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@@ -1,122 +1,124 | |||
1 | 1 | ; Script generated by the Inno Setup Script Wizard. |
3 | 3 | |
4 | 4 | #ifndef VERSION |
5 | 5 | #define FileHandle |
6 | 6 | #define FileLine |
7 | 7 | #define VERSION = "unknown" |
8 | 8 | #if FileHandle = FileOpen(SourcePath + "\..\..\mercurial\") |
9 | 9 | #expr FileLine = FileRead(FileHandle) |
10 | 10 | #expr FileLine = FileRead(FileHandle) |
11 | 11 | #define VERSION = Copy(FileLine, Pos('"', FileLine)+1, Len(FileLine)-Pos('"', FileLine)-1) |
12 | 12 | #endif |
13 | 13 | #if FileHandle |
14 | 14 | #expr FileClose(FileHandle) |
15 | 15 | #endif |
16 | 16 | #pragma message "Detected Version: " + VERSION |
17 | 17 | #endif |
18 | 18 | |
19 | 19 | [Setup] |
20 | 20 | AppCopyright=Copyright 2005-2009 Matt Mackall and others |
21 | 21 | AppName=Mercurial |
22 | 22 | AppVerName=Mercurial {#VERSION} |
23 | 23 | InfoAfterFile=contrib/win32/postinstall.txt |
24 | 24 | LicenseFile=COPYING |
25 | 25 | ShowLanguageDialog=yes |
26 | 26 | AppPublisher=Matt Mackall and others |
27 | 27 | AppPublisherURL= |
28 | 28 | AppSupportURL= |
29 | 29 | AppUpdatesURL= |
30 | 30 | AppID={{4B95A5F1-EF59-4B08-BED8-C891C46121B3} |
31 | 31 | |
32 | 32 | OutputBaseFilename=Mercurial-{#VERSION} |
33 | 33 | DefaultDirName={pf}\Mercurial |
34 | 34 | SourceDir=..\.. |
35 | 35 | VersionInfoDescription=Mercurial distributed SCM (version {#VERSION}) |
36 | 36 | VersionInfoCopyright=Copyright 2005-2009 Matt Mackall and others |
37 | 37 | VersionInfoCompany=Matt Mackall and others |
38 | 38 | InternalCompressLevel=max |
39 | 39 | SolidCompression=true |
40 | 40 | SetupIconFile=contrib\win32\mercurial.ico |
41 | 41 | AllowNoIcons=true |
42 | 42 | DefaultGroupName=Mercurial |
43 | 43 | PrivilegesRequired=none |
44 | 44 | |
45 | 45 | [Files] |
46 | 46 | Source: contrib\mercurial.el; DestDir: {app}/Contrib |
47 | 47 | Source: contrib\vim\*.*; DestDir: {app}/Contrib/Vim |
48 | 48 | Source: contrib\zsh_completion; DestDir: {app}/Contrib |
49 | 49 | Source: contrib\bash_completion; DestDir: {app}/Contrib |
50 | Source: contrib\tcsh_completion; DestDir: {app}/Contrib | |
51 | Source: contrib\; DestDir: {app}/Contrib | |
50 | 52 | Source: contrib\hgk; DestDir: {app}/Contrib; DestName: hgk.tcl |
51 | 53 | Source: contrib\win32\ReadMe.html; DestDir: {app}; Flags: isreadme |
52 | 54 | Source: contrib\mergetools.hgrc; DestDir: {tmp}; |
53 | 55 | Source: contrib\win32\mercurial.ini; DestDir: {app}; DestName: Mercurial.ini; Check: CheckFile; AfterInstall: ConcatenateFiles; |
54 | 56 | Source: contrib\win32\postinstall.txt; DestDir: {app}; DestName: ReleaseNotes.txt |
55 | 57 | Source: dist\hg.exe; DestDir: {app}; AfterInstall: Touch('{app}\hg.exe.local') |
56 | 58 | Source: dist\python*.dll; Destdir: {app}; Flags: skipifsourcedoesntexist |
57 | 59 | Source: dist\; DestDir: {app} |
58 | 60 | Source: dist\mfc*.dll; DestDir: {app}; Flags: skipifsourcedoesntexist |
59 | 61 | Source: dist\msvc*.dll; DestDir: {app}; Flags: skipifsourcedoesntexist |
60 | 62 | Source: dist\Microsoft.VC*.CRT.manifest; DestDir: {app}; Flags: skipifsourcedoesntexist |
61 | 63 | Source: dist\Microsoft.VC*.MFC.manifest; DestDir: {app}; Flags: skipifsourcedoesntexist |
62 | 64 | Source: dist\w9xpopen.exe; DestDir: {app} |
63 | 65 | Source: dist\add_path.exe; DestDir: {app} |
64 | 66 | Source: doc\*.html; DestDir: {app}\Docs |
65 | 67 | Source: doc\style.css; DestDir: {app}\Docs |
66 | 68 | Source: mercurial\help\*.txt; DestDir: {app}\help |
67 | 69 | Source: locale\*.*; DestDir: {app}\locale; Flags: recursesubdirs createallsubdirs |
68 | 70 | Source: mercurial\templates\*.*; DestDir: {app}\Templates; Flags: recursesubdirs createallsubdirs |
69 | 71 | Source: CONTRIBUTORS; DestDir: {app}; DestName: Contributors.txt |
70 | 72 | Source: COPYING; DestDir: {app}; DestName: Copying.txt |
71 | 73 | |
72 | 74 | [INI] |
73 | 75 | Filename: {app}\Mercurial.url; Section: InternetShortcut; Key: URL; String: |
74 | 76 | |
75 | 77 | [UninstallDelete] |
76 | 78 | Type: files; Name: {app}\Mercurial.url |
77 | 79 | |
78 | 80 | [Icons] |
79 | 81 | Name: {group}\Uninstall Mercurial; Filename: {uninstallexe} |
80 | 82 | Name: {group}\Mercurial Command Reference; Filename: {app}\Docs\hg.1.html |
81 | 83 | Name: {group}\Mercurial Configuration Files; Filename: {app}\Docs\hgrc.5.html |
82 | 84 | Name: {group}\Mercurial Ignore Files; Filename: {app}\Docs\hgignore.5.html |
83 | 85 | Name: {group}\Mercurial Web Site; Filename: {app}\Mercurial.url |
84 | 86 | |
85 | 87 | [Run] |
86 | 88 | Filename: "{app}\add_path.exe"; Parameters: "{app}"; Flags: postinstall; Description: "Add the installation path to the search path" |
87 | 89 | |
88 | 90 | [UninstallRun] |
89 | 91 | Filename: "{app}\add_path.exe"; Parameters: "/del {app}" |
90 | 92 | |
91 | 93 | [UninstallDelete] |
92 | 94 | Type: files; Name: "{app}\hg.exe.local" |
93 | 95 | [Code] |
94 | 96 | var |
95 | 97 | WriteFile: Boolean; |
96 | 98 | CheckDone: Boolean; |
97 | 99 | |
98 | 100 | function CheckFile(): Boolean; |
99 | 101 | begin |
100 | 102 | if not CheckDone then begin |
101 | 103 | WriteFile := True; |
102 | 104 | if FileExists(ExpandConstant(CurrentFileName)) then begin |
103 | 105 | WriteFile := MsgBox('' + ExpandConstant(CurrentFileName) + '' #13#13 'The file already exists.' #13#13 'Would you like Setup to overwrite it?', mbConfirmation, MB_YESNO) = idYes; |
104 | 106 | end; |
105 | 107 | CheckDone := True; |
106 | 108 | end; |
107 | 109 | Result := WriteFile; |
108 | 110 | end; |
109 | 111 | |
110 | 112 | procedure ConcatenateFiles(); |
111 | 113 | var |
112 | 114 | MergeConfigs: TArrayOfString; |
113 | 115 | begin |
114 | 116 | if LoadStringsFromFile(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\mergetools.hgrc'),MergeConfigs) then begin |
115 | 117 | SaveStringsToFile(ExpandConstant(CurrentFileName),MergeConfigs,True); |
116 | 118 | end; |
117 | 119 | end; |
118 | 120 | |
119 | 121 | procedure Touch(fn: String); |
120 | 122 | begin |
121 | 123 | SaveStringToFile(ExpandConstant(fn), '', False); |
122 | 124 | end; |
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