%% should show b unknown ? b %% should show b unknown and c modified M c ? b %% should show b added and c modified M c A b %% should show a removed, b added and c modified M c A b R a %% should show b added, copy saved, and c modified M c A b saving current version of b as b.bak %% should show b unknown, b.bak unknown, and c modified M c ? b ? b.bak %% should show unknown: b b.bak ? b ? b.bak %% should show a b b.bak c e a b b.bak c e %% should save backup to e.0 saving current version of e as e.0 reverting e %% should say no changes needed no changes needed to a %% should say file not managed file not managed: q %% should say file not found notfound: No such file or directory