##// END OF EJS Templates
sslutil: print a warning when using TLS 1.0 on legacy Python...
sslutil: print a warning when using TLS 1.0 on legacy Python Mercurial now requires TLS 1.1+ when TLS 1.1+ is supported by the client. Since we made the decision to require TLS 1.1+ when running with modern Python versions, it makes sense to do something for legacy Python versions that only support TLS 1.0. Feature parity would be to prevent TLS 1.0 connections out of the box and require a config option to enable them. However, this is extremely user hostile since Mercurial wouldn't talk to https:// by default in these installations! I can easily see how someone would do something foolish like use "--insecure" instead - and that would be worse than allowing TLS 1.0! This patch takes the compromise position of printing a warning when performing TLS 1.0 connections when running on old Python versions. While this warning is no more annoying than the CA certificate / fingerprint warnings in Mercurial 3.8, we provide a config option to disable the warning because to many people upgrading Python to make the warning go away is not an available recourse (unlike pinning fingerprints is for the CA warning). The warning appears as optional output in a lot of tests.

File last commit:

r28054:8515b813 default
r29561:1a782fab default
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301 lines | 5.7 KiB | text/troff | Tads3Lexer
$ hg init ignorerepo
$ cd ignorerepo
Issue562: .hgignore requires newline at end:
$ touch foo
$ touch bar
$ touch baz
$ cat > makeignore.py <<EOF
> f = open(".hgignore", "w")
> f.write("ignore\n")
> f.write("foo\n")
> # No EOL here
> f.write("bar")
> f.close()
$ python makeignore.py
Should display baz only:
$ hg status
? baz
$ rm foo bar baz .hgignore makeignore.py
$ touch a.o
$ touch a.c
$ touch syntax
$ mkdir dir
$ touch dir/a.o
$ touch dir/b.o
$ touch dir/c.o
$ hg add dir/a.o
$ hg commit -m 0
$ hg add dir/b.o
$ hg status
A dir/b.o
? a.c
? a.o
? dir/c.o
? syntax
$ echo "*.o" > .hgignore
$ hg status
abort: $TESTTMP/ignorerepo/.hgignore: invalid pattern (relre): *.o (glob)
$ echo ".*\.o" > .hgignore
$ hg status
A dir/b.o
? .hgignore
? a.c
? syntax
Ensure that comments work:
$ touch 'foo#bar' 'quux#'
#if no-windows
$ touch 'baz\#wat'
$ cat <<'EOF' >> .hgignore
> # full-line comment
> # whitespace-only comment line
> syntax# pattern, no whitespace, then comment
> a.c # pattern, then whitespace, then comment
> baz\\# # escaped comment character
> foo\#b # escaped comment character
> quux\## escaped comment character at end of name
$ hg status
A dir/b.o
? .hgignore
$ rm 'foo#bar' 'quux#'
#if no-windows
$ rm 'baz\#wat'
Check it does not ignore the current directory '.':
$ echo "^\." > .hgignore
$ hg status
A dir/b.o
? a.c
? a.o
? dir/c.o
? syntax
Test that patterns from ui.ignore options are read:
$ echo > .hgignore
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
> [ui]
> ignore.other = $TESTTMP/ignorerepo/.hg/testhgignore
$ echo "glob:**.o" > .hg/testhgignore
$ hg status
A dir/b.o
? .hgignore
? a.c
? syntax
empty out testhgignore
$ echo > .hg/testhgignore
Test relative ignore path (issue4473):
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
> [ui]
> ignore.relative = .hg/testhgignorerel
$ echo "glob:*.o" > .hg/testhgignorerel
$ cd dir
$ hg status
A dir/b.o
? .hgignore
? a.c
? syntax
$ cd ..
$ echo > .hg/testhgignorerel
$ echo "syntax: glob" > .hgignore
$ echo "re:.*\.o" >> .hgignore
$ hg status
A dir/b.o
? .hgignore
? a.c
? syntax
$ echo "syntax: invalid" > .hgignore
$ hg status
$TESTTMP/ignorerepo/.hgignore: ignoring invalid syntax 'invalid' (glob)
A dir/b.o
? .hgignore
? a.c
? a.o
? dir/c.o
? syntax
$ echo "syntax: glob" > .hgignore
$ echo "*.o" >> .hgignore
$ hg status
A dir/b.o
? .hgignore
? a.c
? syntax
$ echo "relglob:syntax*" > .hgignore
$ hg status
A dir/b.o
? .hgignore
? a.c
? a.o
? dir/c.o
$ echo "relglob:*" > .hgignore
$ hg status
A dir/b.o
$ cd dir
$ hg status .
A b.o
$ hg debugignore
$ hg debugignore b.o
b.o is ignored
(ignore rule in $TESTTMP/ignorerepo/.hgignore, line 1: '*') (glob)
$ cd ..
Check patterns that match only the directory
$ echo "^dir\$" > .hgignore
$ hg status
A dir/b.o
? .hgignore
? a.c
? a.o
? syntax
Check recursive glob pattern matches no directories (dir/**/c.o matches dir/c.o)
$ echo "syntax: glob" > .hgignore
$ echo "dir/**/c.o" >> .hgignore
$ touch dir/c.o
$ mkdir dir/subdir
$ touch dir/subdir/c.o
$ hg status
A dir/b.o
? .hgignore
? a.c
? a.o
? syntax
$ hg debugignore a.c
a.c is not ignored
$ hg debugignore dir/c.o
dir/c.o is ignored
(ignore rule in $TESTTMP/ignorerepo/.hgignore, line 2: 'dir/**/c.o') (glob)
Check using 'include:' in ignore file
$ hg purge --all --config extensions.purge=
$ touch foo.included
$ echo ".*.included" > otherignore
$ hg status -I "include:otherignore"
? foo.included
$ echo "include:otherignore" >> .hgignore
$ hg status
A dir/b.o
? .hgignore
? otherignore
Check recursive uses of 'include:'
$ echo "include:nested/ignore" >> otherignore
$ mkdir nested
$ echo "glob:*ignore" > nested/ignore
$ hg status
A dir/b.o
$ cp otherignore goodignore
$ echo "include:badignore" >> otherignore
$ hg status
skipping unreadable pattern file 'badignore': No such file or directory
A dir/b.o
$ mv goodignore otherignore
Check using 'include:' while in a non-root directory
$ cd ..
$ hg -R ignorerepo status
A dir/b.o
$ cd ignorerepo
Check including subincludes
$ hg revert -q --all
$ hg purge --all --config extensions.purge=
$ echo ".hgignore" > .hgignore
$ mkdir dir1 dir2
$ touch dir1/file1 dir1/file2 dir2/file1 dir2/file2
$ echo "subinclude:dir2/.hgignore" >> .hgignore
$ echo "glob:file*2" > dir2/.hgignore
$ hg status
? dir1/file1
? dir1/file2
? dir2/file1
Check including subincludes with regexs
$ echo "subinclude:dir1/.hgignore" >> .hgignore
$ echo "regexp:f.le1" > dir1/.hgignore
$ hg status
? dir1/file2
? dir2/file1
Check multiple levels of sub-ignores
$ mkdir dir1/subdir
$ touch dir1/subdir/subfile1 dir1/subdir/subfile3 dir1/subdir/subfile4
$ echo "subinclude:subdir/.hgignore" >> dir1/.hgignore
$ echo "glob:subfil*3" >> dir1/subdir/.hgignore
$ hg status
? dir1/file2
? dir1/subdir/subfile4
? dir2/file1
Check include subignore at the same level
$ mv dir1/subdir/.hgignore dir1/.hgignoretwo
$ echo "regexp:f.le1" > dir1/.hgignore
$ echo "subinclude:.hgignoretwo" >> dir1/.hgignore
$ echo "glob:file*2" > dir1/.hgignoretwo
$ hg status | grep file2
$ hg debugignore dir1/file2
dir1/file2 is ignored
(ignore rule in dir2/.hgignore, line 1: 'file*2')
#if windows
Windows paths are accepted on input
$ rm dir1/.hgignore
$ echo "dir1/file*" >> .hgignore
$ hg debugignore "dir1\file2"
dir1\file2 is ignored
(ignore rule in $TESTTMP\ignorerepo\.hgignore, line 4: 'dir1/file*')
$ hg up -qC .