##// END OF EJS Templates
add parallel magics notebook
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@@ -0,0 +1,228
1 {
2 "metadata": {
3 "name": "Parallel Magics"
4 },
5 "nbformat": 3,
6 "worksheets": [
7 {
8 "cells": [
9 {
10 "cell_type": "heading",
11 "level": 1,
12 "source": [
13 "Using Parallel Magics"
14 ]
15 },
16 {
17 "cell_type": "markdown",
18 "source": [
19 "IPython has a few magics for working with your engines.",
20 "",
21 "This assumes you have started an IPython cluster, either with the notebook interface,",
22 "or the `ipcluster/controller/engine` commands."
23 ]
24 },
25 {
26 "cell_type": "code",
27 "collapsed": false,
28 "input": [
29 "from IPython import parallel",
30 "rc = parallel.Client()",
31 "dv = rc[:]",
32 "dv.block = True",
33 "dv"
34 ],
35 "language": "python",
36 "outputs": []
37 },
38 {
39 "cell_type": "markdown",
40 "source": [
41 "The parallel magics come from the `parallelmagics` IPython extension.",
42 "The magics are set to work with a particular View object,",
43 "so to activate them, you call the `activate()` method on a particular view:"
44 ]
45 },
46 {
47 "cell_type": "code",
48 "collapsed": true,
49 "input": [
50 "dv.activate()"
51 ],
52 "language": "python",
53 "outputs": []
54 },
55 {
56 "cell_type": "markdown",
57 "source": [
58 "Now we can execute code remotely with `%px`:"
59 ]
60 },
61 {
62 "cell_type": "code",
63 "collapsed": false,
64 "input": [
65 "%px a=5"
66 ],
67 "language": "python",
68 "outputs": []
69 },
70 {
71 "cell_type": "code",
72 "collapsed": false,
73 "input": [
74 "%px print a"
75 ],
76 "language": "python",
77 "outputs": []
78 },
79 {
80 "cell_type": "code",
81 "collapsed": false,
82 "input": [
83 "%px a"
84 ],
85 "language": "python",
86 "outputs": []
87 },
88 {
89 "cell_type": "markdown",
90 "source": [
91 "You don't have to wait for results:"
92 ]
93 },
94 {
95 "cell_type": "code",
96 "collapsed": true,
97 "input": [
98 "dv.block = False"
99 ],
100 "language": "python",
101 "outputs": []
102 },
103 {
104 "cell_type": "code",
105 "collapsed": false,
106 "input": [
107 "%px import time",
108 "%px time.sleep(5)",
109 "%px time.time()"
110 ],
111 "language": "python",
112 "outputs": []
113 },
114 {
115 "cell_type": "markdown",
116 "source": [
117 "But you will notice that this didn't output the result of the last command.",
118 "For this, we have `%result`, which displays the output of the latest request:"
119 ]
120 },
121 {
122 "cell_type": "code",
123 "collapsed": false,
124 "input": [
125 "%result"
126 ],
127 "language": "python",
128 "outputs": []
129 },
130 {
131 "cell_type": "markdown",
132 "source": [
133 "Remember, an IPython engine is IPython, so you can do magics remotely as well!"
134 ]
135 },
136 {
137 "cell_type": "code",
138 "collapsed": false,
139 "input": [
140 "dv.block = True",
141 "%px %pylab inline"
142 ],
143 "language": "python",
144 "outputs": []
145 },
146 {
147 "cell_type": "markdown",
148 "source": [
149 "`%%px` can also be used as a cell magic, for submitting whole blocks.",
150 "This one acceps `--block` and `--noblock` flags to specify",
151 "the blocking behavior, though the default is unchanged.",
152 ""
153 ]
154 },
155 {
156 "cell_type": "code",
157 "collapsed": true,
158 "input": [
159 "dv.scatter('id', dv.targets, flatten=True)",
160 "dv['stride'] = len(dv)"
161 ],
162 "language": "python",
163 "outputs": []
164 },
165 {
166 "cell_type": "code",
167 "collapsed": false,
168 "input": [
169 "%%px --noblock",
170 "x = linspace(0,pi,1000)",
171 "for n in range(id,12, stride):",
172 " print n",
173 " plt.plot(x,sin(n*x))",
174 "plt.title(\"Plot %i\" % id)"
175 ],
176 "language": "python",
177 "outputs": []
178 },
179 {
180 "cell_type": "code",
181 "collapsed": false,
182 "input": [
183 "%result"
184 ],
185 "language": "python",
186 "outputs": []
187 },
188 {
189 "cell_type": "markdown",
190 "source": [
191 "It also lets you choose some amount of the grouping of the outputs with `--group-outputs`:",
192 "",
193 "The choices are:",
194 "",
195 "* `engine` - all of an engine's output is collected together",
196 "* `type` - where stdout of each engine is grouped, etc. (the default)",
197 "* `order` - same as `type`, but individual displaypub outputs are interleaved.",
198 " That is, it will output the first plot from each engine, then the second from each,",
199 " etc."
200 ]
201 },
202 {
203 "cell_type": "code",
204 "collapsed": false,
205 "input": [
206 "%%px --group-outputs=engine",
207 "x = linspace(0,pi,1000)",
208 "for n in range(id,12, stride):",
209 " print n",
210 " plt.plot(x,sin(n*x))",
211 "plt.title(\"Plot %i\" % id)"
212 ],
213 "language": "python",
214 "outputs": []
215 },
216 {
217 "cell_type": "code",
218 "collapsed": true,
219 "input": [
220 ""
221 ],
222 "language": "python",
223 "outputs": []
224 }
225 ]
226 }
227 ]
228 } No newline at end of file
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