// path_auditor.rs // // Copyright 2020 // Raphaël Gomès , // // This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the // GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version. use crate::utils::{ files::lower_clean, find_slice_in_slice, hg_path::{hg_path_to_path_buf, HgPath, HgPathBuf, HgPathError}, }; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::sync::{Mutex, RwLock}; /// Ensures that a path is valid for use in the repository i.e. does not use /// any banned components, does not traverse a symlink, etc. #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct PathAuditor { audited: Mutex>, audited_dirs: RwLock>, root: PathBuf, } impl PathAuditor { pub fn new(root: impl AsRef) -> Self { Self { root: root.as_ref().to_owned(), ..Default::default() } } pub fn audit_path( &self, path: impl AsRef, ) -> Result<(), HgPathError> { // TODO windows "localpath" normalization let path = path.as_ref(); if path.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } // TODO case normalization if self.audited.lock().unwrap().contains(path) { return Ok(()); } // AIX ignores "/" at end of path, others raise EISDIR. let last_byte = path.as_bytes()[path.len() - 1]; if last_byte == b'/' || last_byte == b'\\' { return Err(HgPathError::EndsWithSlash(path.to_owned())); } let parts: Vec<_> = path .as_bytes() .split(|b| std::path::is_separator(*b as char)) .collect(); let first_component = lower_clean(parts[0]); let first_component = first_component.as_slice(); if !path.split_drive().0.is_empty() || (first_component == b".hg" || first_component == b".hg." || first_component == b"") || parts.iter().any(|c| c == b"..") { return Err(HgPathError::InsideDotHg(path.to_owned())); } // Windows shortname aliases for part in parts.iter() { if part.contains(&b'~') { let mut split = part.splitn(2, |b| *b == b'~'); let first = split.next().unwrap().to_owned().to_ascii_uppercase(); let last = split.next().unwrap(); if last.iter().all(u8::is_ascii_digit) && (first == b"HG" || first == b"HG8B6C") { return Err(HgPathError::ContainsIllegalComponent( path.to_owned(), )); } } } let lower_path = lower_clean(path.as_bytes()); if find_slice_in_slice(&lower_path, b".hg").is_some() { let lower_parts: Vec<_> = path .as_bytes() .split(|b| std::path::is_separator(*b as char)) .collect(); for pattern in [b".hg".to_vec(), b".hg.".to_vec()].iter() { if let Some(pos) = lower_parts[1..] .iter() .position(|part| part == &pattern.as_slice()) { let base = lower_parts[..=pos] .iter() .fold(HgPathBuf::new(), |acc, p| { acc.join(HgPath::new(p)) }); return Err(HgPathError::IsInsideNestedRepo { path: path.to_owned(), nested_repo: base, }); } } } let parts = &parts[..parts.len().saturating_sub(1)]; // We don't want to add "foo/bar/baz" to `audited_dirs` before checking // if there's a "foo/.hg" directory. This also means we won't // accidentally traverse a symlink into some other filesystem (which // is potentially expensive to access). for index in 0..parts.len() { let prefix = &parts[..index + 1].join(&b'/'); let prefix = HgPath::new(prefix); if self.audited_dirs.read().unwrap().contains(prefix) { continue; } self.check_filesystem(&prefix, &path)?; self.audited_dirs.write().unwrap().insert(prefix.to_owned()); } self.audited.lock().unwrap().insert(path.to_owned()); Ok(()) } pub fn check_filesystem( &self, prefix: impl AsRef, path: impl AsRef, ) -> Result<(), HgPathError> { let prefix = prefix.as_ref(); let path = path.as_ref(); let current_path = self.root.join( hg_path_to_path_buf(prefix) .map_err(|_| HgPathError::NotFsCompliant(path.to_owned()))?, ); match std::fs::symlink_metadata(¤t_path) { Err(e) => { // EINVAL can be raised as invalid path syntax under win32. if e.kind() != std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound && e.kind() != std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput && e.raw_os_error() != Some(20) { // Rust does not yet have an `ErrorKind` for // `NotADirectory` (errno 20) // It happens if the dirstate contains `foo/bar` and // foo is not a directory return Err(HgPathError::NotFsCompliant(path.to_owned())); } } Ok(meta) => { if meta.file_type().is_symlink() { return Err(HgPathError::TraversesSymbolicLink { path: path.to_owned(), symlink: prefix.to_owned(), }); } if meta.file_type().is_dir() && current_path.join(".hg").is_dir() { return Err(HgPathError::IsInsideNestedRepo { path: path.to_owned(), nested_repo: prefix.to_owned(), }); } } }; Ok(()) } pub fn check(&self, path: impl AsRef) -> bool { self.audit_path(path).is_ok() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::utils::files::get_path_from_bytes; use crate::utils::hg_path::path_to_hg_path_buf; #[test] fn test_path_auditor() { let auditor = PathAuditor::new(get_path_from_bytes(b"/tmp")); let path = HgPath::new(b".hg/00changelog.i"); assert_eq!( auditor.audit_path(path), Err(HgPathError::InsideDotHg(path.to_owned())) ); let path = HgPath::new(b"this/is/nested/.hg/thing.txt"); assert_eq!( auditor.audit_path(path), Err(HgPathError::IsInsideNestedRepo { path: path.to_owned(), nested_repo: HgPathBuf::from_bytes(b"this/is/nested") }) ); use std::fs::{create_dir, File}; use tempfile::tempdir; let base_dir = tempdir().unwrap(); let base_dir_path = base_dir.path(); let a = base_dir_path.join("a"); let b = base_dir_path.join("b"); create_dir(&a).unwrap(); let in_a_path = a.join("in_a"); File::create(in_a_path).unwrap(); // TODO make portable std::os::unix::fs::symlink(&a, &b).unwrap(); let buf = b.join("in_a").components().skip(2).collect::(); eprintln!("buf: {}", buf.display()); let path = path_to_hg_path_buf(buf).unwrap(); assert_eq!( auditor.audit_path(&path), Err(HgPathError::TraversesSymbolicLink { path: path, symlink: path_to_hg_path_buf( b.components().skip(2).collect::() ) .unwrap() }) ); } }