##// END OF EJS Templates
revisions: allow "x123" to refer to nodeid prefix "123"...
revisions: allow "x123" to refer to nodeid prefix "123" When resolving "123" to a revision, we try to interpret it as revnum before we try to interpret it as a nodeid hex prefix. This can lead to the shortest valid prefix being longer than necessary. This patch lets us write such nodeids in a shorter form by prefixing them with "x" instead of adding more hex digits until they're longer than the longest decimal revnum. On my hg repo with almost 69k revisions, turning this feature on saves on average 0.4% on the average nodeid length. That clearly doesn't justify this patch. However, it becomes more usefule when combined with the earlier patches in this series that let you disambiguate nodeid prefixes within a configured revset. Note that we attempt to resolve symbols as nodeid prefixes after we've exhausted all other posibilities, so this is a backwards compatible change (only queries that would previously fail may now succeed). I've still hidden this feature behind an experiemntal config option so we can roll it back if needed. Differential Revision: https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/D4041

File last commit:

r38051:37ef6ee8 default
r38891:7848f284 default
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95 lines | 3.0 KiB | text/troff | Tads3Lexer
/ tests / test-http-branchmap.t
$ hgserve() {
> hg serve -a localhost -p $HGPORT1 -d --pid-file=hg.pid \
> -E errors.log -v $@ > startup.log
> # Grepping hg serve stdout would hang on Windows
> grep -v 'listening at' startup.log
> cat hg.pid >> "$DAEMON_PIDS"
> }
$ hg init a
$ hg --encoding utf-8 -R a branch æ
marked working directory as branch \xc3\xa6 (esc)
(branches are permanent and global, did you want a bookmark?)
$ echo foo > a/foo
$ hg -R a ci -Am foo
adding foo
$ hgserve -R a --config web.push_ssl=False --config web.allow_push=* --encoding latin1
$ hg --encoding utf-8 clone http://localhost:$HGPORT1 b
requesting all changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
new changesets 867c11ce77b8
updating to branch \xc3\xa6 (esc)
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg --encoding utf-8 -R b log
changeset: 0:867c11ce77b8
branch: \xc3\xa6 (esc)
tag: tip
user: test
date: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
summary: foo
$ echo bar >> b/foo
$ hg -R b ci -m bar
$ hg --encoding utf-8 -R b push
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT1/
searching for changes
remote: adding changesets
remote: adding manifests
remote: adding file changes
remote: added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
$ hg -R a --encoding utf-8 log
changeset: 1:58e7c90d67cb
branch: \xc3\xa6 (esc)
tag: tip
user: test
date: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
summary: bar
changeset: 0:867c11ce77b8
branch: \xc3\xa6 (esc)
user: test
date: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
summary: foo
$ killdaemons.py hg.pid
verify 7e7d56fe4833 (encoding fallback in branchmap to maintain compatibility with 1.3.x)
$ cat <<EOF > oldhg
> import threading
> from mercurial import dispatch, hg, ui, wireprotoserver
> class StdoutWrapper(object):
> def __init__(self, stdout):
> self._file = stdout
> def write(self, data):
> if data == b'47\n':
> # latin1 encoding is one %xx (3 bytes) shorter
> data = b'44\n'
> elif data.startswith(b'%C3%A6 '):
> # translate to latin1 encoding
> data = b'%%E6 %s' % data[7:]
> self._file.write(data)
> def __getattr__(self, name):
> return getattr(self._file, name)
> dispatch.initstdio()
> myui = ui.ui.load()
> fout = StdoutWrapper(myui.fout)
> myui.fout = myui.ferr
> repo = hg.repository(myui, b'a')
> wireprotoserver._runsshserver(myui, repo, myui.fin, fout, threading.Event())
$ echo baz >> b/foo
$ hg -R b ci -m baz
$ hg push -R b -e "\"$PYTHON\" oldhg" ssh://dummy/ --encoding latin1
pushing to ssh://dummy/
searching for changes
remote: adding changesets
remote: adding manifests
remote: adding file changes
remote: added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files