromStringAndSize(l->start + consumed,
245 l->len - consumed - 1);
246 if (!flags) {
247 goto bail;
248 }
249 ret = PyTuple_Pack(3, path, hash, flags);
250 bail:
251 Py_XDECREF(path);
252 Py_XDECREF(hash);
253 Py_XDECREF(flags);
254 return ret;
255 }
257 static PyTypeObject lazymanifestIterator = {
258 PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
259 0, /*ob_size */
260 "parsers.lazymanifest.iterator", /*tp_name */
261 sizeof(lmIter), /*tp_basicsize */
262 0, /*tp_itemsize */
263 lmiter_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc */
264 0, /*tp_print */
265 0, /*tp_getattr */
266 0, /*tp_setattr */
267 0, /*tp_compare */
268 0, /*tp_repr */
269 0, /*tp_as_number */
270 0, /*tp_as_sequence */
271 0, /*tp_as_mapping */
272 0, /*tp_hash */
273 0, /*tp_call */
274 0, /*tp_str */
275 0, /*tp_getattro */
276 0, /*tp_setattro */
277 0, /*tp_as_buffer */
278 /* tp_flags: Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_ITER tells python to
279 use tp_iter and tp_iternext fields. */
281 "Iterator for a lazymanifest.", /* tp_doc */
282 0, /* tp_traverse */
283 0, /* tp_clear */
284 0, /* tp_richcompare */
285 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
286 PyObject_SelfIter, /* tp_iter: __iter__() method */
287 lmiter_iternext, /* tp_iternext: next() method */
288 };
290 static lazymanifest *lazymanifest_copy(lazymanifest *self);
292 static PyObject *lazymanifest_getiter(lazymanifest *self)
293 {
294 lmIter *i = NULL;
295 lazymanifest *t = lazymanifest_copy(self);
296 if (!t) {
297 PyErr_NoMemory();
298 return NULL;
299 }
300 i = PyObject_New(lmIter, &lazymanifestIterator);
301 if (i) {
302 i->m = t;
303 i->pos = -1;
304 } else {
305 Py_DECREF(t);
306 PyErr_NoMemory();
307 }
308 return (PyObject *)i;
309 }
311 /* __getitem__ and __setitem__ support */
313 static Py_ssize_t lazymanifest_size(lazymanifest *self)
314 {
315 return self->livelines;
316 }
318 static int linecmp(const void *left, const void *right)
319 {
320 return strcmp(((const line *)left)->start,
321 ((const line *)right)->start);
322 }
324 static PyObject *lazymanifest_getitem(lazymanifest *self, PyObject *key)
325 {
326 line needle;
327 line *hit;
328 if (!PyString_Check(key)) {
329 PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
330 "getitem: manifest keys must be a string.");
331 return NULL;
332 }
333 needle.start = PyString_AsString(key);
334 hit = bsearch(&needle, self->lines, self->numlines, sizeof(line),
335 &linecmp);
336 if (!hit || hit->deleted) {
337 PyErr_Format(PyExc_KeyError, "No such manifest entry.");
338 return NULL;
339 }
340 return hashflags(hit);
341 }
343 static int lazymanifest_delitem(lazymanifest *self, PyObject *key)
344 {
345 line needle;
346 line *hit;
347 if (!PyString_Check(key)) {
348 PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
349 "delitem: manifest keys must be a string.");
350 return -1;
351 }
352 needle.start = PyString_AsString(key);
353 hit = bsearch(&needle, self->lines, self->numlines, sizeof(line),
354 &linecmp);
355 if (!hit || hit->deleted) {
356 PyErr_Format(PyExc_KeyError,
357 "Tried to delete nonexistent manifest entry.");
358 return -1;
359 }
360 self->dirty = true;
361 hit->deleted = true;
362 self->livelines--;
363 return 0;
364 }
366 static int lazymanifest_setitem(
367 lazymanifest *self, PyObject *key, PyObject *value)
368 {
369 char *path;
370 Py_ssize_t plen;
371 PyObject *pyhash;
372 Py_ssize_t hlen;
373 char *hash;
374 PyObject *pyflags;
375 char *flags;
376 Py_ssize_t flen;
377 size_t dlen;
378 char *dest;
379 int i;
380 line new;
381 line *hit;
382 if (!PyString_Check(key)) {
383 PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
384 "setitem: manifest keys must be a string.");
385 return -1;
386 }
387 if (!value) {
388 return lazymanifest_delitem(self, key);
389 }
390 if (!PyTuple_Check(value) || PyTuple_Size(value) != 2) {
391 PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
392 "Manifest values must be a tuple of (node, flags).");
393 return -1;
394 }
395 if (PyString_AsStringAndSize(key, &path, &plen) == -1) {
396 return -1;
397 }
399 pyhash = PyTuple_GetItem(value, 0);
400 if (!PyString_Check(pyhash)) {
401 PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
402 "node must be a 20-byte string");
403 return -1;
404 }
405 hlen = PyString_Size(pyhash);
406 /* Some parts of the codebase try and set 21 or 22
407 * byte "hash" values in order to perturb things for
408 * status. We have to preserve at least the 21st
409 * byte. Sigh. If there's a 22nd byte, we drop it on
410 * the floor, which works fine.
411 */
412 if (hlen != 20 && hlen != 21 && hlen != 22) {
413 PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
414 "node must be a 20-byte string");
415 return -1;
416 }
417 hash = PyString_AsString(pyhash);
419 pyflags = PyTuple_GetItem(value, 1);
420 if (!PyString_Check(pyflags) || PyString_Size(pyflags) > 1) {
421 PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
422 "flags must a 0 or 1 byte string");
423 return -1;
424 }
425 if (PyString_AsStringAndSize(pyflags, &flags, &flen) == -1) {
426 return -1;
427 }
428 /* one null byte and one newline */
429 dlen = plen + 41 + flen + 1;
430 dest = malloc(dlen);
431 if (!dest) {
432 PyErr_NoMemory();
433 return -1;
434 }
435 memcpy(dest, path, plen + 1);
436 for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
437 sprintf(dest + plen + 1 + (i * 2), "%02hhx", hash[i]);
438 }
439 memcpy(dest + plen + 41, flags, flen);
440 dest[plen + 41 + flen] = '\n';
441 new.start = dest;
442 new.len = dlen;
443 new.hash_suffix = '\0';
444 if (hlen > 20) {
445 new.hash_suffix = hash[20];
446 }
447 new.from_malloc = true; /* is `start` a pointer we allocated? */
448 new.deleted = false; /* is this entry deleted? */
449 hit = bsearch(&new, self->lines, self->numlines,
450 sizeof(line), &linecmp);
451 self->dirty = true;
452 if (hit) {
453 /* updating a line we already had */
454 if (hit->from_malloc) {
455 free(hit->start);
456 }
457 if (hit->deleted) {
458 self->livelines++;
459 }
460 *hit = new;
461 } else {
462 /* new line */
463 if (!realloc_if_full(self)) {
464 PyErr_NoMemory();
465 return -1;
466 }
467 self->lines[self->numlines++] = new;
468 self->livelines++;
469 /* TODO: do a binary search and insert rather than
470 * append and qsort. Also offer a batch-insert
471 * interface, which should be a nice little
472 * performance win.
473 */
474 qsort(self->lines, self->numlines, sizeof(line), &linecmp);
475 }
476 return 0;
477 }
479 static PyMappingMethods lazymanifest_mapping_methods = {
480 (lenfunc)lazymanifest_size, /* mp_length */
481 (binaryfunc)lazymanifest_getitem, /* mp_subscript */
482 (objobjargproc)lazymanifest_setitem, /* mp_ass_subscript */
483 };
485 /* sequence methods (important or __contains__ builds an iterator */
487 static int lazymanifest_contains(lazymanifest *self, PyObject *key)
488 {
489 line needle;
490 line *hit;
491 if (!PyString_Check(key)) {
492 /* Our keys are always strings, so if the contains
493 * check is for a non-string, just return false. */
494 return 0;
495 }
496 needle.start = PyString_AsString(key);
497 hit = bsearch(&needle, self->lines, self->numlines, sizeof(line),
498 &linecmp);
499 if (!hit || hit->deleted) {
500 return 0;
501 }
502 return 1;
503 }
505 static PySequenceMethods lazymanifest_seq_meths = {
506 (lenfunc)lazymanifest_size, /* sq_length */
507 0, /* sq_concat */
508 0, /* sq_repeat */
509 0, /* sq_item */
510 0, /* sq_slice */
511 0, /* sq_ass_item */
512 0, /* sq_ass_slice */
513 (objobjproc)lazymanifest_contains, /* sq_contains */
514 0, /* sq_inplace_concat */
515 0, /* sq_inplace_repeat */
516 };
519 /* Other methods (copy, diff, etc) */
520 static PyTypeObject lazymanifestType;
522 /* If the manifest has changes, build the new manifest text and reindex it. */
523 static int compact(lazymanifest *self) {
524 int i;
525 ssize_t need = 0;
526 char *data;
527 line *src, *dst;
528 PyObject *pydata;
529 if (!self->dirty)
530 return 0;
531 for (i = 0; i < self->numlines; i++) {
532 if (!self->lines[i].deleted) {
533 need += self->lines[i].len;
534 }
535 }
536 pydata = PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL, need);
537 if (!pydata)
538 return -1;
539 data = PyString_AsString(pydata);
540 if (!data) {
541 return -1;
542 }
543 src = self->lines;
544 dst = self->lines;
545 for (i = 0; i < self->numlines; i++, src++) {
546 char *tofree = NULL;
547 if (src->from_malloc) {
548 tofree = src->start;
549 }
550 if (!src->deleted) {
551 memcpy(data, src->start, src->len);
552 *dst = *src;
553 dst->start = data;
554 dst->from_malloc = false;
555 data += dst->len;
556 dst++;
557 }
558 free(tofree);
559 }
560 Py_DECREF(self->pydata);
561 self->pydata = pydata;
562 self->numlines = self->livelines;
563 self->dirty = false;
564 return 0;
565 }
567 static PyObject *lazymanifest_text(lazymanifest *self)
568 {
569 if (compact(self) != 0) {
570 PyErr_NoMemory();
571 return NULL;
572 }
573 Py_INCREF(self->pydata);
574 return self->pydata;
575 }
577 static lazymanifest *lazymanifest_copy(lazymanifest *self)
578 {
579 lazymanifest *copy = NULL;
580 if (compact(self) != 0) {
581 goto nomem;
582 }
583 copy = PyObject_New(lazymanifest, &lazymanifestType);
584 if (!copy) {
585 goto nomem;
586 }
587 copy->numlines = self->numlines;
588 copy->livelines = self->livelines;
589 copy->dirty = false;
590 copy->lines = malloc(self->maxlines *sizeof(line));
591 if (!copy->lines) {
592 goto nomem;
593 }
594 memcpy(copy->lines, self->lines, self->numlines * sizeof(line));
595 copy->maxlines = self->maxlines;
596 copy->pydata = self->pydata;
597 Py_INCREF(copy->pydata);
598 return copy;
599 nomem:
600 PyErr_NoMemory();
601 Py_XDECREF(copy);
602 return NULL;
603 }
605 static lazymanifest *lazymanifest_filtercopy(
606 lazymanifest *self, PyObject *matchfn)
607 {
608 lazymanifest *copy = NULL;
609 int i;
610 if (!PyCallable_Check(matchfn)) {
611 PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "matchfn must be callable");
612 return NULL;
613 }
614 /* compact ourselves first to avoid double-frees later when we
615 * compact tmp so that it doesn't have random pointers to our
616 * underlying from_malloc-data (self->pydata is safe) */
617 if (compact(self) != 0) {
618 goto nomem;
619 }
620 copy = PyObject_New(lazymanifest, &lazymanifestType);
621 copy->dirty = true;
622 copy->lines = malloc(self->maxlines * sizeof(line));
623 if (!copy->lines) {
624 goto nomem;
625 }
626 copy->maxlines = self->maxlines;
627 copy->numlines = 0;
628 copy->pydata = self->pydata;
629 Py_INCREF(self->pydata);
630 for (i = 0; i < self->numlines; i++) {
631 PyObject *arg = PyString_FromString(self->lines[i].start);
632 PyObject *arglist = PyTuple_Pack(1, arg);
633 PyObject *result = PyObject_CallObject(matchfn, arglist);
634 Py_DECREF(arglist);
635 Py_DECREF(arg);
636 /* if the callback raised an exception, just let it
637 * through and give up */
638 if (!result) {
639 free(copy->lines);
640 Py_DECREF(self->pydata);
641 return NULL;
642 }
643 if (PyObject_IsTrue(result)) {
644 assert(!(self->lines[i].from_malloc));
645 copy->lines[copy->numlines++] = self->lines[i];
646 }
647 Py_DECREF(result);
648 }
649 copy->livelines = copy->numlines;
650 return copy;
651 nomem:
652 PyErr_NoMemory();
653 Py_XDECREF(copy);
654 return NULL;
655 }
657 static PyObject *lazymanifest_diff(lazymanifest *self, PyObject *args)
658 {
659 lazymanifest *other;
660 PyObject *pyclean = NULL;
661 bool listclean;
662 PyObject *emptyTup = NULL, *ret = NULL;
663 PyObject *es;
664 int sneedle = 0, oneedle = 0;
665 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!|O", &lazymanifestType, &other, &pyclean)) {
666 return NULL;
667 }
668 listclean = (!pyclean) ? false : PyObject_IsTrue(pyclean);
669 es = PyString_FromString("");
670 if (!es) {
671 goto nomem;
672 }
673 emptyTup = PyTuple_Pack(2, Py_None, es);
674 Py_DECREF(es);
675 if (!emptyTup) {
676 goto nomem;
677 }
678 ret = PyDict_New();
679 if (!ret) {
680 goto nomem;
681 }
682 while (sneedle != self->numlines || oneedle != other->numlines) {
683 line *left = self->lines + sneedle;
684 line *right = other->lines + oneedle;
685 int result;
686 PyObject *key;
687 PyObject *outer;
688 /* If we're looking at a deleted entry and it's not
689 * the end of the manifest, just skip it. */
690 if (left->deleted && sneedle < self->numlines) {
691 sneedle++;
692 continue;
693 }
694 if (right->deleted && oneedle < other->numlines) {
695 oneedle++;
696 continue;
697 }
698 /* if we're at the end of either manifest, then we
699 * know the remaining items are adds so we can skip
700 * the strcmp. */
701 if (sneedle == self->numlines) {
702 result = 1;
703 } else if (oneedle == other->numlines) {
704 result = -1;
705 } else {
706 result = linecmp(left, right);
707 }
708 key = result <= 0 ?
709 PyString_FromString(left->start) :
710 PyString_FromString(right->start);
711 if (!key)
712 goto nomem;
713 if (result < 0) {
714 PyObject *l = hashflags(left);
715 if (!l) {
716 goto nomem;
717 }
718 outer = PyTuple_Pack(2, l, emptyTup);
719 Py_DECREF(l);
720 if (!outer) {
721 goto nomem;
722 }
723 PyDict_SetItem(ret, key, outer);
724 Py_DECREF(outer);
725 sneedle++;
726 } else if (result > 0) {
727 PyObject *r = hashflags(right);
728 if (!r) {
729 goto nomem;
730 }
731 outer = PyTuple_Pack(2, emptyTup, r);
732 Py_DECREF(r);
733 if (!outer) {
734 goto nomem;
735 }
736 PyDict_SetItem(ret, key, outer);
737 Py_DECREF(outer);
738 oneedle++;
739 } else {
740 /* file exists in both manifests */
741 if (left->len != right->len
742 || memcmp(left->start, right->start, left->len)
743 || left->hash_suffix != right->hash_suffix) {
744 PyObject *l = hashflags(left);
745 PyObject *r;
746 if (!l) {
747 goto nomem;
748 }
749 r = hashflags(right);
750 if (!r) {
751 Py_DECREF(l);
752 goto nomem;
753 }
754 outer = PyTuple_Pack(2, l, r);
755 Py_DECREF(l);
756 Py_DECREF(r);
757 if (!outer) {
758 goto nomem;
759 }
760 PyDict_SetItem(ret, key, outer);
761 Py_DECREF(outer);
762 } else if (listclean) {
763 PyDict_SetItem(ret, key, Py_None);
764 }
765 sneedle++;
766 oneedle++;
767 }
768 Py_DECREF(key);
769 }
770 Py_DECREF(emptyTup);
771 return ret;
772 nomem:
773 PyErr_NoMemory();
774 Py_XDECREF(ret);
775 Py_XDECREF(emptyTup);
776 return NULL;
777 }
779 static PyMethodDef lazymanifest_methods[] = {
780 {"copy", (PyCFunction)lazymanifest_copy, METH_NOARGS,
781 "Make a copy of this lazymanifest."},
782 {"filtercopy", (PyCFunction)lazymanifest_filtercopy, METH_O,
783 "Make a copy of this manifest filtered by matchfn."},
784 {"diff", (PyCFunction)lazymanifest_diff, METH_VARARGS,
785 "Compare this lazymanifest to another one."},
786 {"text", (PyCFunction)lazymanifest_text, METH_NOARGS,
787 "Encode this manifest to text."},
788 {NULL},
789 };
791 static PyTypeObject lazymanifestType = {
792 PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL)
793 0, /* ob_size */
794 "parsers.lazymanifest", /* tp_name */
795 sizeof(lazymanifest), /* tp_basicsize */
796 0, /* tp_itemsize */
797 (destructor)lazymanifest_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
798 0, /* tp_print */
799 0, /* tp_getattr */
800 0, /* tp_setattr */
801 0, /* tp_compare */
802 0, /* tp_repr */
803 0, /* tp_as_number */
804 &lazymanifest_seq_meths, /* tp_as_sequence */
805 &lazymanifest_mapping_methods, /* tp_as_mapping */
806 0, /* tp_hash */
807 0, /* tp_call */
808 0, /* tp_str */
809 0, /* tp_getattro */
810 0, /* tp_setattro */
811 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
813 "TODO(augie)", /* tp_doc */
814 0, /* tp_traverse */
815 0, /* tp_clear */
816 0, /* tp_richcompare */
817 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
818 (getiterfunc)lazymanifest_getiter, /* tp_iter */
819 0, /* tp_iternext */
820 lazymanifest_methods, /* tp_methods */
821 0, /* tp_members */
822 0, /* tp_getset */
823 0, /* tp_base */
824 0, /* tp_dict */
825 0, /* tp_descr_get */
826 0, /* tp_descr_set */
827 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
828 (initproc)lazymanifest_init, /* tp_init */
829 0, /* tp_alloc */
830 };
832 void manifest_module_init(PyObject * mod)
833 {
834 lazymanifestType.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
835 if (PyType_Ready(&lazymanifestType) < 0)
836 return;
837 Py_INCREF(&lazymanifestType);
839 PyModule_AddObject(mod, "lazymanifest",
840 (PyObject *)&lazymanifestType);
841 }
@@ -0,0 +1,221
1 import binascii
2 import unittest
3 import itertools
5 import silenttestrunner
7 from mercurial import parsers
9 HASH_1 = '1' * 40
10 HASH_2 = 'f' * 40
11 HASH_3 = '1234567890abcdef0987654321deadbeef0fcafe'
13 'bar/baz/qux.py\0%(hash2)s%(flag2)s\n'
14 'foo\0%(hash1)s%(flag1)s\n'
15 ) % {'hash1': HASH_1,
16 'flag1': '',
17 'hash2': HASH_2,
18 'flag2': 'l',
19 }
23 A_HUGE_MANIFEST = ''.join(sorted(
24 'file%d\0%s%s\n' % (i, h, f) for i, h, f in
25 itertools.izip(xrange(200001),
26 itertools.cycle((HASH_1, HASH_2)),
27 itertools.cycle(('', 'x', 'l')))))
29 class testmanifest(unittest.TestCase):
31 def assertIn(self, thing, container, msg=None):
32 # assertIn new in 2.7, use it if available, otherwise polyfill
33 sup = getattr(unittest.TestCase, 'assertIn', False)
34 if sup:
35 return sup(self, thing, container, msg=msg)
36 if not msg:
37 msg = 'Expected %r in %r' % (thing, container)
38 self.assert_(thing in container, msg)
40 def testEmptyManifest(self):
41 m = parsers.lazymanifest('')
42 self.assertEqual(0, len(m))
43 self.assertEqual([], list(m))
45 def testManifest(self):
46 m = parsers.lazymanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST)
47 want = [
48 ('bar/baz/qux.py', binascii.unhexlify(HASH_2), 'l'),
49 ('foo', binascii.unhexlify(HASH_1), ''),
50 ]
51 self.assertEqual(len(want), len(m))
52 self.assertEqual(want, list(m))
53 self.assertEqual((binascii.unhexlify(HASH_1), ''), m['foo'])
54 self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda : m['wat'])
55 self.assertEqual((binascii.unhexlify(HASH_2), 'l'),
56 m['bar/baz/qux.py'])
58 def testSetItem(self):
59 want = binascii.unhexlify(HASH_1), ''
61 m = parsers.lazymanifest('')
62 m['a'] = want
63 self.assertIn('a', m)
64 self.assertEqual(want, m['a'])
65 self.assertEqual('a\0' + HASH_1 + '\n', m.text())
67 m = parsers.lazymanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST)
68 m['a'] = want
69 self.assertEqual(want, m['a'])
70 self.assertEqual('a\0' + HASH_1 + '\n' + A_SHORT_MANIFEST,
71 m.text())
72 m2 = m.copy()
73 del m
74 del m2 # make sure we don't double free() anything
76 def testCompaction(self):
77 unhex = binascii.unhexlify
78 h1, h2 = unhex(HASH_1), unhex(HASH_2)
79 m = parsers.lazymanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST)
80 m['alpha'] = h1, ''
81 m['beta'] = h2, ''
82 del m['foo']
83 want = 'alpha\0%s\nbar/baz/qux.py\0%sl\nbeta\0%s\n' % (
84 HASH_1, HASH_2, HASH_2)
85 self.assertEqual(want, m.text())
86 self.assertEqual(3, len(m))
87 self.assertEqual((h1, ''), m['alpha'])
88 self.assertEqual((h2, ''), m['beta'])
89 self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda : m['foo'])
90 w = [('alpha', h1, ''), ('bar/baz/qux.py', h2, 'l'), ('beta', h2, '')]
91 self.assertEqual(w, list(m))
93 def testSetGetNodeSuffix(self):
94 clean = parsers.lazymanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST)
95 m = parsers.lazymanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST)
96 h, f = m['foo']
97 want = h + 'a', f
98 # Merge code wants to set 21-byte fake hashes at times
99 m['foo'] = want
100 self.assertEqual(want, m['foo'])
101 self.assertEqual([('bar/baz/qux.py', binascii.unhexlify(HASH_2), 'l'),
102 ('foo', binascii.unhexlify(HASH_1) + 'a', '')],
103 list(m))
104 # Sometimes it even tries a 22-byte fake hash, but we can
105 # return 21 and it'll work out
106 m['foo'] = want[0] + '+', f
107 self.assertEqual(want, m['foo'])
108 # make sure the suffix survives a copy
109 m2 = m.filtercopy(lambda x: x == 'foo')
110 self.assertEqual(want, m2['foo'])
111 self.assertEqual(1, len(m2))
112 self.assertEqual(('foo\0%s\n' % HASH_1), m2.text())
113 m2 = m.copy()
114 self.assertEqual(want, m2['foo'])
115 # suffix with iteration
116 self.assertEqual([('bar/baz/qux.py', binascii.unhexlify(HASH_2), 'l'),
117 ('foo', want[0], '')], list(m))
118 # shows up in diff
119 self.assertEqual({'foo': (want, (h, ''))}, m.diff(clean))
120 self.assertEqual({'foo': ((h, ''), want)}, clean.diff(m))
122 def testFilterCopyException(self):
123 m = parsers.lazymanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST)
124 def filt(path):
125 if path == 'foo':
126 assert False
127 return True
128 self.assertRaises(AssertionError, m.filtercopy, filt)
130 def testRemoveItem(self):
131 m = parsers.lazymanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST)
132 del m['foo']
133 self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda : m['foo'])
134 self.assertEqual(1, len(m))
135 self.assertEqual(1, len(list(m)))
137 def testManifestDiff(self):
138 MISSING = (None, '')
139 addl = 'z-only-in-left\0' + HASH_1 + '\n'
140 addr = 'z-only-in-right\0' + HASH_2 + 'x\n'
141 left = parsers.lazymanifest(
142 A_SHORT_MANIFEST.replace(HASH_1, HASH_3 + 'x') + addl)
143 right = parsers.lazymanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST + addr)
144 want = {
145 'foo': ((binascii.unhexlify(HASH_3), 'x'),
146 (binascii.unhexlify(HASH_1), '')),
147 'z-only-in-left': ((binascii.unhexlify(HASH_1), ''), MISSING),
148 'z-only-in-right': (MISSING, (binascii.unhexlify(HASH_2), 'x')),
149 }
150 self.assertEqual(want, left.diff(right))
152 want = {
153 'bar/baz/qux.py': (MISSING, (binascii.unhexlify(HASH_2), 'l')),
154 'foo': (MISSING, (binascii.unhexlify(HASH_3), 'x')),
155 'z-only-in-left': (MISSING, (binascii.unhexlify(HASH_1), '')),
156 }
157 self.assertEqual(want, parsers.lazymanifest('').diff(left))
159 want = {
160 'bar/baz/qux.py': ((binascii.unhexlify(HASH_2), 'l'), MISSING),
161 'foo': ((binascii.unhexlify(HASH_3), 'x'), MISSING),
162 'z-only-in-left': ((binascii.unhexlify(HASH_1), ''), MISSING),
163 }
164 self.assertEqual(want, left.diff(parsers.lazymanifest('')))
165 copy = right.copy()
166 del copy['z-only-in-right']
167 del right['foo']
168 want = {
169 'foo': (MISSING, (binascii.unhexlify(HASH_1), '')),
170 'z-only-in-right': ((binascii.unhexlify(HASH_2), 'x'), MISSING),
171 }
172 self.assertEqual(want, right.diff(copy))
174 short = parsers.lazymanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST)
175 pruned = short.copy()
176 del pruned['foo']
177 want = {
178 'foo': ((binascii.unhexlify(HASH_1), ''), MISSING),
179 }
180 self.assertEqual(want, short.diff(pruned))
181 want = {
182 'foo': (MISSING, (binascii.unhexlify(HASH_1), '')),
183 }
184 self.assertEqual(want, pruned.diff(short))
185 want = {
186 'bar/baz/qux.py': None,
187 'foo': (MISSING, (binascii.unhexlify(HASH_1), '')),
188 }
189 self.assertEqual(want, pruned.diff(short, True))
191 def testReversedLines(self):
192 backwards = ''.join(
193 l + '\n' for l in reversed(A_SHORT_MANIFEST.split('\n')) if l)
194 try:
195 parsers.lazymanifest(backwards)
196 self.fail('Should have raised ValueError')
197 except ValueError, v:
198 self.assertIn('Manifest lines not in sorted order.', str(v))
200 def testNoTerminalNewline(self):
201 try:
202 parsers.lazymanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST + 'wat')
203 self.fail('Should have raised ValueError')
204 except ValueError, v:
205 self.assertIn('Manifest did not end in a newline.', str(v))
207 def testNoNewLineAtAll(self):
208 try:
209 parsers.lazymanifest('wat')
210 self.fail('Should have raised ValueError')
211 except ValueError, v:
212 self.assertIn('Manifest did not end in a newline.', str(v))
214 def testHugeManifest(self):
215 m = parsers.lazymanifest(A_HUGE_MANIFEST)
216 self.assertEqual(HUGE_MANIFEST_ENTRIES, len(m))
217 self.assertEqual(len(m), len(list(m)))
220 if __name__ == '__main__':
221 silenttestrunner.main(__name__)
@@ -71,7 +71,7 static inline int hexdigit(const char *p
71 71 /*
72 72 * Turn a hex-encoded string into binary.
73 73 */
74 static PyObject *unhexlify(const char *str, int len)
74 PyObject *unhexlify(const char *str, int len)
75 75 {
76 76 PyObject *ret;
77 77 char *d;
@@ -2318,6 +2318,7 static PyMethodDef methods[] = {
2318 2318 };
2319 2319
2320 2320 void dirs_module_init(PyObject *mod);
2321 void manifest_module_init(PyObject *mod);
2321 2322
2322 2323 static void module_init(PyObject *mod)
2323 2324 {
@@ -2332,6 +2333,7 static void module_init(PyObject *mod)
2332 2333 PyModule_AddStringConstant(mod, "versionerrortext", versionerrortext);
2333 2334
2334 2335 dirs_module_init(mod);
2336 manifest_module_init(mod);
2335 2337
2336 2338 indexType.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
2337 2339 if (PyType_Ready(&indexType) < 0 ||
@@ -493,6 +493,7 extmodules = [
493 493 Extension('mercurial.mpatch', ['mercurial/mpatch.c'],
494 494 depends=common_depends),
495 495 Extension('mercurial.parsers', ['mercurial/dirs.c',
496 'mercurial/manifest.c',
496 497 'mercurial/parsers.c',
497 498 'mercurial/pathencode.c'],
498 499 depends=common_depends),
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