#!/usr/bin/env python # # This is a generalized framework for converting between SCM # repository formats. # # To use, run: # # convert-repo [ []] # # Currently accepted source formats: git, cvs # Currently accepted destination formats: hg # # If destination isn't given, a new Mercurial repo named -hg will # be created. If isn't given, it will be put in a default # location (/.hg/shamap by default) # # The is a simple text file that maps each source commit ID to # the destination ID for that revision, like so: # # # # If the file doesn't exist, it's automatically created. It's updated # on each commit copied, so convert-repo can be interrupted and can # be run repeatedly to copy new commits. import sys, os, zlib, sha, time, re, locale, socket os.environ["HGENCODING"] = "utf-8" from mercurial import hg, ui, util, fancyopts class Abort(Exception): pass class NoRepo(Exception): pass class commit(object): def __init__(self, **parts): for x in "author date desc parents".split(): if not x in parts: abort("commit missing field %s\n" % x) self.__dict__.update(parts) quiet = 0 def status(msg): if not quiet: sys.stdout.write(str(msg)) def warn(msg): sys.stderr.write(str(msg)) def abort(msg): raise Abort(msg) def recode(s): try: return s.decode("utf-8").encode("utf-8") except: try: return s.decode("latin-1").encode("utf-8") except: return s.decode("utf-8", "replace").encode("utf-8") class converter_source(object): """Conversion source interface""" def __init__(self, path): """Initialize conversion source (or raise NoRepo("message") exception if path is not a valid repository)""" raise NotImplementedError() def getheads(self): """Return a list of this repository's heads""" raise NotImplementedError() def getfile(self, name, rev): """Return file contents as a string""" raise NotImplementedError() def getmode(self, name, rev): """Return file mode, eg. '', 'x', or 'l'""" raise NotImplementedError() def getchanges(self, version): """Return sorted list of (filename, id) tuples for all files changed in rev. id just tells us which revision to return in getfile(), e.g. in git it's an object hash.""" raise NotImplementedError() def getcommit(self, version): """Return the commit object for version""" raise NotImplementedError() def gettags(self): """Return the tags as a dictionary of name: revision""" raise NotImplementedError() class converter_sink(object): """Conversion sink (target) interface""" def __init__(self, path): """Initialize conversion sink (or raise NoRepo("message") exception if path is not a valid repository)""" raise NotImplementedError() def getheads(self): """Return a list of this repository's heads""" raise NotImplementedError() def mapfile(self): """Path to a file that will contain lines source_rev_id sink_rev_id mapping equivalent revision identifiers for each system.""" raise NotImplementedError() def putfile(self, f, e, data): """Put file for next putcommit(). f: path to file e: '', 'x', or 'l' (regular file, executable, or symlink) data: file contents""" raise NotImplementedError() def delfile(self, f): """Delete file for next putcommit(). f: path to file""" raise NotImplementedError() def putcommit(self, files, parents, commit): """Create a revision with all changed files listed in 'files' and having listed parents. 'commit' is a commit object containing at a minimum the author, date, and message for this changeset. Called after putfile() and delfile() calls. Note that the sink repository is not told to update itself to a particular revision (or even what that revision would be) before it receives the file data.""" raise NotImplementedError() def puttags(self, tags): """Put tags into sink. tags: {tagname: sink_rev_id, ...}""" raise NotImplementedError() # CVS conversion code inspired by hg-cvs-import and git-cvsimport class convert_cvs(converter_source): def __init__(self, path): self.path = path cvs = os.path.join(path, "CVS") if not os.path.exists(cvs): raise NoRepo("couldn't open CVS repo %s" % path) self.changeset = {} self.files = {} self.tags = {} self.lastbranch = {} self.parent = {} self.socket = None self.cvsroot = file(os.path.join(cvs, "Root")).read()[:-1] self.cvsrepo = file(os.path.join(cvs, "Repository")).read()[:-1] self.encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() self._parse() self._connect() def _parse(self): if self.changeset: return d = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(self.path) id = None state = 0 for l in os.popen("cvsps -A -u --cvs-direct -q"): if state == 0: # header if l.startswith("PatchSet"): id = l[9:-2] elif l.startswith("Date"): date = util.parsedate(l[6:-1], ["%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"]) date = util.datestr(date) elif l.startswith("Branch"): branch = l[8:-1] self.parent[id] = self.lastbranch.get(branch,'bad') self.lastbranch[branch] = id elif l.startswith("Ancestor branch"): ancestor = l[17:-1] self.parent[id] = self.lastbranch[ancestor] elif l.startswith("Author"): author = self.recode(l[8:-1]) elif l.startswith("Tag: "): t = l[5:-1].rstrip() if t != "(none)": self.tags[t] = id elif l.startswith("Log:"): state = 1 log = "" elif state == 1: # log if l == "Members: \n": files = {} log = self.recode(log[:-1]) if log.isspace(): log = "*** empty log message ***\n" state = 2 else: log += l elif state == 2: if l == "\n": # state = 0 p = [self.parent[id]] if id == "1": p = [] c = commit(author=author, date=date, parents=p, desc=log, branch=branch) self.changeset[id] = c self.files[id] = files else: file,rev = l[1:-2].rsplit(':',1) rev = rev.split("->")[1] files[file] = rev self.heads = self.lastbranch.values() finally: os.chdir(d) def _connect(self): root = self.cvsroot conntype = None user, host = None, None cmd = ['cvs', 'server'] status("connecting to %s\n" % root) if root.startswith(":pserver:"): root = root[9:] m = re.match(r'(?:(.*?)(?::(.*?))?@)?([^:\/]*)(?::(\d*))?(.*)', root) if m: conntype = "pserver" user, passw, serv, port, root = m.groups() if not user: user = "anonymous" rr = ":pserver:" + user + "@" + serv + ":" + root if port: rr2, port = "-", int(port) else: rr2, port = rr, 2401 rr += str(port) if not passw: passw = "A" pf = open(os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".cvspass")) for l in pf: # :pserver:cvs@mea.tmt.tele.fi:/cvsroot/zmailer Ah/dev/null" % (self.path, type, rev)) return fh.read() def getfile(self, name, rev): return self.catfile(rev, "blob") def getmode(self, name, rev): return self.modecache[(name, rev)] def getchanges(self, version): self.modecache = {} fh = os.popen("GIT_DIR=%s git-diff-tree --root -m -r %s" % (self.path, version)) changes = [] for l in fh: if "\t" not in l: continue m, f = l[:-1].split("\t") m = m.split() h = m[3] p = (m[1] == "100755") s = (m[1] == "120000") self.modecache[(f, h)] = (p and "x") or (s and "l") or "" changes.append((f, h)) return changes def getcommit(self, version): c = self.catfile(version, "commit") # read the commit hash end = c.find("\n\n") message = c[end+2:] message = recode(message) l = c[:end].splitlines() manifest = l[0].split()[1] parents = [] for e in l[1:]: n,v = e.split(" ", 1) if n == "author": p = v.split() tm, tz = p[-2:] author = " ".join(p[:-2]) if author[0] == "<": author = author[1:-1] author = recode(author) if n == "committer": p = v.split() tm, tz = p[-2:] committer = " ".join(p[:-2]) if committer[0] == "<": committer = committer[1:-1] committer = recode(committer) message += "\ncommitter: %s\n" % committer if n == "parent": parents.append(v) tzs, tzh, tzm = tz[-5:-4] + "1", tz[-4:-2], tz[-2:] tz = -int(tzs) * (int(tzh) * 3600 + int(tzm)) date = tm + " " + str(tz) c = commit(parents=parents, date=date, author=author, desc=message) return c def gettags(self): tags = {} fh = os.popen('git-ls-remote --tags "%s" 2>/dev/null' % self.path) prefix = 'refs/tags/' for line in fh: line = line.strip() if not line.endswith("^{}"): continue node, tag = line.split(None, 1) if not tag.startswith(prefix): continue tag = tag[len(prefix):-3] tags[tag] = node return tags class convert_mercurial(converter_sink): def __init__(self, path): self.path = path u = ui.ui() try: self.repo = hg.repository(u, path) except: raise NoRepo("could open hg repo %s" % path) def mapfile(self): return os.path.join(self.path, ".hg", "shamap") def getheads(self): h = self.repo.changelog.heads() return [ hg.hex(x) for x in h ] def putfile(self, f, e, data): self.repo.wwrite(f, data, e) if self.repo.dirstate.state(f) == '?': self.repo.dirstate.update([f], "a") def delfile(self, f): try: os.unlink(self.repo.wjoin(f)) #self.repo.remove([f]) except: pass def putcommit(self, files, parents, commit): seen = {} pl = [] for p in parents: if p not in seen: pl.append(p) seen[p] = 1 parents = pl if len(parents) < 2: parents.append("0" * 40) if len(parents) < 2: parents.append("0" * 40) p2 = parents.pop(0) text = commit.desc extra = {} try: extra["branch"] = commit.branch except AttributeError: pass while parents: p1 = p2 p2 = parents.pop(0) a = self.repo.rawcommit(files, text, commit.author, commit.date, hg.bin(p1), hg.bin(p2), extra=extra) text = "(octopus merge fixup)\n" p2 = hg.hex(self.repo.changelog.tip()) return p2 def puttags(self, tags): try: old = self.repo.wfile(".hgtags").read() oldlines = old.splitlines(1) oldlines.sort() except: oldlines = [] k = tags.keys() k.sort() newlines = [] for tag in k: newlines.append("%s %s\n" % (tags[tag], tag)) newlines.sort() if newlines != oldlines: status("updating tags\n") f = self.repo.wfile(".hgtags", "w") f.write("".join(newlines)) f.close() if not oldlines: self.repo.add([".hgtags"]) date = "%s 0" % int(time.mktime(time.gmtime())) self.repo.rawcommit([".hgtags"], "update tags", "convert-repo", date, self.repo.changelog.tip(), hg.nullid) return hg.hex(self.repo.changelog.tip()) converters = [convert_cvs, convert_git, convert_mercurial] def converter(path): if not os.path.isdir(path): abort("%s: not a directory\n" % path) for c in converters: try: return c(path) except NoRepo: pass abort("%s: unknown repository type\n" % path) class convert(object): def __init__(self, source, dest, mapfile, opts): self.source = source self.dest = dest self.mapfile = mapfile self.opts = opts self.commitcache = {} self.map = {} try: for l in file(self.mapfile): sv, dv = l[:-1].split() self.map[sv] = dv except IOError: pass def walktree(self, heads): visit = heads known = {} parents = {} while visit: n = visit.pop(0) if n in known or n in self.map: continue known[n] = 1 self.commitcache[n] = self.source.getcommit(n) cp = self.commitcache[n].parents for p in cp: parents.setdefault(n, []).append(p) visit.append(p) return parents def toposort(self, parents): visit = parents.keys() seen = {} children = {} while visit: n = visit.pop(0) if n in seen: continue seen[n] = 1 pc = 0 if n in parents: for p in parents[n]: if p not in self.map: pc += 1 visit.append(p) children.setdefault(p, []).append(n) if not pc: root = n s = [] removed = {} visit = children.keys() while visit: n = visit.pop(0) if n in removed: continue dep = 0 if n in parents: for p in parents[n]: if p in self.map: continue if p not in removed: # we're still dependent visit.append(n) dep = 1 break if not dep: # all n's parents are in the list removed[n] = 1 if n not in self.map: s.append(n) if n in children: for c in children[n]: visit.insert(0, c) if opts.get('datesort'): depth = {} for n in s: depth[n] = 0 pl = [p for p in self.commitcache[n].parents if p not in self.map] if pl: depth[n] = max([depth[p] for p in pl]) + 1 s = [(depth[n], self.commitcache[n].date, n) for n in s] s.sort() s = [e[2] for e in s] return s def copy(self, rev): c = self.commitcache[rev] files = self.source.getchanges(rev) for f,v in files: try: data = self.source.getfile(f, v) except IOError, inst: self.dest.delfile(f) else: e = self.source.getmode(f, v) self.dest.putfile(f, e, data) r = [self.map[v] for v in c.parents] f = [f for f,v in files] self.map[rev] = self.dest.putcommit(f, r, c) file(self.mapfile, "a").write("%s %s\n" % (rev, self.map[rev])) def convert(self): status("scanning source...\n") heads = self.source.getheads() parents = self.walktree(heads) status("sorting...\n") t = self.toposort(parents) num = len(t) c = None status("converting...\n") for c in t: num -= 1 desc = self.commitcache[c].desc if "\n" in desc: desc = desc.splitlines()[0] status("%d %s\n" % (num, desc)) self.copy(c) tags = self.source.gettags() ctags = {} for k in tags: v = tags[k] if v in self.map: ctags[k] = self.map[v] if c and ctags: nrev = self.dest.puttags(ctags) # write another hash correspondence to override the previous # one so we don't end up with extra tag heads if nrev: file(self.mapfile, "a").write("%s %s\n" % (c, nrev)) def command(src, dest=None, mapfile=None, **opts): srcc = converter(src) if not hasattr(srcc, "getcommit"): abort("%s: can't read from this repo type\n" % src) if not dest: dest = src + "-hg" status("assuming destination %s\n" % dest) if not os.path.isdir(dest): status("creating repository %s\n" % dest) os.system("hg init " + dest) destc = converter(dest) if not hasattr(destc, "putcommit"): abort("%s: can't write to this repo type\n" % src) if not mapfile: try: mapfile = destc.mapfile() except: mapfile = os.path.join(destc, "map") c = convert(srcc, destc, mapfile, opts) c.convert() options = [('q', 'quiet', None, 'suppress output'), ('', 'datesort', None, 'try to sort changesets by date')] opts = {} args = fancyopts.fancyopts(sys.argv[1:], options, opts) if opts['quiet']: quiet = 1 try: command(*args, **opts) except Abort, inst: warn(inst) except KeyboardInterrupt: status("interrupted\n")