thirdparty: vendor cbor2 python library...
thirdparty: vendor cbor2 python library
CBOR stands for Concise Binary Object Representation, which is a data format
which is very compact and extensible.
This patch moves the python library which can serilaize and deserialize python
objects to/from cbor formats. The library is taken from from commit
Unrequired files from the cbor library - docs/, tests/,, setup.cfg,
and tox.ini - have not been vendored.
There is another python library for cbor at which is used in evolve extension and was
imported in initial version of this series. That library though contains C code
and is bit faster, but has known bugs around serializing nested structures, is
unmaintained, raises an Exception object instead of a more dedicated Error type.
So, it's better to use a bug free and actively maintained library.
This library is not yet used and will be used in later commits.
# no-check-commit because we are importing a third library module
Differential Revision: