##// END OF EJS Templates
artifacts: expose a special auth-token based artifacts download urls....
artifacts: expose a special auth-token based artifacts download urls. This will allow sharing download to external locations used new generated artifact download tokens. This feature allows also serving downloads using secret urls with all the fancy logic of our auth tokens.

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r3600:318aba2b default
r4003:09f31efc default
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279 lines | 6.0 KiB | text/x-nix | NixLexer
/ pkgs / python-packages-overrides.nix
project: added all source files and assets
r1 # Overrides for the generated python-packages.nix
# This function is intended to be used as an extension to the generated file
# python-packages.nix. The main objective is to add needed dependencies of C
# libraries and tweak the build instructions where needed.
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 { pkgs
, basePythonPackages
project: added all source files and assets
sed = "sed -i";
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
oss-licenses: Added various license overrides.
r202 localLicenses = {
repoze = {
fullName = "Repoze License";
url = http://www.repoze.org/LICENSE.txt;
Martin Bornhold
nix: Add backwardsCompatibleFetchgit...
project: added all source files and assets
r1 in
self: super: {
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "appenlight-client" = super."appenlight-client".override (attrs: {
oss-licenses: Added various license overrides.
r202 meta = {
license = [ pkgs.lib.licenses.bsdOriginal ];
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "beaker" = super."beaker".override (attrs: {
beaker: patch for better debugging of function locks
r2680 patches = [
nix: use common structure of patches for python libraries
r3138 ./patches/beaker/patch-beaker-lock-func-debug.diff
beaker: patch for better debugging of function locks
r2680 ];
dependencies [security]: updated sshpubkeys to 3.1.0...
r3518 "cffi" = super."cffi".override (attrs: {
buildInputs = [
"cryptography" = super."cryptography".override (attrs: {
buildInputs = [
dependencies: bumped gevent to 1.3.4
r2825 "gevent" = super."gevent".override (attrs: {
propagatedBuildInputs = attrs.propagatedBuildInputs ++ [
# NOTE: (marcink) odd requirements from gevent aren't set properly,
# thus we need to inject psutil manually
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "future" = super."future".override (attrs: {
oss-licenses: Added various license overrides.
r202 meta = {
license = [ pkgs.lib.licenses.mit ];
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "testpath" = super."testpath".override (attrs: {
dependencies: small package changes, added license for testpath.
r2361 meta = {
license = [ pkgs.lib.licenses.mit ];
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "gnureadline" = super."gnureadline".override (attrs: {
buildInputs = [
project: added all source files and assets
r1 pkgs.ncurses
patchPhase = ''
substituteInPlace setup.py --replace "/bin/bash" "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash"
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "gunicorn" = super."gunicorn".override (attrs: {
propagatedBuildInputs = [
dependencies: Add futures as a dependency of Gunicorn....
r143 # johbo: futures is needed as long as we are on Python 2, otherwise
# gunicorn explodes if used with multiple threads per worker.
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 self."futures"
dependencies: Add futures as a dependency of Gunicorn....
r143 ];
dependencies: added python-saml library.
r3217 "nbconvert" = super."nbconvert".override (attrs: {
jupyter-rendering: add required packaging to handle rendering of jupyter notebooks....
r1488 propagatedBuildInputs = attrs.propagatedBuildInputs ++ [
# marcink: plug in jupyter-client for notebook rendering
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 self."jupyter-client"
jupyter-rendering: add required packaging to handle rendering of jupyter notebooks....
r1488 ];
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "ipython" = super."ipython".override (attrs: {
nix: package ipython with readline for autocomplete, fixes #4005
r164 propagatedBuildInputs = attrs.propagatedBuildInputs ++ [
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 self."gnureadline"
nix: package ipython with readline for autocomplete, fixes #4005
r164 ];
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "lxml" = super."lxml".override (attrs: {
buildInputs = [
project: added all source files and assets
r1 pkgs.libxml2
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 propagatedBuildInputs = [
# Needed, so that "setup.py bdist_wheel" does work
project: added all source files and assets
r1 });
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "mysql-python" = super."mysql-python".override (attrs: {
buildInputs = [
project: added all source files and assets
r1 pkgs.openssl
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 propagatedBuildInputs = [
dependencies: don't require full mysql lib for the driver. Reduces installation by ~100MB !!
r2609 pkgs.libmysql
project: added all source files and assets
r1 pkgs.zlib
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "psycopg2" = super."psycopg2".override (attrs: {
propagatedBuildInputs = [
project: added all source files and assets
r1 pkgs.postgresql
oss-licenses: Added various license overrides.
r202 meta = {
license = pkgs.lib.licenses.lgpl3Plus;
project: added all source files and assets
r1 });
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "pycurl" = super."pycurl".override (attrs: {
propagatedBuildInputs = [
project: added all source files and assets
r1 pkgs.curl
dependencies: added python-saml library.
project: added all source files and assets
r1 preConfigure = ''
substituteInPlace setup.py --replace '--static-libs' '--libs'
export PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=openssl
dependencies: added python-saml library.
oss-licenses: Added various license overrides.
r202 meta = {
license = pkgs.lib.licenses.mit;
project: added all source files and assets
r1 });
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "pyramid" = super."pyramid".override (attrs: {
oss-licenses: Added various license overrides.
r202 meta = {
license = localLicenses.repoze;
project: added all source files and assets
r1 });
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "pyramid-debugtoolbar" = super."pyramid-debugtoolbar".override (attrs: {
Martin Bornhold
oss-licenses: Add license override for pyramid-debugtoolbar.
r206 meta = {
license = [ pkgs.lib.licenses.bsdOriginal localLicenses.repoze ];
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "pysqlite" = super."pysqlite".override (attrs: {
project: added all source files and assets
r1 propagatedBuildInputs = [
oss-licenses: Added various license overrides.
r202 meta = {
license = [ pkgs.lib.licenses.zlib pkgs.lib.licenses.libpng ];
project: added all source files and assets
r1 });
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "python-ldap" = super."python-ldap".override (attrs: {
propagatedBuildInputs = attrs.propagatedBuildInputs ++ [
project: added all source files and assets
r1 ];
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "python-pam" = super."python-pam".override (attrs: {
propagatedBuildInputs = [
project: added all source files and assets
r1 ];
dependencies: added python-saml library.
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 # TODO: johbo: Check if this can be avoided, or transform into
# a real patch
patchPhase = ''
substituteInPlace pam.py \
--replace 'find_library("pam")' '"${pkgs.pam}/lib/libpam.so.0"'
dependencies: added python-saml library.
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 });
dependencies: added python-saml library.
r3217 "python-saml" = super."python-saml".override (attrs: {
buildInputs = [
"dm.xmlsec.binding" = super."dm.xmlsec.binding".override (attrs: {
buildInputs = [
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "pyzmq" = super."pyzmq".override (attrs: {
buildInputs = [
project: added all source files and assets
r1 });
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "urlobject" = super."urlobject".override (attrs: {
oss-licenses: Added license attribute to URLObject derivation.
r201 meta = {
license = {
spdxId = "Unlicense";
fullName = "The Unlicense";
url = http://unlicense.org/;
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "docutils" = super."docutils".override (attrs: {
oss-licenses: Added various license overrides.
r202 meta = {
license = pkgs.lib.licenses.bsd2;
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "colander" = super."colander".override (attrs: {
oss-licenses: Added various license overrides.
r202 meta = {
license = localLicenses.repoze;
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "pyramid-beaker" = super."pyramid-beaker".override (attrs: {
oss-licenses: Added various license overrides.
r202 meta = {
license = localLicenses.repoze;
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "pyramid-mako" = super."pyramid-mako".override (attrs: {
oss-licenses: Added various license overrides.
r202 meta = {
license = localLicenses.repoze;
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "repoze.lru" = super."repoze.lru".override (attrs: {
oss-licenses: Added various license overrides.
r202 meta = {
license = localLicenses.repoze;
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "python-editor" = super."python-editor".override (attrs: {
oss-licenses: Added various license overrides.
r202 meta = {
license = pkgs.lib.licenses.asl20;
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "translationstring" = super."translationstring".override (attrs: {
oss-licenses: Added various license overrides.
r202 meta = {
license = localLicenses.repoze;
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 "venusian" = super."venusian".override (attrs: {
oss-licenses: Added various license overrides.
r202 meta = {
license = localLicenses.repoze;
supervisor: add patch for older kernel support.
r3139 "supervisor" = super."supervisor".override (attrs: {
patches = [
nix: updated to 18.03 nix packages...
r2824 # Avoid that base packages screw up the build process
inherit (basePythonPackages)
project: added all source files and assets