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/ tests / test-mq-qpush-fail.t
Test that qpush cleans things up if it doesn't complete
$ echo "[extensions]" >> $HGRCPATH
$ echo "mq=" >> $HGRCPATH
$ hg init repo
$ cd repo
$ echo foo > foo
$ hg ci -Am 'add foo'
adding foo
$ touch untracked-file
$ echo 'syntax: glob' > .hgignore
$ echo '.hgignore' >> .hgignore
$ hg qinit
test qpush on empty series
$ hg qpush
no patches in series
$ hg qnew patch1
$ echo >> foo
$ hg qrefresh -m 'patch 1'
$ hg qnew patch2
$ echo bar > bar
$ hg add bar
$ hg qrefresh -m 'patch 2'
$ hg qnew --config 'mq.plain=true' -U bad-patch
$ echo >> foo
$ hg qrefresh
$ hg qpop -a
popping bad-patch
popping patch2
popping patch1
patch queue now empty
$ "$PYTHON" -c 'import sys; getattr(sys.stdout, "buffer", sys.stdout).write(b"\xe9\n")' > message
$ cat .hg/patches/bad-patch >> message
$ mv message .hg/patches/bad-patch
$ cat > $TESTTMP/wrapplayback.py <<EOF
> import os
> from mercurial import extensions, transaction
> def wrapplayback(orig,
> journal, report, opener, vfsmap, entries, backupentries,
> unlink=True, checkambigfiles=None):
> orig(journal, report, opener, vfsmap, entries, backupentries, unlink,
> checkambigfiles)
> # Touching files truncated at "transaction.abort" causes
> # forcible re-loading invalidated filecache properties
> # (including repo.changelog)
> for f, o, _ignore in entries:
> if o or not unlink:
> os.utime(opener.join(f), (0.0, 0.0))
> def extsetup(ui):
> extensions.wrapfunction(transaction, '_playback', wrapplayback)
$ hg qpush -a --config extensions.wrapplayback=$TESTTMP/wrapplayback.py && echo 'qpush succeeded?!'
applying patch1
applying patch2
applying bad-patch
transaction abort!
rollback completed
cleaning up working directory...
reverting foo
abort: decoding near '\xe9': 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe9 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)! (esc)
$ hg parents
changeset: 0:bbd179dfa0a7
tag: tip
user: test
date: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
summary: add foo
test corrupt status file
$ hg qpush
applying patch1
now at: patch1
$ cp .hg/patches/status .hg/patches/status.orig
$ hg qpop
popping patch1
patch queue now empty
$ cp .hg/patches/status.orig .hg/patches/status
$ hg qpush
abort: working directory revision is not qtip
$ rm .hg/patches/status .hg/patches/status.orig
bar should be gone; other unknown/ignored files should still be around
$ hg status -A
? untracked-file
I .hgignore
C foo
preparing qpush of a missing patch
$ hg qpop -a
no patches applied
$ hg qpush
applying patch1
now at: patch1
$ rm .hg/patches/patch2
now we expect the push to fail, but it should NOT complain about patch1
$ hg qpush
applying patch2
unable to read patch2
now at: patch1
preparing qpush of missing patch with no patch applied
$ hg qpop -a
popping patch1
patch queue now empty
$ rm .hg/patches/patch1
qpush should fail the same way as below
$ hg qpush
applying patch1
unable to read patch1
Test qpush to a patch below the currently applied patch.
$ hg qq -c guardedseriesorder
$ hg qnew a
$ hg qguard +block
$ hg qnew b
$ hg qnew c
$ hg qpop -a
popping c
popping b
popping a
patch queue now empty
try to push and pop while a is guarded
$ hg qpush a
cannot push 'a' - guarded by '+block'
$ hg qpush -a
applying b
patch b is empty
applying c
patch c is empty
now at: c
now try it when a is unguarded, and we're at the top of the queue
$ hg qapplied -v
0 G a
1 A b
2 A c
$ hg qsel block
$ hg qpush b
abort: cannot push to a previous patch: b
$ hg qpush a
abort: cannot push to a previous patch: a
and now we try it one more time with a unguarded, while we're not at the top of the queue
$ hg qpop b
popping c
now at: b
$ hg qpush a
abort: cannot push to a previous patch: a
test qpop --force and backup files
$ hg qpop -a
popping b
patch queue now empty
$ hg qq --create force
$ echo a > a
$ echo b > b
$ echo c > c
$ hg ci -Am add a b c
$ echo a >> a
$ hg rm b
$ hg rm c
$ hg qnew p1
$ echo a >> a
$ echo bb > b
$ hg add b
$ echo cc > c
$ hg add c
$ hg qpop --force --verbose
saving current version of a as a.orig
saving current version of b as b.orig
saving current version of c as c.orig
popping p1
patch queue now empty
$ hg st
? a.orig
? b.orig
? c.orig
? untracked-file
$ cat a.orig
$ cat b.orig
$ cat c.orig
test qpop --force --no-backup
$ hg qpush
applying p1
now at: p1
$ rm a.orig
$ echo a >> a
$ hg qpop --force --no-backup --verbose
popping p1
patch queue now empty
$ test -f a.orig && echo 'error: backup with --no-backup'
test qpop --keep-changes
$ hg qpush
applying p1
now at: p1
$ hg qpop --keep-changes --force
abort: cannot use both --force and --keep-changes
$ echo a >> a
$ hg qpop --keep-changes
abort: local changes found, qrefresh first
$ hg revert -qa a
$ rm a
$ hg qpop --keep-changes
abort: local changes found, qrefresh first
$ hg rm -A a
$ hg qpop --keep-changes
abort: local changes found, qrefresh first
$ hg revert -qa a
$ echo b > b
$ hg add b
$ hg qpop --keep-changes
abort: local changes found, qrefresh first
$ hg forget b
$ echo d > d
$ hg add d
$ hg qpop --keep-changes
popping p1
patch queue now empty
$ hg forget d
$ rm d
test qpush --force and backup files
$ echo a >> a
$ hg qnew p2
$ echo b >> b
$ echo d > d
$ echo e > e
$ hg add d e
$ hg rm c
$ hg qnew p3
$ hg qpop -a
popping p3
popping p2
patch queue now empty
$ echo a >> a
$ echo b1 >> b
$ echo d1 > d
$ hg add d
$ echo e1 > e
$ hg qpush -a --force --verbose
applying p2
saving current version of a as a.orig
patching file a
committing files:
committing manifest
committing changelog
applying p3
saving current version of b as b.orig
saving current version of d as d.orig
patching file b
patching file c
patching file d
file d already exists
1 out of 1 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file d.rej
patching file e
file e already exists
1 out of 1 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file e.rej
patch failed to apply
committing files:
committing manifest
committing changelog
patch failed, rejects left in working directory
errors during apply, please fix and qrefresh p3
$ cat a.orig
$ cat b.orig
$ cat d.orig
test qpush --force --no-backup
$ hg revert -qa
$ hg qpop -a
popping p3
popping p2
patch queue now empty
$ echo a >> a
$ rm a.orig
$ hg qpush --force --no-backup --verbose
applying p2
patching file a
committing files:
committing manifest
committing changelog
now at: p2
$ test -f a.orig && echo 'error: backup with --no-backup'
test qgoto --force --no-backup
$ hg qpop
popping p2
patch queue now empty
$ echo a >> a
$ hg qgoto --force --no-backup p2 --verbose
applying p2
patching file a
committing files:
committing manifest
committing changelog
now at: p2
$ test -f a.orig && echo 'error: backup with --no-backup'
test qpush --keep-changes
$ hg qpush --keep-changes --force
abort: cannot use both --force and --keep-changes
$ hg qpush --keep-changes --exact
abort: cannot use --exact and --keep-changes together
$ echo b >> b
$ hg qpush --keep-changes
applying p3
abort: conflicting local changes found
(did you forget to qrefresh?)
$ rm b
$ hg qpush --keep-changes
applying p3
abort: conflicting local changes found
(did you forget to qrefresh?)
$ hg rm -A b
$ hg qpush --keep-changes
applying p3
abort: conflicting local changes found
(did you forget to qrefresh?)
$ hg revert -aq b
$ echo d > d
$ hg add d
$ hg qpush --keep-changes
applying p3
abort: conflicting local changes found
(did you forget to qrefresh?)
$ hg forget d
$ rm d
$ hg qpop
popping p2
patch queue now empty
$ echo b >> b
$ hg qpush -a --keep-changes
applying p2
applying p3
abort: conflicting local changes found
(did you forget to qrefresh?)
$ hg qtop
$ hg parents --template "{rev} {desc}\n"
2 imported patch p2
$ hg st b
M b
$ cat b
test qgoto --keep-changes
$ hg revert -aq b
$ rm e
$ hg qgoto --keep-changes --force p3
abort: cannot use both --force and --keep-changes
$ echo a >> a
$ hg qgoto --keep-changes p3
applying p3
now at: p3
$ hg st a
M a
$ hg qgoto --keep-changes p2
popping p3
now at: p2
$ hg st a
M a
test mq.keepchanges setting
$ hg --config mq.keepchanges=1 qpush
applying p3
now at: p3
$ hg st a
M a
$ hg --config mq.keepchanges=1 qpop
popping p3
now at: p2
$ hg st a
M a
$ hg --config mq.keepchanges=1 qgoto p3
applying p3
now at: p3
$ hg st a
M a
$ echo b >> b
$ hg --config mq.keepchanges=1 qpop --force --config 'ui.origbackuppath=.hg/origbackups'
popping p3
now at: p2
$ hg st b
$ hg --config mq.keepchanges=1 qpush --exact
abort: local changes found, qrefresh first
$ hg revert -qa a
$ hg qpop
popping p2
patch queue now empty
$ echo a >> a
$ hg --config mq.keepchanges=1 qpush --force
applying p2
now at: p2
$ hg st a
test previous qpop (with --force and --config) saved .orig files to where user
wants them
$ ls .hg/origbackups
$ rm -rf .hg/origbackups
$ cd ..