##// END OF EJS Templates
repository: define manifest interfaces...
repository: define manifest interfaces The long march towards declaring interfaces for repository primitives continues. This commit essentially defines interfaces based on the following types: * manifest.manifestdict -> imanifestdict * manifest.manifestlog -> imanifestlog * manifest.memmanifestctx -> imanifestrevisionwritable * manifest.manifestctx -> imanifestrevisionstored * manifest.memtreemanifestctx -> imanifestrevisionwritable * manifest.treemanifestctx -> imanifestrevisionstored * util.dirs -> idirs The interfaces are thoroughly documented. Their documentation is now better than the documentation in manifest.py in many cases. With the exception of util.dirs, classes have been annotated with their interfaces. (I didn't feel like util.dirs needed the proper interface treatment.) Tests have been added demonstrating that all classes and instances conform to their interfaces. This work was much easier than filelogs. That's because Durham did an excellent job formalizing the manifest API a while back. There are still some minor kludges with the interfaces that should probably be addressed. But the primary goal with interface declarations is getting something established. Once we have an interface, we can modify it later easily enough. Differential Revision: https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/D3869

File last commit:

r37864:b4b7427b default
r38549:c82ea938 default
Show More
1498 lines | 35.6 KiB | text/troff | Tads3Lexer
/ tests / test-http-permissions.t
$ cat > fakeremoteuser.py << EOF
> import os
> from mercurial.hgweb import hgweb_mod
> from mercurial import wireprotov1server
> class testenvhgweb(hgweb_mod.hgweb):
> def __call__(self, env, respond):
> # Allow REMOTE_USER to define authenticated user.
> if r'REMOTE_USER' in os.environ:
> env[r'REMOTE_USER'] = os.environ[r'REMOTE_USER']
> # Allow REQUEST_METHOD to override HTTP method
> if r'REQUEST_METHOD' in os.environ:
> env[r'REQUEST_METHOD'] = os.environ[r'REQUEST_METHOD']
> return super(testenvhgweb, self).__call__(env, respond)
> hgweb_mod.hgweb = testenvhgweb
> @wireprotov1server.wireprotocommand('customreadnoperm')
> def customread(repo, proto):
> return b'read-only command no defined permissions\n'
> @wireprotov1server.wireprotocommand('customwritenoperm')
> def customwritenoperm(repo, proto):
> return b'write command no defined permissions\n'
> @wireprotov1server.wireprotocommand('customreadwithperm', permission='pull')
> def customreadwithperm(repo, proto):
> return b'read-only command w/ defined permissions\n'
> @wireprotov1server.wireprotocommand('customwritewithperm', permission='push')
> def customwritewithperm(repo, proto):
> return b'write command w/ defined permissions\n'
$ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
> [extensions]
> fakeremoteuser = $TESTTMP/fakeremoteuser.py
> strip =
$ hg init test
$ cd test
$ echo a > a
$ hg ci -Ama
adding a
$ cd ..
$ hg clone test test2
updating to branch default
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ cd test2
$ echo a >> a
$ hg ci -mb
$ hg book bm -r 0
$ cd ../test
web.deny_read=* prevents access to wire protocol for all users
$ cat > .hg/hgrc <<EOF
> [web]
> deny_read = *
$ hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=capabilities'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=stream_out'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=listkeys' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=phases'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=listkeys+namespace%3Dphases'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadnoperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadwithperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ hg --cwd ../test2 pull http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pulling from http://localhost:$HGPORT/
abort: authorization failed
$ killdaemons.py
web.deny_read=* with REMOTE_USER set still locks out clients
$ REMOTE_USER=authed_user hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=capabilities'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=stream_out'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=listkeys+namespace%3Dphases'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadnoperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadwithperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ hg --cwd ../test2 pull http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pulling from http://localhost:$HGPORT/
abort: authorization failed
$ killdaemons.py
web.deny_read=<user> denies access to unauthenticated user
$ cat > .hg/hgrc <<EOF
> [web]
> deny_read = baduser1,baduser2
$ hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=listkeys' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=phases'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=listkeys+namespace%3Dphases'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadnoperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadwithperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ hg --cwd ../test2 pull http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pulling from http://localhost:$HGPORT/
abort: authorization failed
$ killdaemons.py
web.deny_read=<user> denies access to users in deny list
$ REMOTE_USER=baduser2 hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=listkeys' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=phases'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=listkeys+namespace%3Dphases'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadnoperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadwithperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ hg --cwd ../test2 pull http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pulling from http://localhost:$HGPORT/
abort: authorization failed
$ killdaemons.py
web.deny_read=<user> allows access to authenticated users not in list
$ REMOTE_USER=gooduser hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=listkeys' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=phases'
200 Script output follows
cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b 1
publishing True (no-eol)
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=listkeys+namespace%3Dphases'
200 Script output follows
cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b 1
publishing True (no-eol)
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadnoperm'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadwithperm'
200 Script output follows
read-only command w/ defined permissions
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ hg --cwd ../test2 pull http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pulling from http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
no changes found
$ killdaemons.py
web.allow_read=* allows reads for unauthenticated users
$ cat > .hg/hgrc <<EOF
> [web]
> allow_read = *
$ hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=listkeys' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=phases'
200 Script output follows
cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b 1
publishing True (no-eol)
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=listkeys+namespace%3Dphases'
200 Script output follows
cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b 1
publishing True (no-eol)
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadnoperm'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadwithperm'
200 Script output follows
read-only command w/ defined permissions
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ hg --cwd ../test2 pull http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pulling from http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
no changes found
$ killdaemons.py
web.allow_read=* allows read for authenticated user
$ REMOTE_USER=authed_user hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=listkeys' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=phases'
200 Script output follows
cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b 1
publishing True (no-eol)
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=listkeys+namespace%3Dphases'
200 Script output follows
cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b 1
publishing True (no-eol)
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadnoperm'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadwithperm'
200 Script output follows
read-only command w/ defined permissions
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ hg --cwd ../test2 pull http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pulling from http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
no changes found
$ killdaemons.py
web.allow_read=<user> does not allow unauthenticated users to read
$ cat > .hg/hgrc <<EOF
> [web]
> allow_read = gooduser
$ hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=listkeys' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=phases'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=listkeys+namespace%3Dphases'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadnoperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadwithperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ hg --cwd ../test2 pull http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pulling from http://localhost:$HGPORT/
abort: authorization failed
$ killdaemons.py
web.allow_read=<user> does not allow user not in list to read
$ REMOTE_USER=baduser hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=listkeys' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=phases'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=listkeys+namespace%3Dphases'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadnoperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadwithperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ hg --cwd ../test2 pull http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pulling from http://localhost:$HGPORT/
abort: authorization failed
$ killdaemons.py
web.allow_read=<user> allows read from user in list
$ REMOTE_USER=gooduser hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=listkeys' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=phases'
200 Script output follows
cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b 1
publishing True (no-eol)
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=listkeys+namespace%3Dphases'
200 Script output follows
cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b 1
publishing True (no-eol)
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadnoperm'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadwithperm'
200 Script output follows
read-only command w/ defined permissions
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ hg --cwd ../test2 pull http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pulling from http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
no changes found
$ killdaemons.py
web.deny_read takes precedence over web.allow_read
$ cat > .hg/hgrc <<EOF
> [web]
> allow_read = baduser
> deny_read = baduser
$ REMOTE_USER=baduser hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=listkeys' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=phases'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=listkeys+namespace%3Dphases'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadnoperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadwithperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ hg --cwd ../test2 pull http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pulling from http://localhost:$HGPORT/
abort: authorization failed
$ killdaemons.py
web.allow-pull=false denies read access to repo
$ cat > .hg/hgrc <<EOF
> [web]
> allow-pull = false
$ hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=capabilities'
401 pull not authorized
pull not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=listkeys' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=phases'
401 pull not authorized
pull not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=listkeys+namespace%3Dphases'
401 pull not authorized
pull not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadnoperm'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadwithperm'
401 pull not authorized
pull not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ hg --cwd ../test2 pull http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pulling from http://localhost:$HGPORT/
abort: authorization failed
$ killdaemons.py
Attempting a write command with HTTP GET fails
$ cat > .hg/hgrc <<EOF
$ REQUEST_METHOD=GET hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=pushkey' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=bookmarks&key=bm&old=&new=cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=pushkey+namespace%3Dbookmarks%2Ckey%3Dbm%2Cold%3D%2Cnew%3Dcb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ hg bookmarks
no bookmarks set
$ hg bookmark -d bm
abort: bookmark 'bm' does not exist
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ killdaemons.py
Attempting a write command with an unknown HTTP verb fails
$ REQUEST_METHOD=someverb hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=pushkey' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=bookmarks&key=bm&old=&new=cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=pushkey+namespace%3Dbookmarks%2Ckey%3Dbm%2Cold%3D%2Cnew%3Dcb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ hg bookmarks
no bookmarks set
$ hg bookmark -d bm
abort: bookmark 'bm' does not exist
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
405 push requires POST request
push requires POST request
$ killdaemons.py
Pushing on a plaintext channel is disabled by default
$ cat > .hg/hgrc <<EOF
$ REQUEST_METHOD=POST hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=pushkey' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=bookmarks&key=bm&old=&new=cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
403 ssl required
ssl required
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=pushkey+namespace%3Dbookmarks%2Ckey%3Dbm%2Cold%3D%2Cnew%3Dcb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
403 ssl required
ssl required
$ hg bookmarks
no bookmarks set
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
403 ssl required
ssl required
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
403 ssl required
ssl required
Reset server to remove REQUEST_METHOD hack to test hg client
$ killdaemons.py
$ hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push -B bm http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
no changes found
abort: HTTP Error 403: ssl required
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
abort: HTTP Error 403: ssl required
$ killdaemons.py
web.deny_push=* denies pushing to unauthenticated users
$ cat > .hg/hgrc <<EOF
> [web]
> push_ssl = false
> deny_push = *
$ REQUEST_METHOD=POST hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=pushkey' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=bookmarks&key=bm&old=&new=cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=pushkey+namespace%3Dbookmarks%2Ckey%3Dbm%2Cold%3D%2Cnew%3Dcb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
$ hg bookmarks
no bookmarks set
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
Reset server to remove REQUEST_METHOD hack to test hg client
$ killdaemons.py
$ hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push -B bm http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
no changes found
abort: authorization failed
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
abort: authorization failed
$ killdaemons.py
web.deny_push=* denies pushing to authenticated users
$ REMOTE_USER=someuser REQUEST_METHOD=POST hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=pushkey' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=bookmarks&key=bm&old=&new=cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=pushkey+namespace%3Dbookmarks%2Ckey%3Dbm%2Cold%3D%2Cnew%3Dcb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
$ hg bookmarks
no bookmarks set
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
Reset server to remove REQUEST_METHOD hack to test hg client
$ killdaemons.py
$ REMOTE_USER=someuser hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push -B bm http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
no changes found
abort: authorization failed
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
abort: authorization failed
$ killdaemons.py
web.deny_push=<user> denies pushing to user in list
$ cat > .hg/hgrc <<EOF
> [web]
> push_ssl = false
> deny_push = baduser
$ REMOTE_USER=baduser REQUEST_METHOD=POST hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=pushkey' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=bookmarks&key=bm&old=&new=cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=pushkey+namespace%3Dbookmarks%2Ckey%3Dbm%2Cold%3D%2Cnew%3Dcb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
$ hg bookmarks
no bookmarks set
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
Reset server to remove REQUEST_METHOD hack to test hg client
$ killdaemons.py
$ REMOTE_USER=baduser hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push -B bm http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
no changes found
abort: authorization failed
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
abort: authorization failed
$ killdaemons.py
web.deny_push=<user> denies pushing to user not in list because allow-push isn't set
$ REMOTE_USER=gooduser REQUEST_METHOD=POST hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=pushkey' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=bookmarks&key=bm&old=&new=cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=pushkey+namespace%3Dbookmarks%2Ckey%3Dbm%2Cold%3D%2Cnew%3Dcb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
$ hg bookmarks
no bookmarks set
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
Reset server to remove REQUEST_METHOD hack to test hg client
$ killdaemons.py
$ REMOTE_USER=gooduser hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push -B bm http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
no changes found
abort: authorization failed
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
abort: authorization failed
$ killdaemons.py
web.allow-push=* allows pushes from unauthenticated users
$ cat > .hg/hgrc <<EOF
> [web]
> push_ssl = false
> allow-push = *
$ REQUEST_METHOD=POST hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=pushkey' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=bookmarks&key=bm&old=&new=cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
200 Script output follows
$ hg bookmarks
bm 0:cb9a9f314b8b
$ hg book -d bm
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
200 Script output follows
write command no defined permissions
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
200 Script output follows
write command w/ defined permissions
Reset server to remove REQUEST_METHOD hack to test hg client
$ killdaemons.py
$ hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push -B bm http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
no changes found
exporting bookmark bm
$ hg book -d bm
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
remote: adding changesets
remote: adding manifests
remote: adding file changes
remote: added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
$ hg strip -r 1:
saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/test/.hg/strip-backup/ba677d0156c1-eea704d7-backup.hg
$ killdaemons.py
web.allow-push=* allows pushes from authenticated users
$ REMOTE_USER=someuser REQUEST_METHOD=POST hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=pushkey' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=bookmarks&key=bm&old=&new=cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
200 Script output follows
$ hg bookmarks
bm 0:cb9a9f314b8b
$ hg book -d bm
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
200 Script output follows
write command no defined permissions
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
200 Script output follows
write command w/ defined permissions
Reset server to remove REQUEST_METHOD hack to test hg client
$ killdaemons.py
$ REMOTE_USER=someuser hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push -B bm http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
no changes found
exporting bookmark bm
$ hg book -d bm
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
remote: adding changesets
remote: adding manifests
remote: adding file changes
remote: added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
$ hg strip -r 1:
saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/test/.hg/strip-backup/ba677d0156c1-eea704d7-backup.hg
$ killdaemons.py
web.allow-push=<user> denies push to user not in list
$ cat > .hg/hgrc <<EOF
> [web]
> push_ssl = false
> allow-push = gooduser
$ REMOTE_USER=baduser REQUEST_METHOD=POST hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=pushkey' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=bookmarks&key=bm&old=&new=cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=pushkey+namespace%3Dbookmarks%2Ckey%3Dbm%2Cold%3D%2Cnew%3Dcb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
$ hg bookmarks
no bookmarks set
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
Reset server to remove REQUEST_METHOD hack to test hg client
$ killdaemons.py
$ REMOTE_USER=baduser hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push -B bm http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
no changes found
abort: authorization failed
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
abort: authorization failed
$ killdaemons.py
web.allow-push=<user> allows push from user in list
$ REMOTE_USER=gooduser REQUEST_METHOD=POST hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=pushkey' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=bookmarks&key=bm&old=&new=cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
200 Script output follows
$ hg bookmarks
bm 0:cb9a9f314b8b
$ hg book -d bm
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=pushkey+namespace%3Dbookmarks%2Ckey%3Dbm%2Cold%3D%2Cnew%3Dcb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
200 Script output follows
$ hg bookmarks
bm 0:cb9a9f314b8b
$ hg book -d bm
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
200 Script output follows
write command no defined permissions
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
200 Script output follows
write command w/ defined permissions
Reset server to remove REQUEST_METHOD hack to test hg client
$ killdaemons.py
$ REMOTE_USER=gooduser hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push -B bm http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
no changes found
exporting bookmark bm
$ hg book -d bm
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
remote: adding changesets
remote: adding manifests
remote: adding file changes
remote: added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
$ hg strip -r 1:
saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/test/.hg/strip-backup/ba677d0156c1-eea704d7-backup.hg
$ killdaemons.py
web.deny_push takes precedence over web.allow_push
$ cat > .hg/hgrc <<EOF
> [web]
> push_ssl = false
> allow-push = someuser
> deny_push = someuser
$ REMOTE_USER=someuser REQUEST_METHOD=POST hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=pushkey' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=bookmarks&key=bm&old=&new=cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=pushkey+namespace%3Dbookmarks%2Ckey%3Dbm%2Cold%3D%2Cnew%3Dcb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
$ hg bookmarks
no bookmarks set
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
401 push not authorized
push not authorized
Reset server to remove REQUEST_METHOD hack to test hg client
$ killdaemons.py
$ REMOTE_USER=someuser hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push -B bm http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
no changes found
abort: authorization failed
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
searching for changes
abort: authorization failed
$ killdaemons.py
web.allow-push has no effect if web.deny_read is set
$ cat > .hg/hgrc <<EOF
> [web]
> push_ssl = false
> allow-push = *
> deny_read = *
$ REQUEST_METHOD=POST REMOTE_USER=someuser hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=pushkey' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=namespace=bookmarks&key=bm&old=&new=cb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=batch' --requestheader 'x-hgarg-1=cmds=pushkey+namespace%3Dbookmarks%2Ckey%3Dbm%2Cold%3D%2Cnew%3Dcb9a9f314b8b07ba71012fcdbc544b5a4d82ff5b'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ hg bookmarks
no bookmarks set
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadnoperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customreadwithperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritenoperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
$ get-with-headers.py $LOCALIP:$HGPORT '?cmd=customwritewithperm'
401 read not authorized
read not authorized
Reset server to remove REQUEST_METHOD hack to test hg client
$ killdaemons.py
$ REMOTE_USER=someuser hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid
$ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push -B bm http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
abort: authorization failed
$ hg --cwd ../test2 push http://localhost:$HGPORT/
pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
abort: authorization failed
$ killdaemons.py