##// END OF EJS Templates
copies: calculate mergecopies() based on pathcopies()...
copies: calculate mergecopies() based on pathcopies() When copies are stored in changesets, we need a changeset-centric version of mergecopies() just like we have a changeset-centric version of pathcopies(). I think the natural way of thinking about mergecopies() is in terms of pathcopies() from the base to each of the commits. So if we can rewrite mergecopies() based on two such pathcopies() calls, we'll get the changeset-centric version for free. That's what this patch does. A nice bonus is that it ends up being a lot simpler. mergecopies() has accumulated a lot of technical debt over time. One good example is the code for dealing with grafts (the "partial/incomplete/dirty" stuff). Since pathcopies() already deals with backwards renames and ping-pong renames, we get that for free. I've run tests with hard-coded debug logging for "fullcopy" and while I haven't looked at every difference it produces, all the ones I have looked at seemed reasonable to me. I'm a little surprised that no more tests fail when run with '--extra-config-opt experimental.copies.read-from=compatibility' compared to before this patch. This patch also fixes the broken cases in test-annotate.t and test-fastannotate.t. It also enables the part of test-copies.t that was previously disabled exactly because mergecopies() needed to get a changeset-centric version. One drawback of the rewritten code is that we may now make remotefilelog prefetch more files. We used to prefetch files that were unique to either side of the merge compared to the other. We now prefetch files that are unique to either side of the merge compared to the base. This means that if you added the same file to each side, we would not prefetch it before, but we would now. Such cases are probably quite rare, but one likely scenario where they happen is when moving from a commit to its successor (or the other way around). The user will probably already have the files in the cache in such cases, so it's probably not a big deal. Some timings for calculating mergecopies between two revisions (revisions shown on each line, all using the common ancestor as base): In the hg repo: 4.8 4.9: 0.21s -> 0.21s 4.0 4.8: 0.35s -> 0.63s In and old copy of the mozilla-unified repo: FIREFOX_BETA_60_BASE^ FIREFOX_BETA_60_BASE: 0.82s -> 0.82s FIREFOX_NIGHTLY_59_END FIREFOX_BETA_60_BASE: 2.5s -> 2.6s FIREFOX_BETA_59_END FIREFOX_BETA_60_BASE: 3.9s -> 4.1s FIREFOX_AURORA_50_BASE FIREFOX_BETA_60_BASE: 31s -> 33s So it's measurably slower in most cases. The most significant difference is in the hg repo between revisions 4.0 and 4.8. In that case it seems to come from the fact that pathcopies() uses fctx.isintroducedafter() (in _tracefile), while the old mergecopies() used fctx.linkrev() (in _checkcopies()). That results in a single call to filectx._adjustlinkrev(), which is responsible for the entire difference in time (in my repo). So we pay a performance penalty but we get more correct code (see change in test-mv-cp-st-diff.t). Deleting the "== f.filenode()" in _tracefile() recovers the lost performance in the hg repo. There were are few other optimizations in _checkcopies() that I could not measure any impact from. One was from the "seen" set. Another was from a "continue" when the file was not in the destination manifest (corresponding to "am" in _tracefile). Also note that merge copies are not calculated when updating with a clean working copy, which is probably the most common case. I therefore think the much simpler code is worth the slowdown. Differential Revision: https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/D6255

File last commit:

r42225:ec7b478f default
r42408:57203e02 default
Show More
248 lines | 8.2 KiB | text/x-makefile | MakefileLexer
# If you want to change PREFIX, do not just edit it below. The changed
# value wont get passed on to recursive make calls. You should instead
# override the variable on the command like:
# % make PREFIX=/opt/ install
export PREFIX=/usr/local
$(eval HGROOT := $(shell pwd))
HGPYTHONS ?= $(HGROOT)/build/pythons
PYFILESCMD=find mercurial hgext doc -name '*.py'
export LC_ALL=C
TESTFLAGS ?= $(shell echo $$HGTESTFLAGS)
# Set this to e.g. "mingw32" to use a non-default compiler.
@echo 'Commonly used make targets:'
@echo ' all - build program and documentation'
@echo ' install - install program and man pages to $$PREFIX ($(PREFIX))'
@echo ' install-home - install with setup.py install --home=$$HOME ($(HOME))'
@echo ' local - build for inplace usage'
@echo ' tests - run all tests in the automatic test suite'
@echo ' test-foo - run only specified tests (e.g. test-merge1.t)'
@echo ' dist - run all tests and create a source tarball in dist/'
@echo ' clean - remove files created by other targets'
@echo ' (except installed files or dist source tarball)'
@echo ' update-pot - update i18n/hg.pot'
@echo 'Example for a system-wide installation under /usr/local:'
@echo ' make all && su -c "make install" && hg version'
@echo 'Example for a local installation (usable in this directory):'
@echo ' make local && ./hg version'
all: build doc
$(PYTHON) setup.py $(PURE) \
build_py -c -d . \
build_ext $(COMPILERFLAG) -i \
build_hgexe $(COMPILERFLAG) -i \
env HGRCPATH= $(PYTHON) hg version
$(PYTHON) setup.py $(PURE) build $(COMPILERFLAG)
$(MAKE) -C doc
-$(PYTHON) setup.py clean --all # ignore errors from this command
find contrib doc hgext hgext3rd i18n mercurial tests hgdemandimport \
\( -name '*.py[cdo]' -o -name '*.so' \) -exec rm -f '{}' ';'
rm -f MANIFEST MANIFEST.in hgext/__index__.py tests/*.err
rm -f mercurial/__modulepolicy__.py
if test -d .hg; then rm -f mercurial/__version__.py; fi
rm -rf build mercurial/locale
$(MAKE) -C doc clean
$(MAKE) -C contrib/chg distclean
rm -rf rust/target
rm -f mercurial/rustext.so
clean: cleanbutpackages
rm -rf packages
install: install-bin install-doc
install-bin: build
$(PYTHON) setup.py $(PURE) install --root="$(DESTDIR)/" --prefix="$(PREFIX)" --force
install-doc: doc
cd doc && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) install
install-home: install-home-bin install-home-doc
install-home-bin: build
$(PYTHON) setup.py $(PURE) install --home="$(HOME)" --prefix="" --force
install-home-doc: doc
cd doc && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) PREFIX="$(HOME)" install
hg manifest | sed -e 's/^/include /' > MANIFEST.in
echo include mercurial/__version__.py >> MANIFEST.in
sed -e 's/^/include /' < doc/MANIFEST >> MANIFEST.in
dist: tests dist-notests
dist-notests: doc MANIFEST.in
TAR_OPTIONS="--owner=root --group=root --mode=u+w,go-w,a+rX-s" $(PYTHON) setup.py -q sdist
check: tests
cd tests && $(PYTHON) run-tests.py $(TESTFLAGS)
cd tests && $(PYTHON) run-tests.py $(TESTFLAGS) $@
@echo Looking for Python $* in $(HGPYTHONS)
[ -e $(HGPYTHONS)/$*/bin/python ] || ( \
cd $$(mktemp --directory --tmpdir) && \
$(MAKE) -f $(HGROOT)/contrib/Makefile.python PYTHONVER=$* PREFIX=$(HGPYTHONS)/$* python )
cd tests && $(HGPYTHONS)/$*/bin/python run-tests.py $(TESTFLAGS)
hg manifest | xargs python contrib/check-code.py
clang-format --style file -i \
`hg files 'set:(**.c or **.cc or **.h) and not "listfile:contrib/clang-format-ignorelist"'`
update-pot: i18n/hg.pot
i18n/hg.pot: $(PYFILES) $(DOCFILES) i18n/posplit i18n/hggettext
$(PYTHON) i18n/hggettext mercurial/commands.py \
hgext/*.py hgext/*/__init__.py \
mercurial/fileset.py mercurial/revset.py \
mercurial/templatefilters.py \
mercurial/templatefuncs.py \
mercurial/templatekw.py \
mercurial/filemerge.py \
mercurial/hgweb/webcommands.py \
mercurial/util.py \
$(DOCFILES) > i18n/hg.pot.tmp
# All strings marked for translation in Mercurial contain
# ASCII characters only. But some files contain string
# literals like this '\037\213'. xgettext thinks it has to
# parse them even though they are not marked for translation.
# Extracting with an explicit encoding of ISO-8859-1 will make
# xgettext "parse" and ignore them.
$(PYFILESCMD) | xargs \
xgettext --package-name "Mercurial" \
--msgid-bugs-address "<mercurial-devel@mercurial-scm.org>" \
--copyright-holder "Matt Mackall <mpm@selenic.com> and others" \
--from-code ISO-8859-1 --join --sort-by-file --add-comments=i18n: \
-d hg -p i18n -o hg.pot.tmp
$(PYTHON) i18n/posplit i18n/hg.pot.tmp
# The target file is not created before the last step. So it never is in
# an intermediate state.
mv -f i18n/hg.pot.tmp i18n/hg.pot
%.po: i18n/hg.pot
# work on a temporary copy for never having a half completed target
cp $@ $@.tmp
msgmerge --no-location --update $@.tmp $^
mv -f $@.tmp $@
# Packaging targets
packaging_targets := \
centos5 \
centos6 \
centos7 \
deb \
docker-centos5 \
docker-centos6 \
docker-centos7 \
docker-debian-jessie \
docker-debian-stretch \
docker-fedora20 \
docker-fedora21 \
docker-fedora28 \
docker-fedora29 \
docker-ubuntu-trusty \
docker-ubuntu-trusty-ppa \
docker-ubuntu-xenial \
docker-ubuntu-xenial-ppa \
docker-ubuntu-artful \
docker-ubuntu-artful-ppa \
docker-ubuntu-bionic \
docker-ubuntu-bionic-ppa \
fedora20 \
fedora21 \
fedora28 \
fedora29 \
linux-wheels \
linux-wheels-x86_64 \
linux-wheels-i686 \
# Forward packaging targets for convenience.
$(MAKE) -C contrib/packaging $@
rm -rf build/mercurial
/usr/bin/python2.7 setup.py install --optimize=1 \
--root=build/mercurial/ --prefix=/usr/local/ \
make -C doc all install DESTDIR="$(PWD)/build/mercurial/"
# Place a bogon .DS_Store file in the target dir so we can be
# sure it doesn't get included in the final package.
touch build/mercurial/.DS_Store
# install zsh completions - this location appears to be
# searched by default as of macOS Sierra.
install -d build/mercurial/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/
install -m 0644 contrib/zsh_completion build/mercurial/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_hg
# install bash completions - there doesn't appear to be a
# place that's searched by default for bash, so we'll follow
# the lead of Apple's git install and just put it in a
# location of our own.
install -d build/mercurial/usr/local/hg/contrib/
install -m 0644 contrib/bash_completion build/mercurial/usr/local/hg/contrib/hg-completion.bash
make -C contrib/chg \
HGPATH=/usr/local/bin/hg \
PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2.7 \
HGEXTDIR=/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/hgext \
DESTDIR=../../build/mercurial \
PREFIX=/usr/local \
clean install
mkdir -p $${OUTPUTDIR:-dist}
HGVER=$$(python contrib/genosxversion.py $(OSXVERSIONFLAGS) build/mercurial/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/mercurial/__version__.py) && \
OSXVER=$$(sw_vers -productVersion | cut -d. -f1,2) && \
pkgbuild --filter \\.DS_Store --root build/mercurial/ \
--identifier org.mercurial-scm.mercurial \
--version "$${HGVER}" \
build/mercurial.pkg && \
productbuild --distribution contrib/packaging/macosx/distribution.xml \
--package-path build/ \
--version "$${HGVER}" \
--resources contrib/packaging/macosx/ \
.PHONY: help all local build doc cleanbutpackages clean install install-bin \
install-doc install-home install-home-bin install-home-doc \
dist dist-notests check tests check-code format-c update-pot \
$(packaging_targets) \