Function to test discovery between two repos in both directions, using both the local shortcut (which is currently not activated by default) and the full remotable protocol: $ testdesc() { # revs_a, revs_b, dagdesc > if [ -d foo ]; then rm -rf foo; fi > hg init foo > cd foo > hg debugbuilddag "$3" > hg clone . a $1 --quiet > hg clone . b $2 --quiet > echo > echo "% -- a -> b tree" > hg -R a debugdiscovery b --verbose --old > echo > echo "% -- a -> b set" > hg -R a debugdiscovery b --verbose --debug > echo > echo "% -- b -> a tree" > hg -R b debugdiscovery a --verbose --old > echo > echo "% -- b -> a set" > hg -R b debugdiscovery a --verbose --debug > cd .. > } Small superset: $ testdesc '-ra1 -ra2' '-rb1 -rb2 -rb3' ' > +2:f +1:a1:b1 > <f +4 :a2 > +5 :b2 > <f +3 :b3' % -- a -> b tree comparing with b searching for changes unpruned common: 01241442b3c2 66f7d451a68b b5714e113bc0 common heads: 01241442b3c2 b5714e113bc0 local is subset % -- a -> b set comparing with b query 1; heads searching for changes all local heads known remotely common heads: 01241442b3c2 b5714e113bc0 local is subset % -- b -> a tree comparing with a searching for changes unpruned common: 01241442b3c2 b5714e113bc0 common heads: 01241442b3c2 b5714e113bc0 remote is subset % -- b -> a set comparing with a query 1; heads searching for changes all remote heads known locally common heads: 01241442b3c2 b5714e113bc0 remote is subset Many new: $ testdesc '-ra1 -ra2' '-rb' ' > +2:f +3:a1 +3:b > <f +30 :a2' % -- a -> b tree comparing with b searching for changes unpruned common: bebd167eb94d common heads: bebd167eb94d % -- a -> b set comparing with b query 1; heads searching for changes taking initial sample searching: 2 queries query 2; still undecided: 29, sample size is: 29 2 total queries common heads: bebd167eb94d % -- b -> a tree comparing with a searching for changes unpruned common: 66f7d451a68b bebd167eb94d common heads: bebd167eb94d % -- b -> a set comparing with a query 1; heads searching for changes taking initial sample searching: 2 queries query 2; still undecided: 2, sample size is: 2 2 total queries common heads: bebd167eb94d Both sides many new with stub: $ testdesc '-ra1 -ra2' '-rb' ' > +2:f +2:a1 +30 :b > <f +30 :a2' % -- a -> b tree comparing with b searching for changes unpruned common: 2dc09a01254d common heads: 2dc09a01254d % -- a -> b set comparing with b query 1; heads searching for changes taking initial sample searching: 2 queries query 2; still undecided: 29, sample size is: 29 2 total queries common heads: 2dc09a01254d % -- b -> a tree comparing with a searching for changes unpruned common: 2dc09a01254d 66f7d451a68b common heads: 2dc09a01254d % -- b -> a set comparing with a query 1; heads searching for changes taking initial sample searching: 2 queries query 2; still undecided: 29, sample size is: 29 2 total queries common heads: 2dc09a01254d Both many new: $ testdesc '-ra' '-rb' ' > +2:f +30 :b > <f +30 :a' % -- a -> b tree comparing with b searching for changes unpruned common: 66f7d451a68b common heads: 66f7d451a68b % -- a -> b set comparing with b query 1; heads searching for changes taking quick initial sample searching: 2 queries query 2; still undecided: 31, sample size is: 31 2 total queries common heads: 66f7d451a68b % -- b -> a tree comparing with a searching for changes unpruned common: 66f7d451a68b common heads: 66f7d451a68b % -- b -> a set comparing with a query 1; heads searching for changes taking quick initial sample searching: 2 queries query 2; still undecided: 31, sample size is: 31 2 total queries common heads: 66f7d451a68b Both many new skewed: $ testdesc '-ra' '-rb' ' > +2:f +30 :b > <f +50 :a' % -- a -> b tree comparing with b searching for changes unpruned common: 66f7d451a68b common heads: 66f7d451a68b % -- a -> b set comparing with b query 1; heads searching for changes taking quick initial sample searching: 2 queries query 2; still undecided: 51, sample size is: 51 2 total queries common heads: 66f7d451a68b % -- b -> a tree comparing with a searching for changes unpruned common: 66f7d451a68b common heads: 66f7d451a68b % -- b -> a set comparing with a query 1; heads searching for changes taking quick initial sample searching: 2 queries query 2; still undecided: 31, sample size is: 31 2 total queries common heads: 66f7d451a68b Both many new on top of long history: $ testdesc '-ra' '-rb' ' > +1000:f +30 :b > <f +50 :a' % -- a -> b tree comparing with b searching for changes unpruned common: 7ead0cba2838 common heads: 7ead0cba2838 % -- a -> b set comparing with b query 1; heads searching for changes taking quick initial sample searching: 2 queries query 2; still undecided: 1049, sample size is: 11 sampling from both directions searching: 3 queries query 3; still undecided: 31, sample size is: 31 3 total queries common heads: 7ead0cba2838 % -- b -> a tree comparing with a searching for changes unpruned common: 7ead0cba2838 common heads: 7ead0cba2838 % -- b -> a set comparing with a query 1; heads searching for changes taking quick initial sample searching: 2 queries query 2; still undecided: 1029, sample size is: 11 sampling from both directions searching: 3 queries query 3; still undecided: 15, sample size is: 15 3 total queries common heads: 7ead0cba2838 One with >200 heads, which used to use up all of the sample: $ hg init manyheads $ cd manyheads $ echo "+300:r @a" >dagdesc $ echo "*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3 *r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3" >>dagdesc # 20 heads $ echo "*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3 *r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3" >>dagdesc # 20 heads $ echo "*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3 *r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3" >>dagdesc # 20 heads $ echo "*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3 *r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3" >>dagdesc # 20 heads $ echo "*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3 *r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3" >>dagdesc # 20 heads $ echo "*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3 *r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3" >>dagdesc # 20 heads $ echo "*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3 *r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3" >>dagdesc # 20 heads $ echo "*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3 *r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3" >>dagdesc # 20 heads $ echo "*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3 *r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3" >>dagdesc # 20 heads $ echo "*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3 *r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3" >>dagdesc # 20 heads $ echo "*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3 *r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3" >>dagdesc # 20 heads $ echo "*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3 *r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3" >>dagdesc # 20 heads $ echo "*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3 *r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3*r+3" >>dagdesc # 20 heads $ echo "@b *r+3" >>dagdesc # one more head $ hg debugbuilddag <dagdesc reading DAG from stdin $ hg heads -t --template . | wc -c \s*261 (re) $ hg clone -b a . a adding changesets adding manifests adding file changes added 1340 changesets with 0 changes to 0 files (+259 heads) updating to branch a 0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved $ hg clone -b b . b adding changesets adding manifests adding file changes added 304 changesets with 0 changes to 0 files updating to branch b 0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved $ hg -R a debugdiscovery b --debug --verbose comparing with b query 1; heads searching for changes taking quick initial sample searching: 2 queries query 2; still undecided: 1080, sample size is: 260 sampling from both directions searching: 3 queries query 3; still undecided: 820, sample size is: 260 sampling from both directions searching: 4 queries query 4; still undecided: 560, sample size is: 260 sampling from both directions searching: 5 queries query 5; still undecided: 300, sample size is: 200 5 total queries common heads: 3ee37d65064a $ cd ..