#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import absolute_import import getopt import sys import hgdemandimport hgdemandimport.enable() from mercurial.i18n import _ from mercurial import ( error, fancyopts, simplemerge, ui as uimod, util, ) options = [('L', 'label', [], _('labels to use on conflict markers')), ('a', 'text', None, _('treat all files as text')), ('p', 'print', None, _('print results instead of overwriting LOCAL')), ('', 'no-minimal', None, _('no effect (DEPRECATED)')), ('h', 'help', None, _('display help and exit')), ('q', 'quiet', None, _('suppress output'))] usage = _('''simplemerge [OPTS] LOCAL BASE OTHER Simple three-way file merge utility with a minimal feature set. Apply to LOCAL the changes necessary to go from BASE to OTHER. By default, LOCAL is overwritten with the results of this operation. ''') class ParseError(Exception): """Exception raised on errors in parsing the command line.""" def showhelp(): sys.stdout.write(usage) sys.stdout.write('\noptions:\n') out_opts = [] for shortopt, longopt, default, desc in options: out_opts.append(('%2s%s' % (shortopt and '-%s' % shortopt, longopt and ' --%s' % longopt), '%s' % desc)) opts_len = max([len(opt[0]) for opt in out_opts]) for first, second in out_opts: sys.stdout.write(' %-*s %s\n' % (opts_len, first, second)) class filebackedctx(object): """simplemerge requires context-like objects""" def __init__(self, path): self._path = path def decodeddata(self): with open(self._path, "rb") as f: return f.read() def flags(self): return '' def path(self): return self._path def write(self, data, flags): assert not flags with open(self._path, "w") as f: f.write(data) try: for fp in (sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr): util.setbinary(fp) opts = {} try: args = fancyopts.fancyopts(sys.argv[1:], options, opts) except getopt.GetoptError as e: raise ParseError(e) if opts['help']: showhelp() sys.exit(0) if len(args) != 3: raise ParseError(_('wrong number of arguments')) local, base, other = args sys.exit(simplemerge.simplemerge(uimod.ui.load(), filebackedctx(local), filebackedctx(base), filebackedctx(other), filtereddata=True, **opts)) except ParseError as e: sys.stdout.write("%s: %s\n" % (sys.argv[0], e)) showhelp() sys.exit(1) except error.Abort as e: sys.stderr.write("abort: %s\n" % e) sys.exit(255) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(255)