use crate::error::CommandError; use crate::ui::Ui; use clap::Arg; use clap::ArgMatches; use hg::config::Config; use hg::operations::list_rev_tracked_files; use hg::operations::Dirstate; use hg::repo::Repo; use hg::utils::files::{get_bytes_from_path, relativize_path}; use hg::utils::hg_path::{HgPath, HgPathBuf}; pub const HELP_TEXT: &str = " List tracked files. Returns 0 on success. "; pub fn args() -> clap::App<'static, 'static> { clap::SubCommand::with_name("files") .arg( Arg::with_name("rev") .help("search the repository as it is in REV") .short("-r") .long("--revision") .value_name("REV") .takes_value(true), ) .about(HELP_TEXT) } pub fn run( ui: &Ui, config: &Config, args: &ArgMatches, ) -> Result<(), CommandError> { let rev = args.value_of("rev"); let repo = Repo::find(config)?; if let Some(rev) = rev { let files = list_rev_tracked_files(&repo, rev).map_err(|e| (e, rev))?; display_files(ui, &repo, files.iter()) } else { let distate = Dirstate::new(&repo)?; let files = distate.tracked_files()?; display_files(ui, &repo, files) } } fn display_files<'a>( ui: &Ui, repo: &Repo, files: impl IntoIterator, ) -> Result<(), CommandError> { let cwd = hg::utils::current_dir()?; let rooted_cwd = cwd .strip_prefix(repo.working_directory_path()) .expect("cwd was already checked within the repository"); let rooted_cwd = HgPathBuf::from(get_bytes_from_path(rooted_cwd)); let mut stdout = ui.stdout_buffer(); for file in files { stdout.write_all(relativize_path(file, &rooted_cwd).as_ref())?; stdout.write_all(b"\n")?; } stdout.flush()?; Ok(()) }