##// END OF EJS Templates
localrepo: make journal.dirstate contain in-memory changes before transaction...
localrepo: make journal.dirstate contain in-memory changes before transaction Before this patch, in-memory dirstate changes aren't written out at opening transaction, even though 'journal.dirstate' is created directly from '.hg/dirstate'. Therefore, subsequent 'hg rollback' uses incomplete 'undo.dirstate' to restore dirstate, if dirstate is changed and isn't written out before opening transaction. In cases below, the condition "dirstate is changed and isn't written out before opening transaction" isn't satisfied and this problem doesn't appear: - "wlock scope" and "transaction scope" are almost equivalent e.g. 'commit --amend', 'import' and so on - dirstate changes are written out before opening transaction e.g. 'rebase' (via 'dirstateguard') and 'commit -A' (by separated wlock scopes) On the other hand, 'backout' may satisfy the condition above. To make 'journal.dirstate' contain in-memory changes before opening transaction, this patch explicitly invokes 'dirstate.write()' in 'localrepository.transaction()'. 'dirstate.write()' is placed before not "writing journal files out" but "invoking pretxnopen hooks" for visibility of dirstate changes to external hook processes. BTW, in the test script, 'touch -t 200001010000' and 'hg status' are invoked to make file 'c' surely clean in dirstate, because "clean but unsure" files indirectly cause 'dirstate.write()' at 'repo.status()' in 'repo.commit()' (see fe03f522dda9 for detail) and prevents from certainly reproducing the issue.

File last commit:

r25472:4d2b9b30 default
r25878:800e090e stable
Show More
469 lines | 8.5 KiB | text/troff | Tads3Lexer
/ tests / test-convert-svn-sink.t
#require svn13
$ svnupanddisplay()
> {
> (
> cd $1;
> svn up -q;
> svn st -v | sed 's/ */ /g' | sort
> limit=''
> if [ $2 -gt 0 ]; then
> limit="--limit=$2"
> fi
> svn log --xml -v $limit | python "$TESTDIR/svnxml.py"
> )
> }
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
> [extensions]
> convert =
$ hg init a
$ echo a > a/a
$ mkdir -p a/d1/d2
$ echo b > a/d1/d2/b
$ hg --cwd a ci -d '0 0' -A -m 'add a file'
adding a
adding d1/d2/b
$ svn-safe-append.py a a/a
$ hg --cwd a ci -d '1 0' -m 'modify a file'
$ hg --cwd a tip -q
$ hg convert -d svn a
assuming destination a-hg
initializing svn repository 'a-hg'
initializing svn working copy 'a-hg-wc'
scanning source...
1 add a file
0 modify a file
$ svnupanddisplay a-hg-wc 2
2 1 test d1
2 1 test d1/d2 (glob)
2 1 test d1/d2/b (glob)
2 2 test .
2 2 test a
revision: 2
author: test
msg: modify a file
M /a
revision: 1
author: test
msg: add a file
A /a
A /d1
A /d1/d2
A /d1/d2/b
$ ls a a-hg-wc
$ cmp a/a a-hg-wc/a
$ hg --cwd a mv a b
$ hg --cwd a ci -d '2 0' -m 'rename a file'
$ hg --cwd a tip -q
$ hg convert -d svn a
assuming destination a-hg
initializing svn working copy 'a-hg-wc'
scanning source...
0 rename a file
$ svnupanddisplay a-hg-wc 1
3 1 test d1
3 1 test d1/d2 (glob)
3 1 test d1/d2/b (glob)
3 3 test .
3 3 test b
revision: 3
author: test
msg: rename a file
D /a
A /b (from /a@2)
$ ls a a-hg-wc
$ hg --cwd a cp b c
$ hg --cwd a ci -d '3 0' -m 'copy a file'
$ hg --cwd a tip -q
$ hg convert -d svn a
assuming destination a-hg
initializing svn working copy 'a-hg-wc'
scanning source...
0 copy a file
$ svnupanddisplay a-hg-wc 1
4 1 test d1
4 1 test d1/d2 (glob)
4 1 test d1/d2/b (glob)
4 3 test b
4 4 test .
4 4 test c
revision: 4
author: test
msg: copy a file
A /c (from /b@3)
$ ls a a-hg-wc
$ hg --cwd a rm b
$ hg --cwd a ci -d '4 0' -m 'remove a file'
$ hg --cwd a tip -q
$ hg convert -d svn a
assuming destination a-hg
initializing svn working copy 'a-hg-wc'
scanning source...
0 remove a file
$ svnupanddisplay a-hg-wc 1
5 1 test d1
5 1 test d1/d2 (glob)
5 1 test d1/d2/b (glob)
5 4 test c
5 5 test .
revision: 5
author: test
msg: remove a file
D /b
$ ls a a-hg-wc
#if execbit
$ chmod +x a/c
$ echo fake >> a/c
$ hg --cwd a ci -d '5 0' -m 'make a file executable'
#if execbit
$ hg --cwd a tip -q
$ hg --cwd a tip -q
$ hg convert -d svn a
assuming destination a-hg
initializing svn working copy 'a-hg-wc'
scanning source...
0 make a file executable
$ svnupanddisplay a-hg-wc 1
6 1 test d1
6 1 test d1/d2 (glob)
6 1 test d1/d2/b (glob)
6 6 test .
6 6 test c
revision: 6
author: test
msg: make a file executable
M /c
#if execbit
$ test -x a-hg-wc/c
#if symlink
$ ln -s a/missing a/link
$ hg --cwd a commit -Am 'add symlink'
adding link
$ hg --cwd a mv link newlink
$ hg --cwd a commit -m 'move symlink'
$ hg convert -d svn a a-svnlink
initializing svn repository 'a-svnlink'
initializing svn working copy 'a-svnlink-wc'
scanning source...
7 add a file
6 modify a file
5 rename a file
4 copy a file
3 remove a file
2 make a file executable
1 add symlink
0 move symlink
$ svnupanddisplay a-svnlink-wc 1
8 1 test d1
8 1 test d1/d2
8 1 test d1/d2/b
8 6 test c
8 8 test .
8 8 test newlink
revision: 8
author: test
msg: move symlink
D /link
A /newlink (from /link@7)
Make sure our changes don't affect the rest of the test cases
$ hg --cwd a up 5
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg --cwd a --config extensions.strip= strip -r 6
saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a/.hg/strip-backup/bd4f7b7a7067-ed505e42-backup.hg (glob)
Convert with --full adds and removes files that didn't change
$ touch a/f
$ hg -R a ci -Aqmf
$ echo "rename c d" > filemap
$ hg convert -d svn a --filemap filemap --full
assuming destination a-hg
initializing svn working copy 'a-hg-wc'
scanning source...
0 f
$ svnupanddisplay a-hg-wc 1
7 7 test .
7 7 test d
7 7 test f
revision: 7
author: test
msg: f
D /c
A /d
D /d1
A /f
$ rm -rf a a-hg a-hg-wc
Executable in new directory
$ hg init a
$ mkdir a/d1
$ echo a > a/d1/a
#if execbit
$ chmod +x a/d1/a
$ echo fake >> a/d1/a
$ hg --cwd a ci -d '0 0' -A -m 'add executable file in new directory'
adding d1/a
$ hg convert -d svn a
assuming destination a-hg
initializing svn repository 'a-hg'
initializing svn working copy 'a-hg-wc'
scanning source...
0 add executable file in new directory
$ svnupanddisplay a-hg-wc 1
1 1 test .
1 1 test d1
1 1 test d1/a (glob)
revision: 1
author: test
msg: add executable file in new directory
A /d1
A /d1/a
#if execbit
$ test -x a-hg-wc/d1/a
Copy to new directory
$ mkdir a/d2
$ hg --cwd a cp d1/a d2/a
$ hg --cwd a ci -d '1 0' -A -m 'copy file to new directory'
$ hg convert -d svn a
assuming destination a-hg
initializing svn working copy 'a-hg-wc'
scanning source...
0 copy file to new directory
$ svnupanddisplay a-hg-wc 1
2 1 test d1
2 1 test d1/a (glob)
2 2 test .
2 2 test d2
2 2 test d2/a (glob)
revision: 2
author: test
msg: copy file to new directory
A /d2
A /d2/a (from /d1/a@1)
Branchy history
$ hg init b
$ echo base > b/b
$ hg --cwd b ci -d '0 0' -Ambase
adding b
$ svn-safe-append.py left-1 b/b
$ echo left-1 > b/left-1
$ hg --cwd b ci -d '1 0' -Amleft-1
adding left-1
$ svn-safe-append.py left-2 b/b
$ echo left-2 > b/left-2
$ hg --cwd b ci -d '2 0' -Amleft-2
adding left-2
$ hg --cwd b up 0
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ svn-safe-append.py right-1 b/b
$ echo right-1 > b/right-1
$ hg --cwd b ci -d '3 0' -Amright-1
adding right-1
created new head
$ svn-safe-append.py right-2 b/b
$ echo right-2 > b/right-2
$ hg --cwd b ci -d '4 0' -Amright-2
adding right-2
$ hg --cwd b up -C 2
3 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg --cwd b merge
merging b
warning: conflicts during merge.
merging b incomplete! (edit conflicts, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 1 files unresolved
use 'hg resolve' to retry unresolved file merges or 'hg update -C .' to abandon
$ hg --cwd b revert -r 2 b
$ hg --cwd b resolve -m b
(no more unresolved files)
$ hg --cwd b ci -d '5 0' -m 'merge'
Expect 4 changes
$ hg convert -d svn b
assuming destination b-hg
initializing svn repository 'b-hg'
initializing svn working copy 'b-hg-wc'
scanning source...
5 base
4 left-1
3 left-2
2 right-1
1 right-2
0 merge
$ svnupanddisplay b-hg-wc 0
4 2 test left-1
4 3 test b
4 3 test left-2
4 4 test .
4 4 test right-1
4 4 test right-2
revision: 4
author: test
msg: merge
A /right-1
A /right-2
revision: 3
author: test
msg: left-2
M /b
A /left-2
revision: 2
author: test
msg: left-1
M /b
A /left-1
revision: 1
author: test
msg: base
A /b
Tags are not supported, but must not break conversion
$ rm -rf a a-hg a-hg-wc
$ hg init a
$ echo a > a/a
$ hg --cwd a ci -d '0 0' -A -m 'Add file a'
adding a
$ hg --cwd a tag -d '1 0' -m 'Tagged as v1.0' v1.0
$ hg convert -d svn a
assuming destination a-hg
initializing svn repository 'a-hg'
initializing svn working copy 'a-hg-wc'
scanning source...
1 Add file a
0 Tagged as v1.0
writing Subversion tags is not yet implemented
$ svnupanddisplay a-hg-wc 2
2 1 test a
2 2 test .
2 2 test .hgtags
revision: 2
author: test
msg: Tagged as v1.0
A /.hgtags
revision: 1
author: test
msg: Add file a
A /a
$ rm -rf a a-hg a-hg-wc