##// END OF EJS Templates
rust: module policy with importrust...
rust: module policy with importrust We introduce two rust+c module policies and a new `policy.importrust()` that makes use of them. This simple approach provides runtime switching of implementations, which is crucial for the performance measurements such as those Octobus does with ASV. It can also be useful for bug analysis. It also has the advantage of making conditionals in Rust callers more uniform, in particular abstracting over specifics like `demandimport` At this point, the build stays unchanged, with the rust-cpython based `rustext` module being built if HGWITHRUSTEXT=cpython. More transparency for the callers, i.e., just using `policy.importmod` would be a much longer term and riskier effort for the following reasons: 1. It would require to define common module boundaries for the three or four cases (pure, c, rust+ext, cffi) and that is premature with the Rust extension currently under heavy development in areas that are outside the scope of the C extensions. 2. It would imply internal API changes that are not currently wished, as the case of ancestors demonstrates. 3. The lack of data or property-like attributes (tp_member and tp_getset) in current `rust-cpython` makes it impossible to achieve direct transparent replacement of pure Python classes by Rust extension code, meaning that the caller sometimes has to be able to make adjustments or provide additional wrapping.

File last commit:

r42438:a42cc325 default
r42651:810f66b4 default
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292 lines | 9.9 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""usage: %s DOC ...
where DOC is the name of a document
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import sys
import textwrap
import msvcrt
msvcrt.setmode(sys.stdout.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
msvcrt.setmode(sys.stderr.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
except ImportError:
# This script is executed during installs and may not have C extensions
# available. Relax C module requirements.
os.environ[r'HGMODULEPOLICY'] = r'allow'
# import from the live mercurial repo
sys.path.insert(0, r"..")
from mercurial import demandimport; demandimport.enable()
# Load util so that the locale path is set by i18n.setdatapath() before
# calling _().
from mercurial import util
from mercurial import (
ui as uimod,
from mercurial.i18n import (
table = commands.table
globalopts = commands.globalopts
helptable = help.helptable
loaddoc = help.loaddoc
def get_desc(docstr):
if not docstr:
return b"", b""
# sanitize
docstr = docstr.strip(b"\n")
docstr = docstr.rstrip()
shortdesc = docstr.splitlines()[0].strip()
i = docstr.find(b"\n")
if i != -1:
desc = docstr[i + 2:]
desc = shortdesc
desc = textwrap.dedent(desc.decode('latin1')).encode('latin1')
return (shortdesc, desc)
def get_opts(opts):
for opt in opts:
if len(opt) == 5:
shortopt, longopt, default, desc, optlabel = opt
shortopt, longopt, default, desc = opt
optlabel = _(b"VALUE")
allopts = []
if shortopt:
allopts.append(b"-%s" % shortopt)
if longopt:
allopts.append(b"--%s" % longopt)
if isinstance(default, list):
allopts[-1] += b" <%s[+]>" % optlabel
elif (default is not None) and not isinstance(default, bool):
allopts[-1] += b" <%s>" % optlabel
if b'\n' in desc:
# only remove line breaks and indentation
desc = b' '.join(l.lstrip() for l in desc.split(b'\n'))
desc += default and _(b" (default: %s)") % bytes(default) or b""
yield (b", ".join(allopts), desc)
def get_cmd(cmd, cmdtable):
d = {}
attr = cmdtable[cmd]
cmds = cmd.lstrip(b"^").split(b"|")
d[b'cmd'] = cmds[0]
d[b'aliases'] = cmd.split(b"|")[1:]
d[b'desc'] = get_desc(gettext(pycompat.getdoc(attr[0])))
d[b'opts'] = list(get_opts(attr[1]))
s = b'hg ' + cmds[0]
if len(attr) > 2:
if not attr[2].startswith(b'hg'):
s += b' ' + attr[2]
s = attr[2]
d[b'synopsis'] = s.strip()
return d
def showdoc(ui):
# print options
multioccur = False
for optstr, desc in get_opts(globalopts):
ui.write(b"%s\n %s\n\n" % (optstr, desc))
if optstr.endswith(b"[+]>"):
multioccur = True
if multioccur:
ui.write(_(b"\n[+] marked option can be specified multiple times\n"))
# print cmds
commandprinter(ui, table, minirst.subsection, minirst.subsubsection)
# print help topics
# The config help topic is included in the hgrc.5 man page.
helpprinter(ui, helptable, minirst.section, exclude=[b'config'])
ui.write(_(b"This section contains help for extensions that are "
b"distributed together with Mercurial. Help for other "
b"extensions is available in the help system."))
b".. contents::\n"
b" :class: htmlonly\n"
b" :local:\n"
b" :depth: 1\n\n"))
for extensionname in sorted(allextensionnames()):
mod = extensions.load(ui, extensionname, None)
ui.write(b"%s\n\n" % gettext(pycompat.getdoc(mod)))
cmdtable = getattr(mod, 'cmdtable', None)
if cmdtable:
commandprinter(ui, cmdtable, minirst.subsubsubsection,
def showtopic(ui, topic):
extrahelptable = [
([b"common"], b'', loaddoc(b'common'), help.TOPIC_CATEGORY_MISC),
([b"hg.1"], b'', loaddoc(b'hg.1'), help.TOPIC_CATEGORY_CONFIG),
([b"hg-ssh.8"], b'', loaddoc(b'hg-ssh.8'), help.TOPIC_CATEGORY_CONFIG),
([b"hgignore.5"], b'', loaddoc(b'hgignore.5'),
([b"hgrc.5"], b'', loaddoc(b'hgrc.5'), help.TOPIC_CATEGORY_CONFIG),
([b"hgignore.5.gendoc"], b'', loaddoc(b'hgignore'),
([b"hgrc.5.gendoc"], b'', loaddoc(b'config'),
helpprinter(ui, helptable + extrahelptable, None, include=[topic])
def helpprinter(ui, helptable, sectionfunc, include=[], exclude=[]):
for h in helptable:
names, sec, doc = h[0:3]
if exclude and names[0] in exclude:
if include and names[0] not in include:
for name in names:
ui.write(b".. _%s:\n" % name)
if sectionfunc:
if callable(doc):
doc = doc(ui)
def commandprinter(ui, cmdtable, sectionfunc, subsectionfunc):
"""Render restructuredtext describing a list of commands and their
documentations, grouped by command category.
ui: UI object to write the output to
cmdtable: a dict that maps a string of the command name plus its aliases
(separated with pipes) to a 3-tuple of (the command's function, a list
of its option descriptions, and a string summarizing available
options). Example, with aliases added for demonstration purposes:
'phase|alias1|alias2': (
<function phase at 0x7f0816b05e60>,
[ ('p', 'public', False, 'set changeset phase to public'),
('r', 'rev', [], 'target revision', 'REV')],
'[-p|-d|-s] [-f] [-r] [REV...]'
sectionfunc: minirst function to format command category headers
subsectionfunc: minirst function to format command headers
h = {}
for c, attr in cmdtable.items():
f = c.split(b"|")[0]
f = f.lstrip(b"^")
h[f] = c
cmds = h.keys()
def helpcategory(cmd):
"""Given a canonical command name from `cmds` (above), retrieve its
help category. If helpcategory is None, default to CATEGORY_NONE.
fullname = h[cmd]
details = cmdtable[fullname]
helpcategory = details[0].helpcategory
return helpcategory or help.registrar.command.CATEGORY_NONE
cmdsbycategory = {category: [] for category in help.CATEGORY_ORDER}
for cmd in cmds:
# If a command category wasn't registered, the command won't get
# rendered below, so we raise an AssertionError.
if helpcategory(cmd) not in cmdsbycategory:
raise AssertionError(
"The following command did not register its (category) in "
"help.CATEGORY_ORDER: %s (%s)" % (cmd, helpcategory(cmd)))
# Print the help for each command. We present the commands grouped by
# category, and we use help.CATEGORY_ORDER as a guide for a helpful order
# in which to present the categories.
for category in help.CATEGORY_ORDER:
categorycmds = cmdsbycategory[category]
if not categorycmds:
# Skip empty categories
# Print a section header for the category.
# For now, the category header is at the same level as the headers for
# the commands in the category; this is fixed in the next commit.
# Print each command in the category
for f in sorted(categorycmds):
if f.startswith(b"debug"):
d = get_cmd(h[f], cmdtable)
# short description
# synopsis
synopsislines = d[b'synopsis'].splitlines()
for line in synopsislines:
# some commands (such as rebase) have a multi-line
# synopsis
ui.write(b" %s\n" % line)
# description
ui.write(b"%s\n\n" % d[b'desc'][1])
# options
opt_output = list(d[b'opts'])
if opt_output:
opts_len = max([len(line[0]) for line in opt_output])
multioccur = False
for optstr, desc in opt_output:
if desc:
s = b"%-*s %s" % (opts_len, optstr, desc)
s = optstr
ui.write(b"%s\n" % s)
if optstr.endswith(b"[+]>"):
multioccur = True
if multioccur:
ui.write(_(b"\n[+] marked option can be specified"
b" multiple times\n"))
# aliases
if d[b'aliases']:
ui.write(_(b" aliases: %s\n\n") % b" ".join(d[b'aliases']))
def allextensionnames():
return set(extensions.enabled().keys()) | set(extensions.disabled().keys())
if __name__ == "__main__":
doc = b'hg.1.gendoc'
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
doc = encoding.strtolocal(sys.argv[1])
ui = uimod.ui.load()
if doc == b'hg.1.gendoc':
showtopic(ui, encoding.strtolocal(sys.argv[1]))