import inspect import io import types def make_cffi(cls): """Decorator to add CFFI versions of each test method.""" try: import zstd_cffi except ImportError: return cls # If CFFI version is available, dynamically construct test methods # that use it. for attr in dir(cls): fn = getattr(cls, attr) if not inspect.ismethod(fn) and not inspect.isfunction(fn): continue if not fn.__name__.startswith('test_'): continue name = '%s_cffi' % fn.__name__ # Replace the "zstd" symbol with the CFFI module instance. Then copy # the function object and install it in a new attribute. if isinstance(fn, types.FunctionType): globs = dict(fn.__globals__) globs['zstd'] = zstd_cffi new_fn = types.FunctionType(fn.__code__, globs, name, fn.__defaults__, fn.__closure__) new_method = new_fn else: globs = dict(fn.__func__.func_globals) globs['zstd'] = zstd_cffi new_fn = types.FunctionType(fn.__func__.func_code, globs, name, fn.__func__.func_defaults, fn.__func__.func_closure) new_method = types.UnboundMethodType(new_fn, fn.im_self, fn.im_class) setattr(cls, name, new_method) return cls class OpCountingBytesIO(io.BytesIO): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._read_count = 0 self._write_count = 0 return super(OpCountingBytesIO, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def read(self, *args): self._read_count += 1 return super(OpCountingBytesIO, self).read(*args) def write(self, data): self._write_count += 1 return super(OpCountingBytesIO, self).write(data)