# templater.py - template expansion for output # # Copyright 2005, 2006 Matt Mackall # # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the # GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version. """Slightly complicated template engine for commands and hgweb This module provides low-level interface to the template engine. See the formatter and cmdutil modules if you are looking for high-level functions such as ``cmdutil.rendertemplate(ctx, tmpl)``. Internal Data Types ------------------- Template keywords and functions take a dictionary of current symbols and resources (a "mapping") and return result. Inputs and outputs must be one of the following data types: bytes a byte string, which is generally a human-readable text in local encoding. generator a lazily-evaluated byte string, which is a possibly nested generator of values of any printable types, and will be folded by ``stringify()`` or ``flatten()``. BUG: hgweb overloads this type for mappings (i.e. some hgweb keywords returns a generator of dicts.) None sometimes represents an empty value, which can be stringified to ''. True, False, int, float can be stringified as such. date tuple a (unixtime, offset) tuple, which produces no meaningful output by itself. hybrid represents a list/dict of printable values, which can also be converted to mappings by % operator. mappable represents a scalar printable value, also supports % operator. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import abc import os from .i18n import _ from . import ( config, encoding, error, parser, pycompat, templatefilters, templatefuncs, templateutil, util, ) from .utils import ( stringutil, ) # template parsing elements = { # token-type: binding-strength, primary, prefix, infix, suffix "(": (20, None, ("group", 1, ")"), ("func", 1, ")"), None), ".": (18, None, None, (".", 18), None), "%": (15, None, None, ("%", 15), None), "|": (15, None, None, ("|", 15), None), "*": (5, None, None, ("*", 5), None), "/": (5, None, None, ("/", 5), None), "+": (4, None, None, ("+", 4), None), "-": (4, None, ("negate", 19), ("-", 4), None), "=": (3, None, None, ("keyvalue", 3), None), ",": (2, None, None, ("list", 2), None), ")": (0, None, None, None, None), "integer": (0, "integer", None, None, None), "symbol": (0, "symbol", None, None, None), "string": (0, "string", None, None, None), "template": (0, "template", None, None, None), "end": (0, None, None, None, None), } def tokenize(program, start, end, term=None): """Parse a template expression into a stream of tokens, which must end with term if specified""" pos = start program = pycompat.bytestr(program) while pos < end: c = program[pos] if c.isspace(): # skip inter-token whitespace pass elif c in "(=,).%|+-*/": # handle simple operators yield (c, None, pos) elif c in '"\'': # handle quoted templates s = pos + 1 data, pos = _parsetemplate(program, s, end, c) yield ('template', data, s) pos -= 1 elif c == 'r' and program[pos:pos + 2] in ("r'", 'r"'): # handle quoted strings c = program[pos + 1] s = pos = pos + 2 while pos < end: # find closing quote d = program[pos] if d == '\\': # skip over escaped characters pos += 2 continue if d == c: yield ('string', program[s:pos], s) break pos += 1 else: raise error.ParseError(_("unterminated string"), s) elif c.isdigit(): s = pos while pos < end: d = program[pos] if not d.isdigit(): break pos += 1 yield ('integer', program[s:pos], s) pos -= 1 elif (c == '\\' and program[pos:pos + 2] in (br"\'", br'\"') or c == 'r' and program[pos:pos + 3] in (br"r\'", br'r\"')): # handle escaped quoted strings for compatibility with 2.9.2-3.4, # where some of nested templates were preprocessed as strings and # then compiled. therefore, \"...\" was allowed. (issue4733) # # processing flow of _evalifliteral() at 5ab28a2e9962: # outer template string -> stringify() -> compiletemplate() # ------------------------ ------------ ------------------ # {f("\\\\ {g(\"\\\"\")}"} \\ {g("\"")} [r'\\', {g("\"")}] # ~~~~~~~~ # escaped quoted string if c == 'r': pos += 1 token = 'string' else: token = 'template' quote = program[pos:pos + 2] s = pos = pos + 2 while pos < end: # find closing escaped quote if program.startswith('\\\\\\', pos, end): pos += 4 # skip over double escaped characters continue if program.startswith(quote, pos, end): # interpret as if it were a part of an outer string data = parser.unescapestr(program[s:pos]) if token == 'template': data = _parsetemplate(data, 0, len(data))[0] yield (token, data, s) pos += 1 break pos += 1 else: raise error.ParseError(_("unterminated string"), s) elif c.isalnum() or c in '_': s = pos pos += 1 while pos < end: # find end of symbol d = program[pos] if not (d.isalnum() or d == "_"): break pos += 1 sym = program[s:pos] yield ('symbol', sym, s) pos -= 1 elif c == term: yield ('end', None, pos) return else: raise error.ParseError(_("syntax error"), pos) pos += 1 if term: raise error.ParseError(_("unterminated template expansion"), start) yield ('end', None, pos) def _parsetemplate(tmpl, start, stop, quote=''): r""" >>> _parsetemplate(b'foo{bar}"baz', 0, 12) ([('string', 'foo'), ('symbol', 'bar'), ('string', '"baz')], 12) >>> _parsetemplate(b'foo{bar}"baz', 0, 12, quote=b'"') ([('string', 'foo'), ('symbol', 'bar')], 9) >>> _parsetemplate(b'foo"{bar}', 0, 9, quote=b'"') ([('string', 'foo')], 4) >>> _parsetemplate(br'foo\"bar"baz', 0, 12, quote=b'"') ([('string', 'foo"'), ('string', 'bar')], 9) >>> _parsetemplate(br'foo\\"bar', 0, 10, quote=b'"') ([('string', 'foo\\')], 6) """ parsed = [] for typ, val, pos in _scantemplate(tmpl, start, stop, quote): if typ == 'string': parsed.append((typ, val)) elif typ == 'template': parsed.append(val) elif typ == 'end': return parsed, pos else: raise error.ProgrammingError('unexpected type: %s' % typ) raise error.ProgrammingError('unterminated scanning of template') def scantemplate(tmpl, raw=False): r"""Scan (type, start, end) positions of outermost elements in template If raw=True, a backslash is not taken as an escape character just like r'' string in Python. Note that this is different from r'' literal in template in that no template fragment can appear in r'', e.g. r'{foo}' is a literal '{foo}', but ('{foo}', raw=True) is a template expression 'foo'. >>> list(scantemplate(b'foo{bar}"baz')) [('string', 0, 3), ('template', 3, 8), ('string', 8, 12)] >>> list(scantemplate(b'outer{"inner"}outer')) [('string', 0, 5), ('template', 5, 14), ('string', 14, 19)] >>> list(scantemplate(b'foo\\{escaped}')) [('string', 0, 5), ('string', 5, 13)] >>> list(scantemplate(b'foo\\{escaped}', raw=True)) [('string', 0, 4), ('template', 4, 13)] """ last = None for typ, val, pos in _scantemplate(tmpl, 0, len(tmpl), raw=raw): if last: yield last + (pos,) if typ == 'end': return else: last = (typ, pos) raise error.ProgrammingError('unterminated scanning of template') def _scantemplate(tmpl, start, stop, quote='', raw=False): """Parse template string into chunks of strings and template expressions""" sepchars = '{' + quote unescape = [parser.unescapestr, pycompat.identity][raw] pos = start p = parser.parser(elements) try: while pos < stop: n = min((tmpl.find(c, pos, stop) for c in sepchars), key=lambda n: (n < 0, n)) if n < 0: yield ('string', unescape(tmpl[pos:stop]), pos) pos = stop break c = tmpl[n:n + 1] bs = 0 # count leading backslashes if not raw: bs = (n - pos) - len(tmpl[pos:n].rstrip('\\')) if bs % 2 == 1: # escaped (e.g. '\{', '\\\{', but not '\\{') yield ('string', unescape(tmpl[pos:n - 1]) + c, pos) pos = n + 1 continue if n > pos: yield ('string', unescape(tmpl[pos:n]), pos) if c == quote: yield ('end', None, n + 1) return parseres, pos = p.parse(tokenize(tmpl, n + 1, stop, '}')) if not tmpl.startswith('}', pos): raise error.ParseError(_("invalid token"), pos) yield ('template', parseres, n) pos += 1 if quote: raise error.ParseError(_("unterminated string"), start) except error.ParseError as inst: if len(inst.args) > 1: # has location loc = inst.args[1] # Offset the caret location by the number of newlines before the # location of the error, since we will replace one-char newlines # with the two-char literal r'\n'. offset = tmpl[:loc].count('\n') tmpl = tmpl.replace('\n', br'\n') # We want the caret to point to the place in the template that # failed to parse, but in a hint we get a open paren at the # start. Therefore, we print "loc + 1" spaces (instead of "loc") # to line up the caret with the location of the error. inst.hint = (tmpl + '\n' + ' ' * (loc + 1 + offset) + '^ ' + _('here')) raise yield ('end', None, pos) def _unnesttemplatelist(tree): """Expand list of templates to node tuple >>> def f(tree): ... print(pycompat.sysstr(prettyformat(_unnesttemplatelist(tree)))) >>> f((b'template', [])) (string '') >>> f((b'template', [(b'string', b'foo')])) (string 'foo') >>> f((b'template', [(b'string', b'foo'), (b'symbol', b'rev')])) (template (string 'foo') (symbol 'rev')) >>> f((b'template', [(b'symbol', b'rev')])) # template(rev) -> str (template (symbol 'rev')) >>> f((b'template', [(b'template', [(b'string', b'foo')])])) (string 'foo') """ if not isinstance(tree, tuple): return tree op = tree[0] if op != 'template': return (op,) + tuple(_unnesttemplatelist(x) for x in tree[1:]) assert len(tree) == 2 xs = tuple(_unnesttemplatelist(x) for x in tree[1]) if not xs: return ('string', '') # empty template "" elif len(xs) == 1 and xs[0][0] == 'string': return xs[0] # fast path for string with no template fragment "x" else: return (op,) + xs def parse(tmpl): """Parse template string into tree""" parsed, pos = _parsetemplate(tmpl, 0, len(tmpl)) assert pos == len(tmpl), 'unquoted template should be consumed' return _unnesttemplatelist(('template', parsed)) def _parseexpr(expr): """Parse a template expression into tree >>> _parseexpr(b'"foo"') ('string', 'foo') >>> _parseexpr(b'foo(bar)') ('func', ('symbol', 'foo'), ('symbol', 'bar')) >>> _parseexpr(b'foo(') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ParseError: ('not a prefix: end', 4) >>> _parseexpr(b'"foo" "bar"') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ParseError: ('invalid token', 7) """ p = parser.parser(elements) tree, pos = p.parse(tokenize(expr, 0, len(expr))) if pos != len(expr): raise error.ParseError(_('invalid token'), pos) return _unnesttemplatelist(tree) def prettyformat(tree): return parser.prettyformat(tree, ('integer', 'string', 'symbol')) def compileexp(exp, context, curmethods): """Compile parsed template tree to (func, data) pair""" if not exp: raise error.ParseError(_("missing argument")) t = exp[0] if t in curmethods: return curmethods[t](exp, context) raise error.ParseError(_("unknown method '%s'") % t) # template evaluation def getsymbol(exp): if exp[0] == 'symbol': return exp[1] raise error.ParseError(_("expected a symbol, got '%s'") % exp[0]) def getlist(x): if not x: return [] if x[0] == 'list': return getlist(x[1]) + [x[2]] return [x] def gettemplate(exp, context): """Compile given template tree or load named template from map file; returns (func, data) pair""" if exp[0] in ('template', 'string'): return compileexp(exp, context, methods) if exp[0] == 'symbol': # unlike runsymbol(), here 'symbol' is always taken as template name # even if it exists in mapping. this allows us to override mapping # by web templates, e.g. 'changelogtag' is redefined in map file. return context._load(exp[1]) raise error.ParseError(_("expected template specifier")) def _runrecursivesymbol(context, mapping, key): raise error.Abort(_("recursive reference '%s' in template") % key) def buildtemplate(exp, context): ctmpl = [compileexp(e, context, methods) for e in exp[1:]] return (templateutil.runtemplate, ctmpl) def buildfilter(exp, context): n = getsymbol(exp[2]) if n in context._filters: filt = context._filters[n] arg = compileexp(exp[1], context, methods) return (templateutil.runfilter, (arg, filt)) if n in context._funcs: f = context._funcs[n] args = _buildfuncargs(exp[1], context, methods, n, f._argspec) return (f, args) raise error.ParseError(_("unknown function '%s'") % n) def buildmap(exp, context): darg = compileexp(exp[1], context, methods) targ = gettemplate(exp[2], context) return (templateutil.runmap, (darg, targ)) def buildmember(exp, context): darg = compileexp(exp[1], context, methods) memb = getsymbol(exp[2]) return (templateutil.runmember, (darg, memb)) def buildnegate(exp, context): arg = compileexp(exp[1], context, exprmethods) return (templateutil.runnegate, arg) def buildarithmetic(exp, context, func): left = compileexp(exp[1], context, exprmethods) right = compileexp(exp[2], context, exprmethods) return (templateutil.runarithmetic, (func, left, right)) def buildfunc(exp, context): n = getsymbol(exp[1]) if n in context._funcs: f = context._funcs[n] args = _buildfuncargs(exp[2], context, exprmethods, n, f._argspec) return (f, args) if n in context._filters: args = _buildfuncargs(exp[2], context, exprmethods, n, argspec=None) if len(args) != 1: raise error.ParseError(_("filter %s expects one argument") % n) f = context._filters[n] return (templateutil.runfilter, (args[0], f)) raise error.ParseError(_("unknown function '%s'") % n) def _buildfuncargs(exp, context, curmethods, funcname, argspec): """Compile parsed tree of function arguments into list or dict of (func, data) pairs >>> context = engine(lambda t: (templateutil.runsymbol, t)) >>> def fargs(expr, argspec): ... x = _parseexpr(expr) ... n = getsymbol(x[1]) ... return _buildfuncargs(x[2], context, exprmethods, n, argspec) >>> list(fargs(b'a(l=1, k=2)', b'k l m').keys()) ['l', 'k'] >>> args = fargs(b'a(opts=1, k=2)', b'**opts') >>> list(args.keys()), list(args[b'opts'].keys()) (['opts'], ['opts', 'k']) """ def compiledict(xs): return util.sortdict((k, compileexp(x, context, curmethods)) for k, x in xs.iteritems()) def compilelist(xs): return [compileexp(x, context, curmethods) for x in xs] if not argspec: # filter or function with no argspec: return list of positional args return compilelist(getlist(exp)) # function with argspec: return dict of named args _poskeys, varkey, _keys, optkey = argspec = parser.splitargspec(argspec) treeargs = parser.buildargsdict(getlist(exp), funcname, argspec, keyvaluenode='keyvalue', keynode='symbol') compargs = util.sortdict() if varkey: compargs[varkey] = compilelist(treeargs.pop(varkey)) if optkey: compargs[optkey] = compiledict(treeargs.pop(optkey)) compargs.update(compiledict(treeargs)) return compargs def buildkeyvaluepair(exp, content): raise error.ParseError(_("can't use a key-value pair in this context")) # methods to interpret function arguments or inner expressions (e.g. {_(x)}) exprmethods = { "integer": lambda e, c: (templateutil.runinteger, e[1]), "string": lambda e, c: (templateutil.runstring, e[1]), "symbol": lambda e, c: (templateutil.runsymbol, e[1]), "template": buildtemplate, "group": lambda e, c: compileexp(e[1], c, exprmethods), ".": buildmember, "|": buildfilter, "%": buildmap, "func": buildfunc, "keyvalue": buildkeyvaluepair, "+": lambda e, c: buildarithmetic(e, c, lambda a, b: a + b), "-": lambda e, c: buildarithmetic(e, c, lambda a, b: a - b), "negate": buildnegate, "*": lambda e, c: buildarithmetic(e, c, lambda a, b: a * b), "/": lambda e, c: buildarithmetic(e, c, lambda a, b: a // b), } # methods to interpret top-level template (e.g. {x}, {x|_}, {x % "y"}) methods = exprmethods.copy() methods["integer"] = exprmethods["symbol"] # '{1}' as variable class _aliasrules(parser.basealiasrules): """Parsing and expansion rule set of template aliases""" _section = _('template alias') _parse = staticmethod(_parseexpr) @staticmethod def _trygetfunc(tree): """Return (name, args) if tree is func(...) or ...|filter; otherwise None""" if tree[0] == 'func' and tree[1][0] == 'symbol': return tree[1][1], getlist(tree[2]) if tree[0] == '|' and tree[2][0] == 'symbol': return tree[2][1], [tree[1]] def expandaliases(tree, aliases): """Return new tree of aliases are expanded""" aliasmap = _aliasrules.buildmap(aliases) return _aliasrules.expand(aliasmap, tree) # template engine def unquotestring(s): '''unwrap quotes if any; otherwise returns unmodified string''' if len(s) < 2 or s[0] not in "'\"" or s[0] != s[-1]: return s return s[1:-1] class resourcemapper(object): """Mapper of internal template resources""" __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta @abc.abstractmethod def availablekeys(self, context, mapping): """Return a set of available resource keys based on the given mapping""" @abc.abstractmethod def knownkeys(self): """Return a set of supported resource keys""" @abc.abstractmethod def lookup(self, context, mapping, key): """Return a resource for the key if available; otherwise None""" @abc.abstractmethod def populatemap(self, context, origmapping, newmapping): """Return a dict of additional mapping items which should be paired with the given new mapping""" class nullresourcemapper(resourcemapper): def availablekeys(self, context, mapping): return set() def knownkeys(self): return set() def lookup(self, context, mapping, key): return None def populatemap(self, context, origmapping, newmapping): return {} class engine(object): '''template expansion engine. template expansion works like this. a map file contains key=value pairs. if value is quoted, it is treated as string. otherwise, it is treated as name of template file. templater is asked to expand a key in map. it looks up key, and looks for strings like this: {foo}. it expands {foo} by looking up foo in map, and substituting it. expansion is recursive: it stops when there is no more {foo} to replace. expansion also allows formatting and filtering. format uses key to expand each item in list. syntax is {key%format}. filter uses function to transform value. syntax is {key|filter1|filter2|...}.''' def __init__(self, loader, filters=None, defaults=None, resources=None, aliases=()): self._loader = loader if filters is None: filters = {} self._filters = filters self._funcs = templatefuncs.funcs # make this a parameter if needed if defaults is None: defaults = {} if resources is None: resources = nullresourcemapper() self._defaults = defaults self._resources = resources self._aliasmap = _aliasrules.buildmap(aliases) self._cache = {} # key: (func, data) def overlaymap(self, origmapping, newmapping): """Create combined mapping from the original mapping and partial mapping to override the original""" # do not copy symbols which overrides the defaults depending on # new resources, so the defaults will be re-evaluated (issue5612) knownres = self._resources.knownkeys() newres = self._resources.availablekeys(self, newmapping) mapping = {k: v for k, v in origmapping.iteritems() if (k in knownres # not a symbol per self.symbol() or newres.isdisjoint(self._defaultrequires(k)))} mapping.update(newmapping) mapping.update( self._resources.populatemap(self, origmapping, newmapping)) return mapping def _defaultrequires(self, key): """Resource keys required by the specified default symbol function""" v = self._defaults.get(key) if v is None or not callable(v): return () return getattr(v, '_requires', ()) def symbol(self, mapping, key): """Resolve symbol to value or function; None if nothing found""" v = None if key not in self._resources.knownkeys(): v = mapping.get(key) if v is None: v = self._defaults.get(key) return v def resource(self, mapping, key): """Return internal data (e.g. cache) used for keyword/function evaluation""" v = self._resources.lookup(self, mapping, key) if v is None: raise templateutil.ResourceUnavailable( _('template resource not available: %s') % key) return v def _load(self, t): '''load, parse, and cache a template''' if t not in self._cache: # put poison to cut recursion while compiling 't' self._cache[t] = (_runrecursivesymbol, t) try: x = parse(self._loader(t)) if self._aliasmap: x = _aliasrules.expand(self._aliasmap, x) self._cache[t] = compileexp(x, self, methods) except: # re-raises del self._cache[t] raise return self._cache[t] def preload(self, t): """Load, parse, and cache the specified template if available""" try: self._load(t) return True except templateutil.TemplateNotFound: return False def process(self, t, mapping): '''Perform expansion. t is name of map element to expand. mapping contains added elements for use during expansion. Is a generator.''' func, data = self._load(t) # populate additional items only if they don't exist in the given # mapping. this is slightly different from overlaymap() because the # initial 'revcache' may contain pre-computed items. extramapping = self._resources.populatemap(self, {}, mapping) if extramapping: extramapping.update(mapping) mapping = extramapping return templateutil.flatten(self, mapping, func(self, mapping, data)) engines = {'default': engine} def stylelist(): paths = templatepaths() if not paths: return _('no templates found, try `hg debuginstall` for more info') dirlist = os.listdir(paths[0]) stylelist = [] for file in dirlist: split = file.split(".") if split[-1] in ('orig', 'rej'): continue if split[0] == "map-cmdline": stylelist.append(split[1]) return ", ".join(sorted(stylelist)) def _readmapfile(mapfile): """Load template elements from the given map file""" if not os.path.exists(mapfile): raise error.Abort(_("style '%s' not found") % mapfile, hint=_("available styles: %s") % stylelist()) base = os.path.dirname(mapfile) conf = config.config(includepaths=templatepaths()) conf.read(mapfile, remap={'': 'templates'}) cache = {} tmap = {} aliases = [] val = conf.get('templates', '__base__') if val and val[0] not in "'\"": # treat as a pointer to a base class for this style path = util.normpath(os.path.join(base, val)) # fallback check in template paths if not os.path.exists(path): for p in templatepaths(): p2 = util.normpath(os.path.join(p, val)) if os.path.isfile(p2): path = p2 break p3 = util.normpath(os.path.join(p2, "map")) if os.path.isfile(p3): path = p3 break cache, tmap, aliases = _readmapfile(path) for key, val in conf['templates'].items(): if not val: raise error.ParseError(_('missing value'), conf.source('templates', key)) if val[0] in "'\"": if val[0] != val[-1]: raise error.ParseError(_('unmatched quotes'), conf.source('templates', key)) cache[key] = unquotestring(val) elif key != '__base__': val = 'default', val if ':' in val[1]: val = val[1].split(':', 1) tmap[key] = val[0], os.path.join(base, val[1]) aliases.extend(conf['templatealias'].items()) return cache, tmap, aliases class templater(object): def __init__(self, filters=None, defaults=None, resources=None, cache=None, aliases=(), minchunk=1024, maxchunk=65536): """Create template engine optionally with preloaded template fragments - ``filters``: a dict of functions to transform a value into another. - ``defaults``: a dict of symbol values/functions; may be overridden by a ``mapping`` dict. - ``resources``: a resourcemapper object to look up internal data (e.g. cache), inaccessible from user template. - ``cache``: a dict of preloaded template fragments. - ``aliases``: a list of alias (name, replacement) pairs. self.cache may be updated later to register additional template fragments. """ if filters is None: filters = {} if defaults is None: defaults = {} if cache is None: cache = {} self.cache = cache.copy() self.map = {} self.filters = templatefilters.filters.copy() self.filters.update(filters) self.defaults = defaults self._resources = resources self._aliases = aliases self.minchunk, self.maxchunk = minchunk, maxchunk self.ecache = {} @classmethod def frommapfile(cls, mapfile, filters=None, defaults=None, resources=None, cache=None, minchunk=1024, maxchunk=65536): """Create templater from the specified map file""" t = cls(filters, defaults, resources, cache, [], minchunk, maxchunk) cache, tmap, aliases = _readmapfile(mapfile) t.cache.update(cache) t.map = tmap t._aliases = aliases return t def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.cache or key in self.map def load(self, t): '''Get the template for the given template name. Use a local cache.''' if t not in self.cache: try: self.cache[t] = util.readfile(self.map[t][1]) except KeyError as inst: raise templateutil.TemplateNotFound( _('"%s" not in template map') % inst.args[0]) except IOError as inst: reason = (_('template file %s: %s') % (self.map[t][1], stringutil.forcebytestr(inst.args[1]))) raise IOError(inst.args[0], encoding.strfromlocal(reason)) return self.cache[t] def renderdefault(self, mapping): """Render the default unnamed template and return result as string""" return self.render('', mapping) def render(self, t, mapping): """Render the specified named template and return result as string""" return b''.join(self.generate(t, mapping)) def generate(self, t, mapping): """Return a generator that renders the specified named template and yields chunks""" ttype = t in self.map and self.map[t][0] or 'default' if ttype not in self.ecache: try: ecls = engines[ttype] except KeyError: raise error.Abort(_('invalid template engine: %s') % ttype) self.ecache[ttype] = ecls(self.load, self.filters, self.defaults, self._resources, self._aliases) proc = self.ecache[ttype] stream = proc.process(t, mapping) if self.minchunk: stream = util.increasingchunks(stream, min=self.minchunk, max=self.maxchunk) return stream def templatepaths(): '''return locations used for template files.''' pathsrel = ['templates'] paths = [os.path.normpath(os.path.join(util.datapath, f)) for f in pathsrel] return [p for p in paths if os.path.isdir(p)] def templatepath(name): '''return location of template file. returns None if not found.''' for p in templatepaths(): f = os.path.join(p, name) if os.path.exists(f): return f return None def stylemap(styles, paths=None): """Return path to mapfile for a given style. Searches mapfile in the following locations: 1. templatepath/style/map 2. templatepath/map-style 3. templatepath/map """ if paths is None: paths = templatepaths() elif isinstance(paths, bytes): paths = [paths] if isinstance(styles, bytes): styles = [styles] for style in styles: # only plain name is allowed to honor template paths if (not style or style in (pycompat.oscurdir, pycompat.ospardir) or pycompat.ossep in style or pycompat.osaltsep and pycompat.osaltsep in style): continue locations = [os.path.join(style, 'map'), 'map-' + style] locations.append('map') for path in paths: for location in locations: mapfile = os.path.join(path, location) if os.path.isfile(mapfile): return style, mapfile raise RuntimeError("No hgweb templates found in %r" % paths)