""" dirstate.py - working directory tracking for mercurial Copyright 2005-2007 Matt Mackall This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. """ from node import nullid from i18n import _ import struct, os, stat, util, errno, ignore import cStringIO, osutil, sys, parsers _unknown = ('?', 0, 0, 0) _format = ">cllll" def _finddirs(path): pos = path.rfind('/') while pos != -1: yield path[:pos] pos = path.rfind('/', 0, pos) def _incdirs(dirs, path): for base in _finddirs(path): if base in dirs: dirs[base] += 1 return dirs[base] = 1 def _decdirs(dirs, path): for base in _finddirs(path): if dirs[base] > 1: dirs[base] -= 1 return del dirs[base] class dirstate(object): def __init__(self, opener, ui, root): self._opener = opener self._root = root self._rootdir = os.path.join(root, '') self._dirty = False self._dirtypl = False self._ui = ui def __getattr__(self, name): if name == '_map': self._read() return self._map elif name == '_copymap': self._read() return self._copymap elif name == '_foldmap': _foldmap = {} for name in self._map: norm = os.path.normcase(name) _foldmap[norm] = name self._foldmap = _foldmap return self._foldmap elif name == '_branch': try: self._branch = (self._opener("branch").read().strip() or "default") except IOError: self._branch = "default" return self._branch elif name == '_pl': self._pl = [nullid, nullid] try: st = self._opener("dirstate").read(40) if len(st) == 40: self._pl = st[:20], st[20:40] except IOError, err: if err.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise return self._pl elif name == '_dirs': dirs = {} for f,s in self._map.iteritems(): if s[0] != 'r': _incdirs(dirs, f) self._dirs = dirs return self._dirs elif name == '_ignore': files = [self._join('.hgignore')] for name, path in self._ui.configitems("ui"): if name == 'ignore' or name.startswith('ignore.'): files.append(os.path.expanduser(path)) self._ignore = ignore.ignore(self._root, files, self._ui.warn) return self._ignore elif name == '_slash': self._slash = self._ui.configbool('ui', 'slash') and os.sep != '/' return self._slash elif name == '_checklink': self._checklink = util.checklink(self._root) return self._checklink elif name == '_checkexec': self._checkexec = util.checkexec(self._root) return self._checkexec elif name == '_checkcase': self._checkcase = not util.checkcase(self._join('.hg')) return self._checkcase elif name == 'normalize': if self._checkcase: self.normalize = self._normalize else: self.normalize = lambda x, y=False: x return self.normalize else: raise AttributeError(name) def _join(self, f): # much faster than os.path.join() # it's safe because f is always a relative path return self._rootdir + f def flagfunc(self, fallback): if self._checklink: if self._checkexec: def f(x): p = self._join(x) if os.path.islink(p): return 'l' if util.is_exec(p): return 'x' return '' return f def f(x): if os.path.islink(self._join(x)): return 'l' if 'x' in fallback(x): return 'x' return '' return f if self._checkexec: def f(x): if 'l' in fallback(x): return 'l' if util.is_exec(self._join(x)): return 'x' return '' return f return fallback def getcwd(self): cwd = os.getcwd() if cwd == self._root: return '' # self._root ends with a path separator if self._root is '/' or 'C:\' rootsep = self._root if not util.endswithsep(rootsep): rootsep += os.sep if cwd.startswith(rootsep): return cwd[len(rootsep):] else: # we're outside the repo. return an absolute path. return cwd def pathto(self, f, cwd=None): if cwd is None: cwd = self.getcwd() path = util.pathto(self._root, cwd, f) if self._slash: return util.normpath(path) return path def __getitem__(self, key): ''' current states: n normal m needs merging r marked for removal a marked for addition ? not tracked''' return self._map.get(key, ("?",))[0] def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._map def __iter__(self): for x in util.sort(self._map): yield x def parents(self): return self._pl def branch(self): return self._branch def setparents(self, p1, p2=nullid): self._dirty = self._dirtypl = True self._pl = p1, p2 def setbranch(self, branch): self._branch = branch self._opener("branch", "w").write(branch + '\n') def _read(self): self._map = {} self._copymap = {} try: st = self._opener("dirstate").read() except IOError, err: if err.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise return if not st: return p = parsers.parse_dirstate(self._map, self._copymap, st); if not self._dirtypl: self._pl = p def invalidate(self): for a in "_map _copymap _foldmap _branch _pl _dirs _ignore".split(): if a in self.__dict__: delattr(self, a) self._dirty = False def copy(self, source, dest): if source == dest: return self._dirty = True self._copymap[dest] = source def copied(self, file): return self._copymap.get(file, None) def copies(self): return self._copymap def _droppath(self, f): if self[f] not in "?r" and "_dirs" in self.__dict__: _decdirs(self._dirs, f) def _addpath(self, f, check=False): oldstate = self[f] if check or oldstate == "r": if '\r' in f or '\n' in f: raise util.Abort( _("'\\n' and '\\r' disallowed in filenames: %r") % f) if f in self._dirs: raise util.Abort(_('directory %r already in dirstate') % f) # shadows for d in _finddirs(f): if d in self._dirs: break if d in self._map and self[d] != 'r': raise util.Abort( _('file %r in dirstate clashes with %r') % (d, f)) if oldstate in "?r" and "_dirs" in self.__dict__: _incdirs(self._dirs, f) def normal(self, f): 'mark a file normal and clean' self._dirty = True self._addpath(f) s = os.lstat(self._join(f)) self._map[f] = ('n', s.st_mode, s.st_size, s.st_mtime) if f in self._copymap: del self._copymap[f] def normallookup(self, f): 'mark a file normal, but possibly dirty' if self._pl[1] != nullid and f in self._map: # if there is a merge going on and the file was either # in state 'm' or dirty before being removed, restore that state. entry = self._map[f] if entry[0] == 'r' and entry[2] in (-1, -2): source = self._copymap.get(f) if entry[2] == -1: self.merge(f) elif entry[2] == -2: self.normaldirty(f) if source: self.copy(source, f) return if entry[0] == 'm' or entry[0] == 'n' and entry[2] == -2: return self._dirty = True self._addpath(f) self._map[f] = ('n', 0, -1, -1) if f in self._copymap: del self._copymap[f] def normaldirty(self, f): 'mark a file normal, but dirty' self._dirty = True self._addpath(f) self._map[f] = ('n', 0, -2, -1) if f in self._copymap: del self._copymap[f] def add(self, f): 'mark a file added' self._dirty = True self._addpath(f, True) self._map[f] = ('a', 0, -1, -1) if f in self._copymap: del self._copymap[f] def remove(self, f): 'mark a file removed' self._dirty = True self._droppath(f) size = 0 if self._pl[1] != nullid and f in self._map: entry = self._map[f] if entry[0] == 'm': size = -1 elif entry[0] == 'n' and entry[2] == -2: size = -2 self._map[f] = ('r', 0, size, 0) if size == 0 and f in self._copymap: del self._copymap[f] def merge(self, f): 'mark a file merged' self._dirty = True s = os.lstat(self._join(f)) self._addpath(f) self._map[f] = ('m', s.st_mode, s.st_size, s.st_mtime) if f in self._copymap: del self._copymap[f] def forget(self, f): 'forget a file' self._dirty = True try: self._droppath(f) del self._map[f] except KeyError: self._ui.warn(_("not in dirstate: %s\n") % f) def _normalize(self, path, knownpath=False): norm_path = os.path.normcase(path) fold_path = self._foldmap.get(norm_path, None) if fold_path is None: if knownpath or not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self._root, path)): fold_path = path else: fold_path = self._foldmap.setdefault(norm_path, util.fspath(path, self._root)) return fold_path def clear(self): self._map = {} if "_dirs" in self.__dict__: delattr(self, "_dirs"); self._copymap = {} self._pl = [nullid, nullid] self._dirty = True def rebuild(self, parent, files): self.clear() for f in files: if 'x' in files.flags(f): self._map[f] = ('n', 0777, -1, 0) else: self._map[f] = ('n', 0666, -1, 0) self._pl = (parent, nullid) self._dirty = True def write(self): if not self._dirty: return st = self._opener("dirstate", "w", atomictemp=True) try: gran = int(self._ui.config('dirstate', 'granularity', 1)) except ValueError: gran = 1 limit = sys.maxint if gran > 0: limit = util.fstat(st).st_mtime - gran cs = cStringIO.StringIO() copymap = self._copymap pack = struct.pack write = cs.write write("".join(self._pl)) for f, e in self._map.iteritems(): if f in copymap: f = "%s\0%s" % (f, copymap[f]) if e[3] > limit and e[0] == 'n': e = (e[0], 0, -1, -1) e = pack(_format, e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], len(f)) write(e) write(f) st.write(cs.getvalue()) st.rename() self._dirty = self._dirtypl = False def _dirignore(self, f): if f == '.': return False if self._ignore(f): return True for p in _finddirs(f): if self._ignore(p): return True return False def walk(self, match, unknown, ignored): ''' walk recursively through the directory tree, finding all files matched by the match function results are yielded in a tuple (filename, stat), where stat and st is the stat result if the file was found in the directory. ''' def fwarn(f, msg): self._ui.warn('%s: %s\n' % (self.pathto(f), msg)) return False badfn = fwarn if hasattr(match, 'bad'): badfn = match.bad def badtype(f, mode): kind = 'unknown' if stat.S_ISCHR(mode): kind = _('character device') elif stat.S_ISBLK(mode): kind = _('block device') elif stat.S_ISFIFO(mode): kind = _('fifo') elif stat.S_ISSOCK(mode): kind = _('socket') elif stat.S_ISDIR(mode): kind = _('directory') self._ui.warn(_('%s: unsupported file type (type is %s)\n') % (self.pathto(f), kind)) ignore = self._ignore dirignore = self._dirignore if ignored: ignore = util.never dirignore = util.never elif not unknown: # if unknown and ignored are False, skip step 2 ignore = util.always dirignore = util.always matchfn = match.matchfn dmap = self._map normpath = util.normpath normalize = self.normalize listdir = osutil.listdir lstat = os.lstat pconvert = util.pconvert getkind = stat.S_IFMT dirkind = stat.S_IFDIR regkind = stat.S_IFREG lnkkind = stat.S_IFLNK join = self._join work = [] wadd = work.append files = util.unique(match.files()) if not files or '.' in files: files = [''] results = {'.hg': None} # step 1: find all explicit files for ff in util.sort(files): nf = normalize(normpath(ff)) if nf in results: continue try: st = lstat(join(nf)) kind = getkind(st.st_mode) if kind == dirkind: if not dirignore(nf): wadd(nf) elif kind == regkind or kind == lnkkind: results[nf] = st else: badtype(ff, kind) if nf in dmap: results[nf] = None except OSError, inst: keep = False prefix = nf + "/" for fn in dmap: if nf == fn or fn.startswith(prefix): keep = True break if not keep: if inst.errno != errno.ENOENT: fwarn(ff, inst.strerror) elif badfn(ff, inst.strerror): if (nf in dmap or not ignore(nf)) and matchfn(nf): results[nf] = None # step 2: visit subdirectories while work: nd = work.pop() if hasattr(match, 'dir'): match.dir(nd) skip = None if nd == '.': nd = '' else: skip = '.hg' try: entries = listdir(join(nd), stat=True, skip=skip) except OSError, inst: if inst.errno == errno.EACCES: fwarn(nd, inst.strerror) continue raise for f, kind, st in entries: nf = normalize(nd and (nd + "/" + f) or f, True) if nf not in results: if kind == dirkind: if not ignore(nf): wadd(nf) if nf in dmap and matchfn(nf): results[nf] = None elif kind == regkind or kind == lnkkind: if nf in dmap: if matchfn(nf): results[nf] = st elif matchfn(nf) and not ignore(nf): results[nf] = st elif nf in dmap and matchfn(nf): results[nf] = None # step 3: report unseen items in the dmap hash visit = util.sort([f for f in dmap if f not in results and match(f)]) for nf, st in zip(visit, util.statfiles([join(i) for i in visit])): if not st is None and not getkind(st.st_mode) in (regkind, lnkkind): st = None results[nf] = st del results['.hg'] return results def status(self, match, ignored, clean, unknown): listignored, listclean, listunknown = ignored, clean, unknown lookup, modified, added, unknown, ignored = [], [], [], [], [] removed, deleted, clean = [], [], [] _join = self._join lstat = os.lstat cmap = self._copymap dmap = self._map ladd = lookup.append madd = modified.append aadd = added.append uadd = unknown.append iadd = ignored.append radd = removed.append dadd = deleted.append cadd = clean.append for fn, st in self.walk(match, listunknown, listignored).iteritems(): if fn not in dmap: if (listignored or match.exact(fn)) and self._dirignore(fn): if listignored: iadd(fn) elif listunknown: uadd(fn) continue state, mode, size, time = dmap[fn] if not st and state in "nma": dadd(fn) elif state == 'n': if (size >= 0 and (size != st.st_size or ((mode ^ st.st_mode) & 0100 and self._checkexec)) or size == -2 or fn in self._copymap): madd(fn) elif time != int(st.st_mtime): ladd(fn) elif listclean: cadd(fn) elif state == 'm': madd(fn) elif state == 'a': aadd(fn) elif state == 'r': radd(fn) return (lookup, modified, added, removed, deleted, unknown, ignored, clean)