##// END OF EJS Templates
new completer for qtconsole....
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@@ -0,0 +1,226
1 # System library imports
2 from IPython.external.qt import QtCore, QtGui
3 import IPython.utils.html_utils as html_utils
6 class CompletionHtml(QtGui.QWidget):
7 """ A widget for tab completion, navigable by arrow keys """
9 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 # 'QObject' interface
11 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 _items = ()
14 _index = (0, 0)
15 _consecutive_tab = 0
16 _size = (1, 1)
17 _old_cursor = None
18 _start_position = 0
20 def __init__(self, console_widget):
21 """ Create a completion widget that is attached to the specified Qt
22 text edit widget.
23 """
24 assert isinstance(console_widget._control, (QtGui.QTextEdit, QtGui.QPlainTextEdit))
25 super(CompletionHtml, self).__init__()
27 self._text_edit = console_widget._control
28 self._console_widget = console_widget
29 self._text_edit.installEventFilter(self)
31 # Ensure that the text edit keeps focus when widget is displayed.
32 self.setFocusProxy(self._text_edit)
35 def eventFilter(self, obj, event):
36 """ Reimplemented to handle keyboard input and to auto-hide when the
37 text edit loses focus.
38 """
39 if obj == self._text_edit:
40 etype = event.type()
41 if etype == QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress:
42 key = event.key()
43 if self._consecutive_tab == 0 and key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab,):
44 return False
45 elif self._consecutive_tab == 1 and key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab,):
46 # ok , called twice, we grab focus, and show the cursor
47 self._consecutive_tab = self._consecutive_tab+1
48 self._update_list()
49 return True
50 elif self._consecutive_tab == 2:
51 if key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Return, QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter):
52 self._complete_current()
53 return True
54 if key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab,):
55 self.select_right()
56 self._update_list()
57 return True
58 elif key in ( QtCore.Qt.Key_Down,):
59 self.select_down()
60 self._update_list()
61 return True
62 elif key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Right,):
63 self.select_right()
64 self._update_list()
65 return True
66 elif key in ( QtCore.Qt.Key_Up,):
67 self.select_up()
68 self._update_list()
69 return True
70 elif key in ( QtCore.Qt.Key_Left,):
71 self.select_left()
72 self._update_list()
73 return True
74 else :
75 self._cancel_completion()
76 else:
77 self._cancel_completion()
79 elif etype == QtCore.QEvent.FocusOut:
80 self._cancel_completion()
82 return super(CompletionHtml, self).eventFilter(obj, event)
84 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
85 # 'CompletionHtml' interface
86 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
87 def _cancel_completion(self):
88 """Cancel the completion, reseting internal variable, clearing buffer """
89 self._consecutive_tab = 0
90 self._console_widget._clear_temporary_buffer()
91 self._index = (0, 0)
93 #
94 # ... 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
95 # 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
96 #
97 #2 2 x x x x x x x x x x x 5 5
98 #6 6 x x x x x x x x x x x 5 5
99 #6 6 x x x x x x x x x x ? 5 5
100 #6 6 x x x x x x x x x x ? 1 1
101 #
102 #3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 ...
103 #3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 ...
104 def _select_index(self, row, col):
105 """Change the selection index, and make sure it stays in the right range
107 A little more complicated than just dooing modulo the number of row columns
108 to be sure to cycle through all element.
110 horizontaly, the element are maped like this :
111 to r <-- a b c d e f --> to g
112 to f <-- g h i j k l --> to m
113 to l <-- m n o p q r --> to a
115 and vertically
116 a d g j m p
117 b e h k n q
118 c f i l o r
119 """
121 nr, nc = self._size
122 nr = nr-1
123 nc = nc-1
125 # case 1
126 if (row > nr and col >= nc) or (row >= nr and col > nc):
127 self._select_index(0, 0)
128 # case 2
129 elif (row <= 0 and col < 0) or (row < 0 and col <= 0):
130 self._select_index(nr, nc)
131 # case 3
132 elif row > nr :
133 self._select_index(0, col+1)
134 # case 4
135 elif row < 0 :
136 self._select_index(nr, col-1)
137 # case 5
138 elif col > nc :
139 self._select_index(row+1, 0)
140 # case 6
141 elif col < 0 :
142 self._select_index(row-1, nc)
143 elif 0 <= row and row <= nr and 0 <= col and col <= nc :
144 self._index = (row, col)
145 else :
146 raise NotImplementedError("you'r trying to go where no completion\
147 have gone before : %d:%d (%d:%d)"%(row, col, nr, nc) )
151 def select_up(self):
152 """move cursor up"""
153 r, c = self._index
154 self._select_index(r-1, c)
156 def select_down(self):
157 """move cursor down"""
158 r, c = self._index
159 self._select_index(r+1, c)
161 def select_left(self):
162 """move cursor left"""
163 r, c = self._index
164 self._select_index(r, c-1)
166 def select_right(self):
167 """move cursor right"""
168 r, c = self._index
169 self._select_index(r, c+1)
171 def show_items(self, cursor, items):
172 """ Shows the completion widget with 'items' at the position specified
173 by 'cursor'.
174 """
175 if not items :
176 return
177 self._start_position = cursor.position()
178 self._consecutive_tab = 1
179 ci = html_utils.columnize_info(items, empty=' ')
180 self._items = ci['item_matrix']
181 self._size = (ci['rows_number'], ci['columns_number'])
182 self._old_cursor = cursor
183 self._index = (0, 0)
184 self._update_list(hilight=False)
187 def _update_list(self, hilight=True):
188 """ update the list of completion and hilight the currently selected completion """
189 if len(self._items) > 100:
190 items = self._items[:100]
191 else :
192 items = self._items
193 items_m = items
195 self._console_widget._clear_temporary_buffer()
196 if(hilight):
197 strng = html_utils.html_tableify(items_m, select=self._index)
198 else:
199 strng = html_utils.html_tableify(items_m, select=None)
200 self._console_widget._fill_temporary_buffer(self._old_cursor, strng, html=True)
202 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
203 # Protected interface
204 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
206 def _complete_current(self):
207 """ Perform the completion with the currently selected item.
208 """
209 i = self._index
210 item = self._items[i[0]][i[1]]
211 item = item.strip()
212 if item :
213 self._current_text_cursor().insertText(item)
214 self._cancel_completion()
216 def _current_text_cursor(self):
217 """ Returns a cursor with text between the start position and the
218 current position selected.
219 """
220 cursor = self._text_edit.textCursor()
221 if cursor.position() >= self._start_position:
222 cursor.setPosition(self._start_position,
223 QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
224 return cursor
@@ -0,0 +1,73
1 # System library imports
2 from IPython.external.qt import QtCore, QtGui
3 import IPython.utils.html_utils as html_utils
6 class CompletionPlain(QtGui.QWidget):
7 """ A widget for tab completion, navigable by arrow keys """
9 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 # 'QObject' interface
11 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 _items = ()
14 _index = (0, 0)
15 _old_cursor = None
17 def __init__(self, console_widget):
18 """ Create a completion widget that is attached to the specified Qt
19 text edit widget.
20 """
21 assert isinstance(console_widget._control, (QtGui.QTextEdit, QtGui.QPlainTextEdit))
22 super(CompletionPlain, self).__init__()
24 self._text_edit = console_widget._control
25 self._console_widget = console_widget
27 self._text_edit.installEventFilter(self)
29 def eventFilter(self, obj, event):
30 """ Reimplemented to handle keyboard input and to auto-hide when the
31 text edit loses focus.
32 """
33 if obj == self._text_edit:
34 etype = event.type()
36 if etype == QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress:
37 self._cancel_completion()
39 return super(CompletionPlain, self).eventFilter(obj, event)
41 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 # 'CompletionPlain' interface
43 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 def _cancel_completion(self):
45 """Cancel the completion, reseting internal variable, clearing buffer """
46 self._console_widget._clear_temporary_buffer()
47 self._index = (0, 0)
50 def show_items(self, cursor, items):
51 """ Shows the completion widget with 'items' at the position specified
52 by 'cursor'.
53 """
54 if not items :
55 return
57 ci = html_utils.columnize_info(items, empty=' ')
58 self._items = ci['item_matrix']
59 self._old_cursor = cursor
60 self._update_list()
63 def _update_list(self):
64 """ update the list of completion and hilight the currently selected completion """
65 if len(self._items) > 100:
66 items = self._items[:100]
67 else :
68 items = self._items
69 items_m = items
71 self._console_widget._clear_temporary_buffer()
72 strng = html_utils.html_tableify(items_m, select=None)
73 self._console_widget._fill_temporary_buffer(self._old_cursor, strng, html=True)
@@ -0,0 +1,124
1 """some html utilis"""
2 from IPython.core.display import HTML
5 def columnize_info(items, separator_width=1, displaywidth=80, empty=None):
6 """ Get info on a list of string to display it as a multicolumns list
8 returns :
9 ---------
11 a dict containing several parameters:
13 'item_matrix' : list of list with the innermost list representing a row
14 'columns_number': number of columns
15 'rows_number' : number of rown
16 'columns_width' : a list indicating the maximum length of the element in each columns
18 Parameters :
19 ------------
20 separator_width : when trying to ajust the number of column, consider a separator size of this much caracters
21 displaywidth : try to fit the columns in this width
22 empty : if the number of items is different from nrows * ncols, fill with empty
24 """
25 # Note: this code is adapted from columnize 0.3.2.
26 # See http://code.google.com/p/pycolumnize/
28 # Some degenerate cases.
29 size = len(items)
30 if size == 0:
31 return {'item_matrix' :[[empty]],
32 'columns_number':1,
33 'rows_number':1,
34 'columns_width':[0]}
35 elif size == 1:
36 return {'item_matrix' :[[items[0]]],
37 'columns_number':1,
38 'rows_number':1,
39 'columns_width':[len(items[0])]}
41 # Special case: if any item is longer than the maximum width, there's no
42 # point in triggering the logic below...
43 item_len = map(len, items) # save these, we can reuse them below
44 #longest = max(item_len)
45 #if longest >= displaywidth:
46 # return (items, [longest])
48 # Try every row count from 1 upwards
49 array_index = lambda nrows, row, col: nrows*col + row
50 nrows = 1
51 for nrows in range(1, size):
52 ncols = (size + nrows - 1) // nrows
53 colwidths = []
54 totwidth = -separator_width
55 for col in range(ncols):
56 # Get max column width for this column
57 colwidth = 0
58 for row in range(nrows):
59 i = array_index(nrows, row, col)
60 if i >= size:
61 break
62 len_x = item_len[i]
63 colwidth = max(colwidth, len_x)
64 colwidths.append(colwidth)
65 totwidth += colwidth + separator_width
66 if totwidth > displaywidth:
67 break
68 if totwidth <= displaywidth:
69 break
71 # The smallest number of rows computed and the max widths for each
72 # column has been obtained. Now we just have to format each of the rows.
73 reorderd_items = []
74 for row in range(nrows):
75 texts = []
76 for col in range(ncols):
77 i = row + nrows*col
78 if i >= size:
79 texts.append(empty)
80 else:
81 texts.append(items[i])
82 #while texts and not texts[-1]:
83 # del texts[-1]
84 #for col in range(len(texts)):
85 # texts[col] = texts[col].ljust(colwidths[col])
86 reorderd_items.append(texts)
88 return {'item_matrix' :reorderd_items,
89 'columns_number':ncols,
90 'rows_number':nrows,
91 'columns_width':colwidths}
94 def column_table(items, select=None) :
95 """ return a html table of the item with a select class on one"""
96 items_m = columnize_info(items)['item_matrix']
97 return HTML(html_tableify(items_m, select=select))
99 def html_tableify(item_matrix, select=None) :
100 """ returnr a string for an html table"""
101 if not item_matrix :
102 return ''
103 html_cols = []
104 tds = lambda text : u'<td>'+text+u'</td>'
105 trs = lambda text : u'<tr>'+text+u'</tr>'
106 tds_items = [map(tds, row) for row in item_matrix ]
107 if select :
108 row, col = select
109 try :
110 tds_items[row][col] = u'<td class="inverted">'\
111 +item_matrix[row][col]\
112 +u'</td>'
113 except IndexError :
114 pass
115 #select the right item
116 html_cols = map(trs, (u''.join(row) for row in tds_items))
117 html = (u'<table class="completion">'+(u''.join(html_cols))+u'</table>')
118 css = u"""
119 <style>
120 table.completion tr td
121 { padding-right : 4px; }
122 </style>
123 """
124 return css+html
@@ -10,10 +10,11 class CompletionWidget(QtGui.QListWidget):
10 # 'QObject' interface
10 # 'QObject' interface
11 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 def __init__(self, text_edit):
13 def __init__(self, console_widget):
14 """ Create a completion widget that is attached to the specified Qt
14 """ Create a completion widget that is attached to the specified Qt
15 text edit widget.
15 text edit widget.
16 """
16 """
17 text_edit = console_widget._text_edit
17 assert isinstance(text_edit, (QtGui.QTextEdit, QtGui.QPlainTextEdit))
18 assert isinstance(text_edit, (QtGui.QTextEdit, QtGui.QPlainTextEdit))
18 super(CompletionWidget, self).__init__()
19 super(CompletionWidget, self).__init__()
@@ -5,7 +5,6
5 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 # Standard library imports
7 # Standard library imports
8 import os
9 from os.path import commonprefix
8 from os.path import commonprefix
10 import re
9 import re
11 import sys
10 import sys
@@ -23,6 +22,8 from IPython.utils.text import columnize
23 from IPython.utils.traitlets import Bool, Enum, Integer, Unicode
22 from IPython.utils.traitlets import Bool, Enum, Integer, Unicode
24 from ansi_code_processor import QtAnsiCodeProcessor
23 from ansi_code_processor import QtAnsiCodeProcessor
25 from completion_widget import CompletionWidget
24 from completion_widget import CompletionWidget
25 from completion_html import CompletionHtml
26 from completion_plain import CompletionPlain
26 from kill_ring import QtKillRing
27 from kill_ring import QtKillRing
28 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -65,10 +66,19 class ConsoleWidget(LoggingConfigurable, QtGui.QWidget):
65 non-positive number disables text truncation (not recommended).
66 non-positive number disables text truncation (not recommended).
66 """
67 """
67 )
68 )
68 gui_completion = Bool(False, config=True,
69 gui_completion = Enum(['plain', 'droplist', 'ncurses'], config=True,
69 help="""
70 default_value = 'ncurses',
70 Use a list widget instead of plain text output for tab completion.
71 help="""
71 """
72 The type of completer to use. Valid values are:
74 'plain' : Show the availlable completion as a text list
75 Below the editting area.
76 'droplist': Show the completion in a drop down list navigable
77 by the arrow keys, and from which you can select
78 completion by pressing Return.
79 'ncurses' : Show the completion as a text list which is navigable by
80 `tab` and arrow keys.
81 """
72 )
82 )
73 # NOTE: this value can only be specified during initialization.
83 # NOTE: this value can only be specified during initialization.
74 kind = Enum(['plain', 'rich'], default_value='plain', config=True,
84 kind = Enum(['plain', 'rich'], default_value='plain', config=True,
@@ -137,12 +147,12 class ConsoleWidget(LoggingConfigurable, QtGui.QWidget):
137 font_changed = QtCore.Signal(QtGui.QFont)
147 font_changed = QtCore.Signal(QtGui.QFont)
139 #------ Protected class variables ------------------------------------------
149 #------ Protected class variables ------------------------------------------
141 # control handles
151 # control handles
142 _control = None
152 _control = None
143 _page_control = None
153 _page_control = None
144 _splitter = None
154 _splitter = None
146 # When the control key is down, these keys are mapped.
156 # When the control key is down, these keys are mapped.
147 _ctrl_down_remap = { QtCore.Qt.Key_B : QtCore.Qt.Key_Left,
157 _ctrl_down_remap = { QtCore.Qt.Key_B : QtCore.Qt.Key_Left,
148 QtCore.Qt.Key_F : QtCore.Qt.Key_Right,
158 QtCore.Qt.Key_F : QtCore.Qt.Key_Right,
@@ -161,6 +171,8 class ConsoleWidget(LoggingConfigurable, QtGui.QWidget):
161 [ QtCore.Qt.Key_C, QtCore.Qt.Key_G, QtCore.Qt.Key_O,
171 [ QtCore.Qt.Key_C, QtCore.Qt.Key_G, QtCore.Qt.Key_O,
162 QtCore.Qt.Key_V ])
172 QtCore.Qt.Key_V ])
174 _is_completing = False
164 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
176 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
165 # 'QObject' interface
177 # 'QObject' interface
166 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
178 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -211,7 +223,13 class ConsoleWidget(LoggingConfigurable, QtGui.QWidget):
211 # information for subclasses; they should be considered read-only.
223 # information for subclasses; they should be considered read-only.
212 self._append_before_prompt_pos = 0
224 self._append_before_prompt_pos = 0
213 self._ansi_processor = QtAnsiCodeProcessor()
225 self._ansi_processor = QtAnsiCodeProcessor()
214 self._completion_widget = CompletionWidget(self._control)
226 if self.gui_completion == 'ncurses':
227 self._completion_widget = CompletionHtml(self)
228 elif self.gui_completion == 'droplist':
229 self._completion_widget = CompletionWidget(self)
230 elif self.gui_completion == 'plain':
231 self._completion_widget = CompletionPlain(self)
215 self._continuation_prompt = '> '
233 self._continuation_prompt = '> '
216 self._continuation_prompt_html = None
234 self._continuation_prompt_html = None
217 self._executing = False
235 self._executing = False
@@ -228,7 +246,6 class ConsoleWidget(LoggingConfigurable, QtGui.QWidget):
228 self._reading = False
246 self._reading = False
229 self._reading_callback = None
247 self._reading_callback = None
230 self._tab_width = 8
248 self._tab_width = 8
231 self._text_completing_pos = 0
233 # Set a monospaced font.
250 # Set a monospaced font.
234 self.reset_font()
251 self.reset_font()
@@ -823,12 +840,10 class ConsoleWidget(LoggingConfigurable, QtGui.QWidget):
823 """
840 """
824 self._append_custom(self._insert_plain_text, text, before_prompt)
841 self._append_custom(self._insert_plain_text, text, before_prompt)
826 def _cancel_text_completion(self):
843 def _cancel_completion(self):
827 """ If text completion is progress, cancel it.
844 """ If text completion is progress, cancel it.
828 """
845 """
829 if self._text_completing_pos:
846 self._completion_widget._cancel_completion()
830 self._clear_temporary_buffer()
831 self._text_completing_pos = 0
833 def _clear_temporary_buffer(self):
848 def _clear_temporary_buffer(self):
834 """ Clears the "temporary text" buffer, i.e. all the text following
849 """ Clears the "temporary text" buffer, i.e. all the text following
@@ -862,7 +877,7 class ConsoleWidget(LoggingConfigurable, QtGui.QWidget):
862 def _complete_with_items(self, cursor, items):
877 def _complete_with_items(self, cursor, items):
863 """ Performs completion with 'items' at the specified cursor location.
878 """ Performs completion with 'items' at the specified cursor location.
864 """
879 """
865 self._cancel_text_completion()
880 self._cancel_completion()
867 if len(items) == 1:
882 if len(items) == 1:
868 cursor.setPosition(self._control.textCursor().position(),
883 cursor.setPosition(self._control.textCursor().position(),
@@ -877,19 +892,25 class ConsoleWidget(LoggingConfigurable, QtGui.QWidget):
877 cursor.insertText(prefix)
892 cursor.insertText(prefix)
878 current_pos = cursor.position()
893 current_pos = cursor.position()
880 if self.gui_completion:
895 cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Left, n=len(prefix))
881 cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Left, n=len(prefix))
896 self._completion_widget.show_items(cursor, items)
882 self._completion_widget.show_items(cursor, items)
897 self._is_completing = True
883 else:
884 cursor.beginEditBlock()
885 self._append_plain_text('\n')
900 def _fill_temporary_buffer(self, cursor, text, html=False):
886 self._page(self._format_as_columns(items))
901 """fill the area below the active editting zone with text"""
887 cursor.endEditBlock()
903 current_pos = self._control.textCursor().position()
905 cursor.beginEditBlock()
906 self._append_plain_text('\n')
907 self._page(text, html=html)
908 cursor.endEditBlock()
910 cursor.setPosition(current_pos)
911 self._control.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End)
912 self._control.setTextCursor(cursor)
889 cursor.setPosition(current_pos)
890 self._control.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End)
891 self._control.setTextCursor(cursor)
892 self._text_completing_pos = current_pos
894 def _context_menu_make(self, pos):
915 def _context_menu_make(self, pos):
895 """ Creates a context menu for the given QPoint (in widget coordinates).
916 """ Creates a context menu for the given QPoint (in widget coordinates).
@@ -951,7 +972,6 class ConsoleWidget(LoggingConfigurable, QtGui.QWidget):
951 control.viewport().installEventFilter(self)
972 control.viewport().installEventFilter(self)
953 # Connect signals.
974 # Connect signals.
954 control.cursorPositionChanged.connect(self._cursor_position_changed)
955 control.customContextMenuRequested.connect(
975 control.customContextMenuRequested.connect(
956 self._custom_context_menu_requested)
976 self._custom_context_menu_requested)
957 control.copyAvailable.connect(self.copy_available)
977 control.copyAvailable.connect(self.copy_available)
@@ -1021,7 +1041,7 class ConsoleWidget(LoggingConfigurable, QtGui.QWidget):
1021 intercepted = True
1041 intercepted = True
1023 # Special handling when tab completing in text mode.
1043 # Special handling when tab completing in text mode.
1024 self._cancel_text_completion()
1044 self._cancel_completion()
1026 if self._in_buffer(position):
1046 if self._in_buffer(position):
1027 # Special handling when a reading a line of raw input.
1047 # Special handling when a reading a line of raw input.
@@ -1634,8 +1654,8 class ConsoleWidget(LoggingConfigurable, QtGui.QWidget):
1634 def _keyboard_quit(self):
1654 def _keyboard_quit(self):
1635 """ Cancels the current editing task ala Ctrl-G in Emacs.
1655 """ Cancels the current editing task ala Ctrl-G in Emacs.
1636 """
1656 """
1637 if self._text_completing_pos:
1657 if self._is_completing:
1638 self._cancel_text_completion()
1658 self._cancel_completion()
1639 else:
1659 else:
1640 self.input_buffer = ''
1660 self.input_buffer = ''
@@ -1853,24 +1873,6 class ConsoleWidget(LoggingConfigurable, QtGui.QWidget):
1853 if diff < 0 and document.blockCount() == document.maximumBlockCount():
1873 if diff < 0 and document.blockCount() == document.maximumBlockCount():
1854 scrollbar.setValue(scrollbar.value() + diff)
1874 scrollbar.setValue(scrollbar.value() + diff)
1856 def _cursor_position_changed(self):
1857 """ Clears the temporary buffer based on the cursor position.
1858 """
1859 if self._text_completing_pos:
1860 document = self._control.document()
1861 if self._text_completing_pos < document.characterCount():
1862 cursor = self._control.textCursor()
1863 pos = cursor.position()
1864 text_cursor = self._control.textCursor()
1865 text_cursor.setPosition(self._text_completing_pos)
1866 if pos < self._text_completing_pos or \
1867 cursor.blockNumber() > text_cursor.blockNumber():
1868 self._clear_temporary_buffer()
1869 self._text_completing_pos = 0
1870 else:
1871 self._clear_temporary_buffer()
1872 self._text_completing_pos = 0
1874 def _custom_context_menu_requested(self, pos):
1876 def _custom_context_menu_requested(self, pos):
1875 """ Shows a context menu at the given QPoint (in widget coordinates).
1877 """ Shows a context menu at the given QPoint (in widget coordinates).
1876 """
1878 """
@@ -104,11 +104,14 qt_flags = {
104 'plain' : ({'IPythonQtConsoleApp' : {'plain' : True}},
104 'plain' : ({'IPythonQtConsoleApp' : {'plain' : True}},
105 "Disable rich text support."),
105 "Disable rich text support."),
106 }
106 }
107 qt_flags.update(boolean_flag(
108 'gui-completion', 'ConsoleWidget.gui_completion',
108 # not quite sure on how this works
109 "use a GUI widget for tab completion",
109 #qt_flags.update(boolean_flag(
110 "use plaintext output for completion"
110 # 'gui-completion', 'ConsoleWidget.gui_completion',
111 ))
111 # "use a GUI widget for tab completion",
112 # "use plaintext output for completion"
113 #))
112 # and app_flags from the Console Mixin
115 # and app_flags from the Console Mixin
113 qt_flags.update(app_flags)
116 qt_flags.update(app_flags)
114 # add frontend flags to the full set
117 # add frontend flags to the full set
@@ -117,7 +120,6 flags.update(qt_flags)
117 # start with copy of front&backend aliases list
120 # start with copy of front&backend aliases list
118 aliases = dict(aliases)
121 aliases = dict(aliases)
119 qt_aliases = dict(
122 qt_aliases = dict(
121 style = 'IPythonWidget.syntax_style',
123 style = 'IPythonWidget.syntax_style',
122 stylesheet = 'IPythonQtConsoleApp.stylesheet',
124 stylesheet = 'IPythonQtConsoleApp.stylesheet',
123 colors = 'ZMQInteractiveShell.colors',
125 colors = 'ZMQInteractiveShell.colors',
@@ -127,6 +129,7 qt_aliases = dict(
127 )
129 )
128 # and app_aliases from the Console Mixin
130 # and app_aliases from the Console Mixin
129 qt_aliases.update(app_aliases)
131 qt_aliases.update(app_aliases)
132 qt_aliases.update({'gui-completion':'ConsoleWidget.gui_completion'})
130 # add frontend aliases to the full set
133 # add frontend aliases to the full set
131 aliases.update(qt_aliases)
134 aliases.update(qt_aliases)
@@ -22,6 +22,7 default_light_style_template = '''
22 .in-prompt-number { font-weight: bold; }
22 .in-prompt-number { font-weight: bold; }
23 .out-prompt { color: darkred; }
23 .out-prompt { color: darkred; }
24 .out-prompt-number { font-weight: bold; }
24 .out-prompt-number { font-weight: bold; }
25 .inverted { background-color: %(fgcolor)s ; color:%(bgcolor)s;}
25 '''
26 '''
26 default_light_style_sheet = default_light_style_template%dict(
27 default_light_style_sheet = default_light_style_template%dict(
27 bgcolor='white', fgcolor='black', select="#ccc")
28 bgcolor='white', fgcolor='black', select="#ccc")
@@ -38,6 +39,7 default_dark_style_template = '''
38 .in-prompt-number { color: lime; font-weight: bold; }
39 .in-prompt-number { color: lime; font-weight: bold; }
39 .out-prompt { color: red; }
40 .out-prompt { color: red; }
40 .out-prompt-number { color: red; font-weight: bold; }
41 .out-prompt-number { color: red; font-weight: bold; }
42 .inverted { background-color: %(fgcolor)s ; color:%(bgcolor)s;}
41 '''
43 '''
42 default_dark_style_sheet = default_dark_style_template%dict(
44 default_dark_style_sheet = default_dark_style_template%dict(
43 bgcolor='black', fgcolor='white', select="#555")
45 bgcolor='black', fgcolor='white', select="#555")
@@ -50,6 +52,7 default_bw_style_sheet = '''
50 selection-background-color: #cccccc}
52 selection-background-color: #cccccc}
51 .in-prompt-number { font-weight: bold; }
53 .in-prompt-number { font-weight: bold; }
52 .out-prompt-number { font-weight: bold; }
54 .out-prompt-number { font-weight: bold; }
55 .inverted { background-color: black ; color: white;}
53 '''
56 '''
54 default_bw_syntax_style = 'bw'
57 default_bw_syntax_style = 'bw'
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