"$TESTDIR/hghave" pygments || exit 80
cat <<EOF >> $HGRCPATH
hgext.highlight =
pygments_style = friendly
hg init test
cd test
cp $TESTDIR/get-with-headers.py ./
# check for UnicodeDecodeError with iso-8859-1 file contents
python -c 'fp = open("isolatin.txt", "w"); fp.write("h\xFCbsch\n"); fp.close();'
hg ci -Ama
echo % hg serve
hg serve -p $HGPORT -d -n test --pid-file=hg.pid -A access.log -E errors.log
cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS
echo % hgweb filerevision, html
("$TESTDIR/get-with-headers.py" localhost:$HGPORT '/file/tip/get-with-headers.py') \
| sed "s/class=\"k\"/class=\"kn\"/g"
echo % hgweb filerevision, html
("$TESTDIR/get-with-headers.py" localhost:$HGPORT '/file/tip/isolatin.txt') \
| sed "s/class=\"k\"/class=\"kn\"/g"
echo % hgweb fileannotate, html
("$TESTDIR/get-with-headers.py" localhost:$HGPORT '/annotate/tip/get-with-headers.py') \
| sed "s/class=\"k\"/class=\"kn\"/g"
echo % hgweb fileannotate, raw
("$TESTDIR/get-with-headers.py" localhost:$HGPORT '/annotate/tip/get-with-headers.py?style=raw') \
| sed "s/test@//" > a
echo "200 Script output follows" > b
echo "" >> b
echo "" >> b
hg annotate "get-with-headers.py" >> b
echo "" >> b
echo "" >> b
echo "" >> b
echo "" >> b
diff -u b a
echo % hgweb filerevision, raw
("$TESTDIR/get-with-headers.py" localhost:$HGPORT '/file/tip/get-with-headers.py?style=raw') \
> a
echo "200 Script output follows" > b
echo "" >> b
hg cat get-with-headers.py >> b
diff -u b a
echo % hgweb highlightcss friendly
"$TESTDIR/get-with-headers.py" localhost:$HGPORT '/highlightcss' > out
head -n 4 out
rm out
echo % errors encountered
cat errors.log
# Change the pygments style
cat > .hg/hgrc <<EOF
pygments_style = fruity
echo % hg serve again
hg serve -p $HGPORT -d -n test --pid-file=hg.pid -A access.log -E errors.log
cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS
echo % hgweb highlightcss fruity
"$TESTDIR/get-with-headers.py" localhost:$HGPORT '/highlightcss' > out
head -n 4 out
rm out
echo % errors encountered
cat errors.log