##// END OF EJS Templates
Work on the development docs....
Work on the development docs. * Added a new inputhook_app.txt to discuss the problems with app creation and the inputhook with matplotlib and enthought folks. * Wrote more on the core design.

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274 lines | 6.7 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
"""Tests for various magic functions.
Needs to be run by nose (to make ipython session available).
from __future__ import absolute_import
# Imports
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import types
from cStringIO import StringIO
import nose.tools as nt
from IPython.utils.path import get_long_path_name
from IPython.testing import decorators as dec
from IPython.testing import tools as tt
# Test functions begin
def test_rehashx():
# clear up everything
_ip = get_ipython()
del _ip.db['syscmdlist']
# Practically ALL ipython development systems will have more than 10 aliases
yield (nt.assert_true, len(_ip.alias_manager.alias_table) > 10)
for key, val in _ip.alias_manager.alias_table.items():
# we must strip dots from alias names
nt.assert_true('.' not in key)
# rehashx must fill up syscmdlist
scoms = _ip.db['syscmdlist']
yield (nt.assert_true, len(scoms) > 10)
def test_magic_parse_options():
"""Test that we don't mangle paths when parsing magic options."""
ip = get_ipython()
path = 'c:\\x'
opts = ip.parse_options('-f %s' % path,'f:')[0]
# argv splitting is os-dependent
if os.name == 'posix':
expected = 'c:x'
expected = path
nt.assert_equals(opts['f'], expected)
def doctest_hist_f():
"""Test %hist -f with temporary filename.
In [9]: import tempfile
In [10]: tfile = tempfile.mktemp('.py','tmp-ipython-')
In [11]: %hist -n -f $tfile 3
In [13]: import os; os.unlink(tfile)
def doctest_hist_r():
"""Test %hist -r
XXX - This test is not recording the output correctly. For some reason, in
testing mode the raw history isn't getting populated. No idea why.
Disabling the output checking for now, though at least we do run it.
In [1]: 'hist' in _ip.lsmagic()
Out[1]: True
In [2]: x=1
In [3]: %hist -r 2
x=1 # random
%hist -r 2
def doctest_hist_op():
"""Test %hist -op
In [1]: class b:
...: pass
In [2]: class s(b):
...: def __str__(self):
...: return 's'
In [3]:
In [4]: class r(b):
...: def __repr__(self):
...: return 'r'
In [5]: class sr(s,r): pass
In [6]:
In [7]: bb=b()
In [8]: ss=s()
In [9]: rr=r()
In [10]: ssrr=sr()
In [11]: bb
Out[11]: <...b instance at ...>
In [12]: ss
Out[12]: <...s instance at ...>
In [13]:
In [14]: %hist -op
>>> class b:
... pass
>>> class s(b):
... def __str__(self):
... return 's'
>>> class r(b):
... def __repr__(self):
... return 'r'
>>> class sr(s,r): pass
>>> bb=b()
>>> ss=s()
>>> rr=r()
>>> ssrr=sr()
>>> bb
<...b instance at ...>
>>> ss
<...s instance at ...>
def test_shist():
# Simple tests of ShadowHist class - test generator.
import os, shutil, tempfile
from IPython.utils import pickleshare
from IPython.core.history import ShadowHist
tfile = tempfile.mktemp('','tmp-ipython-')
db = pickleshare.PickleShareDB(tfile)
s = ShadowHist(db)
yield nt.assert_equals,s.all(),[(1, 'hello'), (2, 'world'), (3, 'karhu')]
yield nt.assert_equal,s.get(2),'world'
# XXX failing for now, until we get clearcmd out of quarantine. But we should
# fix this and revert the skip to happen only if numpy is not around.
def test_numpy_clear_array_undec():
from IPython.extensions import clearcmd
_ip.ex('import numpy as np')
_ip.ex('a = np.empty(2)')
yield (nt.assert_true, 'a' in _ip.user_ns)
_ip.magic('clear array')
yield (nt.assert_false, 'a' in _ip.user_ns)
# Multiple tests for clipboard pasting
def test_paste():
_ip = get_ipython()
def paste(txt, flags='-q'):
"""Paste input text, by default in quiet mode"""
hooks.clipboard_get = lambda : txt
_ip.magic('paste '+flags)
# Inject fake clipboard hook but save original so we can restore it later
hooks = _ip.hooks
user_ns = _ip.user_ns
original_clip = hooks.clipboard_get
# This try/except with an emtpy except clause is here only because
# try/yield/finally is invalid syntax in Python 2.4. This will be
# removed when we drop 2.4-compatibility, and the emtpy except below
# will be changed to a finally.
# Run tests with fake clipboard function
user_ns.pop('x', None)
yield nt.assert_equal(user_ns['x'], 1)
user_ns.pop('x', None)
paste('>>> x=2')
yield nt.assert_equal(user_ns['x'], 2)
>>> x = [1,2,3]
>>> y = []
>>> for i in x:
... y.append(i**2)
yield nt.assert_equal(user_ns['x'], [1,2,3])
yield nt.assert_equal(user_ns['y'], [1,4,9])
# Now, test that paste -r works
user_ns.pop('x', None)
yield nt.assert_false('x' in user_ns)
_ip.magic('paste -r')
yield nt.assert_equal(user_ns['x'], [1,2,3])
# Also test paste echoing, by temporarily faking the writer
w = StringIO()
writer = _ip.write
_ip.write = w.write
code = """
a = 100
b = 200"""
out = w.getvalue()
_ip.write = writer
yield nt.assert_equal(user_ns['a'], 100)
yield nt.assert_equal(user_ns['b'], 200)
yield nt.assert_equal(out, code+"\n## -- End pasted text --\n")
# This should be in a finally clause, instead of the bare except above.
# Restore original hook
hooks.clipboard_get = original_clip
def test_time():
_ip.magic('time None')
def doctest_time():
In [10]: %time None
CPU times: user 0.00 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.00 s
Wall time: 0.00 s
def test_doctest_mode():
"Toggle doctest_mode twice, it should be a no-op and run without error"