# `rhg` The `rhg` executable implements a subset of the functionnality of `hg` using only Rust, to avoid the startup cost of a Python interpreter. This subset is initially small but grows over time as `rhg` is improved. When fallback to the Python implementation is configured (see below), `rhg` aims to be a drop-in replacement for `hg` that should behave the same, except that some commands run faster. ## Building To compile `rhg`, either run `cargo build --release` from this `rust/rhg/` directory, or run `make build-rhg` from the repository root. The executable can then be found at `rust/target/release/rhg`. ## Mercurial configuration `rhg` reads Mercurial configuration from the usual sources: the user’s `~/.hgrc`, a repository’s `.hg/hgrc`, command line `--config`, etc. It has some specific configuration in the `[rhg]` section. See `hg help config.rhg` for details. ## Installation and configuration example For example, to install `rhg` as `hg` for the current user with fallback to the system-wide install of Mercurial, and allow it to run even though the `rebase` and `absorb` extensions are enabled, on a Unix-like platform: * Build `rhg` (see above) * Make sure the `~/.local/bin` exists and is in `$PATH` * From the repository root, make a symbolic link with `ln -s rust/target/release/rhg ~/.local/bin/hg` * Configure `~/.hgrc` with: ``` [rhg] on-unsupported = fallback fallback-executable = /usr/bin/hg allowed-extensions = rebase, absorb ``` * Check that the output of running `hg notarealsubcommand` starts with `hg: unknown command`, which indicates fallback. * Check that the output of running `hg notarealsubcommand --config rhg.on-unsupported=abort` starts with `unsupported feature:`.