# Mercurial built-in replacement for cvsps. # # Copyright 2008, Frank Kingswood # # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the # GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version. import os import re import cPickle as pickle from mercurial import util from mercurial.i18n import _ from mercurial import hook class logentry(object): '''Class logentry has the following attributes: .author - author name as CVS knows it .branch - name of branch this revision is on .branches - revision tuple of branches starting at this revision .comment - commit message .date - the commit date as a (time, tz) tuple .dead - true if file revision is dead .file - Name of file .lines - a tuple (+lines, -lines) or None .parent - Previous revision of this entry .rcs - name of file as returned from CVS .revision - revision number as tuple .tags - list of tags on the file .synthetic - is this a synthetic "file ... added on ..." revision? .mergepoint- the branch that has been merged from (if present in rlog output) .branchpoints- the branches that start at the current entry ''' def __init__(self, **entries): self.__dict__.update(entries) def __repr__(self): return "<%s at 0x%x: %s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), self.file, ".".join(map(str, self.revision))) class logerror(Exception): pass def getrepopath(cvspath): """Return the repository path from a CVS path. >>> getrepopath('/foo/bar') '/foo/bar' >>> getrepopath('c:/foo/bar') 'c:/foo/bar' >>> getrepopath(':pserver:10/foo/bar') '/foo/bar' >>> getrepopath(':pserver:10c:/foo/bar') '/foo/bar' >>> getrepopath(':pserver:/foo/bar') '/foo/bar' >>> getrepopath(':pserver:c:/foo/bar') 'c:/foo/bar' >>> getrepopath(':pserver:truc@foo.bar:/foo/bar') '/foo/bar' >>> getrepopath(':pserver:truc@foo.bar:c:/foo/bar') 'c:/foo/bar' """ # According to CVS manual, CVS paths are expressed like: # [:method:][[user][:password]@]hostname[:[port]]/path/to/repository # # Unfortunately, Windows absolute paths start with a drive letter # like 'c:' making it harder to parse. Here we assume that drive # letters are only one character long and any CVS component before # the repository path is at least 2 characters long, and use this # to disambiguate. parts = cvspath.split(':') if len(parts) == 1: return parts[0] # Here there is an ambiguous case if we have a port number # immediately followed by a Windows driver letter. We assume this # never happens and decide it must be CVS path component, # therefore ignoring it. if len(parts[-2]) > 1: return parts[-1].lstrip('0123456789') return parts[-2] + ':' + parts[-1] def createlog(ui, directory=None, root="", rlog=True, cache=None): '''Collect the CVS rlog''' # Because we store many duplicate commit log messages, reusing strings # saves a lot of memory and pickle storage space. _scache = {} def scache(s): "return a shared version of a string" return _scache.setdefault(s, s) ui.status(_('collecting CVS rlog\n')) log = [] # list of logentry objects containing the CVS state # patterns to match in CVS (r)log output, by state of use re_00 = re.compile('RCS file: (.+)$') re_01 = re.compile('cvs \\[r?log aborted\\]: (.+)$') re_02 = re.compile('cvs (r?log|server): (.+)\n$') re_03 = re.compile("(Cannot access.+CVSROOT)|" "(can't create temporary directory.+)$") re_10 = re.compile('Working file: (.+)$') re_20 = re.compile('symbolic names:') re_30 = re.compile('\t(.+): ([\\d.]+)$') re_31 = re.compile('----------------------------$') re_32 = re.compile('=======================================' '======================================$') re_50 = re.compile('revision ([\\d.]+)(\s+locked by:\s+.+;)?$') re_60 = re.compile(r'date:\s+(.+);\s+author:\s+(.+);\s+state:\s+(.+?);' r'(\s+lines:\s+(\+\d+)?\s+(-\d+)?;)?' r'(.*mergepoint:\s+([^;]+);)?') re_70 = re.compile('branches: (.+);$') file_added_re = re.compile(r'file [^/]+ was (initially )?added on branch') prefix = '' # leading path to strip of what we get from CVS if directory is None: # Current working directory # Get the real directory in the repository try: prefix = open(os.path.join('CVS','Repository')).read().strip() directory = prefix if prefix == ".": prefix = "" except IOError: raise logerror('Not a CVS sandbox') if prefix and not prefix.endswith(os.sep): prefix += os.sep # Use the Root file in the sandbox, if it exists try: root = open(os.path.join('CVS','Root')).read().strip() except IOError: pass if not root: root = os.environ.get('CVSROOT', '') # read log cache if one exists oldlog = [] date = None if cache: cachedir = os.path.expanduser('~/.hg.cvsps') if not os.path.exists(cachedir): os.mkdir(cachedir) # The cvsps cache pickle needs a uniquified name, based on the # repository location. The address may have all sort of nasties # in it, slashes, colons and such. So here we take just the # alphanumerics, concatenated in a way that does not mix up the # various components, so that # :pserver:user@server:/path # and # /pserver/user/server/path # are mapped to different cache file names. cachefile = root.split(":") + [directory, "cache"] cachefile = ['-'.join(re.findall(r'\w+', s)) for s in cachefile if s] cachefile = os.path.join(cachedir, '.'.join([s for s in cachefile if s])) if cache == 'update': try: ui.note(_('reading cvs log cache %s\n') % cachefile) oldlog = pickle.load(open(cachefile)) ui.note(_('cache has %d log entries\n') % len(oldlog)) except Exception, e: ui.note(_('error reading cache: %r\n') % e) if oldlog: date = oldlog[-1].date # last commit date as a (time,tz) tuple date = util.datestr(date, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %1%2') # build the CVS commandline cmd = ['cvs', '-q'] if root: cmd.append('-d%s' % root) p = util.normpath(getrepopath(root)) if not p.endswith('/'): p += '/' if prefix: # looks like normpath replaces "" by "." prefix = p + util.normpath(prefix) else: prefix = p cmd.append(['log', 'rlog'][rlog]) if date: # no space between option and date string cmd.append('-d>%s' % date) cmd.append(directory) # state machine begins here tags = {} # dictionary of revisions on current file with their tags branchmap = {} # mapping between branch names and revision numbers state = 0 store = False # set when a new record can be appended cmd = [util.shellquote(arg) for arg in cmd] ui.note(_("running %s\n") % (' '.join(cmd))) ui.debug("prefix=%r directory=%r root=%r\n" % (prefix, directory, root)) pfp = util.popen(' '.join(cmd)) peek = pfp.readline() while True: line = peek if line == '': break peek = pfp.readline() if line.endswith('\n'): line = line[:-1] #ui.debug('state=%d line=%r\n' % (state, line)) if state == 0: # initial state, consume input until we see 'RCS file' match = re_00.match(line) if match: rcs = match.group(1) tags = {} if rlog: filename = util.normpath(rcs[:-2]) if filename.startswith(prefix): filename = filename[len(prefix):] if filename.startswith('/'): filename = filename[1:] if filename.startswith('Attic/'): filename = filename[6:] else: filename = filename.replace('/Attic/', '/') state = 2 continue state = 1 continue match = re_01.match(line) if match: raise Exception(match.group(1)) match = re_02.match(line) if match: raise Exception(match.group(2)) if re_03.match(line): raise Exception(line) elif state == 1: # expect 'Working file' (only when using log instead of rlog) match = re_10.match(line) assert match, _('RCS file must be followed by working file') filename = util.normpath(match.group(1)) state = 2 elif state == 2: # expect 'symbolic names' if re_20.match(line): branchmap = {} state = 3 elif state == 3: # read the symbolic names and store as tags match = re_30.match(line) if match: rev = [int(x) for x in match.group(2).split('.')] # Convert magic branch number to an odd-numbered one revn = len(rev) if revn > 3 and (revn % 2) == 0 and rev[-2] == 0: rev = rev[:-2] + rev[-1:] rev = tuple(rev) if rev not in tags: tags[rev] = [] tags[rev].append(match.group(1)) branchmap[match.group(1)] = match.group(2) elif re_31.match(line): state = 5 elif re_32.match(line): state = 0 elif state == 4: # expecting '------' separator before first revision if re_31.match(line): state = 5 else: assert not re_32.match(line), _('must have at least ' 'some revisions') elif state == 5: # expecting revision number and possibly (ignored) lock indication # we create the logentry here from values stored in states 0 to 4, # as this state is re-entered for subsequent revisions of a file. match = re_50.match(line) assert match, _('expected revision number') e = logentry(rcs=scache(rcs), file=scache(filename), revision=tuple([int(x) for x in match.group(1).split('.')]), branches=[], parent=None, synthetic=False) state = 6 elif state == 6: # expecting date, author, state, lines changed match = re_60.match(line) assert match, _('revision must be followed by date line') d = match.group(1) if d[2] == '/': # Y2K d = '19' + d if len(d.split()) != 3: # cvs log dates always in GMT d = d + ' UTC' e.date = util.parsedate(d, ['%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S']) e.author = scache(match.group(2)) e.dead = match.group(3).lower() == 'dead' if match.group(5): if match.group(6): e.lines = (int(match.group(5)), int(match.group(6))) else: e.lines = (int(match.group(5)), 0) elif match.group(6): e.lines = (0, int(match.group(6))) else: e.lines = None if match.group(7): # cvsnt mergepoint myrev = match.group(8).split('.') if len(myrev) == 2: # head e.mergepoint = 'HEAD' else: myrev = '.'.join(myrev[:-2] + ['0', myrev[-2]]) branches = [b for b in branchmap if branchmap[b] == myrev] assert len(branches) == 1, 'unknown branch: %s' % e.mergepoint e.mergepoint = branches[0] else: e.mergepoint = None e.comment = [] state = 7 elif state == 7: # read the revision numbers of branches that start at this revision # or store the commit log message otherwise m = re_70.match(line) if m: e.branches = [tuple([int(y) for y in x.strip().split('.')]) for x in m.group(1).split(';')] state = 8 elif re_31.match(line) and re_50.match(peek): state = 5 store = True elif re_32.match(line): state = 0 store = True else: e.comment.append(line) elif state == 8: # store commit log message if re_31.match(line): state = 5 store = True elif re_32.match(line): state = 0 store = True else: e.comment.append(line) # When a file is added on a branch B1, CVS creates a synthetic # dead trunk revision 1.1 so that the branch has a root. # Likewise, if you merge such a file to a later branch B2 (one # that already existed when the file was added on B1), CVS # creates a synthetic dead revision 1.1.x.1 on B2. Don't drop # these revisions now, but mark them synthetic so # createchangeset() can take care of them. if (store and e.dead and e.revision[-1] == 1 and # 1.1 or 1.1.x.1 len(e.comment) == 1 and file_added_re.match(e.comment[0])): ui.debug('found synthetic revision in %s: %r\n' % (e.rcs, e.comment[0])) e.synthetic = True if store: # clean up the results and save in the log. store = False e.tags = sorted([scache(x) for x in tags.get(e.revision, [])]) e.comment = scache('\n'.join(e.comment)) revn = len(e.revision) if revn > 3 and (revn % 2) == 0: e.branch = tags.get(e.revision[:-1], [None])[0] else: e.branch = None # find the branches starting from this revision branchpoints = set() for branch, revision in branchmap.iteritems(): revparts = tuple([int(i) for i in revision.split('.')]) if revparts[-2] == 0 and revparts[-1] % 2 == 0: # normal branch if revparts[:-2] == e.revision: branchpoints.add(branch) elif revparts == (1, 1, 1): # vendor branch if revparts in e.branches: branchpoints.add(branch) e.branchpoints = branchpoints log.append(e) if len(log) % 100 == 0: ui.status(util.ellipsis('%d %s' % (len(log), e.file), 80)+'\n') log.sort(key=lambda x: (x.rcs, x.revision)) # find parent revisions of individual files versions = {} for e in log: branch = e.revision[:-1] p = versions.get((e.rcs, branch), None) if p is None: p = e.revision[:-2] e.parent = p versions[(e.rcs, branch)] = e.revision # update the log cache if cache: if log: # join up the old and new logs log.sort(key=lambda x: x.date) if oldlog and oldlog[-1].date >= log[0].date: raise logerror('Log cache overlaps with new log entries,' ' re-run without cache.') log = oldlog + log # write the new cachefile ui.note(_('writing cvs log cache %s\n') % cachefile) pickle.dump(log, open(cachefile, 'w')) else: log = oldlog ui.status(_('%d log entries\n') % len(log)) hook.hook(ui, None, "cvslog", True, log=log) return log class changeset(object): '''Class changeset has the following attributes: .id - integer identifying this changeset (list index) .author - author name as CVS knows it .branch - name of branch this changeset is on, or None .comment - commit message .date - the commit date as a (time,tz) tuple .entries - list of logentry objects in this changeset .parents - list of one or two parent changesets .tags - list of tags on this changeset .synthetic - from synthetic revision "file ... added on branch ..." .mergepoint- the branch that has been merged from (if present in rlog output) .branchpoints- the branches that start at the current entry ''' def __init__(self, **entries): self.__dict__.update(entries) def __repr__(self): return "<%s at 0x%x: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), getattr(self, 'id', "(no id)")) def createchangeset(ui, log, fuzz=60, mergefrom=None, mergeto=None): '''Convert log into changesets.''' ui.status(_('creating changesets\n')) # Merge changesets log.sort(key=lambda x: (x.comment, x.author, x.branch, x.date)) changesets = [] files = set() c = None for i, e in enumerate(log): # Check if log entry belongs to the current changeset or not. # Since CVS is file centric, two different file revisions with # different branchpoints should be treated as belonging to two # different changesets (and the ordering is important and not # honoured by cvsps at this point). # # Consider the following case: # foo 1.1 branchpoints: [MYBRANCH] # bar 1.1 branchpoints: [MYBRANCH, MYBRANCH2] # # Here foo is part only of MYBRANCH, but not MYBRANCH2, e.g. a # later version of foo may be in MYBRANCH2, so foo should be the # first changeset and bar the next and MYBRANCH and MYBRANCH2 # should both start off of the bar changeset. No provisions are # made to ensure that this is, in fact, what happens. if not (c and e.comment == c.comment and e.author == c.author and e.branch == c.branch and (not hasattr(e, 'branchpoints') or not hasattr (c, 'branchpoints') or e.branchpoints == c.branchpoints) and ((c.date[0] + c.date[1]) <= (e.date[0] + e.date[1]) <= (c.date[0] + c.date[1]) + fuzz) and e.file not in files): c = changeset(comment=e.comment, author=e.author, branch=e.branch, date=e.date, entries=[], mergepoint=getattr(e, 'mergepoint', None), branchpoints=getattr(e, 'branchpoints', set())) changesets.append(c) files = set() if len(changesets) % 100 == 0: t = '%d %s' % (len(changesets), repr(e.comment)[1:-1]) ui.status(util.ellipsis(t, 80) + '\n') c.entries.append(e) files.add(e.file) c.date = e.date # changeset date is date of latest commit in it # Mark synthetic changesets for c in changesets: # Synthetic revisions always get their own changeset, because # the log message includes the filename. E.g. if you add file3 # and file4 on a branch, you get four log entries and three # changesets: # "File file3 was added on branch ..." (synthetic, 1 entry) # "File file4 was added on branch ..." (synthetic, 1 entry) # "Add file3 and file4 to fix ..." (real, 2 entries) # Hence the check for 1 entry here. synth = getattr(c.entries[0], 'synthetic', None) c.synthetic = (len(c.entries) == 1 and synth) # Sort files in each changeset for c in changesets: def pathcompare(l, r): 'Mimic cvsps sorting order' l = l.split('/') r = r.split('/') nl = len(l) nr = len(r) n = min(nl, nr) for i in range(n): if i + 1 == nl and nl < nr: return -1 elif i + 1 == nr and nl > nr: return +1 elif l[i] < r[i]: return -1 elif l[i] > r[i]: return +1 return 0 def entitycompare(l, r): return pathcompare(l.file, r.file) c.entries.sort(entitycompare) # Sort changesets by date def cscmp(l, r): d = sum(l.date) - sum(r.date) if d: return d # detect vendor branches and initial commits on a branch le = {} for e in l.entries: le[e.rcs] = e.revision re = {} for e in r.entries: re[e.rcs] = e.revision d = 0 for e in l.entries: if re.get(e.rcs, None) == e.parent: assert not d d = 1 break for e in r.entries: if le.get(e.rcs, None) == e.parent: assert not d d = -1 break return d changesets.sort(cscmp) # Collect tags globaltags = {} for c in changesets: for e in c.entries: for tag in e.tags: # remember which is the latest changeset to have this tag globaltags[tag] = c for c in changesets: tags = set() for e in c.entries: tags.update(e.tags) # remember tags only if this is the latest changeset to have it c.tags = sorted(tag for tag in tags if globaltags[tag] is c) # Find parent changesets, handle {{mergetobranch BRANCHNAME}} # by inserting dummy changesets with two parents, and handle # {{mergefrombranch BRANCHNAME}} by setting two parents. if mergeto is None: mergeto = r'{{mergetobranch ([-\w]+)}}' if mergeto: mergeto = re.compile(mergeto) if mergefrom is None: mergefrom = r'{{mergefrombranch ([-\w]+)}}' if mergefrom: mergefrom = re.compile(mergefrom) versions = {} # changeset index where we saw any particular file version branches = {} # changeset index where we saw a branch n = len(changesets) i = 0 while i < n: c = changesets[i] for f in c.entries: versions[(f.rcs, f.revision)] = i p = None if c.branch in branches: p = branches[c.branch] else: # first changeset on a new branch # the parent is a changeset with the branch in its # branchpoints such that it is the latest possible # commit without any intervening, unrelated commits. for candidate in xrange(i): if c.branch not in changesets[candidate].branchpoints: if p is not None: break continue p = candidate c.parents = [] if p is not None: p = changesets[p] # Ensure no changeset has a synthetic changeset as a parent. while p.synthetic: assert len(p.parents) <= 1, \ _('synthetic changeset cannot have multiple parents') if p.parents: p = p.parents[0] else: p = None break if p is not None: c.parents.append(p) if c.mergepoint: if c.mergepoint == 'HEAD': c.mergepoint = None c.parents.append(changesets[branches[c.mergepoint]]) if mergefrom: m = mergefrom.search(c.comment) if m: m = m.group(1) if m == 'HEAD': m = None try: candidate = changesets[branches[m]] except KeyError: ui.warn(_("warning: CVS commit message references " "non-existent branch %r:\n%s\n") % (m, c.comment)) if m in branches and c.branch != m and not candidate.synthetic: c.parents.append(candidate) if mergeto: m = mergeto.search(c.comment) if m: try: m = m.group(1) if m == 'HEAD': m = None except: m = None # if no group found then merge to HEAD if m in branches and c.branch != m: # insert empty changeset for merge cc = changeset( author=c.author, branch=m, date=c.date, comment='convert-repo: CVS merge from branch %s' % c.branch, entries=[], tags=[], parents=[changesets[branches[m]], c]) changesets.insert(i + 1, cc) branches[m] = i + 1 # adjust our loop counters now we have inserted a new entry n += 1 i += 2 continue branches[c.branch] = i i += 1 # Drop synthetic changesets (safe now that we have ensured no other # changesets can have them as parents). i = 0 while i < len(changesets): if changesets[i].synthetic: del changesets[i] else: i += 1 # Number changesets for i, c in enumerate(changesets): c.id = i + 1 ui.status(_('%d changeset entries\n') % len(changesets)) hook.hook(ui, None, "cvschangesets", True, changesets=changesets) return changesets def debugcvsps(ui, *args, **opts): '''Read CVS rlog for current directory or named path in repository, and convert the log to changesets based on matching commit log entries and dates. ''' if opts["new_cache"]: cache = "write" elif opts["update_cache"]: cache = "update" else: cache = None revisions = opts["revisions"] try: if args: log = [] for d in args: log += createlog(ui, d, root=opts["root"], cache=cache) else: log = createlog(ui, root=opts["root"], cache=cache) except logerror, e: ui.write("%r\n"%e) return changesets = createchangeset(ui, log, opts["fuzz"]) del log # Print changesets (optionally filtered) off = len(revisions) branches = {} # latest version number in each branch ancestors = {} # parent branch for cs in changesets: if opts["ancestors"]: if cs.branch not in branches and cs.parents and cs.parents[0].id: ancestors[cs.branch] = (changesets[cs.parents[0].id - 1].branch, cs.parents[0].id) branches[cs.branch] = cs.id # limit by branches if opts["branches"] and (cs.branch or 'HEAD') not in opts["branches"]: continue if not off: # Note: trailing spaces on several lines here are needed to have # bug-for-bug compatibility with cvsps. ui.write('---------------------\n') ui.write('PatchSet %d \n' % cs.id) ui.write('Date: %s\n' % util.datestr(cs.date, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %1%2')) ui.write('Author: %s\n' % cs.author) ui.write('Branch: %s\n' % (cs.branch or 'HEAD')) ui.write('Tag%s: %s \n' % (['', 's'][len(cs.tags) > 1], ','.join(cs.tags) or '(none)')) branchpoints = getattr(cs, 'branchpoints', None) if branchpoints: ui.write('Branchpoints: %s \n' % ', '.join(branchpoints)) if opts["parents"] and cs.parents: if len(cs.parents) > 1: ui.write('Parents: %s\n' % (','.join([str(p.id) for p in cs.parents]))) else: ui.write('Parent: %d\n' % cs.parents[0].id) if opts["ancestors"]: b = cs.branch r = [] while b: b, c = ancestors[b] r.append('%s:%d:%d' % (b or "HEAD", c, branches[b])) if r: ui.write('Ancestors: %s\n' % (','.join(r))) ui.write('Log:\n') ui.write('%s\n\n' % cs.comment) ui.write('Members: \n') for f in cs.entries: fn = f.file if fn.startswith(opts["prefix"]): fn = fn[len(opts["prefix"]):] ui.write('\t%s:%s->%s%s \n' % ( fn, '.'.join([str(x) for x in f.parent]) or 'INITIAL', '.'.join([str(x) for x in f.revision]), ['', '(DEAD)'][f.dead])) ui.write('\n') # have we seen the start tag? if revisions and off: if revisions[0] == str(cs.id) or \ revisions[0] in cs.tags: off = False # see if we reached the end tag if len(revisions) > 1 and not off: if revisions[1] == str(cs.id) or \ revisions[1] in cs.tags: break