##// END OF EJS Templates
localrepo: make journal.dirstate contain in-memory changes before transaction...
localrepo: make journal.dirstate contain in-memory changes before transaction Before this patch, in-memory dirstate changes aren't written out at opening transaction, even though 'journal.dirstate' is created directly from '.hg/dirstate'. Therefore, subsequent 'hg rollback' uses incomplete 'undo.dirstate' to restore dirstate, if dirstate is changed and isn't written out before opening transaction. In cases below, the condition "dirstate is changed and isn't written out before opening transaction" isn't satisfied and this problem doesn't appear: - "wlock scope" and "transaction scope" are almost equivalent e.g. 'commit --amend', 'import' and so on - dirstate changes are written out before opening transaction e.g. 'rebase' (via 'dirstateguard') and 'commit -A' (by separated wlock scopes) On the other hand, 'backout' may satisfy the condition above. To make 'journal.dirstate' contain in-memory changes before opening transaction, this patch explicitly invokes 'dirstate.write()' in 'localrepository.transaction()'. 'dirstate.write()' is placed before not "writing journal files out" but "invoking pretxnopen hooks" for visibility of dirstate changes to external hook processes. BTW, in the test script, 'touch -t 200001010000' and 'hg status' are invoked to make file 'c' surely clean in dirstate, because "clean but unsure" files indirectly cause 'dirstate.write()' at 'repo.status()' in 'repo.commit()' (see fe03f522dda9 for detail) and prevents from certainly reproducing the issue.

File last commit:

r25330:8594d0b3 stable
r25878:800e090e stable
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326 lines | 8.9 KiB | text/troff | Tads3Lexer
/ tests / test-histedit-arguments.t
Test argument handling and various data parsing
Enable extensions used by this test.
$ cat >>$HGRCPATH <<EOF
> [extensions]
> histedit=
Repo setup.
$ hg init foo
$ cd foo
$ echo alpha >> alpha
$ hg addr
adding alpha
$ hg ci -m one
$ echo alpha >> alpha
$ hg ci -m two
$ echo alpha >> alpha
$ hg ci -m three
$ echo alpha >> alpha
$ hg ci -m four
$ echo alpha >> alpha
$ hg ci -m five
$ hg log --style compact --graph
@ 4[tip] 08d98a8350f3 1970-01-01 00:00 +0000 test
| five
o 3 c8e68270e35a 1970-01-01 00:00 +0000 test
| four
o 2 eb57da33312f 1970-01-01 00:00 +0000 test
| three
o 1 579e40513370 1970-01-01 00:00 +0000 test
| two
o 0 6058cbb6cfd7 1970-01-01 00:00 +0000 test
histedit --continue/--abort with no existing state
$ hg histedit --continue
abort: no histedit in progress
$ hg histedit --abort
abort: no histedit in progress
Run a dummy edit to make sure we get tip^^ correctly via revsingle.
$ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^"
pick eb57da33312f 2 three
pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
# Edit history between eb57da33312f and 08d98a8350f3
# Commits are listed from least to most recent
# Commands:
# p, pick = use commit
# e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
# f, fold = use commit, but combine it with the one above
# r, roll = like fold, but discard this commit's description
# d, drop = remove commit from history
# m, mess = edit message without changing commit content
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
Run on a revision not ancestors of the current working directory.
$ hg up 2
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg histedit -r 4
abort: 08d98a8350f3 is not an ancestor of working directory
$ hg up --quiet
Test that we pick the minimum of a revrange
$ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit '2::' --commands - << EOF
> pick eb57da33312f 2 three
> pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
> pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg up --quiet
$ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit 'tip:2' --commands - << EOF
> pick eb57da33312f 2 three
> pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
> pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ hg up --quiet
Test config specified default
$ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit --config "histedit.defaultrev=only(.) - ::eb57da33312f" --commands - << EOF
> pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
> pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
Run on a revision not descendants of the initial parent
Test the message shown for inconsistent histedit state, which may be
created (and forgotten) by Mercurial earlier than 2.7. This emulates
Mercurial earlier than 2.7 by renaming ".hg/histedit-state"
$ hg log -G -T '{rev} {shortest(node)} {desc}\n' -r 2::
@ 4 08d9 five
o 3 c8e6 four
o 2 eb57 three
$ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit -r 4 --commands - << EOF
> edit 08d98a8350f3 4 five
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
reverting alpha
Make changes as needed, you may commit or record as needed now.
When you are finished, run hg histedit --continue to resume.
$ mv .hg/histedit-state .hg/histedit-state.back
$ hg update --quiet --clean 2
$ echo alpha >> alpha
$ mv .hg/histedit-state.back .hg/histedit-state
$ hg histedit --continue
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/foo/.hg/strip-backup/08d98a8350f3-02594089-backup.hg (glob)
$ hg log -G -T '{rev} {shortest(node)} {desc}\n' -r 2::
@ 4 f5ed five
| o 3 c8e6 four
o 2 eb57 three
$ hg unbundle -q $TESTTMP/foo/.hg/strip-backup/08d98a8350f3-02594089-backup.hg
$ hg strip -q -r f5ed --config extensions.strip=
$ hg up -q 08d98a8350f3
Test that missing revisions are detected
$ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
> pick eb57da33312f 2 three
> pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
abort: missing rules for changeset c8e68270e35a
(do you want to use the drop action?)
Test that extra revisions are detected
$ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
> pick 6058cbb6cfd7 0 one
> pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
> pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
abort: may not use changesets other than the ones listed
Test malformed line
$ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
> pickeb57da33312f2three
> pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
> pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
abort: malformed line "pickeb57da33312f2three"
Test unknown changeset
$ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
> pick 0123456789ab 2 three
> pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
> pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
abort: unknown changeset 0123456789ab listed
Test unknown command
$ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
> coin eb57da33312f 2 three
> pick c8e68270e35a 3 four
> pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
abort: unknown action "coin"
Test duplicated changeset
So one is missing and one appear twice.
$ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
> pick eb57da33312f 2 three
> pick eb57da33312f 2 three
> pick 08d98a8350f3 4 five
abort: duplicated command for changeset eb57da33312f
Test short version of command
Note: we use varying amounts of white space between command name and changeset
short hash. This tests issue3893.
$ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit "tip^^" --commands - << EOF
> pick eb57da33312f 2 three
> p c8e68270e35a 3 four
> f 08d98a8350f3 4 five
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
reverting alpha
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
HG: Enter commit message. Lines beginning with 'HG:' are removed.
HG: Leave message empty to abort commit.
HG: --
HG: user: test
HG: branch 'default'
HG: changed alpha
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/foo/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)
$ hg update -q 2
$ echo x > x
$ hg add x
$ hg commit -m'x' x
created new head
$ hg histedit -r 'heads(all())'
abort: The specified revisions must have exactly one common root
Test that trimming description using multi-byte characters
$ python <<EOF
> fp = open('logfile', 'w')
> fp.write('12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890' +
> '12345') # there are 5 more columns for 80 columns
> # 2 x 4 = 8 columns, but 3 x 4 = 12 bytes
> fp.write(u'\u3042\u3044\u3046\u3048'.encode('utf-8'))
> fp.close()
$ echo xx >> x
$ hg --encoding utf-8 commit --logfile logfile
$ HGEDITOR=cat hg --encoding utf-8 histedit tip
pick 3d3ea1f3a10b 5 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345\xe3\x81\x82... (esc)
# Edit history between 3d3ea1f3a10b and 3d3ea1f3a10b
# Commits are listed from least to most recent
# Commands:
# p, pick = use commit
# e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
# f, fold = use commit, but combine it with the one above
# r, roll = like fold, but discard this commit's description
# d, drop = remove commit from history
# m, mess = edit message without changing commit content
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
Test --continue with --keep
$ hg strip -q -r . --config extensions.strip=
$ hg histedit '.^' -q --keep --commands - << EOF
> edit eb57da33312f 2 three
> pick f3cfcca30c44 4 x
Make changes as needed, you may commit or record as needed now.
When you are finished, run hg histedit --continue to resume.
$ echo edit >> alpha
$ hg histedit -q --continue
$ hg log -G -T '{rev}:{node|short} {desc}'
@ 6:8fda0c726bf2 x
o 5:63379946892c three
| o 4:f3cfcca30c44 x
| |
| | o 3:2a30f3cfee78 four
| |/ ***
| | five
| o 2:eb57da33312f three
o 1:579e40513370 two
o 0:6058cbb6cfd7 one