##// END OF EJS Templates
exchangev2: fetch manifest revisions...
exchangev2: fetch manifest revisions Now that the server has support for retrieving manifest data, we can implement the client bits to call it. We teach the changeset fetching code to capture the manifest revisions that are encountered on incoming changesets. We then feed this into a new function which filters out known manifests and then batches up manifest data requests to the server. This is different from the previous wire protocol in a few notable ways. First, the client fetches manifest data separately and explicitly. Before, we'd ask the server for data pertaining to some changesets (via a "getbundle" command) and manifests (and files) would be sent automatically. Providing an API for looking up just manifest data separately gives clients much more flexibility for manifest management. For example, a client may choose to only fetch manifest data on demand instead of prefetching it (i.e. partial clone). Second, we send N commands to the server for manifest retrieval instead of 1. This property has a few nice side-effects. One is that the deterministic nature of the requests lends itself to server-side caching. For example, say the remote has 50,000 manifests. If the server is configured to cache responses, each time a new commit arrives, you will have a cache miss and need to regenerate all outgoing data. But if you makes N requests requesting 10,000 manifests each, a new commit will still yield cache hits on the initial, unchanged manifest batches/requests. A derived benefit from these properties is that resumable clone is conceptually simpler to implement. When making a monolithic request for all of the repository data, recovering from an interrupted clone is hard because the server was in the driver's seat and was maintaining state about all the data that needed transferred. With the client driving fetching, the client can persist the set of unfetched entities and retry/resume a fetch if something goes wrong. Or we can fetch all data N changesets at a time and slowly build up a repository. This approach is drastically easier to implement when we have server APIs exposing low-level repository primitives (such as manifests and files). We don't yet support tree manifests. But it should be possible to implement that with the existing wire protocol command. Differential Revision: https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/D4489

File last commit:

r38400:1a2ff11e default
r39674:d292328e default
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344 lines | 10.8 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
# archival.py - revision archival for mercurial
# Copyright 2006 Vadim Gelfer <vadim.gelfer@gmail.com>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import gzip
import os
import struct
import tarfile
import time
import zipfile
import zlib
from .i18n import _
from . import (
match as matchmod,
vfs as vfsmod,
stringio = util.stringio
# from unzip source code:
_UNX_IFREG = 0x8000
_UNX_IFLNK = 0xa000
def tidyprefix(dest, kind, prefix):
'''choose prefix to use for names in archive. make sure prefix is
safe for consumers.'''
if prefix:
prefix = util.normpath(prefix)
if not isinstance(dest, bytes):
raise ValueError('dest must be string if no prefix')
prefix = os.path.basename(dest)
lower = prefix.lower()
for sfx in exts.get(kind, []):
if lower.endswith(sfx):
prefix = prefix[:-len(sfx)]
lpfx = os.path.normpath(util.localpath(prefix))
prefix = util.pconvert(lpfx)
if not prefix.endswith('/'):
prefix += '/'
# Drop the leading '.' path component if present, so Windows can read the
# zip files (issue4634)
if prefix.startswith('./'):
prefix = prefix[2:]
if prefix.startswith('../') or os.path.isabs(lpfx) or '/../' in prefix:
raise error.Abort(_('archive prefix contains illegal components'))
return prefix
exts = {
'tar': ['.tar'],
'tbz2': ['.tbz2', '.tar.bz2'],
'tgz': ['.tgz', '.tar.gz'],
'zip': ['.zip'],
def guesskind(dest):
for kind, extensions in exts.iteritems():
if any(dest.endswith(ext) for ext in extensions):
return kind
return None
def _rootctx(repo):
# repo[0] may be hidden
for rev in repo:
return repo[rev]
return repo['null']
# {tags} on ctx includes local tags and 'tip', with no current way to limit
# that to global tags. Therefore, use {latesttag} as a substitute when
# the distance is 0, since that will be the list of global tags on ctx.
_defaultmetatemplate = br'''
repo: {root}
node: {ifcontains(rev, revset("wdir()"), "{p1node}{dirty}", "{node}")}
branch: {branch|utf8}
{ifeq(latesttagdistance, 0, join(latesttag % "tag: {tag}", "\n"),
join(latesttag % "latesttag: {tag}", "\n"),
"latesttagdistance: {latesttagdistance}",
"changessincelatesttag: {changessincelatesttag}"))}
'''[1:] # drop leading '\n'
def buildmetadata(ctx):
'''build content of .hg_archival.txt'''
repo = ctx.repo()
opts = {
'template': repo.ui.config('experimental', 'archivemetatemplate',
out = util.stringio()
fm = formatter.formatter(repo.ui, out, 'archive', opts)
if ctx.rev() is None:
dirty = ''
if ctx.dirty(missing=True):
dirty = '+'
return out.getvalue()
class tarit(object):
'''write archive to tar file or stream. can write uncompressed,
or compress with gzip or bzip2.'''
class GzipFileWithTime(gzip.GzipFile):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
timestamp = None
if r'timestamp' in kw:
timestamp = kw.pop(r'timestamp')
if timestamp is None:
self.timestamp = time.time()
self.timestamp = timestamp
gzip.GzipFile.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
def _write_gzip_header(self):
self.fileobj.write('\037\213') # magic header
self.fileobj.write('\010') # compression method
fname = self.name
if fname and fname.endswith('.gz'):
fname = fname[:-3]
flags = 0
if fname:
flags = gzip.FNAME
gzip.write32u(self.fileobj, int(self.timestamp))
if fname:
self.fileobj.write(fname + '\000')
def __init__(self, dest, mtime, kind=''):
self.mtime = mtime
self.fileobj = None
def taropen(mode, name='', fileobj=None):
if kind == 'gz':
mode = mode[0:1]
if not fileobj:
fileobj = open(name, mode + 'b')
gzfileobj = self.GzipFileWithTime(name,
pycompat.sysstr(mode + 'b'),
fileobj, timestamp=mtime)
self.fileobj = gzfileobj
return tarfile.TarFile.taropen(
name, pycompat.sysstr(mode), gzfileobj)
return tarfile.open(
name, pycompat.sysstr(mode + kind), fileobj)
if isinstance(dest, bytes):
self.z = taropen('w:', name=dest)
self.z = taropen('w|', fileobj=dest)
def addfile(self, name, mode, islink, data):
name = pycompat.fsdecode(name)
i = tarfile.TarInfo(name)
i.mtime = self.mtime
i.size = len(data)
if islink:
i.type = tarfile.SYMTYPE
i.mode = 0o777
i.linkname = pycompat.fsdecode(data)
data = None
i.size = 0
i.mode = mode
data = stringio(data)
self.z.addfile(i, data)
def done(self):
if self.fileobj:
class zipit(object):
'''write archive to zip file or stream. can write uncompressed,
or compressed with deflate.'''
def __init__(self, dest, mtime, compress=True):
self.z = zipfile.ZipFile(pycompat.fsdecode(dest), r'w',
compress and zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED or
# Python's zipfile module emits deprecation warnings if we try
# to store files with a date before 1980.
epoch = 315532800 # calendar.timegm((1980, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0))
if mtime < epoch:
mtime = epoch
self.mtime = mtime
self.date_time = time.gmtime(mtime)[:6]
def addfile(self, name, mode, islink, data):
i = zipfile.ZipInfo(pycompat.fsdecode(name), self.date_time)
i.compress_type = self.z.compression
# unzip will not honor unix file modes unless file creator is
# set to unix (id 3).
i.create_system = 3
ftype = _UNX_IFREG
if islink:
mode = 0o777
ftype = _UNX_IFLNK
i.external_attr = (mode | ftype) << 16
# add "extended-timestamp" extra block, because zip archives
# without this will be extracted with unexpected timestamp,
# if TZ is not configured as GMT
i.extra += struct.pack('<hhBl',
0x5455, # block type: "extended-timestamp"
1 + 4, # size of this block
1, # "modification time is present"
int(self.mtime)) # last modification (UTC)
self.z.writestr(i, data)
def done(self):
class fileit(object):
'''write archive as files in directory.'''
def __init__(self, name, mtime):
self.basedir = name
self.opener = vfsmod.vfs(self.basedir)
self.mtime = mtime
def addfile(self, name, mode, islink, data):
if islink:
self.opener.symlink(data, name)
f = self.opener(name, "w", atomictemp=False)
destfile = os.path.join(self.basedir, name)
os.chmod(destfile, mode)
if self.mtime is not None:
os.utime(destfile, (self.mtime, self.mtime))
def done(self):
archivers = {
'files': fileit,
'tar': tarit,
'tbz2': lambda name, mtime: tarit(name, mtime, 'bz2'),
'tgz': lambda name, mtime: tarit(name, mtime, 'gz'),
'uzip': lambda name, mtime: zipit(name, mtime, False),
'zip': zipit,
def archive(repo, dest, node, kind, decode=True, matchfn=None,
prefix='', mtime=None, subrepos=False):
'''create archive of repo as it was at node.
dest can be name of directory, name of archive file, or file
object to write archive to.
kind is type of archive to create.
decode tells whether to put files through decode filters from
matchfn is function to filter names of files to write to archive.
prefix is name of path to put before every archive member.
mtime is the modified time, in seconds, or None to use the changeset time.
subrepos tells whether to include subrepos.
if kind == 'files':
if prefix:
raise error.Abort(_('cannot give prefix when archiving to files'))
prefix = tidyprefix(dest, kind, prefix)
def write(name, mode, islink, getdata):
data = getdata()
if decode:
data = repo.wwritedata(name, data)
archiver.addfile(prefix + name, mode, islink, data)
if kind not in archivers:
raise error.Abort(_("unknown archive type '%s'") % kind)
ctx = repo[node]
archiver = archivers[kind](dest, mtime or ctx.date()[0])
if repo.ui.configbool("ui", "archivemeta"):
name = '.hg_archival.txt'
if not matchfn or matchfn(name):
write(name, 0o644, False, lambda: buildmetadata(ctx))
if matchfn:
files = [f for f in ctx.manifest().keys() if matchfn(f)]
files = ctx.manifest().keys()
total = len(files)
if total:
scmutil.prefetchfiles(repo, [ctx.rev()],
scmutil.matchfiles(repo, files))
progress = scmutil.progress(repo.ui, _('archiving'), unit=_('files'),
for f in files:
ff = ctx.flags(f)
write(f, 'x' in ff and 0o755 or 0o644, 'l' in ff, ctx[f].data)
if subrepos:
for subpath in sorted(ctx.substate):
sub = ctx.workingsub(subpath)
submatch = matchmod.subdirmatcher(subpath, matchfn)
total += sub.archive(archiver, prefix, submatch, decode)
if total == 0:
raise error.Abort(_('no files match the archive pattern'))
return total