// ancestors.rs // // Copyright 2018 Georges Racinet <gracinet@anybox.fr> // // This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the // GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version. //! Bindings for the `hg::ancestors` module provided by the //! `hg-core` crate. From Python, this will be seen as `rustext.ancestor` //! and can be used as replacement for the the pure `ancestor` Python module. //! //! # Classes visible from Python: //! - [`LazyAncestors`] is the Rust implementation of //! `mercurial.ancestor.lazyancestors`. The only difference is that it is //! instantiated with a C `parsers.index` instance instead of a parents //! function. //! //! - [`MissingAncestors`] is the Rust implementation of //! `mercurial.ancestor.incrementalmissingancestors`. //! //! API differences: //! + it is instantiated with a C `parsers.index` //! instance instead of a parents function. //! + `MissingAncestors.bases` is a method returning a tuple instead of //! a set-valued attribute. We could return a Python set easily if our //! [PySet PR](https://github.com/dgrunwald/rust-cpython/pull/165) //! is accepted. //! //! - [`AncestorsIterator`] is the Rust counterpart of the //! `ancestor._lazyancestorsiter` Python generator. From Python, instances of //! this should be mainly obtained by calling `iter()` on a [`LazyAncestors`] //! instance. //! //! [`LazyAncestors`]: struct.LazyAncestors.html //! [`MissingAncestors`]: struct.MissingAncestors.html //! [`AncestorsIterator`]: struct.AncestorsIterator.html use crate::revlog::pyindex_to_graph; use crate::{ cindex::Index, conversion::rev_pyiter_collect, exceptions::GraphError, }; use cpython::{ ObjectProtocol, PyClone, PyDict, PyList, PyModule, PyObject, PyResult, Python, PythonObject, ToPyObject, }; use hg::Revision; use hg::{ AncestorsIterator as CoreIterator, LazyAncestors as CoreLazy, MissingAncestors as CoreMissing, }; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::collections::HashSet; py_class!(pub class AncestorsIterator |py| { data inner: RefCell<Box<CoreIterator<Index>>>; def __next__(&self) -> PyResult<Option<Revision>> { match self.inner(py).borrow_mut().next() { Some(Err(e)) => Err(GraphError::pynew(py, e)), None => Ok(None), Some(Ok(r)) => Ok(Some(r)), } } def __contains__(&self, rev: Revision) -> PyResult<bool> { self.inner(py).borrow_mut().contains(rev) .map_err(|e| GraphError::pynew(py, e)) } def __iter__(&self) -> PyResult<Self> { Ok(self.clone_ref(py)) } def __new__(_cls, index: PyObject, initrevs: PyObject, stoprev: Revision, inclusive: bool) -> PyResult<AncestorsIterator> { let initvec: Vec<Revision> = rev_pyiter_collect(py, &initrevs)?; let ait = CoreIterator::new( pyindex_to_graph(py, index)?, initvec, stoprev, inclusive, ) .map_err(|e| GraphError::pynew(py, e))?; AncestorsIterator::from_inner(py, ait) } }); impl AncestorsIterator { pub fn from_inner(py: Python, ait: CoreIterator<Index>) -> PyResult<Self> { Self::create_instance(py, RefCell::new(Box::new(ait))) } } py_class!(pub class LazyAncestors |py| { data inner: RefCell<Box<CoreLazy<Index>>>; def __contains__(&self, rev: Revision) -> PyResult<bool> { self.inner(py) .borrow_mut() .contains(rev) .map_err(|e| GraphError::pynew(py, e)) } def __iter__(&self) -> PyResult<AncestorsIterator> { AncestorsIterator::from_inner(py, self.inner(py).borrow().iter()) } def __bool__(&self) -> PyResult<bool> { Ok(!self.inner(py).borrow().is_empty()) } def __new__(_cls, index: PyObject, initrevs: PyObject, stoprev: Revision, inclusive: bool) -> PyResult<Self> { let initvec: Vec<Revision> = rev_pyiter_collect(py, &initrevs)?; let lazy = CoreLazy::new(pyindex_to_graph(py, index)?, initvec, stoprev, inclusive) .map_err(|e| GraphError::pynew(py, e))?; Self::create_instance(py, RefCell::new(Box::new(lazy))) } }); py_class!(pub class MissingAncestors |py| { data inner: RefCell<Box<CoreMissing<Index>>>; def __new__( _cls, index: PyObject, bases: PyObject ) -> PyResult<MissingAncestors> { let bases_vec: Vec<Revision> = rev_pyiter_collect(py, &bases)?; let inner = CoreMissing::new(pyindex_to_graph(py, index)?, bases_vec); MissingAncestors::create_instance(py, RefCell::new(Box::new(inner))) } def hasbases(&self) -> PyResult<bool> { Ok(self.inner(py).borrow().has_bases()) } def addbases(&self, bases: PyObject) -> PyResult<PyObject> { let mut inner = self.inner(py).borrow_mut(); let bases_vec: Vec<Revision> = rev_pyiter_collect(py, &bases)?; inner.add_bases(bases_vec); // cpython doc has examples with PyResult<()> but this gives me // the trait `cpython::ToPyObject` is not implemented for `()` // so let's return an explicit None Ok(py.None()) } def bases(&self) -> PyResult<HashSet<Revision>> { Ok(self.inner(py).borrow().get_bases().clone()) } def basesheads(&self) -> PyResult<HashSet<Revision>> { let inner = self.inner(py).borrow(); inner.bases_heads().map_err(|e| GraphError::pynew(py, e)) } def removeancestorsfrom(&self, revs: PyObject) -> PyResult<PyObject> { let mut inner = self.inner(py).borrow_mut(); // this is very lame: we convert to a Rust set, update it in place // and then convert back to Python, only to have Python remove the // excess (thankfully, Python is happy with a list or even an iterator) // Leads to improve this: // - have the CoreMissing instead do something emit revisions to // discard // - define a trait for sets of revisions in the core and implement // it for a Python set rewrapped with the GIL marker let mut revs_pyset: HashSet<Revision> = rev_pyiter_collect(py, &revs)?; inner.remove_ancestors_from(&mut revs_pyset) .map_err(|e| GraphError::pynew(py, e))?; // convert as Python list let mut remaining_pyint_vec: Vec<PyObject> = Vec::with_capacity( revs_pyset.len()); for rev in revs_pyset { remaining_pyint_vec.push(rev.to_py_object(py).into_object()); } let remaining_pylist = PyList::new(py, remaining_pyint_vec.as_slice()); revs.call_method(py, "intersection_update", (remaining_pylist, ), None) } def missingancestors(&self, revs: PyObject) -> PyResult<PyList> { let mut inner = self.inner(py).borrow_mut(); let revs_vec: Vec<Revision> = rev_pyiter_collect(py, &revs)?; let missing_vec = match inner.missing_ancestors(revs_vec) { Ok(missing) => missing, Err(e) => { return Err(GraphError::pynew(py, e)); } }; // convert as Python list let mut missing_pyint_vec: Vec<PyObject> = Vec::with_capacity( missing_vec.len()); for rev in missing_vec { missing_pyint_vec.push(rev.to_py_object(py).into_object()); } Ok(PyList::new(py, missing_pyint_vec.as_slice())) } }); /// Create the module, with __package__ given from parent pub fn init_module(py: Python, package: &str) -> PyResult<PyModule> { let dotted_name = &format!("{}.ancestor", package); let m = PyModule::new(py, dotted_name)?; m.add(py, "__package__", package)?; m.add( py, "__doc__", "Generic DAG ancestor algorithms - Rust implementation", )?; m.add_class::<AncestorsIterator>(py)?; m.add_class::<LazyAncestors>(py)?; m.add_class::<MissingAncestors>(py)?; let sys = PyModule::import(py, "sys")?; let sys_modules: PyDict = sys.get(py, "modules")?.extract(py)?; sys_modules.set_item(py, dotted_name, &m)?; // Example C code (see pyexpat.c and import.c) will "give away the // reference", but we won't because it will be consumed once the // Rust PyObject is dropped. Ok(m) }