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clone parallel docs to parallelz
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 b''
1 .. _parallelz_index:
3 ==========================================
4 Using IPython for parallel computing (ZMQ)
5 ==========================================
7 .. toctree::
8 :maxdepth: 2
10 parallel_intro.txt
11 parallel_process.txt
12 parallel_multiengine.txt
13 parallel_task.txt
14 parallel_mpi.txt
15 parallel_security.txt
16 parallel_winhpc.txt
17 parallel_demos.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,282 b''
1 =================
2 Parallel examples
3 =================
5 In this section we describe two more involved examples of using an IPython
6 cluster to perform a parallel computation. In these examples, we will be using
7 IPython's "pylab" mode, which enables interactive plotting using the
8 Matplotlib package. IPython can be started in this mode by typing::
10 ipython -p pylab
12 at the system command line. If this prints an error message, you will
13 need to install the default profiles from within IPython by doing,
15 .. sourcecode:: ipython
17 In [1]: %install_profiles
19 and then restarting IPython.
21 150 million digits of pi
22 ========================
24 In this example we would like to study the distribution of digits in the
25 number pi (in base 10). While it is not known if pi is a normal number (a
26 number is normal in base 10 if 0-9 occur with equal likelihood) numerical
27 investigations suggest that it is. We will begin with a serial calculation on
28 10,000 digits of pi and then perform a parallel calculation involving 150
29 million digits.
31 In both the serial and parallel calculation we will be using functions defined
32 in the :file:`pidigits.py` file, which is available in the
33 :file:`docs/examples/kernel` directory of the IPython source distribution.
34 These functions provide basic facilities for working with the digits of pi and
35 can be loaded into IPython by putting :file:`pidigits.py` in your current
36 working directory and then doing:
38 .. sourcecode:: ipython
40 In [1]: run pidigits.py
42 Serial calculation
43 ------------------
45 For the serial calculation, we will use SymPy (http://www.sympy.org) to
46 calculate 10,000 digits of pi and then look at the frequencies of the digits
47 0-9. Out of 10,000 digits, we expect each digit to occur 1,000 times. While
48 SymPy is capable of calculating many more digits of pi, our purpose here is to
49 set the stage for the much larger parallel calculation.
51 In this example, we use two functions from :file:`pidigits.py`:
52 :func:`one_digit_freqs` (which calculates how many times each digit occurs)
53 and :func:`plot_one_digit_freqs` (which uses Matplotlib to plot the result).
54 Here is an interactive IPython session that uses these functions with
55 SymPy:
57 .. sourcecode:: ipython
59 In [7]: import sympy
61 In [8]: pi = sympy.pi.evalf(40)
63 In [9]: pi
64 Out[9]: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197
66 In [10]: pi = sympy.pi.evalf(10000)
68 In [11]: digits = (d for d in str(pi)[2:]) # create a sequence of digits
70 In [12]: run pidigits.py # load one_digit_freqs/plot_one_digit_freqs
72 In [13]: freqs = one_digit_freqs(digits)
74 In [14]: plot_one_digit_freqs(freqs)
75 Out[14]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x18a55290>]
77 The resulting plot of the single digit counts shows that each digit occurs
78 approximately 1,000 times, but that with only 10,000 digits the
79 statistical fluctuations are still rather large:
81 .. image:: single_digits.*
83 It is clear that to reduce the relative fluctuations in the counts, we need
84 to look at many more digits of pi. That brings us to the parallel calculation.
86 Parallel calculation
87 --------------------
89 Calculating many digits of pi is a challenging computational problem in itself.
90 Because we want to focus on the distribution of digits in this example, we
91 will use pre-computed digit of pi from the website of Professor Yasumasa
92 Kanada at the University of Tokoyo (http://www.super-computing.org). These
93 digits come in a set of text files (ftp://pi.super-computing.org/.2/pi200m/)
94 that each have 10 million digits of pi.
96 For the parallel calculation, we have copied these files to the local hard
97 drives of the compute nodes. A total of 15 of these files will be used, for a
98 total of 150 million digits of pi. To make things a little more interesting we
99 will calculate the frequencies of all 2 digits sequences (00-99) and then plot
100 the result using a 2D matrix in Matplotlib.
102 The overall idea of the calculation is simple: each IPython engine will
103 compute the two digit counts for the digits in a single file. Then in a final
104 step the counts from each engine will be added up. To perform this
105 calculation, we will need two top-level functions from :file:`pidigits.py`:
107 .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/kernel/pidigits.py
108 :language: python
109 :lines: 34-49
111 We will also use the :func:`plot_two_digit_freqs` function to plot the
112 results. The code to run this calculation in parallel is contained in
113 :file:`docs/examples/kernel/parallelpi.py`. This code can be run in parallel
114 using IPython by following these steps:
116 1. Copy the text files with the digits of pi
117 (ftp://pi.super-computing.org/.2/pi200m/) to the working directory of the
118 engines on the compute nodes.
119 2. Use :command:`ipcluster` to start 15 engines. We used an 8 core (2 quad
120 core CPUs) cluster with hyperthreading enabled which makes the 8 cores
121 looks like 16 (1 controller + 15 engines) in the OS. However, the maximum
122 speedup we can observe is still only 8x.
123 3. With the file :file:`parallelpi.py` in your current working directory, open
124 up IPython in pylab mode and type ``run parallelpi.py``.
126 When run on our 8 core cluster, we observe a speedup of 7.7x. This is slightly
127 less than linear scaling (8x) because the controller is also running on one of
128 the cores.
130 To emphasize the interactive nature of IPython, we now show how the
131 calculation can also be run by simply typing the commands from
132 :file:`parallelpi.py` interactively into IPython:
134 .. sourcecode:: ipython
136 In [1]: from IPython.kernel import client
137 2009-11-19 11:32:38-0800 [-] Log opened.
139 # The MultiEngineClient allows us to use the engines interactively.
140 # We simply pass MultiEngineClient the name of the cluster profile we
141 # are using.
142 In [2]: mec = client.MultiEngineClient(profile='mycluster')
143 2009-11-19 11:32:44-0800 [-] Connecting [0]
144 2009-11-19 11:32:44-0800 [Negotiation,client] Connected: ./ipcontroller-mec.furl
146 In [3]: mec.get_ids()
147 Out[3]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
149 In [4]: run pidigits.py
151 In [5]: filestring = 'pi200m-ascii-%(i)02dof20.txt'
153 # Create the list of files to process.
154 In [6]: files = [filestring % {'i':i} for i in range(1,16)]
156 In [7]: files
157 Out[7]:
158 ['pi200m-ascii-01of20.txt',
159 'pi200m-ascii-02of20.txt',
160 'pi200m-ascii-03of20.txt',
161 'pi200m-ascii-04of20.txt',
162 'pi200m-ascii-05of20.txt',
163 'pi200m-ascii-06of20.txt',
164 'pi200m-ascii-07of20.txt',
165 'pi200m-ascii-08of20.txt',
166 'pi200m-ascii-09of20.txt',
167 'pi200m-ascii-10of20.txt',
168 'pi200m-ascii-11of20.txt',
169 'pi200m-ascii-12of20.txt',
170 'pi200m-ascii-13of20.txt',
171 'pi200m-ascii-14of20.txt',
172 'pi200m-ascii-15of20.txt']
174 # This is the parallel calculation using the MultiEngineClient.map method
175 # which applies compute_two_digit_freqs to each file in files in parallel.
176 In [8]: freqs_all = mec.map(compute_two_digit_freqs, files)
178 # Add up the frequencies from each engine.
179 In [8]: freqs = reduce_freqs(freqs_all)
181 In [9]: plot_two_digit_freqs(freqs)
182 Out[9]: <matplotlib.image.AxesImage object at 0x18beb110>
184 In [10]: plt.title('2 digit counts of 150m digits of pi')
185 Out[10]: <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x18d1f9b0>
187 The resulting plot generated by Matplotlib is shown below. The colors indicate
188 which two digit sequences are more (red) or less (blue) likely to occur in the
189 first 150 million digits of pi. We clearly see that the sequence "41" is
190 most likely and that "06" and "07" are least likely. Further analysis would
191 show that the relative size of the statistical fluctuations have decreased
192 compared to the 10,000 digit calculation.
194 .. image:: two_digit_counts.*
197 Parallel options pricing
198 ========================
200 An option is a financial contract that gives the buyer of the contract the
201 right to buy (a "call") or sell (a "put") a secondary asset (a stock for
202 example) at a particular date in the future (the expiration date) for a
203 pre-agreed upon price (the strike price). For this right, the buyer pays the
204 seller a premium (the option price). There are a wide variety of flavors of
205 options (American, European, Asian, etc.) that are useful for different
206 purposes: hedging against risk, speculation, etc.
208 Much of modern finance is driven by the need to price these contracts
209 accurately based on what is known about the properties (such as volatility) of
210 the underlying asset. One method of pricing options is to use a Monte Carlo
211 simulation of the underlying asset price. In this example we use this approach
212 to price both European and Asian (path dependent) options for various strike
213 prices and volatilities.
215 The code for this example can be found in the :file:`docs/examples/kernel`
216 directory of the IPython source. The function :func:`price_options` in
217 :file:`mcpricer.py` implements the basic Monte Carlo pricing algorithm using
218 the NumPy package and is shown here:
220 .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/kernel/mcpricer.py
221 :language: python
223 To run this code in parallel, we will use IPython's :class:`TaskClient` class,
224 which distributes work to the engines using dynamic load balancing. This
225 client can be used along side the :class:`MultiEngineClient` class shown in
226 the previous example. The parallel calculation using :class:`TaskClient` can
227 be found in the file :file:`mcpricer.py`. The code in this file creates a
228 :class:`TaskClient` instance and then submits a set of tasks using
229 :meth:`TaskClient.run` that calculate the option prices for different
230 volatilities and strike prices. The results are then plotted as a 2D contour
231 plot using Matplotlib.
233 .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/kernel/mcdriver.py
234 :language: python
236 To use this code, start an IPython cluster using :command:`ipcluster`, open
237 IPython in the pylab mode with the file :file:`mcdriver.py` in your current
238 working directory and then type:
240 .. sourcecode:: ipython
242 In [7]: run mcdriver.py
243 Submitted tasks: [0, 1, 2, ...]
245 Once all the tasks have finished, the results can be plotted using the
246 :func:`plot_options` function. Here we make contour plots of the Asian
247 call and Asian put options as function of the volatility and strike price:
249 .. sourcecode:: ipython
251 In [8]: plot_options(sigma_vals, K_vals, prices['acall'])
253 In [9]: plt.figure()
254 Out[9]: <matplotlib.figure.Figure object at 0x18c178d0>
256 In [10]: plot_options(sigma_vals, K_vals, prices['aput'])
258 These results are shown in the two figures below. On a 8 core cluster the
259 entire calculation (10 strike prices, 10 volatilities, 100,000 paths for each)
260 took 30 seconds in parallel, giving a speedup of 7.7x, which is comparable
261 to the speedup observed in our previous example.
263 .. image:: asian_call.*
265 .. image:: asian_put.*
267 Conclusion
268 ==========
270 To conclude these examples, we summarize the key features of IPython's
271 parallel architecture that have been demonstrated:
273 * Serial code can be parallelized often with only a few extra lines of code.
274 We have used the :class:`MultiEngineClient` and :class:`TaskClient` classes
275 for this purpose.
276 * The resulting parallel code can be run without ever leaving the IPython's
277 interactive shell.
278 * Any data computed in parallel can be explored interactively through
279 visualization or further numerical calculations.
280 * We have run these examples on a cluster running Windows HPC Server 2008.
281 IPython's built in support for the Windows HPC job scheduler makes it
282 easy to get started with IPython's parallel capabilities.
@@ -0,0 +1,237 b''
1 .. _ip1par:
3 ============================
4 Overview and getting started
5 ============================
7 Introduction
8 ============
10 This section gives an overview of IPython's sophisticated and powerful
11 architecture for parallel and distributed computing. This architecture
12 abstracts out parallelism in a very general way, which enables IPython to
13 support many different styles of parallelism including:
15 * Single program, multiple data (SPMD) parallelism.
16 * Multiple program, multiple data (MPMD) parallelism.
17 * Message passing using MPI.
18 * Task farming.
19 * Data parallel.
20 * Combinations of these approaches.
21 * Custom user defined approaches.
23 Most importantly, IPython enables all types of parallel applications to
24 be developed, executed, debugged and monitored *interactively*. Hence,
25 the ``I`` in IPython. The following are some example usage cases for IPython:
27 * Quickly parallelize algorithms that are embarrassingly parallel
28 using a number of simple approaches. Many simple things can be
29 parallelized interactively in one or two lines of code.
31 * Steer traditional MPI applications on a supercomputer from an
32 IPython session on your laptop.
34 * Analyze and visualize large datasets (that could be remote and/or
35 distributed) interactively using IPython and tools like
36 matplotlib/TVTK.
38 * Develop, test and debug new parallel algorithms
39 (that may use MPI) interactively.
41 * Tie together multiple MPI jobs running on different systems into
42 one giant distributed and parallel system.
44 * Start a parallel job on your cluster and then have a remote
45 collaborator connect to it and pull back data into their
46 local IPython session for plotting and analysis.
48 * Run a set of tasks on a set of CPUs using dynamic load balancing.
50 Architecture overview
51 =====================
53 The IPython architecture consists of three components:
55 * The IPython engine.
56 * The IPython controller.
57 * Various controller clients.
59 These components live in the :mod:`IPython.kernel` package and are
60 installed with IPython. They do, however, have additional dependencies
61 that must be installed. For more information, see our
62 :ref:`installation documentation <install_index>`.
64 IPython engine
65 ---------------
67 The IPython engine is a Python instance that takes Python commands over a
68 network connection. Eventually, the IPython engine will be a full IPython
69 interpreter, but for now, it is a regular Python interpreter. The engine
70 can also handle incoming and outgoing Python objects sent over a network
71 connection. When multiple engines are started, parallel and distributed
72 computing becomes possible. An important feature of an IPython engine is
73 that it blocks while user code is being executed. Read on for how the
74 IPython controller solves this problem to expose a clean asynchronous API
75 to the user.
77 IPython controller
78 ------------------
80 The IPython controller provides an interface for working with a set of
81 engines. At an general level, the controller is a process to which
82 IPython engines can connect. For each connected engine, the controller
83 manages a queue. All actions that can be performed on the engine go
84 through this queue. While the engines themselves block when user code is
85 run, the controller hides that from the user to provide a fully
86 asynchronous interface to a set of engines.
88 .. note::
90 Because the controller listens on a network port for engines to
91 connect to it, it must be started *before* any engines are started.
93 The controller also provides a single point of contact for users who wish to
94 utilize the engines connected to the controller. There are different ways of
95 working with a controller. In IPython these ways correspond to different
96 interfaces that the controller is adapted to. Currently we have two default
97 interfaces to the controller:
99 * The MultiEngine interface, which provides the simplest possible way of
100 working with engines interactively.
101 * The Task interface, which presents the engines as a load balanced
102 task farming system.
104 Advanced users can easily add new custom interfaces to enable other
105 styles of parallelism.
107 .. note::
109 A single controller and set of engines can be accessed
110 through multiple interfaces simultaneously. This opens the
111 door for lots of interesting things.
113 Controller clients
114 ------------------
116 For each controller interface, there is a corresponding client. These
117 clients allow users to interact with a set of engines through the
118 interface. Here are the two default clients:
120 * The :class:`MultiEngineClient` class.
121 * The :class:`TaskClient` class.
123 Security
124 --------
126 By default (as long as `pyOpenSSL` is installed) all network connections
127 between the controller and engines and the controller and clients are secure.
128 What does this mean? First of all, all of the connections will be encrypted
129 using SSL. Second, the connections are authenticated. We handle authentication
130 in a capability based security model [Capability]_. In this model, a
131 "capability (known in some systems as a key) is a communicable, unforgeable
132 token of authority". Put simply, a capability is like a key to your house. If
133 you have the key to your house, you can get in. If not, you can't.
135 In our architecture, the controller is the only process that listens on
136 network ports, and is thus responsible to creating these keys. In IPython,
137 these keys are known as Foolscap URLs, or FURLs, because of the underlying
138 network protocol we are using. As a user, you don't need to know anything
139 about the details of these FURLs, other than that when the controller starts,
140 it saves a set of FURLs to files named :file:`something.furl`. The default
141 location of these files is the :file:`~./ipython/security` directory.
143 To connect and authenticate to the controller an engine or client simply needs
144 to present an appropriate FURL (that was originally created by the controller)
145 to the controller. Thus, the FURL files need to be copied to a location where
146 the clients and engines can find them. Typically, this is the
147 :file:`~./ipython/security` directory on the host where the client/engine is
148 running (which could be a different host than the controller). Once the FURL
149 files are copied over, everything should work fine.
151 Currently, there are three FURL files that the controller creates:
153 ipcontroller-engine.furl
154 This FURL file is the key that gives an engine the ability to connect
155 to a controller.
157 ipcontroller-tc.furl
158 This FURL file is the key that a :class:`TaskClient` must use to
159 connect to the task interface of a controller.
161 ipcontroller-mec.furl
162 This FURL file is the key that a :class:`MultiEngineClient` must use
163 to connect to the multiengine interface of a controller.
165 More details of how these FURL files are used are given below.
167 A detailed description of the security model and its implementation in IPython
168 can be found :ref:`here <parallelsecurity>`.
170 Getting Started
171 ===============
173 To use IPython for parallel computing, you need to start one instance of the
174 controller and one or more instances of the engine. Initially, it is best to
175 simply start a controller and engines on a single host using the
176 :command:`ipcluster` command. To start a controller and 4 engines on your
177 localhost, just do::
179 $ ipcluster local -n 4
181 More details about starting the IPython controller and engines can be found
182 :ref:`here <parallel_process>`
184 Once you have started the IPython controller and one or more engines, you
185 are ready to use the engines to do something useful. To make sure
186 everything is working correctly, try the following commands:
188 .. sourcecode:: ipython
190 In [1]: from IPython.kernel import client
192 In [2]: mec = client.MultiEngineClient()
194 In [4]: mec.get_ids()
195 Out[4]: [0, 1, 2, 3]
197 In [5]: mec.execute('print "Hello World"')
198 Out[5]:
199 <Results List>
200 [0] In [1]: print "Hello World"
201 [0] Out[1]: Hello World
203 [1] In [1]: print "Hello World"
204 [1] Out[1]: Hello World
206 [2] In [1]: print "Hello World"
207 [2] Out[1]: Hello World
209 [3] In [1]: print "Hello World"
210 [3] Out[1]: Hello World
212 Remember, a client also needs to present a FURL file to the controller. How
213 does this happen? When a multiengine client is created with no arguments, the
214 client tries to find the corresponding FURL file in the local
215 :file:`~./ipython/security` directory. If it finds it, you are set. If you
216 have put the FURL file in a different location or it has a different name,
217 create the client like this::
219 mec = client.MultiEngineClient('/path/to/my/ipcontroller-mec.furl')
221 Same thing hold true of creating a task client::
223 tc = client.TaskClient('/path/to/my/ipcontroller-tc.furl')
225 You are now ready to learn more about the :ref:`MultiEngine
226 <parallelmultiengine>` and :ref:`Task <paralleltask>` interfaces to the
227 controller.
229 .. note::
231 Don't forget that the engine, multiengine client and task client all have
232 *different* furl files. You must move *each* of these around to an
233 appropriate location so that the engines and clients can use them to
234 connect to the controller.
236 .. [Capability] Capability-based security, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capability-based_security
@@ -0,0 +1,182 b''
1 .. _parallelmpi:
3 =======================
4 Using MPI with IPython
5 =======================
7 Often, a parallel algorithm will require moving data between the engines. One
8 way of accomplishing this is by doing a pull and then a push using the
9 multiengine client. However, this will be slow as all the data has to go
10 through the controller to the client and then back through the controller, to
11 its final destination.
13 A much better way of moving data between engines is to use a message passing
14 library, such as the Message Passing Interface (MPI) [MPI]_. IPython's
15 parallel computing architecture has been designed from the ground up to
16 integrate with MPI. This document describes how to use MPI with IPython.
18 Additional installation requirements
19 ====================================
21 If you want to use MPI with IPython, you will need to install:
23 * A standard MPI implementation such as OpenMPI [OpenMPI]_ or MPICH.
24 * The mpi4py [mpi4py]_ package.
26 .. note::
28 The mpi4py package is not a strict requirement. However, you need to
29 have *some* way of calling MPI from Python. You also need some way of
30 making sure that :func:`MPI_Init` is called when the IPython engines start
31 up. There are a number of ways of doing this and a good number of
32 associated subtleties. We highly recommend just using mpi4py as it
33 takes care of most of these problems. If you want to do something
34 different, let us know and we can help you get started.
36 Starting the engines with MPI enabled
37 =====================================
39 To use code that calls MPI, there are typically two things that MPI requires.
41 1. The process that wants to call MPI must be started using
42 :command:`mpiexec` or a batch system (like PBS) that has MPI support.
43 2. Once the process starts, it must call :func:`MPI_Init`.
45 There are a couple of ways that you can start the IPython engines and get
46 these things to happen.
48 Automatic starting using :command:`mpiexec` and :command:`ipcluster`
49 --------------------------------------------------------------------
51 The easiest approach is to use the `mpiexec` mode of :command:`ipcluster`,
52 which will first start a controller and then a set of engines using
53 :command:`mpiexec`::
55 $ ipcluster mpiexec -n 4
57 This approach is best as interrupting :command:`ipcluster` will automatically
58 stop and clean up the controller and engines.
60 Manual starting using :command:`mpiexec`
61 ----------------------------------------
63 If you want to start the IPython engines using the :command:`mpiexec`, just
64 do::
66 $ mpiexec -n 4 ipengine --mpi=mpi4py
68 This requires that you already have a controller running and that the FURL
69 files for the engines are in place. We also have built in support for
70 PyTrilinos [PyTrilinos]_, which can be used (assuming is installed) by
71 starting the engines with::
73 mpiexec -n 4 ipengine --mpi=pytrilinos
75 Automatic starting using PBS and :command:`ipcluster`
76 -----------------------------------------------------
78 The :command:`ipcluster` command also has built-in integration with PBS. For
79 more information on this approach, see our documentation on :ref:`ipcluster
80 <parallel_process>`.
82 Actually using MPI
83 ==================
85 Once the engines are running with MPI enabled, you are ready to go. You can
86 now call any code that uses MPI in the IPython engines. And, all of this can
87 be done interactively. Here we show a simple example that uses mpi4py
88 [mpi4py]_ version 1.1.0 or later.
90 First, lets define a simply function that uses MPI to calculate the sum of a
91 distributed array. Save the following text in a file called :file:`psum.py`:
93 .. sourcecode:: python
95 from mpi4py import MPI
96 import numpy as np
98 def psum(a):
99 s = np.sum(a)
100 rcvBuf = np.array(0.0,'d')
101 MPI.COMM_WORLD.Allreduce([s, MPI.DOUBLE],
102 [rcvBuf, MPI.DOUBLE],
103 op=MPI.SUM)
104 return rcvBuf
106 Now, start an IPython cluster in the same directory as :file:`psum.py`::
108 $ ipcluster mpiexec -n 4
110 Finally, connect to the cluster and use this function interactively. In this
111 case, we create a random array on each engine and sum up all the random arrays
112 using our :func:`psum` function:
114 .. sourcecode:: ipython
116 In [1]: from IPython.kernel import client
118 In [2]: mec = client.MultiEngineClient()
120 In [3]: mec.activate()
122 In [4]: px import numpy as np
123 Parallel execution on engines: all
124 Out[4]:
125 <Results List>
126 [0] In [13]: import numpy as np
127 [1] In [13]: import numpy as np
128 [2] In [13]: import numpy as np
129 [3] In [13]: import numpy as np
131 In [6]: px a = np.random.rand(100)
132 Parallel execution on engines: all
133 Out[6]:
134 <Results List>
135 [0] In [15]: a = np.random.rand(100)
136 [1] In [15]: a = np.random.rand(100)
137 [2] In [15]: a = np.random.rand(100)
138 [3] In [15]: a = np.random.rand(100)
140 In [7]: px from psum import psum
141 Parallel execution on engines: all
142 Out[7]:
143 <Results List>
144 [0] In [16]: from psum import psum
145 [1] In [16]: from psum import psum
146 [2] In [16]: from psum import psum
147 [3] In [16]: from psum import psum
149 In [8]: px s = psum(a)
150 Parallel execution on engines: all
151 Out[8]:
152 <Results List>
153 [0] In [17]: s = psum(a)
154 [1] In [17]: s = psum(a)
155 [2] In [17]: s = psum(a)
156 [3] In [17]: s = psum(a)
158 In [9]: px print s
159 Parallel execution on engines: all
160 Out[9]:
161 <Results List>
162 [0] In [18]: print s
163 [0] Out[18]: 187.451545803
165 [1] In [18]: print s
166 [1] Out[18]: 187.451545803
168 [2] In [18]: print s
169 [2] Out[18]: 187.451545803
171 [3] In [18]: print s
172 [3] Out[18]: 187.451545803
174 Any Python code that makes calls to MPI can be used in this manner, including
175 compiled C, C++ and Fortran libraries that have been exposed to Python.
177 .. [MPI] Message Passing Interface. http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/
178 .. [mpi4py] MPI for Python. mpi4py: http://mpi4py.scipy.org/
179 .. [OpenMPI] Open MPI. http://www.open-mpi.org/
180 .. [PyTrilinos] PyTrilinos. http://trilinos.sandia.gov/packages/pytrilinos/
This diff has been collapsed as it changes many lines, (835 lines changed) Show them Hide them
@@ -0,0 +1,835 b''
1 .. _parallelmultiengine:
3 ===============================
4 IPython's multiengine interface
5 ===============================
7 The multiengine interface represents one possible way of working with a set of
8 IPython engines. The basic idea behind the multiengine interface is that the
9 capabilities of each engine are directly and explicitly exposed to the user.
10 Thus, in the multiengine interface, each engine is given an id that is used to
11 identify the engine and give it work to do. This interface is very intuitive
12 and is designed with interactive usage in mind, and is thus the best place for
13 new users of IPython to begin.
15 Starting the IPython controller and engines
16 ===========================================
18 To follow along with this tutorial, you will need to start the IPython
19 controller and four IPython engines. The simplest way of doing this is to use
20 the :command:`ipcluster` command::
22 $ ipcluster local -n 4
24 For more detailed information about starting the controller and engines, see
25 our :ref:`introduction <ip1par>` to using IPython for parallel computing.
27 Creating a ``MultiEngineClient`` instance
28 =========================================
30 The first step is to import the IPython :mod:`IPython.kernel.client` module
31 and then create a :class:`MultiEngineClient` instance:
33 .. sourcecode:: ipython
35 In [1]: from IPython.kernel import client
37 In [2]: mec = client.MultiEngineClient()
39 This form assumes that the :file:`ipcontroller-mec.furl` is in the
40 :file:`~./ipython/security` directory on the client's host. If not, the
41 location of the FURL file must be given as an argument to the
42 constructor:
44 .. sourcecode:: ipython
46 In [2]: mec = client.MultiEngineClient('/path/to/my/ipcontroller-mec.furl')
48 To make sure there are engines connected to the controller, use can get a list
49 of engine ids:
51 .. sourcecode:: ipython
53 In [3]: mec.get_ids()
54 Out[3]: [0, 1, 2, 3]
56 Here we see that there are four engines ready to do work for us.
58 Quick and easy parallelism
59 ==========================
61 In many cases, you simply want to apply a Python function to a sequence of
62 objects, but *in parallel*. The multiengine interface provides two simple ways
63 of accomplishing this: a parallel version of :func:`map` and ``@parallel``
64 function decorator.
66 Parallel map
67 ------------
69 Python's builtin :func:`map` functions allows a function to be applied to a
70 sequence element-by-element. This type of code is typically trivial to
71 parallelize. In fact, the multiengine interface in IPython already has a
72 parallel version of :meth:`map` that works just like its serial counterpart:
74 .. sourcecode:: ipython
76 In [63]: serial_result = map(lambda x:x**10, range(32))
78 In [64]: parallel_result = mec.map(lambda x:x**10, range(32))
80 In [65]: serial_result==parallel_result
81 Out[65]: True
83 .. note::
85 The multiengine interface version of :meth:`map` does not do any load
86 balancing. For a load balanced version, see the task interface.
88 .. seealso::
90 The :meth:`map` method has a number of options that can be controlled by
91 the :meth:`mapper` method. See its docstring for more information.
93 Parallel function decorator
94 ---------------------------
96 Parallel functions are just like normal function, but they can be called on
97 sequences and *in parallel*. The multiengine interface provides a decorator
98 that turns any Python function into a parallel function:
100 .. sourcecode:: ipython
102 In [10]: @mec.parallel()
103 ....: def f(x):
104 ....: return 10.0*x**4
105 ....:
107 In [11]: f(range(32)) # this is done in parallel
108 Out[11]:
109 [0.0,10.0,160.0,...]
111 See the docstring for the :meth:`parallel` decorator for options.
113 Running Python commands
114 =======================
116 The most basic type of operation that can be performed on the engines is to
117 execute Python code. Executing Python code can be done in blocking or
118 non-blocking mode (blocking is default) using the :meth:`execute` method.
120 Blocking execution
121 ------------------
123 In blocking mode, the :class:`MultiEngineClient` object (called ``mec`` in
124 these examples) submits the command to the controller, which places the
125 command in the engines' queues for execution. The :meth:`execute` call then
126 blocks until the engines are done executing the command:
128 .. sourcecode:: ipython
130 # The default is to run on all engines
131 In [4]: mec.execute('a=5')
132 Out[4]:
133 <Results List>
134 [0] In [1]: a=5
135 [1] In [1]: a=5
136 [2] In [1]: a=5
137 [3] In [1]: a=5
139 In [5]: mec.execute('b=10')
140 Out[5]:
141 <Results List>
142 [0] In [2]: b=10
143 [1] In [2]: b=10
144 [2] In [2]: b=10
145 [3] In [2]: b=10
147 Python commands can be executed on specific engines by calling execute using
148 the ``targets`` keyword argument:
150 .. sourcecode:: ipython
152 In [6]: mec.execute('c=a+b',targets=[0,2])
153 Out[6]:
154 <Results List>
155 [0] In [3]: c=a+b
156 [2] In [3]: c=a+b
159 In [7]: mec.execute('c=a-b',targets=[1,3])
160 Out[7]:
161 <Results List>
162 [1] In [3]: c=a-b
163 [3] In [3]: c=a-b
166 In [8]: mec.execute('print c')
167 Out[8]:
168 <Results List>
169 [0] In [4]: print c
170 [0] Out[4]: 15
172 [1] In [4]: print c
173 [1] Out[4]: -5
175 [2] In [4]: print c
176 [2] Out[4]: 15
178 [3] In [4]: print c
179 [3] Out[4]: -5
181 This example also shows one of the most important things about the IPython
182 engines: they have a persistent user namespaces. The :meth:`execute` method
183 returns a Python ``dict`` that contains useful information:
185 .. sourcecode:: ipython
187 In [9]: result_dict = mec.execute('d=10; print d')
189 In [10]: for r in result_dict:
190 ....: print r
191 ....:
192 ....:
193 {'input': {'translated': 'd=10; print d', 'raw': 'd=10; print d'}, 'number': 5, 'id': 0, 'stdout': '10\n'}
194 {'input': {'translated': 'd=10; print d', 'raw': 'd=10; print d'}, 'number': 5, 'id': 1, 'stdout': '10\n'}
195 {'input': {'translated': 'd=10; print d', 'raw': 'd=10; print d'}, 'number': 5, 'id': 2, 'stdout': '10\n'}
196 {'input': {'translated': 'd=10; print d', 'raw': 'd=10; print d'}, 'number': 5, 'id': 3, 'stdout': '10\n'}
198 Non-blocking execution
199 ----------------------
201 In non-blocking mode, :meth:`execute` submits the command to be executed and
202 then returns a :class:`PendingResult` object immediately. The
203 :class:`PendingResult` object gives you a way of getting a result at a later
204 time through its :meth:`get_result` method or :attr:`r` attribute. This allows
205 you to quickly submit long running commands without blocking your local
206 Python/IPython session:
208 .. sourcecode:: ipython
210 # In blocking mode
211 In [6]: mec.execute('import time')
212 Out[6]:
213 <Results List>
214 [0] In [1]: import time
215 [1] In [1]: import time
216 [2] In [1]: import time
217 [3] In [1]: import time
219 # In non-blocking mode
220 In [7]: pr = mec.execute('time.sleep(10)',block=False)
222 # Now block for the result
223 In [8]: pr.get_result()
224 Out[8]:
225 <Results List>
226 [0] In [2]: time.sleep(10)
227 [1] In [2]: time.sleep(10)
228 [2] In [2]: time.sleep(10)
229 [3] In [2]: time.sleep(10)
231 # Again in non-blocking mode
232 In [9]: pr = mec.execute('time.sleep(10)',block=False)
234 # Poll to see if the result is ready
235 In [10]: pr.get_result(block=False)
237 # A shorthand for get_result(block=True)
238 In [11]: pr.r
239 Out[11]:
240 <Results List>
241 [0] In [3]: time.sleep(10)
242 [1] In [3]: time.sleep(10)
243 [2] In [3]: time.sleep(10)
244 [3] In [3]: time.sleep(10)
246 Often, it is desirable to wait until a set of :class:`PendingResult` objects
247 are done. For this, there is a the method :meth:`barrier`. This method takes a
248 tuple of :class:`PendingResult` objects and blocks until all of the associated
249 results are ready:
251 .. sourcecode:: ipython
253 In [72]: mec.block=False
255 # A trivial list of PendingResults objects
256 In [73]: pr_list = [mec.execute('time.sleep(3)') for i in range(10)]
258 # Wait until all of them are done
259 In [74]: mec.barrier(pr_list)
261 # Then, their results are ready using get_result or the r attribute
262 In [75]: pr_list[0].r
263 Out[75]:
264 <Results List>
265 [0] In [20]: time.sleep(3)
266 [1] In [19]: time.sleep(3)
267 [2] In [20]: time.sleep(3)
268 [3] In [19]: time.sleep(3)
271 The ``block`` and ``targets`` keyword arguments and attributes
272 --------------------------------------------------------------
274 Most methods in the multiengine interface (like :meth:`execute`) accept
275 ``block`` and ``targets`` as keyword arguments. As we have seen above, these
276 keyword arguments control the blocking mode and which engines the command is
277 applied to. The :class:`MultiEngineClient` class also has :attr:`block` and
278 :attr:`targets` attributes that control the default behavior when the keyword
279 arguments are not provided. Thus the following logic is used for :attr:`block`
280 and :attr:`targets`:
282 * If no keyword argument is provided, the instance attributes are used.
283 * Keyword argument, if provided override the instance attributes.
285 The following examples demonstrate how to use the instance attributes:
287 .. sourcecode:: ipython
289 In [16]: mec.targets = [0,2]
291 In [17]: mec.block = False
293 In [18]: pr = mec.execute('a=5')
295 In [19]: pr.r
296 Out[19]:
297 <Results List>
298 [0] In [6]: a=5
299 [2] In [6]: a=5
301 # Note targets='all' means all engines
302 In [20]: mec.targets = 'all'
304 In [21]: mec.block = True
306 In [22]: mec.execute('b=10; print b')
307 Out[22]:
308 <Results List>
309 [0] In [7]: b=10; print b
310 [0] Out[7]: 10
312 [1] In [6]: b=10; print b
313 [1] Out[6]: 10
315 [2] In [7]: b=10; print b
316 [2] Out[7]: 10
318 [3] In [6]: b=10; print b
319 [3] Out[6]: 10
321 The :attr:`block` and :attr:`targets` instance attributes also determine the
322 behavior of the parallel magic commands.
325 Parallel magic commands
326 -----------------------
328 We provide a few IPython magic commands (``%px``, ``%autopx`` and ``%result``)
329 that make it more pleasant to execute Python commands on the engines
330 interactively. These are simply shortcuts to :meth:`execute` and
331 :meth:`get_result`. The ``%px`` magic executes a single Python command on the
332 engines specified by the :attr:`targets` attribute of the
333 :class:`MultiEngineClient` instance (by default this is ``'all'``):
335 .. sourcecode:: ipython
337 # Make this MultiEngineClient active for parallel magic commands
338 In [23]: mec.activate()
340 In [24]: mec.block=True
342 In [25]: import numpy
344 In [26]: %px import numpy
345 Executing command on Controller
346 Out[26]:
347 <Results List>
348 [0] In [8]: import numpy
349 [1] In [7]: import numpy
350 [2] In [8]: import numpy
351 [3] In [7]: import numpy
354 In [27]: %px a = numpy.random.rand(2,2)
355 Executing command on Controller
356 Out[27]:
357 <Results List>
358 [0] In [9]: a = numpy.random.rand(2,2)
359 [1] In [8]: a = numpy.random.rand(2,2)
360 [2] In [9]: a = numpy.random.rand(2,2)
361 [3] In [8]: a = numpy.random.rand(2,2)
364 In [28]: %px print numpy.linalg.eigvals(a)
365 Executing command on Controller
366 Out[28]:
367 <Results List>
368 [0] In [10]: print numpy.linalg.eigvals(a)
369 [0] Out[10]: [ 1.28167017 0.14197338]
371 [1] In [9]: print numpy.linalg.eigvals(a)
372 [1] Out[9]: [-0.14093616 1.27877273]
374 [2] In [10]: print numpy.linalg.eigvals(a)
375 [2] Out[10]: [-0.37023573 1.06779409]
377 [3] In [9]: print numpy.linalg.eigvals(a)
378 [3] Out[9]: [ 0.83664764 -0.25602658]
380 The ``%result`` magic gets and prints the stdin/stdout/stderr of the last
381 command executed on each engine. It is simply a shortcut to the
382 :meth:`get_result` method:
384 .. sourcecode:: ipython
386 In [29]: %result
387 Out[29]:
388 <Results List>
389 [0] In [10]: print numpy.linalg.eigvals(a)
390 [0] Out[10]: [ 1.28167017 0.14197338]
392 [1] In [9]: print numpy.linalg.eigvals(a)
393 [1] Out[9]: [-0.14093616 1.27877273]
395 [2] In [10]: print numpy.linalg.eigvals(a)
396 [2] Out[10]: [-0.37023573 1.06779409]
398 [3] In [9]: print numpy.linalg.eigvals(a)
399 [3] Out[9]: [ 0.83664764 -0.25602658]
401 The ``%autopx`` magic switches to a mode where everything you type is executed
402 on the engines given by the :attr:`targets` attribute:
404 .. sourcecode:: ipython
406 In [30]: mec.block=False
408 In [31]: %autopx
409 Auto Parallel Enabled
410 Type %autopx to disable
412 In [32]: max_evals = []
413 <IPython.kernel.multiengineclient.PendingResult object at 0x17b8a70>
415 In [33]: for i in range(100):
416 ....: a = numpy.random.rand(10,10)
417 ....: a = a+a.transpose()
418 ....: evals = numpy.linalg.eigvals(a)
419 ....: max_evals.append(evals[0].real)
420 ....:
421 ....:
422 <IPython.kernel.multiengineclient.PendingResult object at 0x17af8f0>
424 In [34]: %autopx
425 Auto Parallel Disabled
427 In [35]: mec.block=True
429 In [36]: px print "Average max eigenvalue is: ", sum(max_evals)/len(max_evals)
430 Executing command on Controller
431 Out[36]:
432 <Results List>
433 [0] In [13]: print "Average max eigenvalue is: ", sum(max_evals)/len(max_evals)
434 [0] Out[13]: Average max eigenvalue is: 10.1387247332
436 [1] In [12]: print "Average max eigenvalue is: ", sum(max_evals)/len(max_evals)
437 [1] Out[12]: Average max eigenvalue is: 10.2076902286
439 [2] In [13]: print "Average max eigenvalue is: ", sum(max_evals)/len(max_evals)
440 [2] Out[13]: Average max eigenvalue is: 10.1891484655
442 [3] In [12]: print "Average max eigenvalue is: ", sum(max_evals)/len(max_evals)
443 [3] Out[12]: Average max eigenvalue is: 10.1158837784
446 Moving Python objects around
447 ============================
449 In addition to executing code on engines, you can transfer Python objects to
450 and from your IPython session and the engines. In IPython, these operations
451 are called :meth:`push` (sending an object to the engines) and :meth:`pull`
452 (getting an object from the engines).
454 Basic push and pull
455 -------------------
457 Here are some examples of how you use :meth:`push` and :meth:`pull`:
459 .. sourcecode:: ipython
461 In [38]: mec.push(dict(a=1.03234,b=3453))
462 Out[38]: [None, None, None, None]
464 In [39]: mec.pull('a')
465 Out[39]: [1.03234, 1.03234, 1.03234, 1.03234]
467 In [40]: mec.pull('b',targets=0)
468 Out[40]: [3453]
470 In [41]: mec.pull(('a','b'))
471 Out[41]: [[1.03234, 3453], [1.03234, 3453], [1.03234, 3453], [1.03234, 3453]]
473 In [42]: mec.zip_pull(('a','b'))
474 Out[42]: [(1.03234, 1.03234, 1.03234, 1.03234), (3453, 3453, 3453, 3453)]
476 In [43]: mec.push(dict(c='speed'))
477 Out[43]: [None, None, None, None]
479 In [44]: %px print c
480 Executing command on Controller
481 Out[44]:
482 <Results List>
483 [0] In [14]: print c
484 [0] Out[14]: speed
486 [1] In [13]: print c
487 [1] Out[13]: speed
489 [2] In [14]: print c
490 [2] Out[14]: speed
492 [3] In [13]: print c
493 [3] Out[13]: speed
495 In non-blocking mode :meth:`push` and :meth:`pull` also return
496 :class:`PendingResult` objects:
498 .. sourcecode:: ipython
500 In [47]: mec.block=False
502 In [48]: pr = mec.pull('a')
504 In [49]: pr.r
505 Out[49]: [1.03234, 1.03234, 1.03234, 1.03234]
508 Push and pull for functions
509 ---------------------------
511 Functions can also be pushed and pulled using :meth:`push_function` and
512 :meth:`pull_function`:
514 .. sourcecode:: ipython
516 In [52]: mec.block=True
518 In [53]: def f(x):
519 ....: return 2.0*x**4
520 ....:
522 In [54]: mec.push_function(dict(f=f))
523 Out[54]: [None, None, None, None]
525 In [55]: mec.execute('y = f(4.0)')
526 Out[55]:
527 <Results List>
528 [0] In [15]: y = f(4.0)
529 [1] In [14]: y = f(4.0)
530 [2] In [15]: y = f(4.0)
531 [3] In [14]: y = f(4.0)
534 In [56]: px print y
535 Executing command on Controller
536 Out[56]:
537 <Results List>
538 [0] In [16]: print y
539 [0] Out[16]: 512.0
541 [1] In [15]: print y
542 [1] Out[15]: 512.0
544 [2] In [16]: print y
545 [2] Out[16]: 512.0
547 [3] In [15]: print y
548 [3] Out[15]: 512.0
551 Dictionary interface
552 --------------------
554 As a shorthand to :meth:`push` and :meth:`pull`, the
555 :class:`MultiEngineClient` class implements some of the Python dictionary
556 interface. This make the remote namespaces of the engines appear as a local
557 dictionary. Underneath, this uses :meth:`push` and :meth:`pull`:
559 .. sourcecode:: ipython
561 In [50]: mec.block=True
563 In [51]: mec['a']=['foo','bar']
565 In [52]: mec['a']
566 Out[52]: [['foo', 'bar'], ['foo', 'bar'], ['foo', 'bar'], ['foo', 'bar']]
568 Scatter and gather
569 ------------------
571 Sometimes it is useful to partition a sequence and push the partitions to
572 different engines. In MPI language, this is know as scatter/gather and we
573 follow that terminology. However, it is important to remember that in
574 IPython's :class:`MultiEngineClient` class, :meth:`scatter` is from the
575 interactive IPython session to the engines and :meth:`gather` is from the
576 engines back to the interactive IPython session. For scatter/gather operations
577 between engines, MPI should be used:
579 .. sourcecode:: ipython
581 In [58]: mec.scatter('a',range(16))
582 Out[58]: [None, None, None, None]
584 In [59]: px print a
585 Executing command on Controller
586 Out[59]:
587 <Results List>
588 [0] In [17]: print a
589 [0] Out[17]: [0, 1, 2, 3]
591 [1] In [16]: print a
592 [1] Out[16]: [4, 5, 6, 7]
594 [2] In [17]: print a
595 [2] Out[17]: [8, 9, 10, 11]
597 [3] In [16]: print a
598 [3] Out[16]: [12, 13, 14, 15]
601 In [60]: mec.gather('a')
602 Out[60]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
604 Other things to look at
605 =======================
607 How to do parallel list comprehensions
608 --------------------------------------
610 In many cases list comprehensions are nicer than using the map function. While
611 we don't have fully parallel list comprehensions, it is simple to get the
612 basic effect using :meth:`scatter` and :meth:`gather`:
614 .. sourcecode:: ipython
616 In [66]: mec.scatter('x',range(64))
617 Out[66]: [None, None, None, None]
619 In [67]: px y = [i**10 for i in x]
620 Executing command on Controller
621 Out[67]:
622 <Results List>
623 [0] In [19]: y = [i**10 for i in x]
624 [1] In [18]: y = [i**10 for i in x]
625 [2] In [19]: y = [i**10 for i in x]
626 [3] In [18]: y = [i**10 for i in x]
629 In [68]: y = mec.gather('y')
631 In [69]: print y
632 [0, 1, 1024, 59049, 1048576, 9765625, 60466176, 282475249, 1073741824,...]
634 Parallel exceptions
635 -------------------
637 In the multiengine interface, parallel commands can raise Python exceptions,
638 just like serial commands. But, it is a little subtle, because a single
639 parallel command can actually raise multiple exceptions (one for each engine
640 the command was run on). To express this idea, the MultiEngine interface has a
641 :exc:`CompositeError` exception class that will be raised in most cases. The
642 :exc:`CompositeError` class is a special type of exception that wraps one or
643 more other types of exceptions. Here is how it works:
645 .. sourcecode:: ipython
647 In [76]: mec.block=True
649 In [77]: mec.execute('1/0')
650 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
651 CompositeError Traceback (most recent call last)
653 /ipython1-client-r3021/docs/examples/<ipython console> in <module>()
655 /ipython1-client-r3021/ipython1/kernel/multiengineclient.pyc in execute(self, lines, targets, block)
656 432 targets, block = self._findTargetsAndBlock(targets, block)
657 433 result = blockingCallFromThread(self.smultiengine.execute, lines,
658 --> 434 targets=targets, block=block)
659 435 if block:
660 436 result = ResultList(result)
662 /ipython1-client-r3021/ipython1/kernel/twistedutil.pyc in blockingCallFromThread(f, *a, **kw)
663 72 result.raiseException()
664 73 except Exception, e:
665 ---> 74 raise e
666 75 return result
667 76
669 CompositeError: one or more exceptions from call to method: execute
670 [0:execute]: ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
671 [1:execute]: ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
672 [2:execute]: ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
673 [3:execute]: ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
675 Notice how the error message printed when :exc:`CompositeError` is raised has
676 information about the individual exceptions that were raised on each engine.
677 If you want, you can even raise one of these original exceptions:
679 .. sourcecode:: ipython
681 In [80]: try:
682 ....: mec.execute('1/0')
683 ....: except client.CompositeError, e:
684 ....: e.raise_exception()
685 ....:
686 ....:
687 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
688 ZeroDivisionError Traceback (most recent call last)
690 /ipython1-client-r3021/docs/examples/<ipython console> in <module>()
692 /ipython1-client-r3021/ipython1/kernel/error.pyc in raise_exception(self, excid)
693 156 raise IndexError("an exception with index %i does not exist"%excid)
694 157 else:
695 --> 158 raise et, ev, etb
696 159
697 160 def collect_exceptions(rlist, method):
699 ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
701 If you are working in IPython, you can simple type ``%debug`` after one of
702 these :exc:`CompositeError` exceptions is raised, and inspect the exception
703 instance:
705 .. sourcecode:: ipython
707 In [81]: mec.execute('1/0')
708 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
709 CompositeError Traceback (most recent call last)
711 /ipython1-client-r3021/docs/examples/<ipython console> in <module>()
713 /ipython1-client-r3021/ipython1/kernel/multiengineclient.pyc in execute(self, lines, targets, block)
714 432 targets, block = self._findTargetsAndBlock(targets, block)
715 433 result = blockingCallFromThread(self.smultiengine.execute, lines,
716 --> 434 targets=targets, block=block)
717 435 if block:
718 436 result = ResultList(result)
720 /ipython1-client-r3021/ipython1/kernel/twistedutil.pyc in blockingCallFromThread(f, *a, **kw)
721 72 result.raiseException()
722 73 except Exception, e:
723 ---> 74 raise e
724 75 return result
725 76
727 CompositeError: one or more exceptions from call to method: execute
728 [0:execute]: ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
729 [1:execute]: ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
730 [2:execute]: ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
731 [3:execute]: ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
733 In [82]: %debug
734 >
736 /ipython1-client-r3021/ipython1/kernel/twistedutil.py(74)blockingCallFromThread()
737 73 except Exception, e:
738 ---> 74 raise e
739 75 return result
741 # With the debugger running, e is the exceptions instance. We can tab complete
742 # on it and see the extra methods that are available.
743 ipdb> e.
744 e.__class__ e.__getitem__ e.__new__ e.__setstate__ e.args
745 e.__delattr__ e.__getslice__ e.__reduce__ e.__str__ e.elist
746 e.__dict__ e.__hash__ e.__reduce_ex__ e.__weakref__ e.message
747 e.__doc__ e.__init__ e.__repr__ e._get_engine_str e.print_tracebacks
748 e.__getattribute__ e.__module__ e.__setattr__ e._get_traceback e.raise_exception
749 ipdb> e.print_tracebacks()
750 [0:execute]:
751 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
752 ZeroDivisionError Traceback (most recent call last)
754 /ipython1-client-r3021/docs/examples/<string> in <module>()
756 ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
758 [1:execute]:
759 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
760 ZeroDivisionError Traceback (most recent call last)
762 /ipython1-client-r3021/docs/examples/<string> in <module>()
764 ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
766 [2:execute]:
767 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
768 ZeroDivisionError Traceback (most recent call last)
770 /ipython1-client-r3021/docs/examples/<string> in <module>()
772 ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
774 [3:execute]:
775 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
776 ZeroDivisionError Traceback (most recent call last)
778 /ipython1-client-r3021/docs/examples/<string> in <module>()
780 ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
782 .. note::
784 The above example appears to be broken right now because of a change in
785 how we are using Twisted.
787 All of this same error handling magic even works in non-blocking mode:
789 .. sourcecode:: ipython
791 In [83]: mec.block=False
793 In [84]: pr = mec.execute('1/0')
795 In [85]: pr.r
796 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
797 CompositeError Traceback (most recent call last)
799 /ipython1-client-r3021/docs/examples/<ipython console> in <module>()
801 /ipython1-client-r3021/ipython1/kernel/multiengineclient.pyc in _get_r(self)
802 170
803 171 def _get_r(self):
804 --> 172 return self.get_result(block=True)
805 173
806 174 r = property(_get_r)
808 /ipython1-client-r3021/ipython1/kernel/multiengineclient.pyc in get_result(self, default, block)
809 131 return self.result
810 132 try:
811 --> 133 result = self.client.get_pending_deferred(self.result_id, block)
812 134 except error.ResultNotCompleted:
813 135 return default
815 /ipython1-client-r3021/ipython1/kernel/multiengineclient.pyc in get_pending_deferred(self, deferredID, block)
816 385
817 386 def get_pending_deferred(self, deferredID, block):
818 --> 387 return blockingCallFromThread(self.smultiengine.get_pending_deferred, deferredID, block)
819 388
820 389 def barrier(self, pendingResults):
822 /ipython1-client-r3021/ipython1/kernel/twistedutil.pyc in blockingCallFromThread(f, *a, **kw)
823 72 result.raiseException()
824 73 except Exception, e:
825 ---> 74 raise e
826 75 return result
827 76
829 CompositeError: one or more exceptions from call to method: execute
830 [0:execute]: ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
831 [1:execute]: ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
832 [2:execute]: ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
833 [3:execute]: ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
@@ -0,0 +1,389 b''
1 .. _parallel_process:
3 ===========================================
4 Starting the IPython controller and engines
5 ===========================================
7 To use IPython for parallel computing, you need to start one instance of
8 the controller and one or more instances of the engine. The controller
9 and each engine can run on different machines or on the same machine.
10 Because of this, there are many different possibilities.
12 Broadly speaking, there are two ways of going about starting a controller and engines:
14 * In an automated manner using the :command:`ipcluster` command.
15 * In a more manual way using the :command:`ipcontroller` and
16 :command:`ipengine` commands.
18 This document describes both of these methods. We recommend that new users
19 start with the :command:`ipcluster` command as it simplifies many common usage
20 cases.
22 General considerations
23 ======================
25 Before delving into the details about how you can start a controller and
26 engines using the various methods, we outline some of the general issues that
27 come up when starting the controller and engines. These things come up no
28 matter which method you use to start your IPython cluster.
30 Let's say that you want to start the controller on ``host0`` and engines on
31 hosts ``host1``-``hostn``. The following steps are then required:
33 1. Start the controller on ``host0`` by running :command:`ipcontroller` on
34 ``host0``.
35 2. Move the FURL file (:file:`ipcontroller-engine.furl`) created by the
36 controller from ``host0`` to hosts ``host1``-``hostn``.
37 3. Start the engines on hosts ``host1``-``hostn`` by running
38 :command:`ipengine`. This command has to be told where the FURL file
39 (:file:`ipcontroller-engine.furl`) is located.
41 At this point, the controller and engines will be connected. By default, the
42 FURL files created by the controller are put into the
43 :file:`~/.ipython/security` directory. If the engines share a filesystem with
44 the controller, step 2 can be skipped as the engines will automatically look
45 at that location.
47 The final step required required to actually use the running controller from a
48 client is to move the FURL files :file:`ipcontroller-mec.furl` and
49 :file:`ipcontroller-tc.furl` from ``host0`` to the host where the clients will
50 be run. If these file are put into the :file:`~/.ipython/security` directory
51 of the client's host, they will be found automatically. Otherwise, the full
52 path to them has to be passed to the client's constructor.
54 Using :command:`ipcluster`
55 ==========================
57 The :command:`ipcluster` command provides a simple way of starting a
58 controller and engines in the following situations:
60 1. When the controller and engines are all run on localhost. This is useful
61 for testing or running on a multicore computer.
62 2. When engines are started using the :command:`mpirun` command that comes
63 with most MPI [MPI]_ implementations
64 3. When engines are started using the PBS [PBS]_ batch system.
65 4. When the controller is started on localhost and the engines are started on
66 remote nodes using :command:`ssh`.
68 .. note::
70 It is also possible for advanced users to add support to
71 :command:`ipcluster` for starting controllers and engines using other
72 methods (like Sun's Grid Engine for example).
74 .. note::
76 Currently :command:`ipcluster` requires that the
77 :file:`~/.ipython/security` directory live on a shared filesystem that is
78 seen by both the controller and engines. If you don't have a shared file
79 system you will need to use :command:`ipcontroller` and
80 :command:`ipengine` directly. This constraint can be relaxed if you are
81 using the :command:`ssh` method to start the cluster.
83 Underneath the hood, :command:`ipcluster` just uses :command:`ipcontroller`
84 and :command:`ipengine` to perform the steps described above.
86 Using :command:`ipcluster` in local mode
87 ----------------------------------------
89 To start one controller and 4 engines on localhost, just do::
91 $ ipcluster local -n 4
93 To see other command line options for the local mode, do::
95 $ ipcluster local -h
97 Using :command:`ipcluster` in mpiexec/mpirun mode
98 -------------------------------------------------
100 The mpiexec/mpirun mode is useful if you:
102 1. Have MPI installed.
103 2. Your systems are configured to use the :command:`mpiexec` or
104 :command:`mpirun` commands to start MPI processes.
106 .. note::
108 The preferred command to use is :command:`mpiexec`. However, we also
109 support :command:`mpirun` for backwards compatibility. The underlying
110 logic used is exactly the same, the only difference being the name of the
111 command line program that is called.
113 If these are satisfied, you can start an IPython cluster using::
115 $ ipcluster mpiexec -n 4
117 This does the following:
119 1. Starts the IPython controller on current host.
120 2. Uses :command:`mpiexec` to start 4 engines.
122 On newer MPI implementations (such as OpenMPI), this will work even if you
123 don't make any calls to MPI or call :func:`MPI_Init`. However, older MPI
124 implementations actually require each process to call :func:`MPI_Init` upon
125 starting. The easiest way of having this done is to install the mpi4py
126 [mpi4py]_ package and then call ipcluster with the ``--mpi`` option::
128 $ ipcluster mpiexec -n 4 --mpi=mpi4py
130 Unfortunately, even this won't work for some MPI implementations. If you are
131 having problems with this, you will likely have to use a custom Python
132 executable that itself calls :func:`MPI_Init` at the appropriate time.
133 Fortunately, mpi4py comes with such a custom Python executable that is easy to
134 install and use. However, this custom Python executable approach will not work
135 with :command:`ipcluster` currently.
137 Additional command line options for this mode can be found by doing::
139 $ ipcluster mpiexec -h
141 More details on using MPI with IPython can be found :ref:`here <parallelmpi>`.
144 Using :command:`ipcluster` in PBS mode
145 --------------------------------------
147 The PBS mode uses the Portable Batch System [PBS]_ to start the engines. To
148 use this mode, you first need to create a PBS script template that will be
149 used to start the engines. Here is a sample PBS script template:
151 .. sourcecode:: bash
153 #PBS -N ipython
154 #PBS -j oe
155 #PBS -l walltime=00:10:00
156 #PBS -l nodes=${n/4}:ppn=4
157 #PBS -q parallel
159 cd $$PBS_O_WORKDIR
160 export PATH=$$HOME/usr/local/bin
161 export PYTHONPATH=$$HOME/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages
162 /usr/local/bin/mpiexec -n ${n} ipengine --logfile=$$PBS_O_WORKDIR/ipengine
164 There are a few important points about this template:
166 1. This template will be rendered at runtime using IPython's :mod:`Itpl`
167 template engine.
169 2. Instead of putting in the actual number of engines, use the notation
170 ``${n}`` to indicate the number of engines to be started. You can also uses
171 expressions like ``${n/4}`` in the template to indicate the number of
172 nodes.
174 3. Because ``$`` is a special character used by the template engine, you must
175 escape any ``$`` by using ``$$``. This is important when referring to
176 environment variables in the template.
178 4. Any options to :command:`ipengine` should be given in the batch script
179 template.
181 5. Depending on the configuration of you system, you may have to set
182 environment variables in the script template.
184 Once you have created such a script, save it with a name like
185 :file:`pbs.template`. Now you are ready to start your job::
187 $ ipcluster pbs -n 128 --pbs-script=pbs.template
189 Additional command line options for this mode can be found by doing::
191 $ ipcluster pbs -h
193 Using :command:`ipcluster` in SSH mode
194 --------------------------------------
196 The SSH mode uses :command:`ssh` to execute :command:`ipengine` on remote
197 nodes and the :command:`ipcontroller` on localhost.
199 When using using this mode it highly recommended that you have set up SSH keys
200 and are using ssh-agent [SSH]_ for password-less logins.
202 To use this mode you need a python file describing the cluster, here is an
203 example of such a "clusterfile":
205 .. sourcecode:: python
207 send_furl = True
208 engines = { 'host1.example.com' : 2,
209 'host2.example.com' : 5,
210 'host3.example.com' : 1,
211 'host4.example.com' : 8 }
213 Since this is a regular python file usual python syntax applies. Things to
214 note:
216 * The `engines` dict, where the keys is the host we want to run engines on and
217 the value is the number of engines to run on that host.
218 * send_furl can either be `True` or `False`, if `True` it will copy over the
219 furl needed for :command:`ipengine` to each host.
221 The ``--clusterfile`` command line option lets you specify the file to use for
222 the cluster definition. Once you have your cluster file and you can
223 :command:`ssh` into the remote hosts with out an password you are ready to
224 start your cluster like so:
226 .. sourcecode:: bash
228 $ ipcluster ssh --clusterfile /path/to/my/clusterfile.py
231 Two helper shell scripts are used to start and stop :command:`ipengine` on
232 remote hosts:
234 * sshx.sh
235 * engine_killer.sh
237 Defaults for both of these are contained in the source code for
238 :command:`ipcluster`. The default scripts are written to a local file in a
239 tmep directory and then copied to a temp directory on the remote host and
240 executed from there. On most Unix, Linux and OS X systems this is /tmp.
242 The default sshx.sh is the following:
244 .. sourcecode:: bash
246 #!/bin/sh
247 "$@" &> /dev/null &
248 echo $!
250 If you want to use a custom sshx.sh script you need to use the ``--sshx``
251 option and specify the file to use. Using a custom sshx.sh file could be
252 helpful when you need to setup the environment on the remote host before
253 executing :command:`ipengine`.
255 For a detailed options list:
257 .. sourcecode:: bash
259 $ ipcluster ssh -h
261 Current limitations of the SSH mode of :command:`ipcluster` are:
263 * Untested on Windows. Would require a working :command:`ssh` on Windows.
264 Also, we are using shell scripts to setup and execute commands on remote
265 hosts.
266 * :command:`ipcontroller` is started on localhost, with no option to start it
267 on a remote node.
269 Using the :command:`ipcontroller` and :command:`ipengine` commands
270 ==================================================================
272 It is also possible to use the :command:`ipcontroller` and :command:`ipengine`
273 commands to start your controller and engines. This approach gives you full
274 control over all aspects of the startup process.
276 Starting the controller and engine on your local machine
277 --------------------------------------------------------
279 To use :command:`ipcontroller` and :command:`ipengine` to start things on your
280 local machine, do the following.
282 First start the controller::
284 $ ipcontroller
286 Next, start however many instances of the engine you want using (repeatedly)
287 the command::
289 $ ipengine
291 The engines should start and automatically connect to the controller using the
292 FURL files in :file:`~./ipython/security`. You are now ready to use the
293 controller and engines from IPython.
295 .. warning::
297 The order of the above operations is very important. You *must*
298 start the controller before the engines, since the engines connect
299 to the controller as they get started.
301 .. note::
303 On some platforms (OS X), to put the controller and engine into the
304 background you may need to give these commands in the form ``(ipcontroller
305 &)`` and ``(ipengine &)`` (with the parentheses) for them to work
306 properly.
308 Starting the controller and engines on different hosts
309 ------------------------------------------------------
311 When the controller and engines are running on different hosts, things are
312 slightly more complicated, but the underlying ideas are the same:
314 1. Start the controller on a host using :command:`ipcontroller`.
315 2. Copy :file:`ipcontroller-engine.furl` from :file:`~./ipython/security` on
316 the controller's host to the host where the engines will run.
317 3. Use :command:`ipengine` on the engine's hosts to start the engines.
319 The only thing you have to be careful of is to tell :command:`ipengine` where
320 the :file:`ipcontroller-engine.furl` file is located. There are two ways you
321 can do this:
323 * Put :file:`ipcontroller-engine.furl` in the :file:`~./ipython/security`
324 directory on the engine's host, where it will be found automatically.
325 * Call :command:`ipengine` with the ``--furl-file=full_path_to_the_file``
326 flag.
328 The ``--furl-file`` flag works like this::
330 $ ipengine --furl-file=/path/to/my/ipcontroller-engine.furl
332 .. note::
334 If the controller's and engine's hosts all have a shared file system
335 (:file:`~./ipython/security` is the same on all of them), then things
336 will just work!
338 Make FURL files persistent
339 ---------------------------
341 At fist glance it may seem that that managing the FURL files is a bit
342 annoying. Going back to the house and key analogy, copying the FURL around
343 each time you start the controller is like having to make a new key every time
344 you want to unlock the door and enter your house. As with your house, you want
345 to be able to create the key (or FURL file) once, and then simply use it at
346 any point in the future.
348 This is possible, but before you do this, you **must** remove any old FURL
349 files in the :file:`~/.ipython/security` directory.
351 .. warning::
353 You **must** remove old FURL files before using persistent FURL files.
355 Then, The only thing you have to do is decide what ports the controller will
356 listen on for the engines and clients. This is done as follows::
358 $ ipcontroller -r --client-port=10101 --engine-port=10102
360 These options also work with all of the various modes of
361 :command:`ipcluster`::
363 $ ipcluster local -n 2 -r --client-port=10101 --engine-port=10102
365 Then, just copy the furl files over the first time and you are set. You can
366 start and stop the controller and engines any many times as you want in the
367 future, just make sure to tell the controller to use the *same* ports.
369 .. note::
371 You may ask the question: what ports does the controller listen on if you
372 don't tell is to use specific ones? The default is to use high random port
373 numbers. We do this for two reasons: i) to increase security through
374 obscurity and ii) to multiple controllers on a given host to start and
375 automatically use different ports.
377 Log files
378 ---------
380 All of the components of IPython have log files associated with them.
381 These log files can be extremely useful in debugging problems with
382 IPython and can be found in the directory :file:`~/.ipython/log`. Sending
383 the log files to us will often help us to debug any problems.
386 .. [PBS] Portable Batch System. http://www.openpbs.org/
387 .. [SSH] SSH-Agent http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ssh-agent
@@ -0,0 +1,366 b''
1 .. _parallelsecurity:
3 ===========================
4 Security details of IPython
5 ===========================
7 IPython's :mod:`IPython.kernel` package exposes the full power of the Python
8 interpreter over a TCP/IP network for the purposes of parallel computing. This
9 feature brings up the important question of IPython's security model. This
10 document gives details about this model and how it is implemented in IPython's
11 architecture.
13 Processs and network topology
14 =============================
16 To enable parallel computing, IPython has a number of different processes that
17 run. These processes are discussed at length in the IPython documentation and
18 are summarized here:
20 * The IPython *engine*. This process is a full blown Python
21 interpreter in which user code is executed. Multiple
22 engines are started to make parallel computing possible.
23 * The IPython *controller*. This process manages a set of
24 engines, maintaining a queue for each and presenting
25 an asynchronous interface to the set of engines.
26 * The IPython *client*. This process is typically an
27 interactive Python process that is used to coordinate the
28 engines to get a parallel computation done.
30 Collectively, these three processes are called the IPython *kernel*.
32 These three processes communicate over TCP/IP connections with a well defined
33 topology. The IPython controller is the only process that listens on TCP/IP
34 sockets. Upon starting, an engine connects to a controller and registers
35 itself with the controller. These engine/controller TCP/IP connections persist
36 for the lifetime of each engine.
38 The IPython client also connects to the controller using one or more TCP/IP
39 connections. These connections persist for the lifetime of the client only.
41 A given IPython controller and set of engines typically has a relatively short
42 lifetime. Typically this lifetime corresponds to the duration of a single
43 parallel simulation performed by a single user. Finally, the controller,
44 engines and client processes typically execute with the permissions of that
45 same user. More specifically, the controller and engines are *not* executed as
46 root or with any other superuser permissions.
48 Application logic
49 =================
51 When running the IPython kernel to perform a parallel computation, a user
52 utilizes the IPython client to send Python commands and data through the
53 IPython controller to the IPython engines, where those commands are executed
54 and the data processed. The design of IPython ensures that the client is the
55 only access point for the capabilities of the engines. That is, the only way
56 of addressing the engines is through a client.
58 A user can utilize the client to instruct the IPython engines to execute
59 arbitrary Python commands. These Python commands can include calls to the
60 system shell, access the filesystem, etc., as required by the user's
61 application code. From this perspective, when a user runs an IPython engine on
62 a host, that engine has the same capabilities and permissions as the user
63 themselves (as if they were logged onto the engine's host with a terminal).
65 Secure network connections
66 ==========================
68 Overview
69 --------
71 All TCP/IP connections between the client and controller as well as the
72 engines and controller are fully encrypted and authenticated. This section
73 describes the details of the encryption and authentication approached used
74 within IPython.
76 IPython uses the Foolscap network protocol [Foolscap]_ for all communications
77 between processes. Thus, the details of IPython's security model are directly
78 related to those of Foolscap. Thus, much of the following discussion is
79 actually just a discussion of the security that is built in to Foolscap.
81 Encryption
82 ----------
84 For encryption purposes, IPython and Foolscap use the well known Secure Socket
85 Layer (SSL) protocol [RFC5246]_. We use the implementation of this protocol
86 provided by the OpenSSL project through the pyOpenSSL [pyOpenSSL]_ Python
87 bindings to OpenSSL.
89 Authentication
90 --------------
92 IPython clients and engines must also authenticate themselves with the
93 controller. This is handled in a capabilities based security model
94 [Capability]_. In this model, the controller creates a strong cryptographic
95 key or token that represents each set of capability that the controller
96 offers. Any party who has this key and presents it to the controller has full
97 access to the corresponding capabilities of the controller. This model is
98 analogous to using a physical key to gain access to physical items
99 (capabilities) behind a locked door.
101 For a capabilities based authentication system to prevent unauthorized access,
102 two things must be ensured:
104 * The keys must be cryptographically strong. Otherwise attackers could gain
105 access by a simple brute force key guessing attack.
106 * The actual keys must be distributed only to authorized parties.
108 The keys in Foolscap are called Foolscap URL's or FURLs. The following section
109 gives details about how these FURLs are created in Foolscap. The IPython
110 controller creates a number of FURLs for different purposes:
112 * One FURL that grants IPython engines access to the controller. Also
113 implicit in this access is permission to execute code sent by an
114 authenticated IPython client.
115 * Two or more FURLs that grant IPython clients access to the controller.
116 Implicit in this access is permission to give the controller's engine code
117 to execute.
119 Upon starting, the controller creates these different FURLS and writes them
120 files in the user-read-only directory :file:`$HOME/.ipython/security`. Thus,
121 only the user who starts the controller has access to the FURLs.
123 For an IPython client or engine to authenticate with a controller, it must
124 present the appropriate FURL to the controller upon connecting. If the
125 FURL matches what the controller expects for a given capability, access is
126 granted. If not, access is denied. The exchange of FURLs is done after
127 encrypted communications channels have been established to prevent attackers
128 from capturing them.
130 .. note::
132 The FURL is similar to an unsigned private key in SSH.
134 Details of the Foolscap handshake
135 ---------------------------------
137 In this section we detail the precise security handshake that takes place at
138 the beginning of any network connection in IPython. For the purposes of this
139 discussion, the SERVER is the IPython controller process and the CLIENT is the
140 IPython engine or client process.
142 Upon starting, all IPython processes do the following:
144 1. Create a public key x509 certificate (ISO/IEC 9594).
145 2. Create a hash of the contents of the certificate using the SHA-1 algorithm.
146 The base-32 encoded version of this hash is saved by the process as its
147 process id (actually in Foolscap, this is the Tub id, but here refer to
148 it as the process id).
150 Upon starting, the IPython controller also does the following:
152 1. Save the x509 certificate to disk in a secure location. The CLIENT
153 certificate is never saved to disk.
154 2. Create a FURL for each capability that the controller has. There are
155 separate capabilities the controller offers for clients and engines. The
156 FURL is created using: a) the process id of the SERVER, b) the IP
157 address and port the SERVER is listening on and c) a 160 bit,
158 cryptographically secure string that represents the capability (the
159 "capability id").
160 3. The FURLs are saved to disk in a secure location on the SERVER's host.
162 For a CLIENT to be able to connect to the SERVER and access a capability of
163 that SERVER, the CLIENT must have knowledge of the FURL for that SERVER's
164 capability. This typically requires that the file containing the FURL be
165 moved from the SERVER's host to the CLIENT's host. This is done by the end
166 user who started the SERVER and wishes to have a CLIENT connect to the SERVER.
168 When a CLIENT connects to the SERVER, the following handshake protocol takes
169 place:
171 1. The CLIENT tells the SERVER what process (or Tub) id it expects the SERVER
172 to have.
173 2. If the SERVER has that process id, it notifies the CLIENT that it will now
174 enter encrypted mode. If the SERVER has a different id, the SERVER aborts.
175 3. Both CLIENT and SERVER initiate the SSL handshake protocol.
176 4. Both CLIENT and SERVER request the certificate of their peer and verify
177 that certificate. If this succeeds, all further communications are
178 encrypted.
179 5. Both CLIENT and SERVER send a hello block containing connection parameters
180 and their process id.
181 6. The CLIENT and SERVER check that their peer's stated process id matches the
182 hash of the x509 certificate the peer presented. If not, the connection is
183 aborted.
184 7. The CLIENT verifies that the SERVER's stated id matches the id of the
185 SERVER the CLIENT is intending to connect to. If not, the connection is
186 aborted.
187 8. The CLIENT and SERVER elect a master who decides on the final connection
188 parameters.
190 The public/private key pair associated with each process's x509 certificate
191 are completely hidden from this handshake protocol. There are however, used
192 internally by OpenSSL as part of the SSL handshake protocol. Each process
193 keeps their own private key hidden and sends its peer only the public key
194 (embedded in the certificate).
196 Finally, when the CLIENT requests access to a particular SERVER capability,
197 the following happens:
199 1. The CLIENT asks the SERVER for access to a capability by presenting that
200 capabilities id.
201 2. If the SERVER has a capability with that id, access is granted. If not,
202 access is not granted.
203 3. Once access has been gained, the CLIENT can use the capability.
205 Specific security vulnerabilities
206 =================================
208 There are a number of potential security vulnerabilities present in IPython's
209 architecture. In this section we discuss those vulnerabilities and detail how
210 the security architecture described above prevents them from being exploited.
212 Unauthorized clients
213 --------------------
215 The IPython client can instruct the IPython engines to execute arbitrary
216 Python code with the permissions of the user who started the engines. If an
217 attacker were able to connect their own hostile IPython client to the IPython
218 controller, they could instruct the engines to execute code.
220 This attack is prevented by the capabilities based client authentication
221 performed after the encrypted channel has been established. The relevant
222 authentication information is encoded into the FURL that clients must
223 present to gain access to the IPython controller. By limiting the distribution
224 of those FURLs, a user can grant access to only authorized persons.
226 It is highly unlikely that a client FURL could be guessed by an attacker
227 in a brute force guessing attack. A given instance of the IPython controller
228 only runs for a relatively short amount of time (on the order of hours). Thus
229 an attacker would have only a limited amount of time to test a search space of
230 size 2**320. Furthermore, even if a controller were to run for a longer amount
231 of time, this search space is quite large (larger for instance than that of
232 typical username/password pair).
234 Unauthorized engines
235 --------------------
237 If an attacker were able to connect a hostile engine to a user's controller,
238 the user might unknowingly send sensitive code or data to the hostile engine.
239 This attacker's engine would then have full access to that code and data.
241 This type of attack is prevented in the same way as the unauthorized client
242 attack, through the usage of the capabilities based authentication scheme.
244 Unauthorized controllers
245 ------------------------
247 It is also possible that an attacker could try to convince a user's IPython
248 client or engine to connect to a hostile IPython controller. That controller
249 would then have full access to the code and data sent between the IPython
250 client and the IPython engines.
252 Again, this attack is prevented through the FURLs, which ensure that a
253 client or engine connects to the correct controller. It is also important to
254 note that the FURLs also encode the IP address and port that the
255 controller is listening on, so there is little chance of mistakenly connecting
256 to a controller running on a different IP address and port.
258 When starting an engine or client, a user must specify which FURL to use
259 for that connection. Thus, in order to introduce a hostile controller, the
260 attacker must convince the user to use the FURLs associated with the
261 hostile controller. As long as a user is diligent in only using FURLs from
262 trusted sources, this attack is not possible.
264 Other security measures
265 =======================
267 A number of other measures are taken to further limit the security risks
268 involved in running the IPython kernel.
270 First, by default, the IPython controller listens on random port numbers.
271 While this can be overridden by the user, in the default configuration, an
272 attacker would have to do a port scan to even find a controller to attack.
273 When coupled with the relatively short running time of a typical controller
274 (on the order of hours), an attacker would have to work extremely hard and
275 extremely *fast* to even find a running controller to attack.
277 Second, much of the time, especially when run on supercomputers or clusters,
278 the controller is running behind a firewall. Thus, for engines or client to
279 connect to the controller:
281 * The different processes have to all be behind the firewall.
283 or:
285 * The user has to use SSH port forwarding to tunnel the
286 connections through the firewall.
288 In either case, an attacker is presented with addition barriers that prevent
289 attacking or even probing the system.
291 Summary
292 =======
294 IPython's architecture has been carefully designed with security in mind. The
295 capabilities based authentication model, in conjunction with the encrypted
296 TCP/IP channels, address the core potential vulnerabilities in the system,
297 while still enabling user's to use the system in open networks.
299 Other questions
300 ===============
302 About keys
303 ----------
305 Can you clarify the roles of the certificate and its keys versus the FURL,
306 which is also called a key?
308 The certificate created by IPython processes is a standard public key x509
309 certificate, that is used by the SSL handshake protocol to setup encrypted
310 channel between the controller and the IPython engine or client. This public
311 and private key associated with this certificate are used only by the SSL
312 handshake protocol in setting up this encrypted channel.
314 The FURL serves a completely different and independent purpose from the
315 key pair associated with the certificate. When we refer to a FURL as a
316 key, we are using the word "key" in the capabilities based security model
317 sense. This has nothing to do with "key" in the public/private key sense used
318 in the SSL protocol.
320 With that said the FURL is used as an cryptographic key, to grant
321 IPython engines and clients access to particular capabilities that the
322 controller offers.
324 Self signed certificates
325 ------------------------
327 Is the controller creating a self-signed certificate? Is this created for per
328 instance/session, one-time-setup or each-time the controller is started?
330 The Foolscap network protocol, which handles the SSL protocol details, creates
331 a self-signed x509 certificate using OpenSSL for each IPython process. The
332 lifetime of the certificate is handled differently for the IPython controller
333 and the engines/client.
335 For the IPython engines and client, the certificate is only held in memory for
336 the lifetime of its process. It is never written to disk.
338 For the controller, the certificate can be created anew each time the
339 controller starts or it can be created once and reused each time the
340 controller starts. If at any point, the certificate is deleted, a new one is
341 created the next time the controller starts.
343 SSL private key
344 ---------------
346 How the private key (associated with the certificate) is distributed?
348 In the usual implementation of the SSL protocol, the private key is never
349 distributed. We follow this standard always.
351 SSL versus Foolscap authentication
352 ----------------------------------
354 Many SSL connections only perform one sided authentication (the server to the
355 client). How is the client authentication in IPython's system related to SSL
356 authentication?
358 We perform a two way SSL handshake in which both parties request and verify
359 the certificate of their peer. This mutual authentication is handled by the
360 SSL handshake and is separate and independent from the additional
361 authentication steps that the CLIENT and SERVER perform after an encrypted
362 channel is established.
364 .. [RFC5246] <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5246>
@@ -0,0 +1,121 b''
1 .. _paralleltask:
3 ==========================
4 The IPython task interface
5 ==========================
7 The task interface to the controller presents the engines as a fault tolerant,
8 dynamic load-balanced system or workers. Unlike the multiengine interface, in
9 the task interface, the user have no direct access to individual engines. In
10 some ways, this interface is simpler, but in other ways it is more powerful.
12 Best of all the user can use both of these interfaces running at the same time
13 to take advantage or both of their strengths. When the user can break up the
14 user's work into segments that do not depend on previous execution, the task
15 interface is ideal. But it also has more power and flexibility, allowing the
16 user to guide the distribution of jobs, without having to assign tasks to
17 engines explicitly.
19 Starting the IPython controller and engines
20 ===========================================
22 To follow along with this tutorial, you will need to start the IPython
23 controller and four IPython engines. The simplest way of doing this is to use
24 the :command:`ipcluster` command::
26 $ ipcluster local -n 4
28 For more detailed information about starting the controller and engines, see
29 our :ref:`introduction <ip1par>` to using IPython for parallel computing.
31 Creating a ``TaskClient`` instance
32 =========================================
34 The first step is to import the IPython :mod:`IPython.kernel.client` module
35 and then create a :class:`TaskClient` instance:
37 .. sourcecode:: ipython
39 In [1]: from IPython.kernel import client
41 In [2]: tc = client.TaskClient()
43 This form assumes that the :file:`ipcontroller-tc.furl` is in the
44 :file:`~./ipython/security` directory on the client's host. If not, the
45 location of the FURL file must be given as an argument to the
46 constructor:
48 .. sourcecode:: ipython
50 In [2]: mec = client.TaskClient('/path/to/my/ipcontroller-tc.furl')
52 Quick and easy parallelism
53 ==========================
55 In many cases, you simply want to apply a Python function to a sequence of
56 objects, but *in parallel*. Like the multiengine interface, the task interface
57 provides two simple ways of accomplishing this: a parallel version of
58 :func:`map` and ``@parallel`` function decorator. However, the verions in the
59 task interface have one important difference: they are dynamically load
60 balanced. Thus, if the execution time per item varies significantly, you
61 should use the versions in the task interface.
63 Parallel map
64 ------------
66 The parallel :meth:`map` in the task interface is similar to that in the
67 multiengine interface:
69 .. sourcecode:: ipython
71 In [63]: serial_result = map(lambda x:x**10, range(32))
73 In [64]: parallel_result = tc.map(lambda x:x**10, range(32))
75 In [65]: serial_result==parallel_result
76 Out[65]: True
78 Parallel function decorator
79 ---------------------------
81 Parallel functions are just like normal function, but they can be called on
82 sequences and *in parallel*. The multiengine interface provides a decorator
83 that turns any Python function into a parallel function:
85 .. sourcecode:: ipython
87 In [10]: @tc.parallel()
88 ....: def f(x):
89 ....: return 10.0*x**4
90 ....:
92 In [11]: f(range(32)) # this is done in parallel
93 Out[11]:
94 [0.0,10.0,160.0,...]
96 More details
97 ============
99 The :class:`TaskClient` has many more powerful features that allow quite a bit
100 of flexibility in how tasks are defined and run. The next places to look are
101 in the following classes:
103 * :class:`IPython.kernel.client.TaskClient`
104 * :class:`IPython.kernel.client.StringTask`
105 * :class:`IPython.kernel.client.MapTask`
107 The following is an overview of how to use these classes together:
109 1. Create a :class:`TaskClient`.
110 2. Create one or more instances of :class:`StringTask` or :class:`MapTask`
111 to define your tasks.
112 3. Submit your tasks to using the :meth:`run` method of your
113 :class:`TaskClient` instance.
114 4. Use :meth:`TaskClient.get_task_result` to get the results of the
115 tasks.
117 We are in the process of developing more detailed information about the task
118 interface. For now, the docstrings of the :class:`TaskClient`,
119 :class:`StringTask` and :class:`MapTask` classes should be consulted.
@@ -0,0 +1,333 b''
1 ============================================
2 Getting started with Windows HPC Server 2008
3 ============================================
5 Introduction
6 ============
8 The Python programming language is an increasingly popular language for
9 numerical computing. This is due to a unique combination of factors. First,
10 Python is a high-level and *interactive* language that is well matched to
11 interactive numerical work. Second, it is easy (often times trivial) to
12 integrate legacy C/C++/Fortran code into Python. Third, a large number of
13 high-quality open source projects provide all the needed building blocks for
14 numerical computing: numerical arrays (NumPy), algorithms (SciPy), 2D/3D
15 Visualization (Matplotlib, Mayavi, Chaco), Symbolic Mathematics (Sage, Sympy)
16 and others.
18 The IPython project is a core part of this open-source toolchain and is
19 focused on creating a comprehensive environment for interactive and
20 exploratory computing in the Python programming language. It enables all of
21 the above tools to be used interactively and consists of two main components:
23 * An enhanced interactive Python shell with support for interactive plotting
24 and visualization.
25 * An architecture for interactive parallel computing.
27 With these components, it is possible to perform all aspects of a parallel
28 computation interactively. This type of workflow is particularly relevant in
29 scientific and numerical computing where algorithms, code and data are
30 continually evolving as the user/developer explores a problem. The broad
31 treads in computing (commodity clusters, multicore, cloud computing, etc.)
32 make these capabilities of IPython particularly relevant.
34 While IPython is a cross platform tool, it has particularly strong support for
35 Windows based compute clusters running Windows HPC Server 2008. This document
36 describes how to get started with IPython on Windows HPC Server 2008. The
37 content and emphasis here is practical: installing IPython, configuring
38 IPython to use the Windows job scheduler and running example parallel programs
39 interactively. A more complete description of IPython's parallel computing
40 capabilities can be found in IPython's online documentation
41 (http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/Documentation).
43 Setting up your Windows cluster
44 ===============================
46 This document assumes that you already have a cluster running Windows
47 HPC Server 2008. Here is a broad overview of what is involved with setting up
48 such a cluster:
50 1. Install Windows Server 2008 on the head and compute nodes in the cluster.
51 2. Setup the network configuration on each host. Each host should have a
52 static IP address.
53 3. On the head node, activate the "Active Directory Domain Services" role
54 and make the head node the domain controller.
55 4. Join the compute nodes to the newly created Active Directory (AD) domain.
56 5. Setup user accounts in the domain with shared home directories.
57 6. Install the HPC Pack 2008 on the head node to create a cluster.
58 7. Install the HPC Pack 2008 on the compute nodes.
60 More details about installing and configuring Windows HPC Server 2008 can be
61 found on the Windows HPC Home Page (http://www.microsoft.com/hpc). Regardless
62 of what steps you follow to set up your cluster, the remainder of this
63 document will assume that:
65 * There are domain users that can log on to the AD domain and submit jobs
66 to the cluster scheduler.
67 * These domain users have shared home directories. While shared home
68 directories are not required to use IPython, they make it much easier to
69 use IPython.
71 Installation of IPython and its dependencies
72 ============================================
74 IPython and all of its dependencies are freely available and open source.
75 These packages provide a powerful and cost-effective approach to numerical and
76 scientific computing on Windows. The following dependencies are needed to run
77 IPython on Windows:
79 * Python 2.5 or 2.6 (http://www.python.org)
80 * pywin32 (http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/)
81 * PyReadline (https://launchpad.net/pyreadline)
82 * zope.interface and Twisted (http://twistedmatrix.com)
83 * Foolcap (http://foolscap.lothar.com/trac)
84 * pyOpenSSL (https://launchpad.net/pyopenssl)
85 * IPython (http://ipython.scipy.org)
87 In addition, the following dependencies are needed to run the demos described
88 in this document.
90 * NumPy and SciPy (http://www.scipy.org)
91 * wxPython (http://www.wxpython.org)
92 * Matplotlib (http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/)
94 The easiest way of obtaining these dependencies is through the Enthought
95 Python Distribution (EPD) (http://www.enthought.com/products/epd.php). EPD is
96 produced by Enthought, Inc. and contains all of these packages and others in a
97 single installer and is available free for academic users. While it is also
98 possible to download and install each package individually, this is a tedious
99 process. Thus, we highly recommend using EPD to install these packages on
100 Windows.
102 Regardless of how you install the dependencies, here are the steps you will
103 need to follow:
105 1. Install all of the packages listed above, either individually or using EPD
106 on the head node, compute nodes and user workstations.
108 2. Make sure that :file:`C:\\Python25` and :file:`C:\\Python25\\Scripts` are
109 in the system :envvar:`%PATH%` variable on each node.
111 3. Install the latest development version of IPython. This can be done by
112 downloading the the development version from the IPython website
113 (http://ipython.scipy.org) and following the installation instructions.
115 Further details about installing IPython or its dependencies can be found in
116 the online IPython documentation (http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/Documentation)
117 Once you are finished with the installation, you can try IPython out by
118 opening a Windows Command Prompt and typing ``ipython``. This will
119 start IPython's interactive shell and you should see something like the
120 following screenshot:
122 .. image:: ipython_shell.*
124 Starting an IPython cluster
125 ===========================
127 To use IPython's parallel computing capabilities, you will need to start an
128 IPython cluster. An IPython cluster consists of one controller and multiple
129 engines:
131 IPython controller
132 The IPython controller manages the engines and acts as a gateway between
133 the engines and the client, which runs in the user's interactive IPython
134 session. The controller is started using the :command:`ipcontroller`
135 command.
137 IPython engine
138 IPython engines run a user's Python code in parallel on the compute nodes.
139 Engines are starting using the :command:`ipengine` command.
141 Once these processes are started, a user can run Python code interactively and
142 in parallel on the engines from within the IPython shell using an appropriate
143 client. This includes the ability to interact with, plot and visualize data
144 from the engines.
146 IPython has a command line program called :command:`ipcluster` that automates
147 all aspects of starting the controller and engines on the compute nodes.
148 :command:`ipcluster` has full support for the Windows HPC job scheduler,
149 meaning that :command:`ipcluster` can use this job scheduler to start the
150 controller and engines. In our experience, the Windows HPC job scheduler is
151 particularly well suited for interactive applications, such as IPython. Once
152 :command:`ipcluster` is configured properly, a user can start an IPython
153 cluster from their local workstation almost instantly, without having to log
154 on to the head node (as is typically required by Unix based job schedulers).
155 This enables a user to move seamlessly between serial and parallel
156 computations.
158 In this section we show how to use :command:`ipcluster` to start an IPython
159 cluster using the Windows HPC Server 2008 job scheduler. To make sure that
160 :command:`ipcluster` is installed and working properly, you should first try
161 to start an IPython cluster on your local host. To do this, open a Windows
162 Command Prompt and type the following command::
164 ipcluster start -n 2
166 You should see a number of messages printed to the screen, ending with
167 "IPython cluster: started". The result should look something like the following
168 screenshot:
170 .. image:: ipcluster_start.*
172 At this point, the controller and two engines are running on your local host.
173 This configuration is useful for testing and for situations where you want to
174 take advantage of multiple cores on your local computer.
176 Now that we have confirmed that :command:`ipcluster` is working properly, we
177 describe how to configure and run an IPython cluster on an actual compute
178 cluster running Windows HPC Server 2008. Here is an outline of the needed
179 steps:
181 1. Create a cluster profile using: ``ipcluster create -p mycluster``
183 2. Edit configuration files in the directory :file:`.ipython\\cluster_mycluster`
185 3. Start the cluster using: ``ipcluser start -p mycluster -n 32``
187 Creating a cluster profile
188 --------------------------
190 In most cases, you will have to create a cluster profile to use IPython on a
191 cluster. A cluster profile is a name (like "mycluster") that is associated
192 with a particular cluster configuration. The profile name is used by
193 :command:`ipcluster` when working with the cluster.
195 Associated with each cluster profile is a cluster directory. This cluster
196 directory is a specially named directory (typically located in the
197 :file:`.ipython` subdirectory of your home directory) that contains the
198 configuration files for a particular cluster profile, as well as log files and
199 security keys. The naming convention for cluster directories is:
200 :file:`cluster_<profile name>`. Thus, the cluster directory for a profile named
201 "foo" would be :file:`.ipython\\cluster_foo`.
203 To create a new cluster profile (named "mycluster") and the associated cluster
204 directory, type the following command at the Windows Command Prompt::
206 ipcluster create -p mycluster
208 The output of this command is shown in the screenshot below. Notice how
209 :command:`ipcluster` prints out the location of the newly created cluster
210 directory.
212 .. image:: ipcluster_create.*
214 Configuring a cluster profile
215 -----------------------------
217 Next, you will need to configure the newly created cluster profile by editing
218 the following configuration files in the cluster directory:
220 * :file:`ipcluster_config.py`
221 * :file:`ipcontroller_config.py`
222 * :file:`ipengine_config.py`
224 When :command:`ipcluster` is run, these configuration files are used to
225 determine how the engines and controller will be started. In most cases,
226 you will only have to set a few of the attributes in these files.
228 To configure :command:`ipcluster` to use the Windows HPC job scheduler, you
229 will need to edit the following attributes in the file
230 :file:`ipcluster_config.py`::
232 # Set these at the top of the file to tell ipcluster to use the
233 # Windows HPC job scheduler.
234 c.Global.controller_launcher = \
235 'IPython.kernel.launcher.WindowsHPCControllerLauncher'
236 c.Global.engine_launcher = \
237 'IPython.kernel.launcher.WindowsHPCEngineSetLauncher'
239 # Set these to the host name of the scheduler (head node) of your cluster.
240 c.WindowsHPCControllerLauncher.scheduler = 'HEADNODE'
241 c.WindowsHPCEngineSetLauncher.scheduler = 'HEADNODE'
243 There are a number of other configuration attributes that can be set, but
244 in most cases these will be sufficient to get you started.
246 .. warning::
247 If any of your configuration attributes involve specifying the location
248 of shared directories or files, you must make sure that you use UNC paths
249 like :file:`\\\\host\\share`. It is also important that you specify
250 these paths using raw Python strings: ``r'\\host\share'`` to make sure
251 that the backslashes are properly escaped.
253 Starting the cluster profile
254 ----------------------------
256 Once a cluster profile has been configured, starting an IPython cluster using
257 the profile is simple::
259 ipcluster start -p mycluster -n 32
261 The ``-n`` option tells :command:`ipcluster` how many engines to start (in
262 this case 32). Stopping the cluster is as simple as typing Control-C.
264 Using the HPC Job Manager
265 -------------------------
267 When ``ipcluster start`` is run the first time, :command:`ipcluster` creates
268 two XML job description files in the cluster directory:
270 * :file:`ipcontroller_job.xml`
271 * :file:`ipengineset_job.xml`
273 Once these files have been created, they can be imported into the HPC Job
274 Manager application. Then, the controller and engines for that profile can be
275 started using the HPC Job Manager directly, without using :command:`ipcluster`.
276 However, anytime the cluster profile is re-configured, ``ipcluster start``
277 must be run again to regenerate the XML job description files. The
278 following screenshot shows what the HPC Job Manager interface looks like
279 with a running IPython cluster.
281 .. image:: hpc_job_manager.*
283 Performing a simple interactive parallel computation
284 ====================================================
286 Once you have started your IPython cluster, you can start to use it. To do
287 this, open up a new Windows Command Prompt and start up IPython's interactive
288 shell by typing::
290 ipython
292 Then you can create a :class:`MultiEngineClient` instance for your profile and
293 use the resulting instance to do a simple interactive parallel computation. In
294 the code and screenshot that follows, we take a simple Python function and
295 apply it to each element of an array of integers in parallel using the
296 :meth:`MultiEngineClient.map` method:
298 .. sourcecode:: ipython
300 In [1]: from IPython.kernel.client import *
302 In [2]: mec = MultiEngineClient(profile='mycluster')
304 In [3]: mec.get_ids()
305 Out[3]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 67, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
307 In [4]: def f(x):
308 ...: return x**10
310 In [5]: mec.map(f, range(15)) # f is applied in parallel
311 Out[5]:
312 [0,
313 1,
314 1024,
315 59049,
316 1048576,
317 9765625,
318 60466176,
319 282475249,
320 1073741824,
321 3486784401L,
322 10000000000L,
323 25937424601L,
324 61917364224L,
325 137858491849L,
326 289254654976L]
328 The :meth:`map` method has the same signature as Python's builtin :func:`map`
329 function, but runs the calculation in parallel. More involved examples of using
330 :class:`MultiEngineClient` are provided in the examples that follow.
332 .. image:: mec_simple.*
@@ -0,0 +1,14 b''
1 ========================================
2 Using IPython on Windows HPC Server 2008
3 ========================================
6 Contents
7 ========
9 .. toctree::
10 :maxdepth: 1
12 parallel_winhpc.txt
13 parallel_demos.txt
@@ -20,6 +20,7 b' Contents'
20 install/index.txt
20 install/index.txt
21 interactive/index.txt
21 interactive/index.txt
22 parallel/index.txt
22 parallel/index.txt
23 parallelz/index.txt
23 config/index.txt
24 config/index.txt
24 development/index.txt
25 development/index.txt
25 api/index.txt
26 api/index.txt
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