#require test-repo
$ . "$TESTDIR/helpers-testrepo.sh"
$ cd "$TESTDIR"/..
$ testrepohg files 'set:(**.py)' \
> -X hgdemandimport/demandimportpy2.py \
> -X mercurial/thirdparty/cbor \
> | sed 's|\\|/|g' | xargs $PYTHON contrib/check-py3-compat.py
contrib/python-zstandard/setup.py not using absolute_import
contrib/python-zstandard/setup_zstd.py not using absolute_import
contrib/python-zstandard/tests/common.py not using absolute_import
contrib/python-zstandard/tests/test_buffer_util.py not using absolute_import
contrib/python-zstandard/tests/test_compressor.py not using absolute_import
contrib/python-zstandard/tests/test_compressor_fuzzing.py not using absolute_import
contrib/python-zstandard/tests/test_data_structures.py not using absolute_import
contrib/python-zstandard/tests/test_data_structures_fuzzing.py not using absolute_import
contrib/python-zstandard/tests/test_decompressor.py not using absolute_import
contrib/python-zstandard/tests/test_decompressor_fuzzing.py not using absolute_import
contrib/python-zstandard/tests/test_estimate_sizes.py not using absolute_import
contrib/python-zstandard/tests/test_module_attributes.py not using absolute_import
contrib/python-zstandard/tests/test_train_dictionary.py not using absolute_import
setup.py not using absolute_import
#if py3exe
$ testrepohg files 'set:(**.py) - grep(pygments)' \
> -X hgdemandimport/demandimportpy2.py \
> -X hgext/fsmonitor/pywatchman \
> -X mercurial/cffi \
> -X mercurial/thirdparty \
> | sed 's|\\|/|g' | xargs python3 contrib/check-py3-compat.py \
> | sed 's/[0-9][0-9]*)$/*)/'
hgext/convert/transport.py: error importing: <*Error> No module named 'svn.client' (error at transport.py:*) (glob) (?)
hgext/fastannotate/commands.py: error importing: <TypeError> Unicode-objects must be encoded before hashing (error at context.py:*)
hgext/fastannotate/context.py: error importing: <TypeError> Unicode-objects must be encoded before hashing (error at context.py:*)
hgext/fastannotate/formatter.py: error importing: <TypeError> Unicode-objects must be encoded before hashing (error at context.py:*)
hgext/fastannotate/protocol.py: error importing: <TypeError> Unicode-objects must be encoded before hashing (error at context.py:*)
hgext/fastannotate/support.py: error importing: <TypeError> Unicode-objects must be encoded before hashing (error at context.py:*)
hgext/infinitepush/sqlindexapi.py: error importing: <*Error> No module named 'mysql' (error at sqlindexapi.py:*) (glob) (?)
mercurial/scmwindows.py: error importing: <ValueError> _type_ 'v' not supported (error at win32.py:*) (no-windows !)
mercurial/win32.py: error importing: <ValueError> _type_ 'v' not supported (error at win32.py:*) (no-windows !)
mercurial/windows.py: error importing: <ModuleNotFoundError> No module named 'msvcrt' (error at windows.py:*) (no-windows !)
#if py3exe py3pygments
$ testrepohg files 'set:(**.py) and grep(pygments)' | sed 's|\\|/|g' \
> | xargs python3 contrib/check-py3-compat.py \
> | sed 's/[0-9][0-9]*)$/*)/'