# black pulls in typed-ast, which doesn't install on PyPy. black==19.10b0 ; python_version >= '3.8' and platform_python_implementation != 'PyPy' # Bazaar doesn't work with Python 3 nor PyPy. bzr ; python_version <= '2.7' and platform_python_implementation == 'CPython' docutils fuzzywuzzy # isort 5.0 drops support for Python 3.5. We can remove this line when we # drop support for 3.5. isort < 5.0 pyflakes pygments pylint # Needed to avoid warnings from fuzzywuzzy. python-Levenshtein # typed-ast dependency doesn't install on PyPy. typed-ast ; python_version >= '3.8' and platform_python_implementation != 'PyPy' vcrpy