##// END OF EJS Templates
rebase: do not invent successor to skipped changeset...
rebase: do not invent successor to skipped changeset When rebase results in an empty a changeset it is "skipped" and no related changeset is created at all. When we added obsolescence support to rebase (in fc2a6114f0a0) it seemed a good idea to use its parent successor as the successors for such dropped changesets. (see old version of the altered test). This option was chosen because it seems a good way to hint about were the dropped changeset "intended" to be. Such hint would have been used by automatic evolution mechanism to rebase potential unstable children. However, field testing of this version are not conclusive. It very often leads to the creation of (totally unfounded) evolution divergence. This changeset changes this behavior and mark skipped changesets as pruned (obsolete without successors). This prevents the issue and seems semantically better probably a win for obsolescence reading tool. See example bellow for details: User Babar has five changesets of interest: - O, its current base of development. - U, the new upstream - A and C, some development changesets - B another development changeset independent from A O - A - B - C \ U Babar decides that B is more critical than the A and C and rebase it first $ hg rebase --rev B --dest U B is now obsolete (in lower case bellow). Rebase result, B', is its successors.(note, C is unstable) O - A - b - C \ U - B' Babar is now done with B', and want to rebase the rest of its history: $ hg rebase --source A --dest B' hg rebase process A, B and C. B is skipped as all its changes are already contained in B'. O - U - B' - A' - C' Babar have the expected result graph wise, obsolescence marker are as follow: B -> B' (from first rebase) A -> A' (from second rebase) C -> C' (from second rebase) B -> ?? (from second rebase) Before this changeset, the last marker is `B -> A'`. This cause two issues: - This is semantically wrong. B have nothing to do with A' - B has now two successors sets: (B',) and (A',). We detect a divergent rewriting. The B' and A' are reported as "divergent" to Babar, confusion ensues. In addition such divergent situation (divergent changeset are children to each other) is tricky to solve. With this changeset the last marker is `B -> ΓΈ`: - This is semantically better. - B has a single successors set (B',) This scenario is added to the tests suite.

File last commit:

r18258:bebb05a7 default
r18444:55aff0c2 default
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459 lines | 17.5 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
# hgweb/hgwebdir_mod.py - Web interface for a directory of repositories.
# Copyright 21 May 2005 - (c) 2005 Jake Edge <jake@edge2.net>
# Copyright 2005, 2006 Matt Mackall <mpm@selenic.com>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
import os, re, time
from mercurial.i18n import _
from mercurial import ui, hg, scmutil, util, templater
from mercurial import error, encoding
from common import ErrorResponse, get_mtime, staticfile, paritygen, \
from hgweb_mod import hgweb, makebreadcrumb
from request import wsgirequest
import webutil
def cleannames(items):
return [(util.pconvert(name).strip('/'), path) for name, path in items]
def findrepos(paths):
repos = []
for prefix, root in cleannames(paths):
roothead, roottail = os.path.split(root)
# "foo = /bar/*" or "foo = /bar/**" lets every repo /bar/N in or below
# /bar/ be served as as foo/N .
# '*' will not search inside dirs with .hg (except .hg/patches),
# '**' will search inside dirs with .hg (and thus also find subrepos).
recurse = {'*': False, '**': True}[roottail]
except KeyError:
repos.append((prefix, root))
roothead = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(roothead))
paths = scmutil.walkrepos(roothead, followsym=True, recurse=recurse)
repos.extend(urlrepos(prefix, roothead, paths))
return repos
def urlrepos(prefix, roothead, paths):
"""yield url paths and filesystem paths from a list of repo paths
>>> conv = lambda seq: [(v, util.pconvert(p)) for v,p in seq]
>>> conv(urlrepos('hg', '/opt', ['/opt/r', '/opt/r/r', '/opt']))
[('hg/r', '/opt/r'), ('hg/r/r', '/opt/r/r'), ('hg', '/opt')]
>>> conv(urlrepos('', '/opt', ['/opt/r', '/opt/r/r', '/opt']))
[('r', '/opt/r'), ('r/r', '/opt/r/r'), ('', '/opt')]
for path in paths:
path = os.path.normpath(path)
yield (prefix + '/' +
util.pconvert(path[len(roothead):]).lstrip('/')).strip('/'), path
def geturlcgivars(baseurl, port):
Extract CGI variables from baseurl
>>> geturlcgivars("http://host.org/base", "80")
('host.org', '80', '/base')
>>> geturlcgivars("http://host.org:8000/base", "80")
('host.org', '8000', '/base')
>>> geturlcgivars('/base', 8000)
('', '8000', '/base')
>>> geturlcgivars("base", '8000')
('', '8000', '/base')
>>> geturlcgivars("http://host", '8000')
('host', '8000', '/')
>>> geturlcgivars("http://host/", '8000')
('host', '8000', '/')
u = util.url(baseurl)
name = u.host or ''
if u.port:
port = u.port
path = u.path or ""
if not path.startswith('/'):
path = '/' + path
return name, str(port), path
class hgwebdir(object):
refreshinterval = 20
def __init__(self, conf, baseui=None):
self.conf = conf
self.baseui = baseui
self.lastrefresh = 0
self.motd = None
def refresh(self):
if self.lastrefresh + self.refreshinterval > time.time():
if self.baseui:
u = self.baseui.copy()
u = ui.ui()
u.setconfig('ui', 'report_untrusted', 'off')
u.setconfig('ui', 'nontty', 'true')
if not isinstance(self.conf, (dict, list, tuple)):
map = {'paths': 'hgweb-paths'}
if not os.path.exists(self.conf):
raise util.Abort(_('config file %s not found!') % self.conf)
u.readconfig(self.conf, remap=map, trust=True)
paths = []
for name, ignored in u.configitems('hgweb-paths'):
for path in u.configlist('hgweb-paths', name):
paths.append((name, path))
elif isinstance(self.conf, (list, tuple)):
paths = self.conf
elif isinstance(self.conf, dict):
paths = self.conf.items()
repos = findrepos(paths)
for prefix, root in u.configitems('collections'):
prefix = util.pconvert(prefix)
for path in scmutil.walkrepos(root, followsym=True):
repo = os.path.normpath(path)
name = util.pconvert(repo)
if name.startswith(prefix):
name = name[len(prefix):]
repos.append((name.lstrip('/'), repo))
self.repos = repos
self.ui = u
encoding.encoding = self.ui.config('web', 'encoding',
self.style = self.ui.config('web', 'style', 'paper')
self.templatepath = self.ui.config('web', 'templates', None)
self.stripecount = self.ui.config('web', 'stripes', 1)
if self.stripecount:
self.stripecount = int(self.stripecount)
self._baseurl = self.ui.config('web', 'baseurl')
self.lastrefresh = time.time()
def run(self):
if not os.environ.get('GATEWAY_INTERFACE', '').startswith("CGI/1."):
raise RuntimeError("This function is only intended to be "
"called while running as a CGI script.")
import mercurial.hgweb.wsgicgi as wsgicgi
def __call__(self, env, respond):
req = wsgirequest(env, respond)
return self.run_wsgi(req)
def read_allowed(self, ui, req):
"""Check allow_read and deny_read config options of a repo's ui object
to determine user permissions. By default, with neither option set (or
both empty), allow all users to read the repo. There are two ways a
user can be denied read access: (1) deny_read is not empty, and the
user is unauthenticated or deny_read contains user (or *), and (2)
allow_read is not empty and the user is not in allow_read. Return True
if user is allowed to read the repo, else return False."""
user = req.env.get('REMOTE_USER')
deny_read = ui.configlist('web', 'deny_read', untrusted=True)
if deny_read and (not user or deny_read == ['*'] or user in deny_read):
return False
allow_read = ui.configlist('web', 'allow_read', untrusted=True)
# by default, allow reading if no allow_read option has been set
if (not allow_read) or (allow_read == ['*']) or (user in allow_read):
return True
return False
def run_wsgi(self, req):
virtual = req.env.get("PATH_INFO", "").strip('/')
tmpl = self.templater(req)
ctype = tmpl('mimetype', encoding=encoding.encoding)
ctype = templater.stringify(ctype)
# a static file
if virtual.startswith('static/') or 'static' in req.form:
if virtual.startswith('static/'):
fname = virtual[7:]
fname = req.form['static'][0]
static = self.ui.config("web", "static", None,
if not static:
tp = self.templatepath or templater.templatepath()
if isinstance(tp, str):
tp = [tp]
static = [os.path.join(p, 'static') for p in tp]
return (staticfile(static, fname, req),)
# top-level index
elif not virtual:
req.respond(HTTP_OK, ctype)
return self.makeindex(req, tmpl)
# nested indexes and hgwebs
repos = dict(self.repos)
virtualrepo = virtual
while virtualrepo:
real = repos.get(virtualrepo)
if real:
req.env['REPO_NAME'] = virtualrepo
repo = hg.repository(self.ui, real)
return hgweb(repo).run_wsgi(req)
except IOError, inst:
msg = inst.strerror
raise ErrorResponse(HTTP_SERVER_ERROR, msg)
except error.RepoError, inst:
raise ErrorResponse(HTTP_SERVER_ERROR, str(inst))
up = virtualrepo.rfind('/')
if up < 0:
virtualrepo = virtualrepo[:up]
# browse subdirectories
subdir = virtual + '/'
if [r for r in repos if r.startswith(subdir)]:
req.respond(HTTP_OK, ctype)
return self.makeindex(req, tmpl, subdir)
# prefixes not found
req.respond(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, ctype)
return tmpl("notfound", repo=virtual)
except ErrorResponse, err:
req.respond(err, ctype)
return tmpl('error', error=err.message or '')
tmpl = None
def makeindex(self, req, tmpl, subdir=""):
def archivelist(ui, nodeid, url):
allowed = ui.configlist("web", "allow_archive", untrusted=True)
archives = []
for i in [('zip', '.zip'), ('gz', '.tar.gz'), ('bz2', '.tar.bz2')]:
if i[0] in allowed or ui.configbool("web", "allow" + i[0],
archives.append({"type" : i[0], "extension": i[1],
"node": nodeid, "url": url})
return archives
def rawentries(subdir="", **map):
descend = self.ui.configbool('web', 'descend', True)
collapse = self.ui.configbool('web', 'collapse', False)
seenrepos = set()
seendirs = set()
for name, path in self.repos:
if not name.startswith(subdir):
name = name[len(subdir):]
directory = False
if '/' in name:
if not descend:
nameparts = name.split('/')
rootname = nameparts[0]
if not collapse:
elif rootname in seendirs:
elif rootname in seenrepos:
directory = True
name = rootname
# redefine the path to refer to the directory
discarded = '/'.join(nameparts[1:])
# remove name parts plus accompanying slash
path = path[:-len(discarded) - 1]
parts = [name]
if 'PATH_INFO' in req.env:
parts.insert(0, req.env['PATH_INFO'].rstrip('/'))
if req.env['SCRIPT_NAME']:
parts.insert(0, req.env['SCRIPT_NAME'])
url = re.sub(r'/+', '/', '/'.join(parts) + '/')
# show either a directory entry or a repository
if directory:
# get the directory's time information
d = (get_mtime(path), util.makedate()[1])
except OSError:
# add '/' to the name to make it obvious that
# the entry is a directory, not a regular repository
row = dict(contact="",
name=name + '/',
yield row
u = self.ui.copy()
u.readconfig(os.path.join(path, '.hg', 'hgrc'))
except Exception, e:
u.warn(_('error reading %s/.hg/hgrc: %s\n') % (path, e))
def get(section, name, default=None):
return u.config(section, name, default, untrusted=True)
if u.configbool("web", "hidden", untrusted=True):
if not self.read_allowed(u, req):
# update time with local timezone
r = hg.repository(self.ui, path)
except IOError:
u.warn(_('error accessing repository at %s\n') % path)
except error.RepoError:
u.warn(_('error accessing repository at %s\n') % path)
d = (get_mtime(r.spath), util.makedate()[1])
except OSError:
contact = get_contact(get)
description = get("web", "description", "")
name = get("web", "name", name)
row = dict(contact=contact or "unknown",
contact_sort=contact.upper() or "unknown",
description=description or "unknown",
description_sort=description.upper() or "unknown",
archives=archivelist(u, "tip", url))
yield row
sortdefault = None, False
def entries(sortcolumn="", descending=False, subdir="", **map):
rows = rawentries(subdir=subdir, **map)
if sortcolumn and sortdefault != (sortcolumn, descending):
sortkey = '%s_sort' % sortcolumn
rows = sorted(rows, key=lambda x: x[sortkey],
for row, parity in zip(rows, paritygen(self.stripecount)):
row['parity'] = parity
yield row
sortable = ["name", "description", "contact", "lastchange"]
sortcolumn, descending = sortdefault
if 'sort' in req.form:
sortcolumn = req.form['sort'][0]
descending = sortcolumn.startswith('-')
if descending:
sortcolumn = sortcolumn[1:]
if sortcolumn not in sortable:
sortcolumn = ""
sort = [("sort_%s" % column,
"%s%s" % ((not descending and column == sortcolumn)
and "-" or "", column))
for column in sortable]
return tmpl("index", entries=entries, subdir=subdir,
pathdef=makebreadcrumb('/' + subdir),
sortcolumn=sortcolumn, descending=descending,
def templater(self, req):
def header(**map):
yield tmpl('header', encoding=encoding.encoding, **map)
def footer(**map):
yield tmpl("footer", **map)
def motd(**map):
if self.motd is not None:
yield self.motd
yield config('web', 'motd', '')
def config(section, name, default=None, untrusted=True):
return self.ui.config(section, name, default, untrusted)
url = req.env.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '')
if not url.endswith('/'):
url += '/'
vars = {}
styles = (
req.form.get('style', [None])[0],
config('web', 'style'),
style, mapfile = templater.stylemap(styles, self.templatepath)
if style == styles[0]:
vars['style'] = style
start = url[-1] == '?' and '&' or '?'
sessionvars = webutil.sessionvars(vars, start)
logourl = config('web', 'logourl', 'http://mercurial.selenic.com/')
logoimg = config('web', 'logoimg', 'hglogo.png')
staticurl = config('web', 'staticurl') or url + 'static/'
if not staticurl.endswith('/'):
staticurl += '/'
tmpl = templater.templater(mapfile,
defaults={"header": header,
"footer": footer,
"motd": motd,
"url": url,
"logourl": logourl,
"logoimg": logoimg,
"staticurl": staticurl,
"sessionvars": sessionvars})
return tmpl
def updatereqenv(self, env):
if self._baseurl is not None:
name, port, path = geturlcgivars(self._baseurl, env['SERVER_PORT'])
env['SERVER_NAME'] = name
env['SERVER_PORT'] = port
env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = path