##// END OF EJS Templates
security: fixed issues with exposing repository names using global PR redirection link...
security: fixed issues with exposing repository names using global PR redirection link logic. - Since redirect was created to repository which linked to the PR, users who didn't have permissions to those repos could still see the name in the url generated.

File last commit:

r3981:39e93a55 default
r4044:573a1043 default
Show More
524 lines | 19.2 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
docs: updated copyrights to 2019
r3363 # Copyright (C) 2010-2019 RhodeCode GmbH
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
# (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the
# RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services,
# and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/
import re
import mock
import pytest
from rhodecode.apps.repository.views.repo_summary import RepoSummaryView
from rhodecode.lib import helpers as h
from rhodecode.lib.compat import OrderedDict
repositories: handle in a nicer way a filesystem damaged repositories....
r1984 from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import AttributeDict, safe_str
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 from rhodecode.lib.vcs.exceptions import RepositoryRequirementError
from rhodecode.model.db import Repository
from rhodecode.model.meta import Session
from rhodecode.model.repo import RepoModel
from rhodecode.model.scm import ScmModel
from rhodecode.tests import assert_session_flash
from rhodecode.tests.fixture import Fixture
from rhodecode.tests.utils import AssertResponse, repo_on_filesystem
fixture = Fixture()
def route_path(name, params=None, **kwargs):
import urllib
base_url = {
'repo_summary': '/{repo_name}',
'repo_stats': '/{repo_name}/repo_stats/{commit_id}',
'repo_refs_data': '/{repo_name}/refs-data',
repositories: ported repo_creating checks to pyramid....
r1985 'repo_refs_changelog_data': '/{repo_name}/refs-data-changelog',
'repo_creating_check': '/{repo_name}/repo_creating_check',
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 }[name].format(**kwargs)
if params:
base_url = '{}?{}'.format(base_url, urllib.urlencode(params))
return base_url
tests: fixed clone url tests.
r2499 def assert_clone_url(response, server, repo, disabled=False):
'<input type="text" class="input-monospace clone_url_input" '
'{disabled}readonly="readonly" '
server=server, repo=repo, disabled='disabled ' if disabled else ' ')
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 @pytest.mark.usefixtures('app')
class TestSummaryView(object):
def test_index(self, autologin_user, backend, http_host_only_stub):
repo_id = backend.repo.repo_id
repo_name = backend.repo_name
with mock.patch('rhodecode.lib.helpers.is_svn_without_proxy',
response = self.app.get(
route_path('repo_summary', repo_name=repo_name))
# repo type
'<i class="icon-%s">' % (backend.alias, )
# public/private
"""<i class="icon-unlock-alt">"""
# clone url...
tests: fixed clone url tests.
r2499 assert_clone_url(response, http_host_only_stub, repo_name)
assert_clone_url(response, http_host_only_stub, '_{}'.format(repo_id))
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
def test_index_svn_without_proxy(
self, autologin_user, backend_svn, http_host_only_stub):
repo_id = backend_svn.repo.repo_id
repo_name = backend_svn.repo_name
response = self.app.get(route_path('repo_summary', repo_name=repo_name))
# clone url...
tests: fixed clone url tests.
assert_clone_url(response, http_host_only_stub, repo_name, disabled=True)
assert_clone_url(response, http_host_only_stub, '_{}'.format(repo_id), disabled=True)
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
def test_index_with_trailing_slash(
self, autologin_user, backend, http_host_only_stub):
repo_id = backend.repo.repo_id
repo_name = backend.repo_name
with mock.patch('rhodecode.lib.helpers.is_svn_without_proxy',
response = self.app.get(
route_path('repo_summary', repo_name=repo_name) + '/',
# clone url...
tests: fixed clone url tests.
r2499 assert_clone_url(response, http_host_only_stub, repo_name)
assert_clone_url(response, http_host_only_stub, '_{}'.format(repo_id))
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
def test_index_by_id(self, autologin_user, backend):
repo_id = backend.repo.repo_id
response = self.app.get(
route_path('repo_summary', repo_name='_%s' % (repo_id,)))
# repo type
'<i class="icon-%s">' % (backend.alias, )
# public/private
"""<i class="icon-unlock-alt">"""
def test_index_by_repo_having_id_path_in_name_hg(self, autologin_user):
response = self.app.get(route_path('repo_summary', repo_name='repo_1'))
def test_index_with_anonymous_access_disabled(
self, backend, disable_anonymous_user):
response = self.app.get(
route_path('repo_summary', repo_name=backend.repo_name), status=302)
assert 'login' in response.location
def _enable_stats(self, repo):
r = Repository.get_by_repo_name(repo)
r.enable_statistics = True
expected_trending = {
'hg': {
"py": {"count": 68, "desc": ["Python"]},
"rst": {"count": 16, "desc": ["Rst"]},
"css": {"count": 2, "desc": ["Css"]},
"sh": {"count": 2, "desc": ["Bash"]},
"bat": {"count": 1, "desc": ["Batch"]},
"cfg": {"count": 1, "desc": ["Ini"]},
"html": {"count": 1, "desc": ["EvoqueHtml", "Html"]},
"ini": {"count": 1, "desc": ["Ini"]},
"js": {"count": 1, "desc": ["Javascript"]},
"makefile": {"count": 1, "desc": ["Makefile", "Makefile"]}
'git': {
"py": {"count": 68, "desc": ["Python"]},
"rst": {"count": 16, "desc": ["Rst"]},
"css": {"count": 2, "desc": ["Css"]},
"sh": {"count": 2, "desc": ["Bash"]},
"bat": {"count": 1, "desc": ["Batch"]},
"cfg": {"count": 1, "desc": ["Ini"]},
"html": {"count": 1, "desc": ["EvoqueHtml", "Html"]},
"ini": {"count": 1, "desc": ["Ini"]},
"js": {"count": 1, "desc": ["Javascript"]},
"makefile": {"count": 1, "desc": ["Makefile", "Makefile"]}
'svn': {
"py": {"count": 75, "desc": ["Python"]},
"rst": {"count": 16, "desc": ["Rst"]},
"html": {"count": 11, "desc": ["EvoqueHtml", "Html"]},
"css": {"count": 2, "desc": ["Css"]},
"bat": {"count": 1, "desc": ["Batch"]},
"cfg": {"count": 1, "desc": ["Ini"]},
"ini": {"count": 1, "desc": ["Ini"]},
"js": {"count": 1, "desc": ["Javascript"]},
"makefile": {"count": 1, "desc": ["Makefile", "Makefile"]},
"sh": {"count": 1, "desc": ["Bash"]}
def test_repo_stats(self, autologin_user, backend, xhr_header):
response = self.app.get(
'repo_stats', repo_name=backend.repo_name, commit_id='tip'),
assert re.match(r'6[\d\.]+ KiB', response.json['size'])
def test_repo_stats_code_stats_enabled(self, autologin_user, backend, xhr_header):
repo_name = backend.repo_name
# codes stats
response = self.app.get(
'repo_stats', repo_name=backend.repo_name, commit_id='tip'),
expected_data = self.expected_trending[backend.alias]
returned_stats = response.json['code_stats']
for k, v in expected_data.items():
assert v == returned_stats[k]
def test_repo_refs_data(self, backend):
response = self.app.get(
route_path('repo_refs_data', repo_name=backend.repo_name),
# Ensure that there is the correct amount of items in the result
repo = backend.repo.scm_instance()
data = response.json['results']
items = sum(len(section['children']) for section in data)
repo_refs = len(repo.branches) + len(repo.tags) + len(repo.bookmarks)
assert items == repo_refs
def test_index_shows_missing_requirements_message(
self, backend, autologin_user):
repo_name = backend.repo_name
scm_patcher = mock.patch.object(
Repository, 'scm_instance', side_effect=RepositoryRequirementError)
with scm_patcher:
missing requirements: better handling of missing requirements for repositories....
r2625 response = self.app.get(
route_path('repo_summary', repo_name=repo_name))
tests: stabilize tests for mysql/postgres.
r3981 assert_response = response.assert_response()
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 assert_response.element_contains(
'.main .alert-warning strong', 'Missing requirements')
'.main .alert-warning',
'Commits cannot be displayed, because this repository '
'uses one or more extensions, which was not enabled.')
def test_missing_requirements_page_does_not_contains_switch_to(
self, autologin_user, backend):
repo_name = backend.repo_name
scm_patcher = mock.patch.object(
Repository, 'scm_instance', side_effect=RepositoryRequirementError)
with scm_patcher:
response = self.app.get(route_path('repo_summary', repo_name=repo_name))
response.mustcontain(no='Switch To')
class TestRepoLocation(object):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("suffix", [u'', u'ąęł'], ids=['', 'non-ascii'])
repositories: handle in a nicer way a filesystem damaged repositories....
r1984 def test_missing_filesystem_repo(
self, autologin_user, backend, suffix, csrf_token):
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 repo = backend.create_repo(name_suffix=suffix)
repo_name = repo.repo_name
# delete from file system
# test if the repo is still in the database
new_repo = RepoModel().get_by_repo_name(repo_name)
assert new_repo.repo_name == repo_name
# check if repo is not in the filesystem
assert not repo_on_filesystem(repo_name)
repositories: handle in a nicer way a filesystem damaged repositories....
response = self.app.get(
route_path('repo_summary', repo_name=safe_str(repo_name)), status=302)
msg = 'The repository `%s` cannot be loaded in filesystem. ' \
'Please check if it exist, or is not damaged.' % repo_name
assert_session_flash(response, msg)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("suffix", [u'', u'ąęł'], ids=['', 'non-ascii'])
def test_missing_filesystem_repo_on_repo_check(
self, autologin_user, backend, suffix, csrf_token):
repo = backend.create_repo(name_suffix=suffix)
repo_name = repo.repo_name
# delete from file system
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
repositories: handle in a nicer way a filesystem damaged repositories....
r1984 # test if the repo is still in the database
new_repo = RepoModel().get_by_repo_name(repo_name)
assert new_repo.repo_name == repo_name
# check if repo is not in the filesystem
assert not repo_on_filesystem(repo_name)
# flush the session
route_path('repo_summary', repo_name=safe_str(repo_name)),
response = self.app.get(
route_path('repo_creating_check', repo_name=safe_str(repo_name)),
msg = 'The repository `%s` cannot be loaded in filesystem. ' \
'Please check if it exist, or is not damaged.' % repo_name
assert_session_flash(response, msg )
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
def summary_view(context_stub, request_stub, user_util):
Bootstrap view to test the view functions
request_stub.matched_route = AttributeDict(name='test_view')
users: make AuthUser propert a method, and allow override of params.
r1997 request_stub.user = user_util.create_user().AuthUser()
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 request_stub.db_repo = user_util.create_repo()
view = RepoSummaryView(context=context_stub, request=request_stub)
return view
class TestCreateReferenceData(object):
pytest: use consistent way of creating a fixture by using pytest.fixture()
r3946 @pytest.fixture()
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 def example_refs(self):
section_1_refs = OrderedDict((('a', 'a_id'), ('b', 'b_id')))
example_refs = [
('section_1', section_1_refs, 't1'),
('section_2', {'c': 'c_id'}, 't2'),
return example_refs
def test_generates_refs_based_on_commit_ids(self, example_refs, summary_view):
repo = mock.Mock()
repo.name = 'test-repo'
repo.alias = 'git'
full_repo_name = 'pytest-repo-group/' + repo.name
result = summary_view._create_reference_data(
repo, full_repo_name, example_refs)
expected_files_url = '/{}/files/'.format(full_repo_name)
expected_result = [
'children': [
tests: fixed further tests
r3777 'id': 'a', 'idx': 0, 'raw_id': 'a_id', 'text': 'a', 'type': 't1',
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 'files_url': expected_files_url + 'a/?at=a',
tests: fixed further tests
r3777 'id': 'b', 'idx': 0, 'raw_id': 'b_id', 'text': 'b', 'type': 't1',
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 'files_url': expected_files_url + 'b/?at=b',
'text': 'section_1'
'children': [
tests: fixed further tests
r3777 'id': 'c', 'idx': 0, 'raw_id': 'c_id', 'text': 'c', 'type': 't2',
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 'files_url': expected_files_url + 'c/?at=c',
'text': 'section_2'
assert result == expected_result
def test_generates_refs_with_path_for_svn(self, example_refs, summary_view):
repo = mock.Mock()
repo.name = 'test-repo'
repo.alias = 'svn'
full_repo_name = 'pytest-repo-group/' + repo.name
result = summary_view._create_reference_data(
repo, full_repo_name, example_refs)
expected_files_url = '/{}/files/'.format(full_repo_name)
expected_result = [
'children': [
tests: fixed further tests
r3777 'id': 'a@a_id', 'idx': 0, 'raw_id': 'a_id',
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 'text': 'a', 'type': 't1',
'files_url': expected_files_url + 'a_id/a?at=a',
tests: fixed further tests
r3777 'id': 'b@b_id', 'idx': 0, 'raw_id': 'b_id',
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 'text': 'b', 'type': 't1',
'files_url': expected_files_url + 'b_id/b?at=b',
'text': 'section_1'
'children': [
tests: fixed further tests
r3777 'id': 'c@c_id', 'idx': 0, 'raw_id': 'c_id',
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 'text': 'c', 'type': 't2',
'files_url': expected_files_url + 'c_id/c?at=c',
'text': 'section_2'
assert result == expected_result
class TestCreateFilesUrl(object):
files: ported repository files controllers to pyramid views.
r1927 def test_creates_non_svn_url(self, app, summary_view):
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 repo = mock.Mock()
repo.name = 'abcde'
full_repo_name = 'test-repo-group/' + repo.name
ref_name = 'branch1'
raw_id = 'deadbeef0123456789'
is_svn = False
files: ported repository files controllers to pyramid views.
r1927 with mock.patch('rhodecode.lib.helpers.route_path') as url_mock:
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 result = summary_view._create_files_url(
repo, full_repo_name, ref_name, raw_id, is_svn)
files: ported repository files controllers to pyramid views.
r1927 'repo_files', repo_name=full_repo_name, commit_id=ref_name,
f_path='', _query=dict(at=ref_name))
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 assert result == url_mock.return_value
files: ported repository files controllers to pyramid views.
r1927 def test_creates_svn_url(self, app, summary_view):
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 repo = mock.Mock()
repo.name = 'abcde'
full_repo_name = 'test-repo-group/' + repo.name
ref_name = 'branch1'
raw_id = 'deadbeef0123456789'
is_svn = True
files: ported repository files controllers to pyramid views.
r1927 with mock.patch('rhodecode.lib.helpers.route_path') as url_mock:
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 result = summary_view._create_files_url(
repo, full_repo_name, ref_name, raw_id, is_svn)
files: ported repository files controllers to pyramid views.
r1927 'repo_files', repo_name=full_repo_name, f_path=ref_name,
commit_id=raw_id, _query=dict(at=ref_name))
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 assert result == url_mock.return_value
files: ported repository files controllers to pyramid views.
r1927 def test_name_has_slashes(self, app, summary_view):
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 repo = mock.Mock()
repo.name = 'abcde'
full_repo_name = 'test-repo-group/' + repo.name
ref_name = 'branch1/branch2'
raw_id = 'deadbeef0123456789'
is_svn = False
files: ported repository files controllers to pyramid views.
r1927 with mock.patch('rhodecode.lib.helpers.route_path') as url_mock:
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 result = summary_view._create_files_url(
repo, full_repo_name, ref_name, raw_id, is_svn)
files: ported repository files controllers to pyramid views.
r1927 'repo_files', repo_name=full_repo_name, commit_id=raw_id,
f_path='', _query=dict(at=ref_name))
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 assert result == url_mock.return_value
class TestReferenceItems(object):
repo = mock.Mock()
repo.name = 'pytest-repo'
repo_full_name = 'pytest-repo-group/' + repo.name
ref_type = 'branch'
fake_url = '/abcde/'
def _format_function(name, id_):
return 'format_function_{}_{}'.format(name, id_)
def test_creates_required_amount_of_items(self, summary_view):
amount = 100
refs = {
'ref{}'.format(i): '{0:040d}'.format(i)
for i in range(amount)
url_patcher = mock.patch.object(summary_view, '_create_files_url')
svn_patcher = mock.patch('rhodecode.lib.helpers.is_svn',
with url_patcher as url_mock, svn_patcher:
result = summary_view._create_reference_items(
self.repo, self.repo_full_name, refs, self.ref_type,
assert len(result) == amount
assert url_mock.call_count == amount
def test_single_item_details(self, summary_view):
ref_name = 'ref1'
ref_id = 'deadbeef'
refs = {
ref_name: ref_id
svn_patcher = mock.patch('rhodecode.lib.helpers.is_svn',
url_patcher = mock.patch.object(
summary_view, '_create_files_url', return_value=self.fake_url)
with url_patcher as url_mock, svn_patcher:
result = summary_view._create_reference_items(
self.repo, self.repo_full_name, refs, self.ref_type,
self.repo, self.repo_full_name, ref_name, ref_id, False)
expected_result = [
'text': ref_name,
'id': self._format_function(ref_name, ref_id),
'raw_id': ref_id,
tests: fixed further tests
r3777 'idx': 0,
repo-summary: re-implemented summary view as pyramid....
r1785 'type': self.ref_type,
'files_url': self.fake_url
assert result == expected_result