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1 {
2 "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
3 "description": "IPython Notebook v4.0 JSON schema.",
4 "type": "object",
5 "additionalProperties": false,
6 "required": ["metadata", "nbformat_minor", "nbformat", "cells"],
7 "properties": {
8 "metadata": {
9 "description": "Notebook root-level metadata.",
10 "type": "object",
11 "additionalProperties": true,
12 "properties": {
13 "kernel_info": {
14 "description": "Kernel information.",
15 "type": "object",
16 "required": ["name", "language"],
17 "properties": {
18 "name": {
19 "description": "Name of the kernel specification.",
20 "type": "string"
21 },
22 "language": {
23 "description": "The programming language which this kernel runs.",
24 "type": "string"
25 },
26 "codemirror_mode": {
27 "description": "The codemirror mode to use for code in this language.",
28 "type": "string"
29 }
30 }
31 },
32 "signature": {
33 "description": "Hash of the notebook.",
34 "type": "string"
35 },
36 "orig_nbformat": {
37 "description": "Original notebook format (major number) before converting the notebook between versions.",
38 "type": "integer",
39 "minimum": 1
40 }
41 }
42 },
43 "nbformat_minor": {
44 "description": "Notebook format (minor number). Incremented for backward compatible changes to the notebook format.",
45 "type": "integer",
46 "minimum": 0
47 },
48 "nbformat": {
49 "description": "Notebook format (major number). Incremented between backwards incompatible changes to the notebook format.",
50 "type": "integer",
51 "minimum": 4,
52 "maximum": 4
53 },
54 "cells": {
55 "description": "Array of cells of the current notebook.",
56 "type": "array",
57 "items": {
58 "type": "object",
59 "oneOf": [
60 {"$ref": "#/definitions/raw_cell"},
61 {"$ref": "#/definitions/markdown_cell"},
62 {"$ref": "#/definitions/heading_cell"},
63 {"$ref": "#/definitions/code_cell"}
64 ]
65 }
66 }
67 },
69 "definitions": {
71 "raw_cell": {
72 "description": "Notebook raw nbconvert cell.",
73 "type": "object",
74 "additionalProperties": false,
75 "required": ["cell_type", "metadata"],
76 "properties": {
77 "cell_type": {
78 "description": "String identifying the type of cell.",
79 "enum": ["raw"]
80 },
81 "metadata": {
82 "description": "Cell-level metadata.",
83 "type": "object",
84 "additionalProperties": true,
85 "properties": {
86 "format": {
87 "description": "Raw cell metadata format for nbconvert.",
88 "type": "string"
89 },
90 "name": {"$ref": "#/definitions/misc/metadata_name"},
91 "tags": {"$ref": "#/definitions/misc/metadata_tags"}
92 }
93 },
94 "source": {"$ref": "#/definitions/misc/source"}
95 }
96 },
98 "markdown_cell": {
99 "description": "Notebook markdown cell.",
100 "type": "object",
101 "additionalProperties": false,
102 "required": ["cell_type", "metadata"],
103 "properties": {
104 "cell_type": {
105 "description": "String identifying the type of cell.",
106 "enum": ["markdown"]
107 },
108 "metadata": {
109 "description": "Cell-level metadata.",
110 "type": "object",
111 "properties": {
112 "name": {"$ref": "#/definitions/misc/metadata_name"},
113 "tags": {"$ref": "#/definitions/misc/metadata_tags"}
114 },
115 "additionalProperties": true
116 },
117 "source": {"$ref": "#/definitions/misc/source"}
118 }
119 },
121 "heading_cell": {
122 "description": "Notebook heading cell.",
123 "type": "object",
124 "additionalProperties": false,
125 "required": ["cell_type", "metadata", "source", "level"],
126 "properties": {
127 "cell_type": {
128 "description": "String identifying the type of cell.",
129 "enum": ["heading"]
130 },
131 "metadata": {
132 "description": "Cell-level metadata.",
133 "type": "object",
134 "properties": {
135 "name": {"$ref": "#/definitions/misc/metadata_name"},
136 "tags": {"$ref": "#/definitions/misc/metadata_tags"}
137 },
138 "additionalProperties": true
139 },
140 "source": {"$ref": "#/definitions/misc/source"},
141 "level": {
142 "description": "Level of heading cells.",
143 "type": "integer",
144 "minimum": 1,
145 "maximum": 6
146 }
147 }
148 },
150 "code_cell": {
151 "description": "Notebook code cell.",
152 "type": "object",
153 "additionalProperties": false,
154 "required": ["cell_type", "metadata", "source", "outputs", "prompt_number"],
155 "properties": {
156 "cell_type": {
157 "description": "String identifying the type of cell.",
158 "enum": ["code"]
159 },
160 "metadata": {
161 "description": "Cell-level metadata.",
162 "type": "object",
163 "additionalProperties": true,
164 "properties": {
165 "collapsed": {
166 "description": "Whether the cell is collapsed/expanded.",
167 "type": "boolean"
168 },
169 "autoscroll": {
170 "description": "Whether the cell's output is scrolled, unscrolled, or autoscrolled.",
171 "enum": [true, false, "auto"]
172 },
173 "name": {"$ref": "#/definitions/misc/metadata_name"},
174 "tags": {"$ref": "#/definitions/misc/metadata_tags"}
175 }
176 },
177 "source": {"$ref": "#/definitions/misc/source"},
178 "outputs": {
179 "description": "Execution, display, or stream outputs.",
180 "type": "array",
181 "items": {
182 "type": "object",
183 "oneOf": [
184 {"$ref": "#/definitions/execute_result"},
185 {"$ref": "#/definitions/display_data_output"},
186 {"$ref": "#/definitions/stream_output"},
187 {"$ref": "#/definitions/error_output"}
188 ]
189 }
190 },
191 "prompt_number": {
192 "description": "The code cell's prompt number. Will be null if the cell has not been run.",
193 "type": ["integer", "null"],
194 "minimum": 0
195 }
196 }
197 },
199 "execute_result": {
200 "description": "Result of executing a code cell.",
201 "type": "object",
202 "additionalProperties": false,
203 "required": ["output_type", "metadata", "prompt_number"],
204 "properties": {
205 "output_type": {
206 "description": "Type of cell output.",
207 "enum": ["execute_result"]
208 },
209 "prompt_number": {
210 "description": "A result's prompt number.",
211 "type": ["integer"],
212 "minimum": 0
213 },
214 "metadata": {"$ref": "#/definitions/misc/output_metadata"},
215 "application/json": {
216 "type": "object"
217 }
218 },
219 "patternProperties": {
220 "^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\+]+/[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\+]+": {
221 "description": "mimetype output (e.g. text/plain), represented as either an array of strings or a string.",
222 "$ref": "#/definitions/misc/multiline_string"
223 }
224 }
225 },
227 "display_data_output": {
228 "description": "Data displayed as a result of code cell execution.",
229 "type": "object",
230 "additionalProperties": false,
231 "required": ["output_type", "metadata"],
232 "properties": {
233 "output_type": {
234 "description": "Type of cell output.",
235 "enum": ["display_data"]
236 },
237 "metadata": {"$ref": "#/definitions/misc/output_metadata"}
238 },
239 "patternProperties": {
240 "^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\+]+/[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\+]+": {
241 "description": "mimetype output (e.g. text/plain), represented as either an array of strings or a string.",
242 "$ref": "#/definitions/misc/multiline_string"
243 }
244 }
245 },
247 "stream_output": {
248 "description": "Stream output from a code cell.",
249 "type": "object",
250 "additionalProperties": false,
251 "required": ["output_type", "metadata", "stream", "text"],
252 "properties": {
253 "output_type": {
254 "description": "Type of cell output.",
255 "enum": ["stream"]
256 },
257 "metadata": {"$ref": "#/definitions/misc/output_metadata"},
258 "stream": {
259 "description": "The stream type/destination.",
260 "type": "string"
261 },
262 "text": {
263 "description": "The stream's text output, represented as an array of strings.",
264 "$ref": "#/definitions/misc/multiline_string"
265 }
266 }
267 },
269 "error_output": {
270 "description": "Output of an error that occurred during code cell execution.",
271 "type": "object",
272 "additionalProperties": false,
273 "required": ["output_type", "metadata", "ename", "evalue", "traceback"],
274 "properties": {
275 "output_type": {
276 "description": "Type of cell output.",
277 "enum": ["error"]
278 },
279 "metadata": {"$ref": "#/definitions/misc/output_metadata"},
280 "ename": {
281 "description": "The name of the error.",
282 "type": "string"
283 },
284 "evalue": {
285 "description": "The value, or message, of the error.",
286 "type": "string"
287 },
288 "traceback": {
289 "description": "The error's traceback, represented as an array of strings.",
290 "type": "array",
291 "items": {"type": "string"}
292 }
293 }
294 },
296 "misc": {
297 "metadata_name": {
298 "description": "The cell's name. If present, must be a non-empty string.",
299 "type": "string",
300 "pattern": "^.+$"
301 },
302 "metadata_tags": {
303 "description": "The cell's tags. Tags must be unique, and must not contain commas.",
304 "type": "array",
305 "uniqueItems": true,
306 "items": {
307 "type": "string",
308 "pattern": "^[^,]+$"
309 }
310 },
311 "source": {
312 "description": "Contents of the cell, represented as an array of lines.",
313 "$ref": "#/definitions/misc/multiline_string"
314 },
315 "prompt_number": {
316 "description": "The code cell's prompt number. Will be null if the cell has not been run.",
317 "type": ["integer", "null"],
318 "minimum": 0
319 },
320 "mimetype": {
321 "patternProperties": {
322 "^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\+]+/[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\+]+": {
323 "description": "The cell's mimetype output (e.g. text/plain), represented as either an array of strings or a string.",
324 "$ref": "#/definitions/misc/multiline_string"
325 }
326 }
327 },
328 "output_metadata": {
329 "description": "Cell output metadata.",
330 "type": "object",
331 "additionalProperties": true
332 },
333 "multiline_string": {
334 "oneOf" : [
335 {"type": "string"},
336 {
337 "type": "array",
338 "items": {"type": "string"}
339 }
340 ]
341 }
342 }
343 }
344 }
@@ -0,0 +1,66
1 # Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
2 # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
4 from __future__ import print_function
5 import json
6 import os
8 try:
9 from jsonschema import SchemaError
10 from jsonschema import Draft4Validator as Validator
11 except ImportError as e:
12 verbose_msg = """
14 IPython notebook format depends on the jsonschema package:
16 https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jsonschema
18 Please install it first.
19 """
20 raise ImportError(str(e) + verbose_msg)
23 from .nbbase import nbformat, nbformat_schema
24 schema_path = os.path.join(
25 os.path.dirname(__file__), nbformat_schema,
26 )
29 def isvalid(nbjson, ref=None):
30 """Checks whether the given notebook JSON conforms to the current
31 notebook format schema. Returns True if the JSON is valid, and
32 False otherwise.
34 To see the individual errors that were encountered, please use the
35 `validate` function instead.
36 """
38 it = validate(nbjson, ref)
39 try:
40 it.next()
41 except StopIteration:
42 return True
43 else:
44 return False
47 def validate(nbjson, ref=None):
48 """Checks whether the given notebook JSON conforms to the current
49 notebook format schema.
51 Returns a generator for errors.
52 """
54 # load the schema file
55 with open(schema_path, 'r') as fh:
56 schema_json = json.load(fh)
58 # create the validator
59 v = Validator(schema_json)
61 # return the iterator on errors
62 if ref:
63 errors = v.iter_errors(nbjson, {'$ref' : '#/definitions/%s' % ref})
64 else:
65 errors = v.iter_errors(nbjson)
66 return errors
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