# ssh.py - Interact with remote SSH servers # # Copyright 2019 Gregory Szorc # # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the # GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version. # no-check-code because Python 3 native. import socket import time import warnings from cryptography.utils import ( CryptographyDeprecationWarning, ) import paramiko def wait_for_ssh(hostname, port, timeout=60, username=None, key_filename=None): """Wait for an SSH server to start on the specified host and port.""" class IgnoreHostKeyPolicy(paramiko.MissingHostKeyPolicy): def missing_host_key(self, client, hostname, key): return end_time = time.time() + timeout # paramiko triggers a CryptographyDeprecationWarning in the cryptography # package. Let's suppress with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=CryptographyDeprecationWarning) while True: client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(IgnoreHostKeyPolicy()) try: client.connect(hostname, port=port, username=username, key_filename=key_filename, timeout=5.0, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False) return client except socket.error: pass except paramiko.AuthenticationException: raise except paramiko.SSHException: pass if time.time() >= end_time: raise Exception('Timeout reached waiting for SSH') time.sleep(1.0) def exec_command(client, command): """exec_command wrapper that combines stderr/stdout and returns channel""" chan = client.get_transport().open_session() chan.exec_command(command) chan.set_combine_stderr(True) stdin = chan.makefile('wb', -1) stdout = chan.makefile('r', -1) return chan, stdin, stdout