# templater.py - template expansion for output # # Copyright 2005, 2006 Matt Mackall # # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms # of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. from i18n import _ from node import * import cgi, re, sys, os, time, urllib, util, textwrap def parsestring(s, quoted=True): '''parse a string using simple c-like syntax. string must be in quotes if quoted is True.''' if quoted: if len(s) < 2 or s[0] != s[-1]: raise SyntaxError(_('unmatched quotes')) return s[1:-1].decode('string_escape') return s.decode('string_escape') class templater(object): '''template expansion engine. template expansion works like this. a map file contains key=value pairs. if value is quoted, it is treated as string. otherwise, it is treated as name of template file. templater is asked to expand a key in map. it looks up key, and looks for atrings like this: {foo}. it expands {foo} by looking up foo in map, and substituting it. expansion is recursive: it stops when there is no more {foo} to replace. expansion also allows formatting and filtering. format uses key to expand each item in list. syntax is {key%format}. filter uses function to transform value. syntax is {key|filter1|filter2|...}.''' template_re = re.compile(r"(?:(?:#(?=[\w\|%]+#))|(?:{(?=[\w\|%]+})))" r"(\w+)(?:(?:%(\w+))|((?:\|\w+)*))[#}]") def __init__(self, mapfile, filters={}, defaults={}, cache={}): '''set up template engine. mapfile is name of file to read map definitions from. filters is dict of functions. each transforms a value into another. defaults is dict of default map definitions.''' self.mapfile = mapfile or 'template' self.cache = cache.copy() self.map = {} self.base = (mapfile and os.path.dirname(mapfile)) or '' self.filters = filters self.defaults = defaults if not mapfile: return i = 0 for l in file(mapfile): l = l.strip() i += 1 if not l or l[0] in '#;': continue m = re.match(r'([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*=\s*(.+)$', l) if m: key, val = m.groups() if val[0] in "'\"": try: self.cache[key] = parsestring(val) except SyntaxError, inst: raise SyntaxError('%s:%s: %s' % (mapfile, i, inst.args[0])) else: self.map[key] = os.path.join(self.base, val) else: raise SyntaxError(_("%s:%s: parse error") % (mapfile, i)) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.cache or key in self.map def __call__(self, t, **map): '''perform expansion. t is name of map element to expand. map is added elements to use during expansion.''' if not self.cache.has_key(t): try: self.cache[t] = file(self.map[t]).read() except IOError, inst: raise IOError(inst.args[0], _('template file %s: %s') % (self.map[t], inst.args[1])) tmpl = self.cache[t] while tmpl: m = self.template_re.search(tmpl) if not m: yield tmpl break start, end = m.span(0) key, format, fl = m.groups() if start: yield tmpl[:start] tmpl = tmpl[end:] if key in map: v = map[key] else: v = self.defaults.get(key, "") if callable(v): v = v(**map) if format: if not hasattr(v, '__iter__'): raise SyntaxError(_("Error expanding '%s%s'") % (key, format)) lm = map.copy() for i in v: lm.update(i) yield self(format, **lm) else: if fl: for f in fl.split("|")[1:]: v = self.filters[f](v) yield v agescales = [("second", 1), ("minute", 60), ("hour", 3600), ("day", 3600 * 24), ("week", 3600 * 24 * 7), ("month", 3600 * 24 * 30), ("year", 3600 * 24 * 365)] agescales.reverse() def age(date): '''turn a (timestamp, tzoff) tuple into an age string.''' def plural(t, c): if c == 1: return t return t + "s" def fmt(t, c): return "%d %s" % (c, plural(t, c)) now = time.time() then = date[0] delta = max(1, int(now - then)) for t, s in agescales: n = delta / s if n >= 2 or s == 1: return fmt(t, n) def stringify(thing): '''turn nested template iterator into string.''' if hasattr(thing, '__iter__'): return "".join([stringify(t) for t in thing if t is not None]) return str(thing) para_re = None space_re = None def fill(text, width): '''fill many paragraphs.''' global para_re, space_re if para_re is None: para_re = re.compile('(\n\n|\n\\s*[-*]\\s*)', re.M) space_re = re.compile(r' +') def findparas(): start = 0 while True: m = para_re.search(text, start) if not m: w = len(text) while w > start and text[w-1].isspace(): w -= 1 yield text[start:w], text[w:] break yield text[start:m.start(0)], m.group(1) start = m.end(1) return "".join([space_re.sub(' ', textwrap.fill(para, width)) + rest for para, rest in findparas()]) def firstline(text): '''return the first line of text''' try: return text.splitlines(1)[0].rstrip('\r\n') except IndexError: return '' def isodate(date): '''turn a (timestamp, tzoff) tuple into an iso 8631 date and time.''' return util.datestr(date, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') def hgdate(date): '''turn a (timestamp, tzoff) tuple into an hg cset timestamp.''' return "%d %d" % date def nl2br(text): '''replace raw newlines with xhtml line breaks.''' return text.replace('\n', '
\n') def obfuscate(text): text = unicode(text, 'utf-8', 'replace') return ''.join(['&#%d;' % ord(c) for c in text]) def domain(author): '''get domain of author, or empty string if none.''' f = author.find('@') if f == -1: return '' author = author[f+1:] f = author.find('>') if f >= 0: author = author[:f] return author def email(author): '''get email of author.''' r = author.find('>') if r == -1: r = None return author[author.find('<')+1:r] def person(author): '''get name of author, or else username.''' f = author.find('<') if f == -1: return util.shortuser(author) return author[:f].rstrip() def shortdate(date): '''turn (timestamp, tzoff) tuple into iso 8631 date.''' return util.datestr(date, format='%Y-%m-%d', timezone=False) def indent(text, prefix): '''indent each non-empty line of text after first with prefix.''' lines = text.splitlines() num_lines = len(lines) def indenter(): for i in xrange(num_lines): l = lines[i] if i and l.strip(): yield prefix yield l if i < num_lines - 1 or text.endswith('\n'): yield '\n' return "".join(indenter()) common_filters = { "addbreaks": nl2br, "basename": os.path.basename, "age": age, "date": lambda x: util.datestr(x), "domain": domain, "email": email, "escape": lambda x: cgi.escape(x, True), "fill68": lambda x: fill(x, width=68), "fill76": lambda x: fill(x, width=76), "firstline": firstline, "tabindent": lambda x: indent(x, '\t'), "hgdate": hgdate, "isodate": isodate, "obfuscate": obfuscate, "permissions": lambda x: x and "-rwxr-xr-x" or "-rw-r--r--", "person": person, "rfc822date": lambda x: util.datestr(x, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S"), "short": lambda x: x[:12], "shortdate": shortdate, "stringify": stringify, "strip": lambda x: x.strip(), "urlescape": lambda x: urllib.quote(x), "user": lambda x: util.shortuser(x), "stringescape": lambda x: x.encode('string_escape'), } def templatepath(name=None): '''return location of template file or directory (if no name). returns None if not found.''' # executable version (py2exe) doesn't support __file__ if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): module = sys.executable else: module = __file__ for f in 'templates', '../templates': fl = f.split('/') if name: fl.append(name) p = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(module), *fl) if (name and os.path.exists(p)) or os.path.isdir(p): return os.path.normpath(p)