# Copyright (c) 2016-present, Gregory Szorc # All rights reserved. # # This software may be modified and distributed under the terms # of the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details. """Python interface to the Zstandard (zstd) compression library.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import os import sys from _zstd_cffi import ( ffi, lib, ) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: bytes_type = str int_type = long else: bytes_type = bytes int_type = int COMPRESSION_RECOMMENDED_INPUT_SIZE = lib.ZSTD_CStreamInSize() COMPRESSION_RECOMMENDED_OUTPUT_SIZE = lib.ZSTD_CStreamOutSize() DECOMPRESSION_RECOMMENDED_INPUT_SIZE = lib.ZSTD_DStreamInSize() DECOMPRESSION_RECOMMENDED_OUTPUT_SIZE = lib.ZSTD_DStreamOutSize() new_nonzero = ffi.new_allocator(should_clear_after_alloc=False) MAX_COMPRESSION_LEVEL = lib.ZSTD_maxCLevel() MAGIC_NUMBER = lib.ZSTD_MAGICNUMBER FRAME_HEADER = b'\x28\xb5\x2f\xfd' ZSTD_VERSION = (lib.ZSTD_VERSION_MAJOR, lib.ZSTD_VERSION_MINOR, lib.ZSTD_VERSION_RELEASE) WINDOWLOG_MIN = lib.ZSTD_WINDOWLOG_MIN WINDOWLOG_MAX = lib.ZSTD_WINDOWLOG_MAX CHAINLOG_MIN = lib.ZSTD_CHAINLOG_MIN CHAINLOG_MAX = lib.ZSTD_CHAINLOG_MAX HASHLOG_MIN = lib.ZSTD_HASHLOG_MIN HASHLOG_MAX = lib.ZSTD_HASHLOG_MAX HASHLOG3_MAX = lib.ZSTD_HASHLOG3_MAX SEARCHLOG_MIN = lib.ZSTD_SEARCHLOG_MIN SEARCHLOG_MAX = lib.ZSTD_SEARCHLOG_MAX SEARCHLENGTH_MIN = lib.ZSTD_SEARCHLENGTH_MIN SEARCHLENGTH_MAX = lib.ZSTD_SEARCHLENGTH_MAX TARGETLENGTH_MIN = lib.ZSTD_TARGETLENGTH_MIN TARGETLENGTH_MAX = lib.ZSTD_TARGETLENGTH_MAX STRATEGY_FAST = lib.ZSTD_fast STRATEGY_DFAST = lib.ZSTD_dfast STRATEGY_GREEDY = lib.ZSTD_greedy STRATEGY_LAZY = lib.ZSTD_lazy STRATEGY_LAZY2 = lib.ZSTD_lazy2 STRATEGY_BTLAZY2 = lib.ZSTD_btlazy2 STRATEGY_BTOPT = lib.ZSTD_btopt COMPRESSOBJ_FLUSH_FINISH = 0 COMPRESSOBJ_FLUSH_BLOCK = 1 def _cpu_count(): # os.cpu_count() was introducd in Python 3.4. try: return os.cpu_count() or 0 except AttributeError: pass # Linux. try: if sys.version_info[0] == 2: return os.sysconf(b'SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN') else: return os.sysconf(u'SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN') except (AttributeError, ValueError): pass # TODO implement on other platforms. return 0 class ZstdError(Exception): pass class CompressionParameters(object): def __init__(self, window_log, chain_log, hash_log, search_log, search_length, target_length, strategy): if window_log < WINDOWLOG_MIN or window_log > WINDOWLOG_MAX: raise ValueError('invalid window log value') if chain_log < CHAINLOG_MIN or chain_log > CHAINLOG_MAX: raise ValueError('invalid chain log value') if hash_log < HASHLOG_MIN or hash_log > HASHLOG_MAX: raise ValueError('invalid hash log value') if search_log < SEARCHLOG_MIN or search_log > SEARCHLOG_MAX: raise ValueError('invalid search log value') if search_length < SEARCHLENGTH_MIN or search_length > SEARCHLENGTH_MAX: raise ValueError('invalid search length value') if target_length < TARGETLENGTH_MIN or target_length > TARGETLENGTH_MAX: raise ValueError('invalid target length value') if strategy < STRATEGY_FAST or strategy > STRATEGY_BTOPT: raise ValueError('invalid strategy value') self.window_log = window_log self.chain_log = chain_log self.hash_log = hash_log self.search_log = search_log self.search_length = search_length self.target_length = target_length self.strategy = strategy zresult = lib.ZSTD_checkCParams(self.as_compression_parameters()) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ValueError('invalid compression parameters: %s', ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) def estimated_compression_context_size(self): return lib.ZSTD_estimateCCtxSize(self.as_compression_parameters()) def as_compression_parameters(self): p = ffi.new('ZSTD_compressionParameters *')[0] p.windowLog = self.window_log p.chainLog = self.chain_log p.hashLog = self.hash_log p.searchLog = self.search_log p.searchLength = self.search_length p.targetLength = self.target_length p.strategy = self.strategy return p def get_compression_parameters(level, source_size=0, dict_size=0): params = lib.ZSTD_getCParams(level, source_size, dict_size) return CompressionParameters(window_log=params.windowLog, chain_log=params.chainLog, hash_log=params.hashLog, search_log=params.searchLog, search_length=params.searchLength, target_length=params.targetLength, strategy=params.strategy) def estimate_compression_context_size(params): if not isinstance(params, CompressionParameters): raise ValueError('argument must be a CompressionParameters') cparams = params.as_compression_parameters() return lib.ZSTD_estimateCCtxSize(cparams) def estimate_decompression_context_size(): return lib.ZSTD_estimateDCtxSize() class ZstdCompressionWriter(object): def __init__(self, compressor, writer, source_size, write_size): self._compressor = compressor self._writer = writer self._source_size = source_size self._write_size = write_size self._entered = False self._mtcctx = compressor._cctx if compressor._multithreaded else None def __enter__(self): if self._entered: raise ZstdError('cannot __enter__ multiple times') if self._mtcctx: self._compressor._init_mtcstream(self._source_size) else: self._compressor._ensure_cstream(self._source_size) self._entered = True return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): self._entered = False if not exc_type and not exc_value and not exc_tb: out_buffer = ffi.new('ZSTD_outBuffer *') dst_buffer = ffi.new('char[]', self._write_size) out_buffer.dst = dst_buffer out_buffer.size = self._write_size out_buffer.pos = 0 while True: if self._mtcctx: zresult = lib.ZSTDMT_endStream(self._mtcctx, out_buffer) else: zresult = lib.ZSTD_endStream(self._compressor._cstream, out_buffer) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('error ending compression stream: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) if out_buffer.pos: self._writer.write(ffi.buffer(out_buffer.dst, out_buffer.pos)[:]) out_buffer.pos = 0 if zresult == 0: break self._compressor = None return False def memory_size(self): if not self._entered: raise ZstdError('cannot determine size of an inactive compressor; ' 'call when a context manager is active') return lib.ZSTD_sizeof_CStream(self._compressor._cstream) def write(self, data): if not self._entered: raise ZstdError('write() must be called from an active context ' 'manager') total_write = 0 data_buffer = ffi.from_buffer(data) in_buffer = ffi.new('ZSTD_inBuffer *') in_buffer.src = data_buffer in_buffer.size = len(data_buffer) in_buffer.pos = 0 out_buffer = ffi.new('ZSTD_outBuffer *') dst_buffer = ffi.new('char[]', self._write_size) out_buffer.dst = dst_buffer out_buffer.size = self._write_size out_buffer.pos = 0 while in_buffer.pos < in_buffer.size: if self._mtcctx: zresult = lib.ZSTDMT_compressStream(self._mtcctx, out_buffer, in_buffer) else: zresult = lib.ZSTD_compressStream(self._compressor._cstream, out_buffer, in_buffer) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('zstd compress error: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) if out_buffer.pos: self._writer.write(ffi.buffer(out_buffer.dst, out_buffer.pos)[:]) total_write += out_buffer.pos out_buffer.pos = 0 return total_write def flush(self): if not self._entered: raise ZstdError('flush must be called from an active context manager') total_write = 0 out_buffer = ffi.new('ZSTD_outBuffer *') dst_buffer = ffi.new('char[]', self._write_size) out_buffer.dst = dst_buffer out_buffer.size = self._write_size out_buffer.pos = 0 while True: if self._mtcctx: zresult = lib.ZSTDMT_flushStream(self._mtcctx, out_buffer) else: zresult = lib.ZSTD_flushStream(self._compressor._cstream, out_buffer) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('zstd compress error: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) if not out_buffer.pos: break self._writer.write(ffi.buffer(out_buffer.dst, out_buffer.pos)[:]) total_write += out_buffer.pos out_buffer.pos = 0 return total_write class ZstdCompressionObj(object): def compress(self, data): if self._finished: raise ZstdError('cannot call compress() after compressor finished') data_buffer = ffi.from_buffer(data) source = ffi.new('ZSTD_inBuffer *') source.src = data_buffer source.size = len(data_buffer) source.pos = 0 chunks = [] while source.pos < len(data): if self._mtcctx: zresult = lib.ZSTDMT_compressStream(self._mtcctx, self._out, source) else: zresult = lib.ZSTD_compressStream(self._compressor._cstream, self._out, source) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('zstd compress error: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) if self._out.pos: chunks.append(ffi.buffer(self._out.dst, self._out.pos)[:]) self._out.pos = 0 return b''.join(chunks) def flush(self, flush_mode=COMPRESSOBJ_FLUSH_FINISH): if flush_mode not in (COMPRESSOBJ_FLUSH_FINISH, COMPRESSOBJ_FLUSH_BLOCK): raise ValueError('flush mode not recognized') if self._finished: raise ZstdError('compressor object already finished') assert self._out.pos == 0 if flush_mode == COMPRESSOBJ_FLUSH_BLOCK: if self._mtcctx: zresult = lib.ZSTDMT_flushStream(self._mtcctx, self._out) else: zresult = lib.ZSTD_flushStream(self._compressor._cstream, self._out) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('zstd compress error: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) # Output buffer is guaranteed to hold full block. assert zresult == 0 if self._out.pos: result = ffi.buffer(self._out.dst, self._out.pos)[:] self._out.pos = 0 return result else: return b'' assert flush_mode == COMPRESSOBJ_FLUSH_FINISH self._finished = True chunks = [] while True: if self._mtcctx: zresult = lib.ZSTDMT_endStream(self._mtcctx, self._out) else: zresult = lib.ZSTD_endStream(self._compressor._cstream, self._out) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('error ending compression stream: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErroName(zresult))) if self._out.pos: chunks.append(ffi.buffer(self._out.dst, self._out.pos)[:]) self._out.pos = 0 if not zresult: break return b''.join(chunks) class ZstdCompressor(object): def __init__(self, level=3, dict_data=None, compression_params=None, write_checksum=False, write_content_size=False, write_dict_id=True, threads=0): if level < 1: raise ValueError('level must be greater than 0') elif level > lib.ZSTD_maxCLevel(): raise ValueError('level must be less than %d' % lib.ZSTD_maxCLevel()) if threads < 0: threads = _cpu_count() self._compression_level = level self._dict_data = dict_data self._cparams = compression_params self._fparams = ffi.new('ZSTD_frameParameters *')[0] self._fparams.checksumFlag = write_checksum self._fparams.contentSizeFlag = write_content_size self._fparams.noDictIDFlag = not write_dict_id if threads: cctx = lib.ZSTDMT_createCCtx(threads) if cctx == ffi.NULL: raise MemoryError() self._cctx = ffi.gc(cctx, lib.ZSTDMT_freeCCtx) self._multithreaded = True else: cctx = lib.ZSTD_createCCtx() if cctx == ffi.NULL: raise MemoryError() self._cctx = ffi.gc(cctx, lib.ZSTD_freeCCtx) self._multithreaded = False self._cstream = None def compress(self, data, allow_empty=False): if len(data) == 0 and self._fparams.contentSizeFlag and not allow_empty: raise ValueError('cannot write empty inputs when writing content sizes') if self._multithreaded and self._dict_data: raise ZstdError('compress() cannot be used with both dictionaries and multi-threaded compression') if self._multithreaded and self._cparams: raise ZstdError('compress() cannot be used with both compression parameters and multi-threaded compression') # TODO use a CDict for performance. dict_data = ffi.NULL dict_size = 0 if self._dict_data: dict_data = self._dict_data.as_bytes() dict_size = len(self._dict_data) params = ffi.new('ZSTD_parameters *')[0] if self._cparams: params.cParams = self._cparams.as_compression_parameters() else: params.cParams = lib.ZSTD_getCParams(self._compression_level, len(data), dict_size) params.fParams = self._fparams dest_size = lib.ZSTD_compressBound(len(data)) out = new_nonzero('char[]', dest_size) if self._multithreaded: zresult = lib.ZSTDMT_compressCCtx(self._cctx, ffi.addressof(out), dest_size, data, len(data), self._compression_level) else: zresult = lib.ZSTD_compress_advanced(self._cctx, ffi.addressof(out), dest_size, data, len(data), dict_data, dict_size, params) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('cannot compress: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) return ffi.buffer(out, zresult)[:] def compressobj(self, size=0): if self._multithreaded: self._init_mtcstream(size) else: self._ensure_cstream(size) cobj = ZstdCompressionObj() cobj._out = ffi.new('ZSTD_outBuffer *') cobj._dst_buffer = ffi.new('char[]', COMPRESSION_RECOMMENDED_OUTPUT_SIZE) cobj._out.dst = cobj._dst_buffer cobj._out.size = COMPRESSION_RECOMMENDED_OUTPUT_SIZE cobj._out.pos = 0 cobj._compressor = self cobj._finished = False if self._multithreaded: cobj._mtcctx = self._cctx else: cobj._mtcctx = None return cobj def copy_stream(self, ifh, ofh, size=0, read_size=COMPRESSION_RECOMMENDED_INPUT_SIZE, write_size=COMPRESSION_RECOMMENDED_OUTPUT_SIZE): if not hasattr(ifh, 'read'): raise ValueError('first argument must have a read() method') if not hasattr(ofh, 'write'): raise ValueError('second argument must have a write() method') mt = self._multithreaded if mt: self._init_mtcstream(size) else: self._ensure_cstream(size) in_buffer = ffi.new('ZSTD_inBuffer *') out_buffer = ffi.new('ZSTD_outBuffer *') dst_buffer = ffi.new('char[]', write_size) out_buffer.dst = dst_buffer out_buffer.size = write_size out_buffer.pos = 0 total_read, total_write = 0, 0 while True: data = ifh.read(read_size) if not data: break data_buffer = ffi.from_buffer(data) total_read += len(data_buffer) in_buffer.src = data_buffer in_buffer.size = len(data_buffer) in_buffer.pos = 0 while in_buffer.pos < in_buffer.size: if mt: zresult = lib.ZSTDMT_compressStream(self._cctx, out_buffer, in_buffer) else: zresult = lib.ZSTD_compressStream(self._cstream, out_buffer, in_buffer) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('zstd compress error: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) if out_buffer.pos: ofh.write(ffi.buffer(out_buffer.dst, out_buffer.pos)) total_write += out_buffer.pos out_buffer.pos = 0 # We've finished reading. Flush the compressor. while True: if mt: zresult = lib.ZSTDMT_endStream(self._cctx, out_buffer) else: zresult = lib.ZSTD_endStream(self._cstream, out_buffer) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('error ending compression stream: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) if out_buffer.pos: ofh.write(ffi.buffer(out_buffer.dst, out_buffer.pos)) total_write += out_buffer.pos out_buffer.pos = 0 if zresult == 0: break return total_read, total_write def write_to(self, writer, size=0, write_size=COMPRESSION_RECOMMENDED_OUTPUT_SIZE): if not hasattr(writer, 'write'): raise ValueError('must pass an object with a write() method') return ZstdCompressionWriter(self, writer, size, write_size) def read_from(self, reader, size=0, read_size=COMPRESSION_RECOMMENDED_INPUT_SIZE, write_size=COMPRESSION_RECOMMENDED_OUTPUT_SIZE): if hasattr(reader, 'read'): have_read = True elif hasattr(reader, '__getitem__'): have_read = False buffer_offset = 0 size = len(reader) else: raise ValueError('must pass an object with a read() method or ' 'conforms to buffer protocol') if self._multithreaded: self._init_mtcstream(size) else: self._ensure_cstream(size) in_buffer = ffi.new('ZSTD_inBuffer *') out_buffer = ffi.new('ZSTD_outBuffer *') in_buffer.src = ffi.NULL in_buffer.size = 0 in_buffer.pos = 0 dst_buffer = ffi.new('char[]', write_size) out_buffer.dst = dst_buffer out_buffer.size = write_size out_buffer.pos = 0 while True: # We should never have output data sitting around after a previous # iteration. assert out_buffer.pos == 0 # Collect input data. if have_read: read_result = reader.read(read_size) else: remaining = len(reader) - buffer_offset slice_size = min(remaining, read_size) read_result = reader[buffer_offset:buffer_offset + slice_size] buffer_offset += slice_size # No new input data. Break out of the read loop. if not read_result: break # Feed all read data into the compressor and emit output until # exhausted. read_buffer = ffi.from_buffer(read_result) in_buffer.src = read_buffer in_buffer.size = len(read_buffer) in_buffer.pos = 0 while in_buffer.pos < in_buffer.size: if self._multithreaded: zresult = lib.ZSTDMT_compressStream(self._cctx, out_buffer, in_buffer) else: zresult = lib.ZSTD_compressStream(self._cstream, out_buffer, in_buffer) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('zstd compress error: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) if out_buffer.pos: data = ffi.buffer(out_buffer.dst, out_buffer.pos)[:] out_buffer.pos = 0 yield data assert out_buffer.pos == 0 # And repeat the loop to collect more data. continue # If we get here, input is exhausted. End the stream and emit what # remains. while True: assert out_buffer.pos == 0 if self._multithreaded: zresult = lib.ZSTDMT_endStream(self._cctx, out_buffer) else: zresult = lib.ZSTD_endStream(self._cstream, out_buffer) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('error ending compression stream: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) if out_buffer.pos: data = ffi.buffer(out_buffer.dst, out_buffer.pos)[:] out_buffer.pos = 0 yield data if zresult == 0: break def _ensure_cstream(self, size): if self._cstream: zresult = lib.ZSTD_resetCStream(self._cstream, size) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('could not reset CStream: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) return cstream = lib.ZSTD_createCStream() if cstream == ffi.NULL: raise MemoryError() cstream = ffi.gc(cstream, lib.ZSTD_freeCStream) dict_data = ffi.NULL dict_size = 0 if self._dict_data: dict_data = self._dict_data.as_bytes() dict_size = len(self._dict_data) zparams = ffi.new('ZSTD_parameters *')[0] if self._cparams: zparams.cParams = self._cparams.as_compression_parameters() else: zparams.cParams = lib.ZSTD_getCParams(self._compression_level, size, dict_size) zparams.fParams = self._fparams zresult = lib.ZSTD_initCStream_advanced(cstream, dict_data, dict_size, zparams, size) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise Exception('cannot init CStream: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) self._cstream = cstream def _init_mtcstream(self, size): assert self._multithreaded dict_data = ffi.NULL dict_size = 0 if self._dict_data: dict_data = self._dict_data.as_bytes() dict_size = len(self._dict_data) zparams = ffi.new('ZSTD_parameters *')[0] if self._cparams: zparams.cParams = self._cparams.as_compression_parameters() else: zparams.cParams = lib.ZSTD_getCParams(self._compression_level, size, dict_size) zparams.fParams = self._fparams zresult = lib.ZSTDMT_initCStream_advanced(self._cctx, dict_data, dict_size, zparams, size) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('cannot init CStream: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) class FrameParameters(object): def __init__(self, fparams): self.content_size = fparams.frameContentSize self.window_size = fparams.windowSize self.dict_id = fparams.dictID self.has_checksum = bool(fparams.checksumFlag) def get_frame_parameters(data): if not isinstance(data, bytes_type): raise TypeError('argument must be bytes') params = ffi.new('ZSTD_frameParams *') zresult = lib.ZSTD_getFrameParams(params, data, len(data)) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('cannot get frame parameters: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) if zresult: raise ZstdError('not enough data for frame parameters; need %d bytes' % zresult) return FrameParameters(params[0]) class ZstdCompressionDict(object): def __init__(self, data, k=0, d=0): assert isinstance(data, bytes_type) self._data = data self.k = k self.d = d def __len__(self): return len(self._data) def dict_id(self): return int_type(lib.ZDICT_getDictID(self._data, len(self._data))) def as_bytes(self): return self._data def train_dictionary(dict_size, samples, selectivity=0, level=0, notifications=0, dict_id=0): if not isinstance(samples, list): raise TypeError('samples must be a list') total_size = sum(map(len, samples)) samples_buffer = new_nonzero('char[]', total_size) sample_sizes = new_nonzero('size_t[]', len(samples)) offset = 0 for i, sample in enumerate(samples): if not isinstance(sample, bytes_type): raise ValueError('samples must be bytes') l = len(sample) ffi.memmove(samples_buffer + offset, sample, l) offset += l sample_sizes[i] = l dict_data = new_nonzero('char[]', dict_size) dparams = ffi.new('ZDICT_params_t *')[0] dparams.selectivityLevel = selectivity dparams.compressionLevel = level dparams.notificationLevel = notifications dparams.dictID = dict_id zresult = lib.ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_advanced( ffi.addressof(dict_data), dict_size, ffi.addressof(samples_buffer), ffi.addressof(sample_sizes, 0), len(samples), dparams) if lib.ZDICT_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('Cannot train dict: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZDICT_getErrorName(zresult))) return ZstdCompressionDict(ffi.buffer(dict_data, zresult)[:]) def train_cover_dictionary(dict_size, samples, k=0, d=0, notifications=0, dict_id=0, level=0, optimize=False, steps=0, threads=0): if not isinstance(samples, list): raise TypeError('samples must be a list') if threads < 0: threads = _cpu_count() total_size = sum(map(len, samples)) samples_buffer = new_nonzero('char[]', total_size) sample_sizes = new_nonzero('size_t[]', len(samples)) offset = 0 for i, sample in enumerate(samples): if not isinstance(sample, bytes_type): raise ValueError('samples must be bytes') l = len(sample) ffi.memmove(samples_buffer + offset, sample, l) offset += l sample_sizes[i] = l dict_data = new_nonzero('char[]', dict_size) dparams = ffi.new('COVER_params_t *')[0] dparams.k = k dparams.d = d dparams.steps = steps dparams.nbThreads = threads dparams.notificationLevel = notifications dparams.dictID = dict_id dparams.compressionLevel = level if optimize: zresult = lib.COVER_optimizeTrainFromBuffer( ffi.addressof(dict_data), dict_size, ffi.addressof(samples_buffer), ffi.addressof(sample_sizes, 0), len(samples), ffi.addressof(dparams)) else: zresult = lib.COVER_trainFromBuffer( ffi.addressof(dict_data), dict_size, ffi.addressof(samples_buffer), ffi.addressof(sample_sizes, 0), len(samples), dparams) if lib.ZDICT_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('cannot train dict: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZDICT_getErrorName(zresult))) return ZstdCompressionDict(ffi.buffer(dict_data, zresult)[:], k=dparams.k, d=dparams.d) class ZstdDecompressionObj(object): def __init__(self, decompressor): self._decompressor = decompressor self._finished = False def decompress(self, data): if self._finished: raise ZstdError('cannot use a decompressobj multiple times') assert(self._decompressor._dstream) in_buffer = ffi.new('ZSTD_inBuffer *') out_buffer = ffi.new('ZSTD_outBuffer *') data_buffer = ffi.from_buffer(data) in_buffer.src = data_buffer in_buffer.size = len(data_buffer) in_buffer.pos = 0 dst_buffer = ffi.new('char[]', DECOMPRESSION_RECOMMENDED_OUTPUT_SIZE) out_buffer.dst = dst_buffer out_buffer.size = len(dst_buffer) out_buffer.pos = 0 chunks = [] while in_buffer.pos < in_buffer.size: zresult = lib.ZSTD_decompressStream(self._decompressor._dstream, out_buffer, in_buffer) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('zstd decompressor error: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) if zresult == 0: self._finished = True self._decompressor = None if out_buffer.pos: chunks.append(ffi.buffer(out_buffer.dst, out_buffer.pos)[:]) out_buffer.pos = 0 return b''.join(chunks) class ZstdDecompressionWriter(object): def __init__(self, decompressor, writer, write_size): self._decompressor = decompressor self._writer = writer self._write_size = write_size self._entered = False def __enter__(self): if self._entered: raise ZstdError('cannot __enter__ multiple times') self._decompressor._ensure_dstream() self._entered = True return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): self._entered = False def memory_size(self): if not self._decompressor._dstream: raise ZstdError('cannot determine size of inactive decompressor ' 'call when context manager is active') return lib.ZSTD_sizeof_DStream(self._decompressor._dstream) def write(self, data): if not self._entered: raise ZstdError('write must be called from an active context manager') total_write = 0 in_buffer = ffi.new('ZSTD_inBuffer *') out_buffer = ffi.new('ZSTD_outBuffer *') data_buffer = ffi.from_buffer(data) in_buffer.src = data_buffer in_buffer.size = len(data_buffer) in_buffer.pos = 0 dst_buffer = ffi.new('char[]', self._write_size) out_buffer.dst = dst_buffer out_buffer.size = len(dst_buffer) out_buffer.pos = 0 dstream = self._decompressor._dstream while in_buffer.pos < in_buffer.size: zresult = lib.ZSTD_decompressStream(dstream, out_buffer, in_buffer) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('zstd decompress error: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) if out_buffer.pos: self._writer.write(ffi.buffer(out_buffer.dst, out_buffer.pos)[:]) total_write += out_buffer.pos out_buffer.pos = 0 return total_write class ZstdDecompressor(object): def __init__(self, dict_data=None): self._dict_data = dict_data dctx = lib.ZSTD_createDCtx() if dctx == ffi.NULL: raise MemoryError() self._refdctx = ffi.gc(dctx, lib.ZSTD_freeDCtx) self._dstream = None @property def _ddict(self): if self._dict_data: dict_data = self._dict_data.as_bytes() dict_size = len(self._dict_data) ddict = lib.ZSTD_createDDict(dict_data, dict_size) if ddict == ffi.NULL: raise ZstdError('could not create decompression dict') else: ddict = None self.__dict__['_ddict'] = ddict return ddict def decompress(self, data, max_output_size=0): data_buffer = ffi.from_buffer(data) orig_dctx = new_nonzero('char[]', lib.ZSTD_sizeof_DCtx(self._refdctx)) dctx = ffi.cast('ZSTD_DCtx *', orig_dctx) lib.ZSTD_copyDCtx(dctx, self._refdctx) ddict = self._ddict output_size = lib.ZSTD_getDecompressedSize(data_buffer, len(data_buffer)) if output_size: result_buffer = ffi.new('char[]', output_size) result_size = output_size else: if not max_output_size: raise ZstdError('input data invalid or missing content size ' 'in frame header') result_buffer = ffi.new('char[]', max_output_size) result_size = max_output_size if ddict: zresult = lib.ZSTD_decompress_usingDDict(dctx, result_buffer, result_size, data_buffer, len(data_buffer), ddict) else: zresult = lib.ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, result_buffer, result_size, data_buffer, len(data_buffer)) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('decompression error: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) elif output_size and zresult != output_size: raise ZstdError('decompression error: decompressed %d bytes; expected %d' % (zresult, output_size)) return ffi.buffer(result_buffer, zresult)[:] def decompressobj(self): self._ensure_dstream() return ZstdDecompressionObj(self) def read_from(self, reader, read_size=DECOMPRESSION_RECOMMENDED_INPUT_SIZE, write_size=DECOMPRESSION_RECOMMENDED_OUTPUT_SIZE, skip_bytes=0): if skip_bytes >= read_size: raise ValueError('skip_bytes must be smaller than read_size') if hasattr(reader, 'read'): have_read = True elif hasattr(reader, '__getitem__'): have_read = False buffer_offset = 0 size = len(reader) else: raise ValueError('must pass an object with a read() method or ' 'conforms to buffer protocol') if skip_bytes: if have_read: reader.read(skip_bytes) else: if skip_bytes > size: raise ValueError('skip_bytes larger than first input chunk') buffer_offset = skip_bytes self._ensure_dstream() in_buffer = ffi.new('ZSTD_inBuffer *') out_buffer = ffi.new('ZSTD_outBuffer *') dst_buffer = ffi.new('char[]', write_size) out_buffer.dst = dst_buffer out_buffer.size = len(dst_buffer) out_buffer.pos = 0 while True: assert out_buffer.pos == 0 if have_read: read_result = reader.read(read_size) else: remaining = size - buffer_offset slice_size = min(remaining, read_size) read_result = reader[buffer_offset:buffer_offset + slice_size] buffer_offset += slice_size # No new input. Break out of read loop. if not read_result: break # Feed all read data into decompressor and emit output until # exhausted. read_buffer = ffi.from_buffer(read_result) in_buffer.src = read_buffer in_buffer.size = len(read_buffer) in_buffer.pos = 0 while in_buffer.pos < in_buffer.size: assert out_buffer.pos == 0 zresult = lib.ZSTD_decompressStream(self._dstream, out_buffer, in_buffer) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('zstd decompress error: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) if out_buffer.pos: data = ffi.buffer(out_buffer.dst, out_buffer.pos)[:] out_buffer.pos = 0 yield data if zresult == 0: return # Repeat loop to collect more input data. continue # If we get here, input is exhausted. def write_to(self, writer, write_size=DECOMPRESSION_RECOMMENDED_OUTPUT_SIZE): if not hasattr(writer, 'write'): raise ValueError('must pass an object with a write() method') return ZstdDecompressionWriter(self, writer, write_size) def copy_stream(self, ifh, ofh, read_size=DECOMPRESSION_RECOMMENDED_INPUT_SIZE, write_size=DECOMPRESSION_RECOMMENDED_OUTPUT_SIZE): if not hasattr(ifh, 'read'): raise ValueError('first argument must have a read() method') if not hasattr(ofh, 'write'): raise ValueError('second argument must have a write() method') self._ensure_dstream() in_buffer = ffi.new('ZSTD_inBuffer *') out_buffer = ffi.new('ZSTD_outBuffer *') dst_buffer = ffi.new('char[]', write_size) out_buffer.dst = dst_buffer out_buffer.size = write_size out_buffer.pos = 0 total_read, total_write = 0, 0 # Read all available input. while True: data = ifh.read(read_size) if not data: break data_buffer = ffi.from_buffer(data) total_read += len(data_buffer) in_buffer.src = data_buffer in_buffer.size = len(data_buffer) in_buffer.pos = 0 # Flush all read data to output. while in_buffer.pos < in_buffer.size: zresult = lib.ZSTD_decompressStream(self._dstream, out_buffer, in_buffer) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('zstd decompressor error: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) if out_buffer.pos: ofh.write(ffi.buffer(out_buffer.dst, out_buffer.pos)) total_write += out_buffer.pos out_buffer.pos = 0 # Continue loop to keep reading. return total_read, total_write def decompress_content_dict_chain(self, frames): if not isinstance(frames, list): raise TypeError('argument must be a list') if not frames: raise ValueError('empty input chain') # First chunk should not be using a dictionary. We handle it specially. chunk = frames[0] if not isinstance(chunk, bytes_type): raise ValueError('chunk 0 must be bytes') # All chunks should be zstd frames and should have content size set. chunk_buffer = ffi.from_buffer(chunk) params = ffi.new('ZSTD_frameParams *') zresult = lib.ZSTD_getFrameParams(params, chunk_buffer, len(chunk_buffer)) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ValueError('chunk 0 is not a valid zstd frame') elif zresult: raise ValueError('chunk 0 is too small to contain a zstd frame') if not params.frameContentSize: raise ValueError('chunk 0 missing content size in frame') dctx = lib.ZSTD_createDCtx() if dctx == ffi.NULL: raise MemoryError() dctx = ffi.gc(dctx, lib.ZSTD_freeDCtx) last_buffer = ffi.new('char[]', params.frameContentSize) zresult = lib.ZSTD_decompressDCtx(dctx, last_buffer, len(last_buffer), chunk_buffer, len(chunk_buffer)) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('could not decompress chunk 0: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) # Special case of chain length of 1 if len(frames) == 1: return ffi.buffer(last_buffer, len(last_buffer))[:] i = 1 while i < len(frames): chunk = frames[i] if not isinstance(chunk, bytes_type): raise ValueError('chunk %d must be bytes' % i) chunk_buffer = ffi.from_buffer(chunk) zresult = lib.ZSTD_getFrameParams(params, chunk_buffer, len(chunk_buffer)) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ValueError('chunk %d is not a valid zstd frame' % i) elif zresult: raise ValueError('chunk %d is too small to contain a zstd frame' % i) if not params.frameContentSize: raise ValueError('chunk %d missing content size in frame' % i) dest_buffer = ffi.new('char[]', params.frameContentSize) zresult = lib.ZSTD_decompress_usingDict(dctx, dest_buffer, len(dest_buffer), chunk_buffer, len(chunk_buffer), last_buffer, len(last_buffer)) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('could not decompress chunk %d' % i) last_buffer = dest_buffer i += 1 return ffi.buffer(last_buffer, len(last_buffer))[:] def _ensure_dstream(self): if self._dstream: zresult = lib.ZSTD_resetDStream(self._dstream) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): raise ZstdError('could not reset DStream: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult))) return self._dstream = lib.ZSTD_createDStream() if self._dstream == ffi.NULL: raise MemoryError() self._dstream = ffi.gc(self._dstream, lib.ZSTD_freeDStream) if self._dict_data: zresult = lib.ZSTD_initDStream_usingDict(self._dstream, self._dict_data.as_bytes(), len(self._dict_data)) else: zresult = lib.ZSTD_initDStream(self._dstream) if lib.ZSTD_isError(zresult): self._dstream = None raise ZstdError('could not initialize DStream: %s' % ffi.string(lib.ZSTD_getErrorName(zresult)))