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nix: Add pytest-sugar to our development environment
Martin Bornhold -
r870:8b41ecf6 default
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@@ -1418,7 +1418,7 b''
1418 };
1418 };
1419 rhodecode-enterprise-ce = super.buildPythonPackage {
1419 rhodecode-enterprise-ce = super.buildPythonPackage {
1420 name = "rhodecode-enterprise-ce-4.5.0";
1420 name = "rhodecode-enterprise-ce-4.5.0";
1421 buildInputs = with self; [WebTest configobj cssselect flake8 lxml mock pytest pytest-cov pytest-runner];
1421 buildInputs = with self; [WebTest configobj cssselect flake8 lxml mock pytest pytest-cov pytest-runner pytest-sugar];
1422 doCheck = true;
1422 doCheck = true;
1423 propagatedBuildInputs = with self; [Babel Beaker FormEncode Mako Markdown MarkupSafe MySQL-python Paste PasteDeploy PasteScript Pygments Pylons Pyro4 Routes SQLAlchemy Tempita URLObject WebError WebHelpers WebHelpers2 WebOb WebTest Whoosh alembic amqplib anyjson appenlight-client authomatic backport-ipaddress celery channelstream colander decorator deform docutils gevent gunicorn infrae.cache ipython iso8601 kombu msgpack-python packaging psycopg2 py-gfm pycrypto pycurl pyparsing pyramid pyramid-debugtoolbar pyramid-mako pyramid-beaker pysqlite python-dateutil python-ldap python-memcached python-pam recaptcha-client repoze.lru requests simplejson waitress zope.cachedescriptors dogpile.cache dogpile.core psutil py-bcrypt];
1423 propagatedBuildInputs = with self; [Babel Beaker FormEncode Mako Markdown MarkupSafe MySQL-python Paste PasteDeploy PasteScript Pygments Pylons Pyro4 Routes SQLAlchemy Tempita URLObject WebError WebHelpers WebHelpers2 WebOb WebTest Whoosh alembic amqplib anyjson appenlight-client authomatic backport-ipaddress celery channelstream colander decorator deform docutils gevent gunicorn infrae.cache ipython iso8601 kombu msgpack-python packaging psycopg2 py-gfm pycrypto pycurl pyparsing pyramid pyramid-debugtoolbar pyramid-mako pyramid-beaker pysqlite python-dateutil python-ldap python-memcached python-pam recaptcha-client repoze.lru requests simplejson waitress zope.cachedescriptors dogpile.cache dogpile.core psutil py-bcrypt];
1424 src = ./.;
1424 src = ./.;
@@ -1715,5 +1715,30 b''
1716 ### Test requirements
1716 ### Test requirements
1718 pytest-sugar = super.buildPythonPackage {
1719 name = "pytest-sugar-0.7.1";
1720 buildInputs = with self; [];
1721 doCheck = false;
1722 propagatedBuildInputs = with self; [pytest termcolor];
1723 src = fetchurl {
1724 url = "https://pypi.python.org/packages/03/97/05d988b4fa870e7373e8ee4582408543b9ca2bd35c3c67b569369c6f9c49/pytest-sugar-0.7.1.tar.gz";
1725 md5 = "7400f7c11f3d572b2c2a3b60352d35fe";
1726 };
1727 meta = {
1728 license = [ pkgs.lib.licenses.bsdOriginal ];
1729 };
1730 };
1731 termcolor = super.buildPythonPackage {
1732 name = "termcolor-1.1.0";
1733 buildInputs = with self; [];
1734 doCheck = false;
1735 propagatedBuildInputs = with self; [];
1736 src = fetchurl {
1737 url = "https://pypi.python.org/packages/8a/48/a76be51647d0eb9f10e2a4511bf3ffb8cc1e6b14e9e4fab46173aa79f981/termcolor-1.1.0.tar.gz";
1738 md5 = "043e89644f8909d462fbbfa511c768df";
1739 };
1740 meta = {
1741 license = [ pkgs.lib.licenses.mit ];
1742 };
1743 };
1719 }
1744 }
@@ -123,6 +123,7 b' test_requirements = ['
123 'pytest',
123 'pytest',
124 'pytest-cov',
124 'pytest-cov',
125 'pytest-runner',
125 'pytest-runner',
126 'pytest-sugar',
126 ]
127 ]
128 setup_requirements = [
129 setup_requirements = [
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