# demandimport.py - global demand-loading of modules for Mercurial # # Copyright 2006, 2007 Matt Mackall <mpm@selenic.com> # # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the # GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version. ''' demandimport - automatic demandloading of modules To enable this module, do: import demandimport; demandimport.enable() Imports of the following forms will be demand-loaded: import a, b.c import a.b as c from a import b,c # a will be loaded immediately These imports will not be delayed: from a import * b = __import__(a) ''' from __future__ import absolute_import import contextlib import os import sys # __builtin__ in Python 2, builtins in Python 3. try: import __builtin__ as builtins except ImportError: import builtins contextmanager = contextlib.contextmanager _origimport = __import__ nothing = object() # Python 3 doesn't have relative imports nor level -1. level = -1 if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: level = 0 _import = _origimport def _hgextimport(importfunc, name, globals, *args, **kwargs): try: return importfunc(name, globals, *args, **kwargs) except ImportError: if not globals: raise # extensions are loaded with "hgext_" prefix hgextname = 'hgext_%s' % name nameroot = hgextname.split('.', 1)[0] contextroot = globals.get('__name__', '').split('.', 1)[0] if nameroot != contextroot: raise # retry to import with "hgext_" prefix return importfunc(hgextname, globals, *args, **kwargs) class _demandmod(object): """module demand-loader and proxy""" def __init__(self, name, globals, locals, level=level): if '.' in name: head, rest = name.split('.', 1) after = [rest] else: head = name after = [] object.__setattr__(self, "_data", (head, globals, locals, after, level)) object.__setattr__(self, "_module", None) def _extend(self, name): """add to the list of submodules to load""" self._data[3].append(name) def _load(self): if not self._module: head, globals, locals, after, level = self._data mod = _hgextimport(_import, head, globals, locals, None, level) # load submodules def subload(mod, p): h, t = p, None if '.' in p: h, t = p.split('.', 1) if getattr(mod, h, nothing) is nothing: setattr(mod, h, _demandmod(p, mod.__dict__, mod.__dict__)) elif t: subload(getattr(mod, h), t) for x in after: subload(mod, x) # are we in the locals dictionary still? if locals and locals.get(head) == self: locals[head] = mod object.__setattr__(self, "_module", mod) def __repr__(self): if self._module: return "<proxied module '%s'>" % self._data[0] return "<unloaded module '%s'>" % self._data[0] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise TypeError("%s object is not callable" % repr(self)) def __getattribute__(self, attr): if attr in ('_data', '_extend', '_load', '_module'): return object.__getattribute__(self, attr) self._load() return getattr(self._module, attr) def __setattr__(self, attr, val): self._load() setattr(self._module, attr, val) def _demandimport(name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=None, level=level): if not locals or name in ignore or fromlist == ('*',): # these cases we can't really delay return _hgextimport(_import, name, globals, locals, fromlist, level) elif not fromlist: # import a [as b] if '.' in name: # a.b base, rest = name.split('.', 1) # email.__init__ loading email.mime if globals and globals.get('__name__', None) == base: return _import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level) # if a is already demand-loaded, add b to its submodule list if base in locals: if isinstance(locals[base], _demandmod): locals[base]._extend(rest) return locals[base] return _demandmod(name, globals, locals, level) else: # There is a fromlist. # from a import b,c,d # from . import b,c,d # from .a import b,c,d # level == -1: relative and absolute attempted (Python 2 only). # level >= 0: absolute only (Python 2 w/ absolute_import and Python 3). # The modern Mercurial convention is to use absolute_import everywhere, # so modern Mercurial code will have level >= 0. if level >= 0: # Mercurial's enforced import style does not use # "from a import b,c,d" or "from .a import b,c,d" syntax. In # addition, this appears to be giving errors with some modules # for unknown reasons. Since we shouldn't be using this syntax # much, work around the problems. if name: return _hgextimport(_origimport, name, globals, locals, fromlist, level) mod = _hgextimport(_origimport, name, globals, locals, level=level) for x in fromlist: # Missing symbols mean they weren't defined in the module # itself which means they are sub-modules. if getattr(mod, x, nothing) is nothing: setattr(mod, x, _demandmod(x, mod.__dict__, locals, level=level)) return mod # But, we still need to support lazy loading of standard library and 3rd # party modules. So handle level == -1. mod = _hgextimport(_origimport, name, globals, locals) # recurse down the module chain for comp in name.split('.')[1:]: if getattr(mod, comp, nothing) is nothing: setattr(mod, comp, _demandmod(comp, mod.__dict__, mod.__dict__)) mod = getattr(mod, comp) for x in fromlist: # set requested submodules for demand load if getattr(mod, x, nothing) is nothing: setattr(mod, x, _demandmod(x, mod.__dict__, locals)) return mod ignore = [ '__future__', '_hashlib', '_xmlplus', 'fcntl', 'win32com.gen_py', '_winreg', # 2.7 mimetypes needs immediate ImportError 'pythoncom', # imported by tarfile, not available under Windows 'pwd', 'grp', # imported by profile, itself imported by hotshot.stats, # not available under Windows 'resource', # this trips up many extension authors 'gtk', # setuptools' pkg_resources.py expects "from __main__ import x" to # raise ImportError if x not defined '__main__', '_ssl', # conditional imports in the stdlib, issue1964 'rfc822', 'mimetools', # setuptools 8 expects this module to explode early when not on windows 'distutils.msvc9compiler' ] def isenabled(): return builtins.__import__ == _demandimport def enable(): "enable global demand-loading of modules" if os.environ.get('HGDEMANDIMPORT') != 'disable': builtins.__import__ = _demandimport def disable(): "disable global demand-loading of modules" builtins.__import__ = _origimport @contextmanager def deactivated(): "context manager for disabling demandimport in 'with' blocks" demandenabled = isenabled() if demandenabled: disable() try: yield finally: if demandenabled: enable()