// parsers.rs // // Copyright 2019 Raphaël Gomès // // This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the // GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version. //! Bindings for the `hg::dirstate::parsers` module provided by the //! `hg-core` package. //! //! From Python, this will be seen as `mercurial.rustext.parsers` use cpython::{ exc, PyBytes, PyDict, PyErr, PyInt, PyModule, PyResult, PyTuple, Python, PythonObject, ToPyObject, }; use hg::{ dirstate::parsers::Timestamp, pack_dirstate, parse_dirstate, utils::hg_path::HgPathBuf, DirstateEntry, DirstateParents, FastHashMap, PARENT_SIZE, }; use std::convert::TryInto; use crate::dirstate::{extract_dirstate, make_dirstate_item}; fn parse_dirstate_wrapper( py: Python, dmap: PyDict, copymap: PyDict, st: PyBytes, ) -> PyResult { match parse_dirstate(st.data(py)) { Ok((parents, entries, copies)) => { let dirstate_map: FastHashMap = entries .into_iter() .map(|(path, entry)| (path.to_owned(), entry)) .collect(); let copy_map: FastHashMap = copies .into_iter() .map(|(path, copy)| (path.to_owned(), copy.to_owned())) .collect(); for (filename, entry) in &dirstate_map { dmap.set_item( py, PyBytes::new(py, filename.as_bytes()), make_dirstate_item(py, entry)?, )?; } for (path, copy_path) in copy_map { copymap.set_item( py, PyBytes::new(py, path.as_bytes()), PyBytes::new(py, copy_path.as_bytes()), )?; } Ok(dirstate_parents_to_pytuple(py, parents)) } Err(e) => Err(PyErr::new::(py, e.to_string())), } } fn pack_dirstate_wrapper( py: Python, dmap: PyDict, copymap: PyDict, pl: PyTuple, now: PyInt, ) -> PyResult { let p1 = pl.get_item(py, 0).extract::(py)?; let p1: &[u8] = p1.data(py); let p2 = pl.get_item(py, 1).extract::(py)?; let p2: &[u8] = p2.data(py); let mut dirstate_map = extract_dirstate(py, &dmap)?; let copies: Result, PyErr> = copymap .items(py) .iter() .map(|(key, value)| { Ok(( HgPathBuf::from_bytes(key.extract::(py)?.data(py)), HgPathBuf::from_bytes(value.extract::(py)?.data(py)), )) }) .collect(); if p1.len() != PARENT_SIZE || p2.len() != PARENT_SIZE { return Err(PyErr::new::( py, "expected a 20-byte hash".to_string(), )); } match pack_dirstate( &mut dirstate_map, &copies?, DirstateParents { p1: p1.try_into().unwrap(), p2: p2.try_into().unwrap(), }, Timestamp(now.as_object().extract::(py)?), ) { Ok(packed) => { for (filename, entry) in dirstate_map.iter() { dmap.set_item( py, PyBytes::new(py, filename.as_bytes()), make_dirstate_item(py, &entry)?, )?; } Ok(PyBytes::new(py, &packed)) } Err(error) => { Err(PyErr::new::(py, error.to_string())) } } } /// Create the module, with `__package__` given from parent pub fn init_parsers_module(py: Python, package: &str) -> PyResult { let dotted_name = &format!("{}.parsers", package); let m = PyModule::new(py, dotted_name)?; m.add(py, "__package__", package)?; m.add(py, "__doc__", "Parsers - Rust implementation")?; m.add( py, "parse_dirstate", py_fn!( py, parse_dirstate_wrapper(dmap: PyDict, copymap: PyDict, st: PyBytes) ), )?; m.add( py, "pack_dirstate", py_fn!( py, pack_dirstate_wrapper( dmap: PyDict, copymap: PyDict, pl: PyTuple, now: PyInt ) ), )?; let sys = PyModule::import(py, "sys")?; let sys_modules: PyDict = sys.get(py, "modules")?.extract(py)?; sys_modules.set_item(py, dotted_name, &m)?; Ok(m) } pub(crate) fn dirstate_parents_to_pytuple( py: Python, parents: &DirstateParents, ) -> PyTuple { let p1 = PyBytes::new(py, parents.p1.as_bytes()); let p2 = PyBytes::new(py, parents.p2.as_bytes()); (p1, p2).to_py_object(py) }