"$TESTDIR/hghave" svn svn-bindings || exit 80
tr '\\' /
echo "[extensions]" >> $HGRCPATH
echo "convert = " >> $HGRCPATH
echo "hgext.graphlog =" >> $HGRCPATH
svnadmin create svn-repo
cat "$TESTDIR/svn/move.svndump" | svnadmin load svn-repo > /dev/null
svnpath=`pwd | fix_path`
# SVN wants all paths to start with a slash. Unfortunately,
# Windows ones don't. Handle that.
expr "$svnpath" : "\/" > /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo % convert trunk and branches
hg convert --datesort "$svnurl"/subproject A-hg
cd A-hg
hg glog --template '{rev} {desc|firstline} files: {files}\n'
echo '% check move copy records'
hg st --rev 12:13 --copies
echo '% check branches'
hg branches | sed 's/:.*/:/'
cd ..
mkdir test-replace
cd test-replace
svnadmin create svn-repo
cat "$TESTDIR/svn/replace.svndump" | svnadmin load svn-repo > /dev/null
echo '% convert files being replaced by directories'
hg convert svn-repo hg-repo
cd hg-repo
echo '% manifest before'
hg -v manifest -r 1
echo '% manifest after clobber1'
hg -v manifest -r 2
echo '% manifest after clobber2'
hg -v manifest -r 3
echo '% try updating'
hg up -qC default
cd ..
echo '% test convert progress bar'
echo "progress=" >> $HGRCPATH
echo "[progress]" >> $HGRCPATH
echo "assume-tty=1" >> $HGRCPATH
echo "delay=0" >> $HGRCPATH
echo "refresh=0" >> $HGRCPATH
cat > filtercr.py <<EOF
import sys, re
for line in sys.stdin:
line = re.sub(r'\r+[^\n]', lambda m: '\n' + m.group()[-1:], line)
hg convert svn-repo hg-progress 2>&1 | python filtercr.py