##// END OF EJS Templates
branching: merge with stable
branching: merge with stable

File last commit:

r53638:5c48fd4c default
r54319:a232522d merge default
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433 lines | 14.2 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
from __future__ import annotations
import typing
from typing import (
from mercurial.node import sha1nodeconstants
from mercurial.interfaces.types import MatcherT
from mercurial import (
match as matchmod,
from mercurial.interfaces import (
from . import gitutil
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from typing import (
ByteString, # TODO: change to Buffer for 3.14
pygit2 = gitutil.get_pygit2()
class gittreemanifest(repository.imanifestdict):
"""Expose git trees (and optionally a builder's overlay) as a manifestdict.
Very similar to mercurial.manifest.treemanifest.
def __init__(self, git_repo, root_tree, pending_changes):
git_repo: The git_repo we're walking (required to look up child
root_tree: The root Git tree object for this manifest.
pending_changes: A dict in which pending changes will be
tracked. The enclosing memgittreemanifestctx will use this to
construct any required Tree objects in Git during it's
`write()` method.
self._git_repo = git_repo
self._tree = root_tree
if pending_changes is None:
pending_changes = {}
# dict of path: Optional[Tuple(node, flags)]
self._pending_changes = pending_changes
def _resolve_entry(self, path) -> tuple[bytes, bytes]:
"""Given a path, load its node and flags, or raise KeyError if missing.
This takes into account any pending writes in the builder.
upath = pycompat.fsdecode(path)
ent = None
if path in self._pending_changes:
val = self._pending_changes[path]
if val is None:
raise KeyError
return val
t = self._tree
comps = upath.split('/')
te = self._tree
for comp in comps[:-1]:
te = te[comp]
t = self._git_repo[te.id]
ent = t[comps[-1]]
if ent.filemode == pygit2.GIT_FILEMODE_BLOB:
flags = b''
elif ent.filemode == pygit2.GIT_FILEMODE_BLOB_EXECUTABLE:
flags = b'x'
elif ent.filemode == pygit2.GIT_FILEMODE_LINK:
flags = b'l'
raise ValueError('unsupported mode %s' % oct(ent.filemode))
return ent.id.raw, flags
def __getitem__(self, path: bytes) -> bytes:
return self._resolve_entry(path)[0]
def find(self, path: bytes) -> tuple[bytes, bytes]:
return self._resolve_entry(path)
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(list(self.walk(matchmod.always())))
def __nonzero__(self) -> bool:
return True
except StopIteration:
return False
__bool__ = __nonzero__
def __contains__(self, path: bytes) -> bool:
return True
except KeyError:
return False
def iterkeys(self) -> Iterator[bytes]:
return self.walk(matchmod.always())
def keys(self) -> list[bytes]:
return list(self.iterkeys())
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[bytes]:
return self.iterkeys()
def set(self, path: bytes, node: bytes, flags: bytes) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError # TODO: implement this
def __setitem__(self, path: bytes, node: bytes) -> None:
self._pending_changes[path] = node, self.flags(path)
def __delitem__(self, path: bytes) -> None:
# TODO: should probably KeyError for already-deleted files?
self._pending_changes[path] = None
def filesnotin(self, other, match=None) -> Set[bytes]:
if match is not None:
match = matchmod.badmatch(match, lambda path, msg: None)
sm2 = set(other.walk(match))
return {f for f in self.walk(match) if f not in sm2}
return {f for f in self if f not in other}
def _dirs(self):
return pathutil.dirs(self)
def dirs(self) -> pathutil.dirs:
return self._dirs # TODO: why is there a prpoertycache?
def hasdir(self, dir: bytes) -> bool:
return dir in self._dirs
def diff(
other: Any, # TODO: 'manifestdict' or (better) equivalent interface
match: Any = lambda x: True, # TODO: Optional[matchmod.basematcher] = None,
clean: bool = False,
) -> dict[
tuple[tuple[bytes | None, bytes], tuple[bytes | None, bytes]] | None,
"""Finds changes between the current manifest and m2.
The result is returned as a dict with filename as key and
values of the form ((n1,fl1),(n2,fl2)), where n1/n2 is the
nodeid in the current/other manifest and fl1/fl2 is the flag
in the current/other manifest. Where the file does not exist,
the nodeid will be None and the flags will be the empty
result = {}
def _iterativediff(t1, t2, subdir):
"""compares two trees and appends new tree nodes to examine to
the stack"""
if t1 == t2:
# If the trees are the same (git) object, then there are no
# differences in this tree or any of its children.
if t1 is None:
t1 = {}
if t2 is None:
t2 = {}
for e1 in t1:
realname = subdir + pycompat.fsencode(e1.name)
if e1.type == pygit2.GIT_OBJ_TREE:
e2 = t2[e1.name]
if e2.type != pygit2.GIT_OBJ_TREE:
e2 = None
except KeyError:
e2 = None
stack.append((realname + b'/', e1, e2))
n1, fl1 = self.find(realname)
e2 = t2[e1.name]
n2, fl2 = other.find(realname)
except KeyError:
e2 = None
n2, fl2 = (None, b'')
if e2 is not None and e2.type == pygit2.GIT_OBJ_TREE:
stack.append((realname + b'/', None, e2))
if not match(realname):
if n1 != n2 or fl1 != fl2:
result[realname] = ((n1, fl1), (n2, fl2))
elif clean:
result[realname] = None
for e2 in t2:
if e2.name in t1:
realname = subdir + pycompat.fsencode(e2.name)
if e2.type == pygit2.GIT_OBJ_TREE:
stack.append((realname + b'/', None, e2))
elif match(realname):
n2, fl2 = other.find(realname)
result[realname] = ((None, b''), (n2, fl2))
stack = []
_iterativediff(self._tree, other._tree, b'')
while stack:
subdir, t1, t2 = stack.pop()
# stack is populated in the function call
_iterativediff(t1, t2, subdir)
return result
def setflag(self, path: bytes, flag: bytes) -> None:
node, unused_flag = self._resolve_entry(path)
self._pending_changes[path] = node, flag
def get(self, path: bytes, default=None) -> bytes | None:
return self._resolve_entry(path)[0]
except KeyError:
return default
def flags(self, path: bytes) -> bytes:
return self._resolve_entry(path)[1]
except KeyError:
return b''
def copy(self) -> gittreemanifest:
return gittreemanifest(
self._git_repo, self._tree, dict(self._pending_changes)
def items(self) -> Iterator[tuple[bytes, bytes]]:
for f in self:
# TODO: build a proper iterator version of this
yield f, self[f]
def iteritems(self) -> Iterator[tuple[bytes, bytes]]:
return self.items()
def iterentries(self) -> Iterator[tuple[bytes, bytes, bytes]]:
for f in self:
# TODO: build a proper iterator version of this
yield f, *self._resolve_entry(f)
def text(self) -> ByteString:
# TODO can this method move out of the manifest iface?
raise NotImplementedError
def fastdelta(
self, base: ByteString, changes: Iterable[tuple[bytes, bool]]
) -> tuple[ByteString, ByteString]:
raise NotImplementedError # TODO: implement this
def _walkonetree(self, tree, match, subdir) -> Iterator[bytes]:
for te in tree:
# TODO: can we prune dir walks with the matcher?
realname = subdir + pycompat.fsencode(te.name)
if te.type == pygit2.GIT_OBJ_TREE:
yield from self._walkonetree(
self._git_repo[te.id], match, realname + b'/'
elif match(realname):
yield pycompat.fsencode(realname)
def walk(self, match: MatcherT) -> Iterator[bytes]:
# TODO: this is a very lazy way to merge in the pending
# changes. There is absolutely room for optimization here by
# being clever about walking over the sets...
baseline = set(self._walkonetree(self._tree, match, b''))
deleted = {p for p, v in self._pending_changes.items() if v is None}
pend = {p for p in self._pending_changes if match(p)}
return iter(sorted((baseline | pend) - deleted))
class gittreemanifestctx(repository.imanifestrevisionstored):
def __init__(self, repo, gittree):
self._repo = repo
self._tree = gittree
def read(self):
return gittreemanifest(self._repo, self._tree, None)
def readfast(self, shallow: bool = False):
return self.read()
def copy(self):
# NB: it's important that we return a memgittreemanifestctx
# because the caller expects a mutable manifest.
return memgittreemanifestctx(self._repo, self._tree)
def find(self, path: bytes) -> tuple[bytes, bytes]:
return self.read().find(path)
def node(self) -> bytes:
raise NotImplementedError
def readdelta(self, shallow: bool = False):
raise NotImplementedError
def read_any_fast_delta(
valid_bases: Collection[int] | None = None,
shallow: bool = False,
raise NotImplementedError
def read_delta_parents(self, *, shallow: bool = False, exact: bool = True):
raise NotImplementedError
def read_delta_new_entries(self, *, shallow: bool = False):
raise NotImplementedError
def parents(self):
# FIXME: the 2 parent nodes
return sha1nodeconstants.nullid, sha1nodeconstants.nullid
class memgittreemanifestctx(repository.imanifestrevisionwritable):
def __init__(self, repo, tree):
self._repo = repo
self._tree = tree
# dict of path: Optional[Tuple(node, flags)]
self._pending_changes = {}
def read(self):
return gittreemanifest(self._repo, self._tree, self._pending_changes)
def copy(self):
# TODO: if we have a builder in play, what should happen here?
# Maybe we can shuffle copy() into the immutable interface.
return memgittreemanifestctx(self._repo, self._tree)
def write(self, transaction, link, p1, p2, added, removed, match=None):
# We're not (for now, anyway) going to audit filenames, so we
# can ignore added and removed.
# TODO what does this match argument get used for? hopefully
# just narrow?
assert not match or isinstance(match, matchmod.alwaysmatcher)
touched_dirs = pathutil.dirs(list(self._pending_changes))
trees = {
b'': self._tree,
# path: treebuilder
builders = {
b'': self._repo.TreeBuilder(self._tree),
# get a TreeBuilder for every tree in the touched_dirs set
for d in sorted(touched_dirs, key=lambda x: (len(x), x)):
if d == b'':
# loaded root tree above
comps = d.split(b'/')
full = b''
for part in comps:
parent = trees[full]
parent_tree_id = parent[pycompat.fsdecode(part)].id
new = self._repo[parent_tree_id]
except KeyError:
# new directory
new = None
full += b'/' + part
if new is not None:
# existing directory
trees[full] = new
builders[full] = self._repo.TreeBuilder(new)
# new directory, use an empty dict to easily
# generate KeyError as any nested new dirs get
# created.
trees[full] = {}
builders[full] = self._repo.TreeBuilder()
for f, info in self._pending_changes.items():
if b'/' not in f:
dirname = b''
basename = f
dirname, basename = f.rsplit(b'/', 1)
dirname = b'/' + dirname
if info is None:
n, fl = info
mode = {
b'': pygit2.GIT_FILEMODE_BLOB,
b'l': pygit2.GIT_FILEMODE_LINK,
pycompat.fsdecode(basename), gitutil.togitnode(n), mode
# This visits the buffered TreeBuilders in deepest-first
# order, bubbling up the edits.
for b in sorted(builders, key=len, reverse=True):
if b == b'':
cb = builders[b]
dn, bn = b.rsplit(b'/', 1)
pycompat.fsdecode(bn), cb.write(), pygit2.GIT_FILEMODE_TREE
return builders[b''].write().raw