import os, sys, textwrap # import from the live mercurial repo sys.path.insert(0, "..") # fall back to pure modules if required C extensions are not available sys.path.append(os.path.join('..', 'mercurial', 'pure')) from mercurial import demandimport; demandimport.enable() from mercurial import encoding from mercurial.commands import table, globalopts from mercurial.i18n import _ from import helptable from mercurial import extensions from mercurial import util def get_desc(docstr): if not docstr: return "", "" # sanitize docstr = docstr.strip("\n") docstr = docstr.rstrip() shortdesc = docstr.splitlines()[0].strip() i = docstr.find("\n") if i != -1: desc = docstr[i + 2:] else: desc = shortdesc desc = textwrap.dedent(desc) return (shortdesc, desc) def get_opts(opts): for opt in opts: if len(opt) == 5: shortopt, longopt, default, desc, optlabel = opt else: shortopt, longopt, default, desc = opt allopts = [] if shortopt: allopts.append("-%s" % shortopt) if longopt: allopts.append("--%s" % longopt) desc += default and _(" (default: %s)") % default or "" yield (", ".join(allopts), desc) def get_cmd(cmd, cmdtable): d = {} attr = cmdtable[cmd] cmds = cmd.lstrip("^").split("|") d['cmd'] = cmds[0] d['aliases'] = cmd.split("|")[1:] d['desc'] = get_desc(attr[0].__doc__) d['opts'] = list(get_opts(attr[1])) s = 'hg ' + cmds[0] if len(attr) > 2: if not attr[2].startswith('hg'): s += ' ' + attr[2] else: s = attr[2] d['synopsis'] = s.strip() return d def section(ui, s): ui.write("%s\n%s\n\n" % (s, "-" * encoding.colwidth(s))) def subsection(ui, s): ui.write("%s\n%s\n\n" % (s, '"' * encoding.colwidth(s))) def subsubsection(ui, s): ui.write("%s\n%s\n\n" % (s, "." * encoding.colwidth(s))) def subsubsubsection(ui, s): ui.write("%s\n%s\n\n" % (s, "#" * encoding.colwidth(s))) def show_doc(ui): # print options section(ui, _("Options")) for optstr, desc in get_opts(globalopts): ui.write("%s\n %s\n\n" % (optstr, desc)) # print cmds section(ui, _("Commands")) commandprinter(ui, table, subsection) # print topics for names, sec, doc in helptable: if names[0] == "config": # The config help topic is included in the hgrc.5 man # page. continue for name in names: ui.write(".. _%s:\n" % name) ui.write("\n") section(ui, sec) if util.safehasattr(doc, '__call__'): doc = doc() ui.write(doc) ui.write("\n") section(ui, _("Extensions")) ui.write(_("This section contains help for extensions that are distributed " "together with Mercurial. Help for other extensions is available " "in the help system.")) ui.write("\n\n" ".. contents::\n" " :class: htmlonly\n" " :local:\n" " :depth: 1\n\n") for extensionname in sorted(allextensionnames()): mod = extensions.load(None, extensionname, None) subsection(ui, extensionname) ui.write("%s\n\n" % mod.__doc__) cmdtable = getattr(mod, 'cmdtable', None) if cmdtable: subsubsection(ui, _('Commands')) commandprinter(ui, cmdtable, subsubsubsection) def commandprinter(ui, cmdtable, sectionfunc): h = {} for c, attr in cmdtable.items(): f = c.split("|")[0] f = f.lstrip("^") h[f] = c cmds = h.keys() cmds.sort() for f in cmds: if f.startswith("debug"): continue d = get_cmd(h[f], cmdtable) sectionfunc(ui, d['cmd']) # synopsis ui.write("::\n\n") synopsislines = d['synopsis'].splitlines() for line in synopsislines: # some commands (such as rebase) have a multi-line # synopsis ui.write(" %s\n" % line) ui.write('\n') # description ui.write("%s\n\n" % d['desc'][1]) # options opt_output = list(d['opts']) if opt_output: opts_len = max([len(line[0]) for line in opt_output]) ui.write(_("Options:\n\n")) for optstr, desc in opt_output: if desc: s = "%-*s %s" % (opts_len, optstr, desc) else: s = optstr ui.write("%s\n" % s) ui.write("\n") # aliases if d['aliases']: ui.write(_(" aliases: %s\n\n") % " ".join(d['aliases'])) def allextensionnames(): return extensions.enabled().keys() + extensions.disabled().keys() if __name__ == "__main__": show_doc(sys.stdout)