The standalone Windows installer for Mercurial is built in a somewhat jury-rigged fashion. It has the following prerequisites, at least as I build it: Python for Windows MinGW Python for Windows Extensions mfc71.dll (just download, don't install) The py2exe distutils extension Inno Setup ISTool - optional add_path (you need only add_path.exe in the zip file) And, of course, Mercurial itself. Once you have all this installed and built, clone a copy of the Mercurial repository you want to package, and name the repo C:\hg\hg-release. In a shell, build a standalone copy of the hg.exe program: python build -c mingw32 python py2exe -b 1 Note: the previously suggested combined command of "python build -c mingw32 py2exe -b 1" doesn't work correctly anymore as it doesn't include the extensions in the mercurial subdirectory. If you want to create a file named setup.cfg with the contents: [build] compiler=mingw32 you can skip the first build step. Copy mfc71.dll and add_path.exe into the dist directory that just got created. If you use ISTool, you open the C:\hg\hg-release\contrib\win32\mercurial.iss file and type Ctrl-F9 to compile the installer file. Otherwise you run the Inno Setup compiler. Assuming it's on the path you run: iscc contrib\win32\mercurial.iss The actual installer will be in the C:\hg\hg-release\Output directory. To automate the steps above you may want to create a batchfile based on the following: echo [build] > setup.cfg echo compiler=mingw32 >> setup.cfg python py2exe -b 1 iscc contrib\win32\mercurial.iss and run it from the root of the hg repository (c:\hg\hg-release).